Rookie Tail Tales

By Scott Coffin

Published on Feb 9, 2018


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

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This story is copyrighted by the author as of 02-09-2018

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Rookie Tail Tales 6: Ben Gedeon's Exorcism


Neither of them really wanted to be here. While it was good to be with a buddy, maybe, they definitely would have rather been playing today. For rookie Ben Gedeon and his teammate Harrison Smith, the chance to play today had been wiped out in Philadelphia two weeks earlier.

A few days ago it had seemed like a good idea to get together this evening and watch the game. It seemed a step in the right direction, and a possible way to exorcise the demons of the defeat at the hands of the Eagles. Today, however, both men were on edge. Each blaming the other for the idea of getting together for this. Both sniping pettily at each other in the kind of passive/aggressive way where you knew you were being an ass, but kept it up anyway.

That the veteran safety and the rookie linebacker knew why they were acting this way only served to exacerbate the situation. For Ben it was the fact that what had been a really strong rookie campaign as a productive part of arguably the best defense in the league for the entire year had come crashing down around him in the Philadelphia humiliation. For Harrison it was only different because as a vet, he had spent his entire career so far flirting madly with the playoffs, only to see the dream evaporate a week after it had nearly imploded against the Saints.

Neither man was quite able to acknowledge the other, deeper, reason. Admitting to themselves that they had been sniffing around each other since the first day of training camp like a couple of cats in heat was a step that both men tried desperately to suppress, even to themselves.

As the beers slid down their throats way to easily, the resolve had weakened. As the resolve had weakened, each man nipped at the other that much more.

Harrison Smith got up to grab a couple more brews when Ben Gedeon grunted an affirmative reply to the shake of his teammates empty bottle. The rookie was barely even aware of Smith's moving off the sofa as he watched Rob Gronkowski being taken down on the TV, and found himself wishing it was his own beefy self grinding the Patriot stud face first into the turf. Wishing it was his own packed crotch grinding, barely noticeable, against the beefy giants muscle ass.

A couple three beers ago, he might have registered his hand cupping into his groin, squeezing himself through his sweatpants.

Part 1

Seeing his rookie teammate feeling himself up on the sofa as he returned to the room brought Harrison Smith up short. A quick glance at the flat screen showing the replay of the tackle, punctuated by the kind of subtle grind the safety liked to give an opponent himself, told him all he needed to know about what his teammate was thinking. Or at least it would have if he hadn't been distracted by the pulsing thickness in his boxer briefs, the obviously swelling crotch of the linebacker and the effects of the previous two hours worth of beer.

He didn't even really understand that he was moving now, so how could he be expected to pay attention to where he was walking?

The hard slam of his shin against the corner of the coffee table sent him doubling over reflexively. Just as the instinct to rub out the pain in his tibia sent the two open bottles he was carrying falling and flying toward his teammate. Nearly 24 ounces of of beer poured onto Ben Gedeon (and his brand new sofa) before either man could register what had happened.

Once it was finally registered, though, hell and all her demons broke loose in a confrontation that both men refused to shrink away from.

Had either man been remotely able to hear themselves clearly at the moment, they would surely have broken out laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. As it stood now, however, they were both too focused on destroying their teammate both physically as well as verbally. With an extra inch, and 30+ extra pounds on Smith, Gedeon was quickly in front on the physical side, wrestling his buddy to the floor hard in just a couple of seconds. The size differential didn't at all mean that Harrison was going to just lay down and take it, though. The rookie was surprised almost to the point of losing control of the situation by how deftly his teammate fought back.

Harrison Smith's head was turned to the side, face being ground into the carpet of the rec room floor in the basement of Ben Gedeon's town house. The agile vet slipped his legs apart just before the rookie could take full control of them. The linebacker found himself being nearly bucked off the safety's back as Harrison fought to free himself and stand. Ben felt the brunt of Harrison's skull against his lip as the safety forced his head and shoulders up, trying to bring his arms under him for full leverage. The vet barely had time to turn his head again when the rookie swept one of his massive arms from under him and sent him crashing back down.

The Linebacker reached instinctively for his teammate's thigh, digging his fingers in deep and hard, higher than he had intended, in a successful attempt to bring it out from under the safety. While that move had the desired effect of bringing his teammate fully to the ground, Gedeon had not accounted for the fact that it would bring himself down as well and the two men were now on their sides. What should have made their chances more even actually served as a disadvantage for Gedeon as the hand he had used to sweep Smith's arm out from under him was now not only being gripped tight by his teammate, but had caused the arm it was attached to to become trapped under the safety's strong torso.

Harrison Smith used that trapped arm to his best advantage, knowing he only had one shot at it. Making a huge effort, he pulled on it hard, rolling his teammate onto his back, only to realize too late that the linebacker had wrapped one of his powerful legs around his own which pulled the safety over with him so that Harrison's back was pressed against Ben's chest. Letting go of the arm for a split second, the vet moved to grip the leg wrapped around his, clutching it painfully just behind his stud teammate's knee, he pulled and twisted with all his might, even as he used his other elbow to press against Gedeon's pectoral to push himself up. Just as he freed his leg, in the same second that he drew a pained moan from his teammate at the digging pressure of his elbow, right before he began to twist himself free and away, the hand he had let loose clamped onto his only barely freed thigh and dug in. He felt the tear at the seam of his shirt before he had even realized that Gedeon had gripped the fabric and pulled down hard with his other hand, the resistance of his own pulling away caused the shirt to nearly shred itself at the shoulder. Both men were sweating now as they continued to grapple for dominance and freedom.

The safety continued to twist himself away from the linebacker even as the linebacker attempted to roll over back to his side. If Ben Gedeon could achieve that move he would be able to sit up and possibly hold Harrison Smith to the floor. Smith saw the danger in that happening as his teammate continued his rise, knowing that he would be nearly pinned by the bigger man and that he would be in an awkward position on his side. Digging his hand tighter into the linebackers inner thigh, he pushed off, twisting his torso as he did so. While he didn't mean to nearly crush his teammate's balls, he was grateful for the lurching shudder that ripped through Ben's 6'3" nearly 250 lb frame which gave him just enough space to wriggle free and around on the man now under him.

Using both hands, Smith grabbed Gedeon just below the knee and twisted one leg under the other, moving one hand to Ben's ankle while maintaining his grip with the other he bent both up toward him. Twisted awkwardly half on his side, half on his back, Ben Gedeon scrambled to grasp at Harrison Smith's waist. The torn shirt provided little purchase for him, his teammate's sweaty skin even less. Stretching his arm uncomfortably against the strain he was feeling in his hips from the manipulation of his legs, the linebacker managed just barely to grasp at the safety's inner thigh and dig his strong fingers deep into the sensitive flesh hidden under a thin layer of nylon training shell. Smith scrambled to move himself farther down his buddy's stomach, desperate to get away from the grasping, shifting hand of the linebacker. Gedeon fought to dig deeper into the thigh he was only just able to hold onto, desperate to keep Harrison from sliding farther down, and not just because of the fact that the safety would both free himself from Ben's grip and solidify his own grasp.

If the two men had been on the field with the rest of the team right now, they would have each known what the other was thinking instinctively. They would have both understood the need each of them felt to keep the other from moving further down their body, to free themselves from the grasping, clawing hand.

As it was though, each only knew their own desperation, each was only aware that they absolutely needed to keep the other from shifting those last few inches.

Because the only conscious thought in either man's brain right now was absolutely screaming that they must not let the other feel how fucking achingly hard they are right now.

Of course the contact happened simultaneously.

Ben Gedeon bucked up against Harrison Smith, gripping his nylon pants tighter in an attempt at throwing the barely smaller man off him. The safety felt the linebacker's fingers dig into his thigh tighter as he fought to pull himself away, felt the stitches along the inseam start to give way.

Had either man let the other move freely, they would have disentangled from each other without incident. In the end it was their combined pigheadedness that ended up bringing about the inevitable.

Harrison Smith felt the bruising thump of Ben Gedeon's hard cock against his already nearly crushed balls at the same moment he Felt the linebacker's scrambling hand warp around his own erection though the compression shorts he wore.

For long, terrifying seconds the sudden stillness enveloped them both. Their muscles still strained against each other, but it was in tense anxiety now, not a struggle. They both continued to heave great gasping pants of air in and out of their lungs, but they were tinged with something besides exertion now. Neither could quite believe that they had the other man's rock hard cock in firm contact with their own body.

In a split second, Harrison Smith released Ben Gedeon's leg and dug his hands into the fabric of his teammate's sweatpants. Pushing himself back slightly he gathered more strength than he thought he had left and pulled hard, ripping the material at the seam in one long tear even as he felt the linebacker's palm and fingers wrap around his aching cock even tighter. The first, slight squeeze of Ben's hand on his cock came as Harrison laid eyes on his teammate's fully erect cock for the first time. The safety wondered to himself how he had not noticed the linebacker had been going commando until now.

He wondered what his buddy would think of him now, even as he arched his back, slid his hips farther up Ben's torso, and lowered his head, lips parting, as he moved in toward the rookie's cock.

Part 2

The eight, thick inches of linebacker cock was like ambrosia as it slid between Harrison Smith's lips and along his tongue. With practiced assurance, the vet swallowed the rookie's cock, as grateful for the contented moan that slipped from his teammate's lips as he was the feel and taste of stud NFL cock in his mouth. The length of it was a solid match to his own, the extra girth, however, made the safety's ass twitch in hopeful anticipation.

The damp feel and slightly peppery taste of the light layer of sweat caused Harrison to drool freely around the proud column of flesh that was Ben's hard cock. The heat of the linebacker's skin notched the linebacker's own heat up another level or two as he swirled his tongue along the veiny jock shaft, and felt the flaring crown knocking at the entrance of his throat. For his part, Ben Gedeon was getting more and more turned on by his buddy's obvious oral skills, as well as the heavy pressure of Harrison's 6'2" 215 lb frame covering his own beefier body. The press of the safety's powerful legs on either side of his broad torso. The feel of Harrison's hard cock riding along his sternum, barely separated by two thin layers of fabric. Most especially, the feel of his buddy's amazing ass, still encased by the lycra and nylon, under his squeezing, groping hands.

Ben Gedeon tore at the already damaged nylon shell, widening the gap through which his teammate's muscle butt was made more visible as the linebacker clenched and released the glutes half consciously, causing the purple compression shorts to dance and ripple over the the flesh that seemed desperate to push itself out through them. The linebacker grabbed onto the waistband, pulling down sharply to expose the long lusted after jock ass. The rookie stud gazed in near wonder at the glory of Harrison Smith's ass before wrenching himself up as much as possible in desperation to swipe his tongue along the vet's lightly furred and sweat dampened crack. The safety reacted with a backward grind against Ben's tongue and a deep moan that vibrated around the manrammer wedged into his throat.

The current state of dress, however, was unsustainable for both men. Ben Gedeon was constantly fighting to hold Harrison Smith's muscular ass cheeks apart while trying to keep the waistband of the compression shorts out of the way of his greedy tongue. Harrison was finding the uncomfortable bend in his achingly hard cock trapped under the front of the waistband a distraction from the pleasures of his teammate's hard cock and adventurous tongue. Rising up and away from the cock in his mouth, the safety freed himself quickly from his already nearly useless shirt as his hands scrambled blindly to find a way to rid himself of the obstruction of his pants and shorts.

The linebacker under him shot into action, suddenly pulling one of the safety's legs wide while pulling down on the two layers of fabric enough that his teammate might be able to shake free. Instead, he nearly sent Harrison tumbling off him. The vet just managed to catch himself and push his pants low enough the, coupled with the rookie's sharp pulls, dragged them down enough that Ben could whip t hem the rest of the way off.

As he prepared to hunch himself back down to inhale Ben's thick cock, Harrison felt himself yanked back hard by his hips as his stud teammate drove his face hard into the widespread jock crack. Driving his tongue insistently past the winking sphincter of his teammate, Ben Gedeon felt the full thrilling weight of Harrison Smith come to rest ass first on his eager face. The vet ground himself back on the rookie's tongue, head rolling loosely on his neck, eyes retreating toward the back of his skull, pre-cum drooling from the tip of his angrily hard cock. Ben was driving his deep into Harrison's rectum with such a thrilling urgency that the linebacker was dazed into immobility.

Temporarily at least.

As Harrison Smith's vision slowly returned to him, he caught the thrilling sight of Ben Gedeon's treasure trail, following it to where it dove under the waistband of the ripped open sweatpants. Just below that waistband, nestled in the bushy pubes of the rookie, was the pulsing cock that the vet swore he could still taste on his tongue. The safety set mightily to work pulling the sweatpants down, his stud teammate helping by raising his hips slightly. Before they were even at Ben's knees, Harrison was hunched back over his buddy's crotch and inhaling the proud cock, still damp with the remnants of his saliva, back into his needy mouth.

Ben Gedeon shifted his ankles to free himself fully as Harrison Smith continued pushing the sweats down and finally off. The minute the task was complete, the safety slid his hands back up the muscular legs of the linebacker. Reaching around behind himself with his left, he pulled his cheeks farther apart, opening himself wider to Ben's ravaging tongue fuck. With his right, he cupped and kneaded at the rookie's overloaded nut sack. The feel and smell of the big scrotum as he pressed it against his own nose caused the vet's mouth to water ever more around the cock fucking his face. The strong, digging grip of Ben Gedeon's left hand on his cheek, coupled with the sharp stinging slaps of his right hand on the other drew long, nearly unbroken moans from the deepest depths of Harrison's being. The moans vibrating over the hard jock tool in his mouth caused the proud cock to pulse and swell along his tongue. The pile driving tongue fighting it's way into his eager ass caused the safety's own cock to pulse and throb, drooling out pre-cum to mingle with the beer that had already soaked Ben Gedeon's shirt.

The scent wafting it's way up into Harrison's nose from Ben's balls drew the veteran's attention like a magnet. Heaving himself up and off the thick cock, the safety dove in to nuzzle at the massive nut sack of his rookie teammate. The firmness of the egg sized testicles felt amazing under his dancing, flicking tongue. The tickle of the fine hairs left a residual charge as they slid along his parted lips. The faint, sweaty musk of Ben Gedeon unhinged his mind as much as his jaw, and Harrison Smith took the packed scrotum into his mouth as easily as he had inhaled the entirety of the proud cock just minutes ago.

The moan rumbling up and out of the rookie, vibrating over the jock hole of the veteran, was deep and long. The shivers it elicited rocked through Harrison's entire body, and the safety knew that it was only still the beginning for them. Ben Gedeon let himself be pulled away, and nearly pulled under, by the sensations of his teammate's lips, tongue and mouth working over his churning nuts. Shivered and gasped as his buddy pulled them slightly away from his body. Moaned at the crazed actions of the tongue slipping and sliding over them. Growled bestially at the feel of Harrison's saliva drooling it's way down along his taint and the shocks of breath whipping over the sensitive flesh of his inner thighs. His hands dug deep and hard into the powerful muscle ass of his teammate. The tang and musk of Harrison's ass as his tongue continued driving hard into it was more than he could have hoped, but he knew, too, that he needed more.

And he needed it soon!

Part 3

Ben Gedeon rocketed upward, pushing Harrison Smith off and away from him (and his balls) before he even fully realized it was what he needed to do. Rolling himself along right behind, the linebacker came to his knees, face still buried in the safety's clenching ass. The vet reached his strong arms back behind and pulled his powerful ass as wide as possibly for the rookies hard fucking tongue, grinding himself back awkwardly against Ben's face, powered only by his shoulders pressed into the carpet.

The linebacker reached under the safety, pulling the hard cock down and away from his teammate's abs, pulling away from the tight, eager ass only when he felt the base of the shaft and the big balls nudging along his chin. Ben Gedeon gazed in abject lust at the splayed, spit soaked jock crack and the long drooling cock pulled down under it briefly. The first contact of his tongue to the tip of Harrison's cock sent shivers through both Viking studs as the rookie slid his way upward along the vet's shaft, over his overloaded balls, along the glistening, lightly furred taint and back to the winking ass. Following the same path three more times, each slower and more teasing than the next. Each punctuated by a sharp jab of the fucking tongue into the winking jock hole.

The next trip upward was to follow the same exact path, until Ben caught the fine, shimmering stream of Harrison's pre-cum on the tip of his outstretched tongue and was pulled into a detour to slide his lips ever the drooling tip of his teammate's cockhead, and began nursing there, desperate for the taste and feel of the vet's cock snot washing over his tongue. The nectar made his mouth water as his salivary glands shot into overdrive. The thumb and forefinger of his other hand began drumming teasingly over Harrison's needy rosebud before slipping into the winking opening. Harrison Smith was incoherent with lust at Ben Gedeon's oral and digital manipulations, capable only of moaning in hopes that that would be enough encouragement to his teammate. All of the stud safety's energy now going to holding himself here for his buddy's use. Shoulders pressed against the floor; knees up under him to better hike his gaping, greedy ass into the rookie's face; Hands and arms tense at holding his glutes wide apart to ease Ben's access to him.

Ben Gedeon pulled quickly away from Harrison Smith's drooling cock, letting most of the pre-cum and saliva that had pooled in his suckling mouth flow onto the palm of his hand. As he let the remaining spit/pre cocktail drool onto the clutching ass hole around his fingers, he smeared the pool in his palm over his achingly sensitive and flaring crown. Harrison felt the movements of his buddy behind him and shifted his gaze anxiously, awkwardly under himself.

The stud safety was able to make out the play of shadows caused by his buddy's movements, and from that knew in the split second before feeling it, when Ben Gedeon's powerful thighs would make contact with the backs of his own. Knew to the millimeter of shafting shadow when the stud rookie linebacker would press fully against him, against his desperate ass, claiming him like the jock bitch he now, thrillingly, was.

Ben Gedeon gazed in lusty, awestruck wonder at the sight before him. Perversely pleased at the sight of Harrison Smith's muscular, straining arms pulling his own ass trench wide open in abject need. Heart thumping with desire at watching his stud teammate grinding his hips back, ever so slightly, so that his quivering jock hole could nip at the very tip of the cock he obviously, desperately needed. Lust addled brain fogging up at the spit glistening, viscously, over his own angry cockhead and the winking entrance to his teammate's amazing ass.

The rookie twitched his hips sharply, powering his fuck into Harrison's tight ass in a single, long, sure stroke. His overloaded nuts crashing hard against the vet's, as he drove all eight thick inches into his teammate. The feel of the initial balking of Harrison's channel as it was invaded, pulsed around his rock hard and iron hot shaft. The safety recovered quickly, and Ben felt the balking of the inner rings of muscle turn into milking squeezes as he rested briefly, fully inside his teammate. Digging his big hands into the powerful glutes he was splitting, Ben half hunched over Harrison's broad back as he made his first withdrawal from the safety's clenching bowels. Slamming his way beck through, Ben set a punishing pace on Harrison's gaping hole, driving himself in and out of the fuck drunk man beneath himself with a slowly, steadily increasing fury.

A fury that was met, and then surpassed by the desperate grinds of Harrison Smith back against the powerfucking frame of Ben Gedeon. The safety knew is glutes were going to be sore, and probably bruised, tomorrow but he did not fucking care. He needed this fuck, for as long as it might possibly last more than he needed to be able to sit down for the next few days. The perfect length of Ben's cock, it's thrilling girth stretching him wide was the entirety of Harrison's universe at the moment. The undeniable fact that, right here, right now, he absolutely belonged on Ben Gedeon's amazing cock made his world complete. The ache in his balls being exacerbated by the pounding thrusts of eight thick inches of rookie stud cock hammering into him was everything Harrison Smith wanted to (or needed to) feel at the moment.

The slamming of the powerful legs of his jock fucker into the back of his straining thighs. The sharp punches of the flaring cockhead on his prostate kept him constantly, thrillingly, on the edge of explosion. The bushy, sweaty pubes of the rookie grinding in painful, needling tickles along his wide spread ass crack sent trails of goose bumps spreading up the small of his back. The bruising grasp of the powerful hands and digging fingers sunk into his ass cheeks as he was moved and shifted to serve Ben's base needs.

Harrison Smith knew these things and more were going to conspire to fuck a massive nut out of himself. He hoped he would be able to hold off long enough to remain responsive for his tops needs. To continue fucking and grinding himself back for Ben's pleasure. To continue milking the masterfully fucking cock in his ass in hopes that Ben would see how much Harrison appreciated him and his cock. How much he desired his rookie seed.

The taut, massaging muscles of Harrison's jock cunt milking his cock told Ben how much the safety was getting off on this fuck. The rutting grinds of his teammate's body pushing back against his own told him that the vet wanted nothing more than to be impaled by rookie cock. The desperate gasps and moans slipping from his buddy's lips told him that this would definitely NOT be their only fuck...possibly even the only one Ben Gedeon jack hammered his way into Harrison Smith's bowels, but he needed more.

He needed to see the look on Harrison's handsome face as he was fucked.

And even more than that, he needed for Harrison to see the pleasure he, himself was feeling. Needed his teammate to see the powerful effects that his ass was having on the man fucking desperately into him.

The linebacker reared back and up, nearly pulling all the way out of the safety's ass, as he heaved Harrison up off the floor and twisted the vet's 6'2" frame around on the end of his cock before slamming his down onto the stout coffee table to their side. Nearly standing now, Ben Gedeon held Harrison Smith's powerful frame upward and tight against himself. The safety was disoriented at first feeling his body hanging off the linebacker's massive cock, only his shoulders making contact with the wooden surface of the table.

Harrison Smith looked up into the lust crazed eyes of Ben Gedeon, raking over the pumped up straining muscles of his teammate's beefy body. Thrilling at the sight of the 6'3", nearly 250 lb stud, muscles clenching as he drove his cock harder and harder into his aching jock cunt. Stretching his arms painfully, he was just bale to dig his fingers in behind Ben's slightly bent knees, scrambling greedily to keep the big fucker from pulling to far away. Making sure to let him pull back far enough to pile drive each fuck thrust into him HARD!

Ben Gedeon was multitasking now. Hands scrambling, clawing precariously at Harrison Smith's muscular ass as he held the safety nearly aloft, he felt his balls tightening insistently as he fucked into his teammate. Fighting to hold back the tsunami building inside him, needing to prove himself worthy of the rut by fucking the load out of his teammate before he bred him deep and full.

Above all, he raked his eyes ravenously down the long river of rutting jock flesh before him. Moving down along Harrison's powerful frame from the point where his thick cock split the jock's cunt wide. Resting on the tightening scrotum as he fucked another drive back into the vet's eager ass. Drinking in the sight of the safety's own angrily pulsing cock, so hard it threatened to split the skin, as viscous, glistening strands of pre-cum oozed out and traced along the ridges and valleys of the vet's abdominals. Past the rise of pumped up pectorals to rest finally on the lust twisted face of the handsome jock. Both men saw the same twisted, rutting desire reflected back at them.

Mouths agape as Ben Gedeon drove powerfully into Harrison Smith's helpless but greedy jock cunt. Muscles straining, bulging and glistening as the linebacker rabidly fucked into the ravaged ass of the safety. Ben saw the first, almost subtle, shift in the muscles of Harrison's face and shifted his gaze to focus on the bottom jock's nut sack. Catching the pulsing of it, he let his gaze slip back along the proud column of cock and saw the veins and cum tube start to expand. Locking his gaze now onto Harrison's, he watched the last, inevitable shift from rutting beast into orgasming monster wash over his teammate's face. Harrison's lips parted further, almost imperceptibly, as Ben continued the driving fuck into his buddy's body. The safety's cock swelled dangerously before releasing the vet's massive load. Five massive pulses of jock bitch cum rocketed out of Harrison Smith's cock, raining down onto his face and throat. Two of them painted his lips and outstretched tongue as he savored the taste of himself. Two more, smaller but nearly as powerful, pulsed out, running down along his torso.

The sight of that pure, and well earned, debasement; coupled with the violent clenching of his cunt along Ben's own swelling cock pulled the top fucker into his own powerful orgasm. The rookie shot six massive volleys of linebacker cum deep into his buddy's ass, soothing the ravaged tissues of the still desperately milking jock cunt. The seventh and eighth, smaller, but still profound, anointed the safety's nut sack, running along his still nearly hard cock, as Ben slipped out of him, unable to maintain the position.

The linebacker half fell, half laid back onto the floor, pulling the safety with him. Ben Gedeon attacked the cooling globs of cum on Harrison Smith's throat, chin and jaw before the veteran took the rookies face between his hands and kissed him deep and hard, sharing the last remnants of his own cum with his teammate as the continued the slow motion fall back onto the floor.

Harrison Smith's still racing heart beating a tattoo the was nearly perfectly echoed by the of Ben Gedeon as they slipped deeper into the kiss.

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