Rookie Tail Tales

By Scott Coffin

Published on Dec 4, 2017


Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

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Rookie Tail Tales 2: A Hawkeye and Buckeye Reunion


Joey Bosa still remembered the game from back in 2013. More specifically, the post game handshakes. While his Buckeyes had managed to pull out the win against the Hawkeyes of Iowa, he had been watching CB Desmond King run roughshod over OSU's offense while racking up 10 tackles and 2 assists. The 6'5" Buckeye stud DE had made it a point to seek King out after the game to congratulate his opponent, and tell him honestly that he felt if the Hawkeyes had had 2 or 3 more of him, Iowa surely would have won the game.

It was odd to him now that he recalled everything as if it had happened just minutes ago instead of years. Leaning down to make sure the 5'10" King could hear him. Their bodies pressed close together in the crowd of team mates and coaches. The cornerback's hand on the defensive end's hip.

Especially the CB's hand on his hip. Especially the way King's hand slid stealthily around to rest on his ass. Then the way the Hawkeye's hand slipped off him, sliding along the muscular Buckeye butt like a caress.

Bosa hadn't really understood the impact of that moment for another couple of years. Wasn't even 100% sure he fully understood it when he had been thrilled to learn that his Chargers had drafted Desmond King and that they had a solid shot at being teammates, assuming the rookie made it through camp.

He knew, of course that there was an attraction, and was 98% sure it was mutual. He knew it was at least a little bit stupid that he was jealous of the good-natured ribbing between Derek Watt and King. Iowa/Wisconsin was, of course a slightly more natural rivalry. Especially given they played each other every year and that Ohio State had only come up against Iowa once during their shared playing days. The fact that Watt and King had not only played against each other, but that they had each beaten the other on the field, Derek on offense, King on defense, had given the two a natural in with each other.

An in that had been driven home with force for Bosa when he had come across the two after the first preseason game and found Watt on his knees sucking King's cock like a starving man.

King had watched Bosa watch them, had locked eyes with the big man as he dumped his load into Watt's greedy throat, had known that he needed to find a way into the DE's jock ass before he went crazy with the need. In the end, the best possible shot presented itself in early November.

Desmond King was sure of two things about Joey Bosa. One, he was 100% sure that his Buckeyes were going to crush the Hawkeyes this year. Two, that if he let Bosa fuck him first, it would become nearly impossible to get a crack at the DE's big jock ass. And Desmond definitely wanted that ass.

The bet had been simple, after the two men had tacitly acknowledged their mutual lust, Desmond had bet Joey that his Hawks would beat the Bucks. The loser would grab his ankles for the winner. He knew it was a huge risk, his Hawkeyes were nothing like they had been his senior year, but he put faith in the atmosphere at Kinnick, and the fact that his alma mater was hungrier.

When the Hawks had gone up 38-17 in the third quarter, Bosa had texted his surrender to King. The rookie had barely even acknowledged his victory then, and had gone on radio silence since, preferring to let the Buckeye alum stew in his own juices for a while. When the DE had tried to broach the subject during practice and training sessions, the CB had just smiled and shrugged, walking away.

Today, though; pre-game, the team getting ready in Jacksonville's visitor locker room, nearly time to take the field. King standing beside Bosa. The rookie looked at the big second year stud, catching his eye. Joey leaned down, bringing his ear closer to the whispering lips of the 5'10" corner.

"Tonight. Post game, back here. Be ready."

Part 1

Joey Bosa had been in a state of agitation since that moment. He had struggled mightily to keep his heart and mind in the game, and both he and King had posted solid stats, each getting a sack, and combining for nearly double digits in tackles/assists, but the anticipation had persisted, and Joey knew exactly why. The stud DE would have given his left nut to have blown off the game to remain in the locker room getting railed by his team mate for the duration. The eventual loss in overtime had hit the entire team hard, and had led Joey to the quickly banished thought that maybe Desmond would not want to play now after such a heartbreaking defeat. The fact that that particular thought compounded the pain of losing for the DE buried the last shred of denial and rationalization left to him.

The two previous times Bosa had given his ass up had been very different. The first had been a healthy (and horny) curiosity. A desire to know what his team mates felt while he railed them. He had been able to write that experience off as experimentation, acknowledge that he had enjoyed it, and understood the attraction, but could really take it or leave it. The second had been prior to his own rookie season when the linebacker duo of Ingram and Toomer had impressed upon him the fact that neither his college run, nor his draft position entitled him to treat his teammates with disrespect. A lesson taught by spit-roasting him for a solid hour, each man dumping a load in both his mouth and ass. It had been impossible for him to deny that he had definitely liked it that time. The only way he had been able to keep that particular awareness at bay was to make sure that he was only ever going after guys that wanted to get fucked (helped by the large Navy and Marine Corps presence in San Diego). Of course, being respectful to his teammates helped as well, as evidenced by both Ingram and Toomer bending over for him at different times through the previous year.

Desmond King was a different story, and Joey Bosa knew it. It may have taken him months (and possibly even years) to admit to himself, but the stud DE could not deny that he wanted the stud CB to fuck his white muscle ass. He couldn't deny that he hoped against hope that he and Desmond might even start up something regular together. He just hoped the rookie was versatile.

Rising from the stool to his full 6'5" height, the DE felt the pleasant shifting of fabric along his half hard cock as it adjusted itself under his compression shorts. Sliding his big feet into his flip flops, he headed off to his fate. Walking the hallway toward the back side of the shower block, he saw Derek Watt heading his way having just exited. The stud full back's eyes trained on his package.

"Meeting Desmond?"


"Lucky man! You are gonna fuckin' love it, stud."

"That's kind of what I am afraid of, buddy."

"No. You're not. Not when you are already boned like this, man." The full back ran his thumb nail lightly along the length of Bosa's lycra clad shank as he smiled, letting the big man pass.

Joey Bosa turned away from the shower block and continued down a short hallway, steadying himself with a couple of deep breaths before he opened the door. His stud teammate, Desmond King was seated in the only chair in the small room, leaning back, legs spread, the white compression shorts he was wearing were identical to Bosa's, and they too were stretched tight over a massive jock stud package and nearly transparent with the sweat of a hard game.

"Hey, Joey." the CB smiled up at his teammate.

"Hey." the half choke – half swallow in his voice caused Joey to pull up on speaking, he was in too much of a trance state now as he stared at his team mate.

Desmond King was fucking hot. Joey had known this for a long fucking time, but here and now, that knowledge was magnified to a dizzying degree. The 5'10" inch corner was fully seven inches shorter and 80 pounds lighter than the towering DE standing before him, but his presence filled the room (or at least Joey's perception of it) as if he were some sort of alien god who could not possibly be denied anything he requested. The sweat of an honest day's competition glistened on his dark chocolate skin, the buzzing light overhead refracted off that skin highlighting the jacked 200 pound frame. The man's legs were fucking huge, corded with thick, defined muscle.

And the cock, almost visible under the stretched, damp fabric, was easily a solid match for Bosa's own thick nine inch pipe. It looked like King's balls would definitely turn out to be the bigger pair. Joey registered the thought that King's bigger balls were appropriate since he had wagered his ass on Iowa beating Ohio State. A smile played across his lips briefly as he moved toward his rookie teammate. A smile that was completely gone as he sank to his knees between Desmond's spread legs. Replaced by a gaze of pure lust as he brought his hands up to the waistband of King's shorts, and glanced to look into the CB's eyes as if asking for permission. The slight nod from the black stud told Joey, firmly and undeniably, that his place now was to serve this man.

The stud DE's hands were trembling as they slid under the waistband and gripped the fabric to pull them off, the tremble spread through the rest of his body as King rose slightly, allowing Bosa to finish undressing him. The hard, black cock was pulled down some along with the shorts, it's length laying across a muscular thigh until the full nut sack was nearly exposed, and the CB's dark shaft broke free, slapping sharply against his belly as it did. The DE paused in pulling the shorts further down as he stared at the jock pipe. Maybe a hair shorter (but probably not) than Bosa's own, it was definitely thicker. The foreskin was pulled partially back, revealing the bright, angry looking, reddish-pink tip, further down, the skin was pulled tight, hiding the ridge of what promised to be a proudly flared head. The dark, thick shaft was etched with veins. Wafting up to his nose, the aroma of true, hard competition intoxicated the stud DE.

Joey's mouth was suddenly awash with saliva, as if he was already down on it to the base. He looked again at his conqueror, scrambling to get the shorts the rest of the way off. He spread the thick legs further apart and shifted himself forward on his knees, leaning in, lips parting, as he did. He felt Desmond hook one knee over his shoulder, the corner back's big hand running through his hair, as he slipped the head of Desmond's cock between his full lips. Joey traced his tongue over the exposed portion of the crown, sliding it then along the end of the foreskin, he used the tip to push King's foreskin back, exposing the entire head. His lips locked tight just beneath the coronal ridge, the pulse within the cock drew an appreciative moan to his lips that vibrated around the sensitive head. The moan was echoed by Desmond, who sank his fingers deeper into Joey's hair, adding pressure to encourage the big man to take more of him in.

Bosa eagerly complied to his top's unspoken command, happier now than ever before that he had paid attention to what other cocksuckers had done to him. Glad that he had gotten in plenty of practice of his own at orally servicing a hard jock pipe. King was almost surprised at how quickly he felt the big man's nose crush itself against his wiry pubic bush, glad to know that the stud DE knew this part of the drill anyway. The wet muscular tongue of his cocksucker flicked along the underside of his rock hard shaft, sometimes pressing firmly against the dark, throbbing flesh, sometimes tracing lightly along the veins.

Breathing through his nose as he attacked his man's cock with vacuuming lips and lashing tongue, Joey felt himself slipping into a high powered by the pheromones rising from the sweaty flesh of Desmond King's crotch. The intoxicating smell of his teammate's body driving him to distraction to the point w here he had squandered the taste of jock stud pre-cum for several minutes, letting it slide unnoticed into his gut. When the fullness of the realization hit him, Joey backed off, bringing his hands into play, one cupping and kneading the full nuts, the other gripping loosely at the base of the cock shaft. He clamped his lips around the cock head once again and started sucking like he was trying to drag a baseball through a garden hose, desperate to feel the tangy richness of his stud's jock slime flowing onto his tongue.

Desmond King's bull nuts rewarded the cocksucker amply. The Black stud was nearly incoherent as his white cocksucker worked him over. Gazing through half closed eyes, down across his torso where the massive jock stud that was Joey Bosa knelt subserviently, worshiping his achingly hard cock. The CB knew that the DE was nearly drunk on the taste of his pre-cum, and let the cock hungry slut slurp for more. The stud Hawkeye alum reveled in the tongue lashing he was receiving from the stud Buckeye alum. He remembered that long ago day, the only time the two had played against each other, the feel of the man's muscular hip and ass under his hand following the game, the hardness of the big man's muscles, and he wondered if Joey remembered it too. He wondered if Bosa knew then, as he had, that this particular date had become inevitable.

The rookie luxuriated in the feelings the second year pro stud was teasing him with, the brilliantly agile work of the tongue, the war, wet feel of the stud's mouth and throat enveloping his cock, the strong hand cupping and caressing his balls, the feel of the hot breath being exhaled against his sweaty skin, the absolute eagerness with which he was being serviced. Sitting up slowly, Desmond King trailed a big, rough hand down along Joey Bosa's spine, his fingers trailing through the rivulets of dripping sweat there, then sliding between fabric and skin as they made their way under the compression shorts and along the pronounced crack of the big man's jock ass. He let his middle finger bend under, and trail behind the others, running it deep into the moist, furry trench, barely making contact with the Joey's ass lips at the end of it's journey. Smiling as he registered the slight upward shift of his cocksucker, Desmond teased his finger across the jock's entry in rapid flicks.

Joey Bosa was transported back to 2013, the feel of the hand on his hip, and trailing over and across his ass as the two men congratulated each other on a hard fought game. As another pulse of pre-cum oozed onto his tongue, he wished he had known then what he knew now. Wished that he had given himself up to this stud right then and there. Had let Desmond take his ass as a consolation prize after losing a tough game. The thought brought a deep gasping moan up from deep inside him, reverberating around the cock now buried in his throat. He reached his free hand around behind, sliding it over the spot where the rookie's hand was buried in his shorts and pressed down against it, silently pleading for Desmond the start working his ass harder.

The corner back stayed leaning over the defensive end's broad muscular back, bringing his other hand into play. He stilled the bobbing head of his massively built cocksucker as he dug his other hand deeper into the jock's crack, moving three fingers now over and around the stud's ass lips. He thrust upward against his cocksucker's face, relaxing back onto the chair only after he had felt the full lips mashing against his pubes. He repeated the motion with slightly more force.

And again.

And again.

The driving thrusts into his face increased each time Desmond fucked himself into Joey's mouth, the DE fighting the urge to to move, letting himself be beautifully, brilliantly used by the stud rookie. For several minutes Bosa gave himself up completely and just became a vessel for King's desire, grateful for the gift of it. Disappointment came when the face-fucking black god pulled Joey's head slowly but surely off his cock, half dragging the 6'5" stud up as he stood. Bosa watched his man lean closer and allowed the man to claim him once again, this time in a brief, intense, tongue tangling kiss.

The two men stood now, face to face, kissing deeply and passionately. Joey could plainly see the height and weight differences between them, 6'5" to 5'10", 280 lbs to 200 lbs. It was plain to the last shred of his rational mind that he towered over this man, and yet with every fiber of his being he felt so much smaller, so much weaker than the stud corner back. Unbidden, Joey Bosa moved away from Desmond King, toward the massage table three feet away, he bent over it, resting contentedly across it, head bowed slightly he looked over his shoulder at his teammate. He was sure that the pleading in his eyes made any words unnecessary, but he uttered them anyway.

"Please, Des?"

Desmond King moved to the lusty, desperately needy offering before him, sliding one hand up and over the rock hard glute as he slid his rock hard, spit slick cock along the crack of the lycra covered jock ass.

"Please what, Joey?"

"Fuck me, Des. Please fuck me!"

The corner back pressed himself tighter against the defensive end, pressing his cock against the big man even harder, both of his big hands now cupping the impossibly muscular jock ass. Without warning he raised each hand in turn, ringing down with a sudden stinging slap with each one after the other.

"Relax your knees a little, stud. This is gonna be so much better for both of us if you ain't all tensed up."

Joey Bosa relaxed instinctively as he felt his teammate sliding down into a crouch behind him, Desmond's fingers latching onto the fabric to pull his compression shorts off.

Part 2

It wasn't as if Desmond had never seen the stud's ass before. He had spent numerous happy minutes seated near where the DE was changing just so he could see it. So he could study it. And of course, watching the muscle butt shift and move under the tight football pants during a game held it's own pleasures. This, though...this was different. For obvious reasons. As he sank into a crouch behind Bosa, King trailed his fingers down the big man's back, catching the waistband of the shorts in a firm grip and sliding them down slowly.

As the pale skin began to be revealed the corner back began to salivate. Taking in the glory of the muscular curvature, noting the rises and the valleys created by the powerful glutes. Catching the scent of testosterone laden sweat rising from the musky, moist and lightly furred crack. The hint of perfect pinkness of the tight jock hole winking, partially exposed by the stud's stance. After removing the shorts completely, Desmond ran his hands back up the full length of Joey's thick legs until he was cupping a muscle pumped cheek in each and spreading them wide. The full glory of the rarely fucked jock ass greeted the rookie's gaze and pulled him forward like a magnet.

The tip of his tongue flicked over and around the sweet jock ass. The tangy, slightly coppery taste of man hit his taste buds, and the black stud drove himself in for more. Spearing the sensitive ass lips, forcing his muscular tongue deeper and harder inside the towering football god's quivering tail. Digging his fingers into the DE's glutes even harder, the CB felt him push back against his driving, devouring tongue. He pried Joey's cheeks apart even further, forced his face against the jock crack even harder, fucking the tight jock cunt with his muscular tongue with a need that he barely recognized. As much as Desmond King loved eating jock ass, he had never slipped this quickly into over dive in the act. Partly, he was sure, this was about fucking years of anticipation. Partly is was about the very specific taste and scent of Joey Bosa's flesh and sweat, and the intoxication they caused in him.

Mostly, though, he knew it was about the reaction of the man he was currently raping with his tongue. Joey Bosa was pushing back against his teammate's face, driving his jock butt back hard on the man's face. Moaning in long rasping wheezes as he relaxed his muscles, opening himself to this powerfully intimate kiss. Joey had been rimmed before, but he knew now that the primary purpose those times had been to spit lube his jock butt. What Desmond was doing to him now was pure, powerful foreplay. The corner back was clearly enjoying himself as he lashed his tongue in and out of the defensive end's jock butt, and Joey Bosa had never felt anything even remotely like the desire with which Desmond King was eating him out. The 6'5" stud knew his cock to be achingly hard. Knew that the slight dizziness he was feeling now was due in part to the blood rushing to his jock joint. Knew that the overwhelming feelings ricocheting throughout his body were completely alien to his past experience. Knew that he owed this all to Desmond King and the virtuoso tongue work that had turned him, willingly, into one giant, sentient mass of moaning flesh and muscle and bone.

Desmond King shifted his hands on Joey Bosa's muscle ass, bringing his fingers in to trail around the pink rim of the jock hole. As he extracted his tongue, he slid the index finger of each hand into the winking entrance without missing a beat as he began to rise. Joey felt the movement almost even before it started and would have been upset at the removal of the muscular tongue had he not known what it meant.

Joey was going to get his jock ass fucked! Not out of curiosity. Not as a lesson in respect.

Entirely out of desire and need and want.

He heard Desmond dropping saliva onto his palm, heard the spit being slicked over the powerful cock. Felt the fingers and thumbs shift, pulling his ass hole into a wide winking target. Felt another copious wad of spit fall there from above just as he felt himself be pulled down a bit further, facilitating the smaller man's dagger in making a first, firm contact with it's once and future sheath.

Both jock studs exhale ecstatic breaths as Desmond king slipped his thick, nine inch jock pipe into Joey Bosa's willing ass. One long, slow, steady drive up and in the desperately spasming, needy jock hole. The giant defensive end felt his teammate's powerful thighs crash against the back of his own bent and spread legs, felt his stud top's full balls slap against his as the massively hung black stud claimed his ass and turned it into a greedy jock cunt.

The position was pleasantly precarious as Desmond drove himself up into the taller man's clenching hole. The corner back hung most of his weight off the stud defensive end's lower body, trusting the big man's muscular legs to be capable of the support required. He knew that we each power fucking thrust into the pale, muscular ass that he was hitting triggers inside his bottom bitch that had never been tripped before. He was confident that if he did decide to fuck Joey's load out in this position that the orgasm would be bigger and more intense than any the former Buckeye had ever experienced. He pounded full length into the gaping but impossibly tight jock cunt relentlessly, knowing that each drive in bruised the big man's prostate and forced a pulse of pre-cum to leak out of the stud bottom's cock head. A cock head that Desmond knew for sure to be an angry vibrant red by now. A cock head that was aching to cum and cum hard. The barely audible mantra of 'fuckmefuckmefuckme' slipping from Joey's lips provided a gauge, just as surely as the grasping jock cunt around his cock did, of just how close his jock bitch was to dumping his load. The time for the shift had come. Desmond King knew that when he completed his move and once again claimed this miraculous jock cunt that Joey Bosa would be putty in his hands.

With a speed and power that surprised and disoriented the defensive end, Desmond tore his proud black cock free of the stud's ass and flipped him over, even as he himself swung around to the end of the massage table, twisting the giant jock bottom around with him. Joey had barely even registered the emptiness in his aching cunt before Desmond was above him, arms under the big man's neck pulling his head upward, clamping their lips together in a tongue wrestling kiss. The corner back drove his entire length back into the defensive end ferociously, impaling the man once again with a driving, almost tearing, fuck thrust; nearly crushing the bottom bitch's nuts in the process. The rookie felt the definite, but mostly harmless pressure of Joey's teeth on his tongue. Knew the man's eyes had shot open at the force of the re-invasion. Registered the muscles of his bottom's body balk against his own. In less than three seconds, the rebellion was over.

Joey Bosa let loose with a protracted, desperate moan that reverberated between the two rutting studs as their kiss became more and more greedy. His eyes rolled back in his head, eyelids fluttering as his top stud's form slipped out of focus, morphing into a blur of a dark skinned god somehow even more fully in control. His muscles relaxed of their own accord as he gloried in the masterful, pile driving fuck that Desmond King was now visiting upon his greedy, aching jock cunt. The stud DE shifted one leg around and behind his top, digging his heel into the rookie jock's muscular ass, spurring him to deeper explorations, to a more complete level of ownership. The bruising pain of his achingly full nuts being crushed under the bone crushing force of his top's driving thrusts mad him giddy with lust drunk need. The slap of Desmond's own massive balls slapping along his wide spread jock ass kept time in a horny, syncopated beat as nine fat, black inches of jock stud cock drove in and out of his used and desperate cunt.

Desmond pulled up and away from Joey's face, gazing lustily as the bottom's tongue wagged out of the gaping mouth, trailing over the man's full lips. He felt the steel hard cock of his jock bitch slapping between their bodies as he drove relentlessly into the stud's ass. The slick wetness left behind a testament to Joey's need, and a warning of the impending explosion he was fucking out of his buddy.

"Let it go, bitch." the stud top breathed out, "I'm gonna fuck this load right outta you, Joey...gonna breed your jock cunt deep you fuckin' slut."

Joey Bosa could do nothing but nod idiotically at Desmond King's words. His eyes glazed over causing a perverted halo effect to shine around the frame of the black god whose cock was seconds away from driving his cum to rocket out of him. The only thing he knew for certain was that the load would land on his own face when it came, and might even go farther than that. The thought was what did it.

Even knowing what was happening, Joey couldn't quite reconcile his orgasm with the sight of it. The long, thick rope of his first cum blast shooting out. The feel of it hitting his sweaty brow, the tail end hitting nearly at his hair line, the head and everything in between dropping into his shaggy, sweaty mane. The sight (and feel) of Desmond bending over, the cornerback's mouth gaping as one hand gripped tightly around the pulsing shaft, directing the continuing flow.

Desmond King let the second and third cannon shots of Joey Bosa's cum land on his outstretched tongue. He felt the next three land on his cheeks and chin. He milked a final rope into his tightly gripping palm. Even as he continued driving in and out of the still desperate jock cunt below him, he reared up, locking onto Joey's gaze as he licked the cum off his hand. Joey's moan turned nearly to a scream as he reached up and dragged his still fucking stud top's face to his own, licking his own load off Desmond's overheated skin before latching on with his lips and tongue to the jock god's mouth. Digging his heels now even harder into the pumping, flexing muscles of the rookie's ass, desperate in his need to be bred.

Had their mouths not been locked together, Joey was sure that Desmond's screaming moan would have been heard in fucking Miami as the stud corner slipped into his own orgasm. The already massive cock inside him swelled even bigger as his stud top tried to hold back, and then he felt the pulse.

And again.

And again.

Desmond King's copious stud jock seed was rushing hotly into Joey Bosa's jock cunt. Seven massive blasts of the virile, viscous fluid filled his well used ass to overflowing as the god-like stud on top of him transformed into a fucked out mass of sweaty, steamy, overheated flesh.

And still the two jock studs kissed. The lip-lock and tongue wrestling faded to gentle, and almost loving as the two worn out Chargers came down from the fuck high. Joey released his man's head and let himself fall back to the massage table, breaking the kiss as his breathing returned to nearly normal.

"So what do we bet on for the next fuck, Des?"

"I don't really think I wanna bet for a next time, Joey."

The stud DE was taken aback, fearing that the stud CB was now over him. That there would be no repeat of this nearly perfect union. Des leaned back in closer, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"I think when we get back home, we head over to your place, and we start this up again. 'Cept you fuck me."

His smile broke fully as he nipped teasingly at Joey's lower lip. He felt Joey's still half hard cock pulse between them. He traced his tongue along the DE's chin and up toward his lower lip.

"I'm gonna like getting' your shank up in me, baby."

The jock gods sank into another, deeper kiss, both smiling as best they could.

Next: Chapter 3

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