Roomie Mess

By Rex Rush

Published on Jan 17, 2006


My very first attempt at a story for Nifty. Be kind please. Been reading for years. thanks, Rex

I don't think I'm gay, but then I really don't care. I haven't done anything since the 6th grade. My little brother got me reading Nifty and I do enjoy it. I'm not sure what my favorite category is but I know I look at the bi-incest categories for new stories all the time. My brother is gay. I knew it before he ever realized it. I could see it when he played with his friends. He would get his friends naked or invent some sort of game that would end up in some intimate playing around.

Now, we have jacked off together many times. Most of the time in our own beds but sometimes laying next to each other. Or he would be jacking in the shower as I was on the toilet, also jacking, waiting to get into the shower. I don't really think that is gay. I don't know if other brothers do that. I know most would never admit doing that but then most never admitted jacking off either. We all know boys do that.

He and his friends have messed up our room a couple of times. I almost decided that I would never have sex if it smelled that bad afterwards. Most of the time, he just gets some other boy and they mess around. He does have a special friend, they won't admit it. He has slept over hundreds of times. They jack and suck each other. But its how they sleep together that I know there is something more than blowing cum in their relationship. When they sleep together, they get so close that they take up less room than I do.

This really isn't about my brother. He is home, a junior in High School. I could describe him but that wouldn't sound much different than me. I'm in college, a freshman, living in a dorm about three hours from home. I did fine during my first semester, not on the Dean's List but not in danger of going on scholastic probation. I've chose engineering as a major but not sure if I will make it all the through with that. One thing about engineering is that there sure is a lack of women in my classes. There are a few but the men outnumber the women about 10 to 1. My English classes are the only ones to have a good quantity of women. My buds in school keep telling me how many women they have in their classes. Not one of them are doing engineering or science.

I know I should be telling you what I look like. I'm 5'10", 180 pounds, or at least I was the last time I weighed back when the doc had to feel my balls for the school physical. I know I'm heavier now. I've got light brown hair, its pretty long now, I didn't get it cut since summer. I don't even try to grow a beard or even get stubble going, its so patchy that it looks more like I've got dirt on my face. I'm not hairy at all, just a little patch of hair on my chest. My arms have just light blonde hair on them and my legs have dark hair but not furry at all. I do have a little happy trail.

I used to be embarrassed by it. It was like telling the world that I have pubes, just follow the trail to see. It was always bad when I was playing sports, I was almost always wearing half t's with my belly exposed. The sports also got my body in pretty good shape but I'm not doing much now, except for some intramural flag football on the dorm team.

And the good part. I'm not huge, probably on the small side. I sure don't compare to the porn stars. I'm right at 5 inches when boned up, and that is pressing against the bone at the base of my dick. I am cut. I think I've got a good looking head and it does keep my hand from flying off when I jack. I do have pretty big balls. Other than a tight patch of pubes on top of my dick, there are some pubes on my sac. Enough to make it fuzzy. One good thing, or it may be bad, about my balls is that they do hang low enough to touch the water in the school toilets. All I have to do is relax for a minute and my balls hang low. They do suck back up as soon as they hit the cold water but relax again and get wet again.

I'm trying to write about my life with my roommate. I farted around and didn't get set up with any of my high school buds as roommates. Most of them paired up. I got somebody I didn't know. His name is Christian but most every body has nicknamed him Adam. From the movie Blast From the Past. He reminds everyone of the Brendan Fraser character. He has a big goofy smile and is so naive. He was home schooled all his life. It wasn't just his parents and him but he did have other home school kids that shared. They would go to one of their houses for math or history and stuff like that. They even had a boy scout troop made up of just the boys in the home schooling group.

Christian is about 6 feet tall, a little over 200 pounds. He does work out but his body is still soft. He has brown wavy hair that looks like a mess just five minutes after he combs it. The goofy smile has a lot of very white teeth not all that straight. His cheeks just dare you to pinch them and they get pink in the cold weather or in the heat. He does have good looking eyes, they always seem to be looking around. He does have one eyebrow, or at least the two of them come very close to each other. And he shaves less than I do. He has a few whiskers on the jawline. He is also very shiny, a nice way to saw oily. He can build some huge zits. He has a box of zit stuff and uses it all but they still show up.

Christian is nice enough but we never did much together. We would go eat together in the cafeteria and walk to English class together but it didn't go much beyond that. I did some partying but I wasn't wild. He was always in the room when I got back. He would spend time on the phone, calling home I think, down in the lounge. The one time I thought he was gone for the weekend, he came back and surprised me and some girl I picked up at a Pike party. We were already naked and in bed when he walked in. It was the worst case of blue balls I have ever had when we had to get her dressed and out.

Speaking of naked; I spent an entire semester with Christian and never saw him naked. In fact, I had only seen his butt in his underwear never his front. There were little glimpses of his front as he slipped his pants on or off and got into bed. I never tried to look but his shyness got to a point of being ridiculous. I don't think I ever saw him pee. After the first several weeks of him being careful not to expose anything, I stopped thinking about it.

I was never that shy. I didn't try to make a point of being naked in front of him, well other than a couple of times. Once when I came in drunk and another time that I just felt like staying naked in front of him. I also have a habit of putting on my socks first and then brushing my teeth and combing my hair before I put on underwear or get dressed. I have noticed him looking but I believe every boy looks.

Over the semester, he just got quieter and quieter. He would study all the time and when he ran out of things to read for school, he would read books, and also read the Bible for at least an hour before bed. Reading the Bible, I can understand, but reading books for fun when there is so much other reading to do is a little crazy. But then, while he was reading books, I was reading Nifty or just surfing the net. He just withdrew from most anything going on.

We would occasionally get talking about our past. But after several guys from the dorm and some of my friends gave him shit about his stories and him being Adam or just a big goober, he talked less and less. I wasn't real sure he would be back for this semester.

He was here when I made it back from home. He was in a good mood and had cookies that his mother made and sent to me. He had a stash of cookies about twice the size and we did do some damage that first day. She made about eight different kinds. I was on a sugar high for days. Christian seemed to be a little more open. We talked about our vacations and what we got for Christmas.

But it was the third day of class when I got back after dinner, that things with Christian got worse than ever. I had been out with friends, at the local Hooters and watching some b-ball there. I came in our room and saw him sitting on his bed, back to the door. Only the desk light was on and he sat without moving. His hair was wet from the shower and he was still in his underwear, his towel and old pair of underwear were draped on his leg. I said hello and he waved without turning or looking at me.

When I shut the door, kicked off my shoes, pulled my shirt over my head and the room got quiet, I could hear him crying. It was a quiet cry but a very deep cry, like his whole body was hurting. I wasn't real sure I wanted to get involved with him but I felt like I had to do something. I asked him a couple of times what was going on before I got him to respond at all. He said he just couldn't do this again. I wasn't sure what he was saying and got him to say it a few times. I didn't know what he meant by having to do what again.

I was standing next to him and I put a hand on his shoulder. All of a sudden, I realized I had never touched him other than to shake his hand a few times. His skin on his shoulder was so warm and smooth. I rubbed my hand down his back to console him and try to get him to settle down enough to talk to me. I started to feel guilty about how good it felt to touch him, I was enjoying the touch while he was hurting. It did seem to work on him though. He was able to get control so that I could understand what he was saying.

He was saying that he couldn't do this again. Meaning that he couldn't take another semester of being here. He said he never does anything, doesn't know anybody, just goes to class and sits in the room and studies. He said he was going crazy. He asked me if we could do something sometime.

By this time, I was sitting on the bed beside him. I was leaning on him, my bare chest was pressed up against his bare back and my arm was rubbing his chest. I really wanted him to turn around and let me hug him and squeeze him. I didn't think we were that close to make me feel that way.

Over the next hour, I got him out of that mood and got him smiling as we talked about some of the things we could do. He kept apologizing and saying that I didn't have to if I didn't really want to. There were definitely things that I would do with him, and want to do with him. None of my buds ever want to go to the movies with just the guys. They will with women but then they end up at some love story. I told him that I would really love to go to a movie with him. He told me how his home school buds would go to the movies at the early show in the morning during the week and be the only ones there.

We went to the movies two days after that. In between, we went to dinner off campus. I hate dinners in the cafeteria but I can't get anybody to go with me, they pay for the whole semester and don't think they can skip. It wasn't anything that exciting or fancy, just burgers at Fuddruckers. We did stay longer than usual. I had to piss twice from drinking so much coke. I saw Christian ease up for the first time since I met him. I could see him thinking a few times, thinking too much. That night when we got undressed to go to bed, was the first time that I ever saw the front of him in just underwear. I had to look, like I said, all boys look. I still didn't get much of a shot but it looked like he had a coil of dick in his underwear.

We did get to the movies. There aren't a lot of good ones playing here. I wasn't about to go see Brokeback Mountain with him. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem going in with anybody, boy or girl but I didn't think Christian could handle it. There are a bunch of assholes who hang around the theater and give gay couples shit for just going into the movie.

We saw Fun with Dick and Jane. I don't think it was worth the money, even with the student discount. But we did enjoy it. The best part about it was that it gave us something to talk about. I'm going to set up several more movies since it worked out that good. If nothing else, to hear Christian laugh out loud. When he laughs hard, it gets me and others laughing and then he can't stop.

One of the things I got for Christmas was an old rifle my Grandad gave me. Its just a .30-.30 but its got an octagonal barrel and cool sites. Its fixed up with old rawhide and looks old but its still in great shape. I brought it with me back to school and been hiding it in my truck. Christian said he had shot a gun only once in his life, when he was getting a riflery merit badge for scouts. I eagerly asked him to go with me and he was just about as happy to go with me. I had two and a half boxes of old shells to shoot up. I almost felt bad about using those shells, they looked as old as the gun. I am keeping the boxes as antiques. We picked up beer cans and bottle and boxes to shoot as we drove out to a pit way out of town. There was one car there, they left as soon as we drove into the pit. I'm sure it was some high school kids trying to fuck in the middle of no where.

The day of shooting was great. As soon as he got used to shooting, he got better than me. He was shooting across the entire pit and hitting the wooden box we set up. We did take one break when we went to get cokes and ice. I also got another box of shells. We shot all seventy or so shells but took our time. We did do a little of the old western rapid fire, didn't even come close to hitting the bottles shooting like that.

We did have to piss while out there. Christian was still shy and went around the truck and turned away from me as he pissed. I was a little bolder, I pissed on the cliff that we were shooting at. I made a target on the wall of the cliff.

We walked around and looked at some of the junk in the pit. There was brass from shooting in several spots. There was a huge pile that looked like they came from an automatic machine gun. Christian had to have this brass. He held his shirt out in front of him and load up the pouch. When he stood up, my eyes were drawn to his bare belly. I saw his happy trail of dark long pubes against his very white skin. With the thought of where it lead, it got me boned up immediately. He said something to me that he had to repeat because I was so distracted by his naked belly.

We were starving and ended up eating at a cafe in a small town near the pit. We got called shugah and honey by the waitress. We got to talk. Christian was more at ease than I had ever seen him. He was talking with his hands more than I ever noticed. Before this, he would constantly scratch his face, rub his eye, or somehow twitch. We talked about shooting and school. I found out he is actually a huge basketball fan. He doesn't really care about football and he never went to one of the games this fall. Now though, we were right in the middle of basketball season. We made plans to go to the next couple of games, they do play some interesting b-ball here.

We got back to the dorm and went to clean up. From shooting and the wind we were feeling pretty grimy. We talked while in the shower. We have separate stalls that are opened at the top, I can just get my hand over the top. I had showered in mass showers for years while in all the sports in school and it was no big deal for me. Christian said that it felt weird to talk to somebody while taking a shower. I asked him if it was because he was talking while naked, I was just trying to be funny. That is what he actually meant.

He finished and went on back to our room. I stayed a little longer and brushed my teeth, did the zit cream, did all the other stuff to look pretty. I left the showers feeling so good about going back to my room. Last semester, I hated going back there. It always felt so cold. It wasn't like I had to be careful but I just hated being in there. I felt like I was sharing a room with a friend now.

Then, dammit, I walked in and Christian is sitting on his bed, facing the other way and he is crying. Not bawling but like the other day. I'm thinking that we just had a great day, that he has been doing stuff and yet, I'm going to have to live like this for the rest of the semester. I know, I was just thinking about me. It was like I didn't know what else this guy could do to make himself happy. I did go over and put my hand on his shoulder and ask him if he was alright. He nodded. I sighed. I just went to my bed, let my towel fall to the floor and went looking for my cleanest pair of underwear.

I stood back up after reaching for my underwear and felt him right behind me. He put his hand on my upper arm and thanked me. I turned just my head and saw him smile and wet eyes. I asked him why he was thanking me. He said that it was for taking him shooting and all that. I told him I enjoyed it and had fun. He said that I didn't have to do it and it was nice of me to take him. I told him that it wasn't that I was taking him, it was that we went together. It wasn't about entertaining him, it was just us being buds.

He wrapped his arm around my chest and pulled me to him. It was a weird sort of hug and it would have been a `manly' hug if I hadn't been completely naked. I was about to make some smart ass remark about him hugging a naked man but he just slapped my belly and let go.

He sat back down on his own bed and asked me how old you had to be to buy a gun. He asked if I would help him buy one if we were old enough. Then he immediately got into the shit about how he was asking me to do stuff that I may not want to do. He took it from normal guy conversation, to a opportunity for a manly adventure of buying a gun, to a pitiful pushing away of my friendship. He was really fucking with my emotions. I was pissed, sad, hurt, and whatever. I told him "fuck that". He looked at me like I had cussed up a storm. I sat down behind him. Grabbed him around the chest and put my face right by his. I got all over his ass about how I would love to go look at guns with him, but it hurt my feelings when he thought that I would just do it to make him feel better, just out of pity. I was pulling my arm against his chest when I was trying to make a point. I went off on him, I was in control but I let him know in no uncertain terms (geez, I sound like my father!) that I enjoy it and enjoy his friendship.

I had forgotten that I was naked and he was in nothing but underwear. Until he turned around and his hand went right into my dick. It was accidental but it was more than brushing by it. And he freaked, he apologized for touching it. I told him to forget it, besides, I liked it. I said it just to try to make the point. When he turned around part way, I wouldn't let go. We ended up leaning back on his bed. For the next several minutes, after I threatened him, our conversation got very friendly.

The problem was, my dick was hard as a rock. It was pressed up against his back. We were both acting like it wasn't happening and I wasn't sure if he knew that was my dick poking a hole in his kidney. I kept hanging on to him as I hoped that my dick would go limp and I could go back to my side of the room, almost like normal. But, Christian moved his hand back and put it right on my boner. I felt his whole body flinch when he realized what he was feeling. His hand stayed there only a second. But he came back and felt it a little longer, the second, and third and fourth time.

By now, we were talking about how serious friendships could be. My face was touching his. When his hand stayed on my dick for a while and I felt the pleasure from it, my mouth sought out his mouth. I wasn't thinking any more, at least not with my large head. It was an awkward kiss. It left me wanting more. Christian turned and came towards me wanting another. Several warm full kisses led to deep hot tongue playing kisses that were more like trying to get inside of each other. His mouth was firm and hot and yet so soft. Our tongues twisted and played. It was truly the best session of kissing I had ever experienced. His tongue followed my lead. Before long we were writhing all over the bed in passionate kisses.

And Christian got bolder and bolder with his hand on my dick. He was squeezing, pulling, twisting, and fingering it. While my hands were rubbing up and down his back and butt, his hand stayed playing with my dick and balls. Somehow, the motion of his hand on me just blended so perfectly with our kissing. My mouth ventured out to his cheeks and neck. His chubby bubbly cheeks were so fine. Even right out of the shower, they had a shine to them. I actually sucked on his lips as we kissed, I had never done that before.

I got to the point where I had to back off and catch my breath. I leaned back a couple of inches and every nerve in my body migrated to my dick and balls. Christian freed his other hand from underneath us and was fully involved with making my dick and balls feel so great. He was bringing it to his belly and pressing it into him. The very bottom of the head of my dick was rubbing along his happy trail. I honestly do not know how I kept from cuming right then. I think it was the first time that I wanted to keep from cuming.

As my face went back in for more kissing, my hand went searching for his underwear. He turned his body to give me access to him. I hand slid under his waistband. I slid along soft warm skin on his belly and then felt soft, silky pubes. Like the hair on his head, they are wavy. Mine and most that I have seen are more curly or even kinky but his were long and wavy. Later when I saw them on his balls, they hung in little groups of pubes and his balls looked so much like his cheeks. If all I saw of him was his balls and cheeks, I would know they went together.

As my hand slid deeper into his underwear, my hand hit solid flesh. I was sure that I hit his leg rather than dick and I moved around to find it. When my hand found it again, I realized that it was his dick, just a huge thick dick. I made sure by wrapping my hand around it. When I wrapped my hand around that hot meat, Christian tensed. He sucked in air, he arched his back, his hand squeezed hard on my dick. That was the first time anybody had touched his dick that he could ever remember, I later found out.

I worked my way to the tip and it was making him jump and squirm. It was also a little rough on my balls, he would tug and jerk and I touched more of his virgin dick. I was laughing at how excited he got. He tried to laugh but he was feeling way too much pleasure. The thing was, my hand kept going and going. Christian is not some freak but his dick has to be at least three times as thick as mine and probably almost nine inches. It felt almost twice as long as mine anyway. And when I got to the tip, actually tip seems too small a word for the round bulbous head. But when I got to the end, it was covered in pre-cum, so slick and wet. I have never had pre-cum and up to that point, I always thought it was a joke like having blue balls.

At first I thought it was cum. I figured he has already cum as excited as he was but when I pulled his underwear off, I could see it was clear pre-cum. It made me want to spread it all along his dick. I was stroking him and I had the thought that this is what jacking off is really about. I mean that while I don't have a mini dick, it takes some real arm movement to jack this dick. He is cut, his head is red and huge. His dick had plenty of veins and it does have a slight curve to the left. I figure that curve is just from his stroking.

He tried to keep his hands on me but I got serious about stroking him. I did get to where our dicks could press together and his was so much hotter than mine. We were jacking each other and I felt like I was going to cum and I got serious about stroking him. I think he stopped about two strokes from me shooting when he had put all his effort into cuming. He almost knocked me out of bed as his orgasms started. He shot one big long rope and then about 8 other gushes came out and covered my hand. He put his hand on his own dick and milked out the rest and I quickly beat my meat. It felt so good, I let it fly, I know it landed on Christian by the way he jumped as I shot.

Then I fell against him. Our skin was slick with sweat. Our hearts were racing. We fought to catch our breaths. And I closed my eyes. I had the thought that I really should get up and lock the door so that none of our floor mates would wander in but I didn't have enough strength to get up.

I didn't move until 3 in the morning when Christian tried to ease out of bed. I was going to tell him that I would go back to my own bed but I was really feeling too good where I was. He slipped on underwear, mine actually, and went out the door. My mine started working again, I was wondering if we did the right thing. I was hoping that he just got up to piss and was coming back. I had the thought that he might have been doing something stupid because he felt like he did something wrong.

I was so glad that he came back. He stood over the bed and looked down at me, I didn't move. He pulled my blanket off my bed, fixed the pillows for us, pulled his underwear back off and got under the blanket with me. He scooted in so that his dick was buried in between us and I snuggled up and fell back to sleep.

Morning was a little strange and strained but we talked our way through it. When I kissed him, long and hard, that is when it all seemed normal, and something to look forward to again. We've got a game to go to in a couple of days, I've been looking for gun shops, there is even a gun show coming to town soon. Its only been a little over a day but things are good.

Next: Chapter 2

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