Rookie Qb Defeated

By moc.loa@71wfdrdk

Published on Sep 27, 2023


Slowly thru the process, sounds finally emerge from the stud's mouth, moans, and not from pain, but ecstasy. A grin appears on Tyrell's, face, and he knows phase two is complete, now on to phase 3, but he must finish, and with one last thrust shoves his cock all the way in, and erupting, leaving his seed in the studs, not so virgin or tight ass. Jimmy's insides are on fire, form the brutal fucking. Tyrell, pulls out his fact cock, and shoves it in Jimmy's open mouth, telling the pussy boi to clean his black dads cock...

After Jimmy had successfully, cleaned the black stallion's cock, he was told to get the fuck out. Jimmy, quickly got his clothes and left without a word. When Jimmy got home, he spent about an hour in a hot shower, trying to wash away the humiliation he felt.

Jimmy, started having these totally erotic dreams, when he would awake, his sheets would be cum stained, from where he had shot his load during the dream. What was happening to him, he would ask every morning after waking from one of these dreams. The dreams seemed so real and vivid, and in each one he was used in brutal and kink ways, not having any control to stop what was happening.

The season ended, and it was time for Jim to regain control of his life, and put everything over the past few months behind him. Then Jim received a Fed EX package. He knew he did not order anything, so he quickly signed for the package, and once in the safety of his living room, he ripped it open. Inside the package was travel info and a plane ticket. The note included made it very clear who it was from, and that if he still wanted to the tapes from going public he would follow all of the instruction included.

The night before he was to leave, Jim could not sleep, should he go, should he not, what would happen, he was going thru all of us options, and when the car arrived to take him to the airport, he knew he only had one. He got his bag and off he went.

After he landed, there was huge man standing in the bag claim with a sign with his name Jimmy Johnson on it. Jim got his bag and walked over to the guy. Without a word, he turned and walked him to an awaiting car. The door was opened, and Jim stepped into the car. Waiting in the car was a note, telling him to take the pills that were placed next to a bottle of water. Jim, was nervous, he was in a strange country not having any control over what was coming. Jim took the pills, and before he knew it he was out cold.

When Jim awoke, he could tell he was naked and restrained. His arms were stretched out ward, reaching up to hooks in the ceiling, and his legs spread wide and tied to post in the room. This evil looking guy came from nowhere, and began shouting question out load. Asking him for his papers, if he knew that he was in the country illegally and also that they had found drugs on him. Jim tried to answer but was totally lost.

The interrogator then advised Jim of the sentence, which was a caning, and without warning it began. The pain was so much more intense, and then what he had already been subjected, too. Jimmy would howl, as the canning continued, over and over. The searing pain, was so intense, Jim ended up passing out. When the caning was complete, the stud back was covered with red, some welts, some of it was blood.

Jim was awoken, when a bucket of cold water was thrown on his face. When he came too, there was a guy, standing there that later Jim would find out his the major of the region of the country he was in. With a think accent the mayor stated "My name is Omar, but you are to refer to me as Master, do you understand me boi?"

Jim, was slow to respond, "Where am I?"

The blow to his face was swift, as Omar struck, Jim. "Where you are is not important, boi. You have been sent to me by Master Wesley. And you can make this easy on yourself or hard. It's up to you", Omar stated.

"Fuck you, I will not submit to no foreign piece of shit. I'm an American, and I want to call the Embassy, " Jimmy stated in defiance.

"So be it, let your submission begin, you stupid Yankee stud. Guards prepare the prisoner, " Omar stated.

Four guards quickly run in, and remove the restraints holding Jim in place. He was whisked thru the halls of the build, then out the front door, into the town square. In the middle of the town square is a stage, with one pole in the middle of the stage. The guards took Jim, to the stage and then secured him in place, with his hands and feet tied secured behind the pole, forcing his huge chest and manhood to stand out.

The town square filled up quickly, when the word got out that there was an American about to be beaten, this would be the biggest thing the town had ever seen. Jim was so pissed, being on display for these low live people.

The mayor came out and got up on the stage, and started speaking in his native language. Omar, was telling the crowd, why the American stud was there, and what was going to happen. He advised the crowd that they would break this American stud, and that he would be his slave before it was over. The crowd erupted in laughter. Omar turned and walked right up to Jim and stated, "Thank you for putting up a fight, it's going to make breaking you so much more fun," and he snapped his fingers, and moved out of the way. Two men appeared on both sides of Jim, both holding caines. The two men begin caning the studs chest and abs, working in complete unison. As the beating continued, and Jim would yell out in pain, no one could hear him, over the roar of the crowd. The caning went on for about an hour, the American stud was fighting the pain, and did not want to give up, with these low life people watching and cheering. He could not hold out for ever, and did end up passing out.

When he awoke, when was stretched out on a wooden table or device, with his arms secured above his head, and ankles at the end of the table. Omar walked up to the bound stud, and asked him once again, if he was ready to call him Master. Jim responded, "Never". With the snap of his fingers, a cranking noise could be heard, and the bound studs, arms were being pulled further above his head. He was being stretched tight; it continued to pull, inch by inch, until he could not be pulled anymore. When he was stretched tight, Omar left him there being pulled as tight as he could.

After being left on the rack all night Omar came in and released the tension on the crank, allowing the stud to relax. Jim, let out a moan, and his body went limp on the table. Omar snapped his fingers, and guards appeared, and released the stud from the restraints, and moved him to a X-Cross, with leather cuffs on his wrist and ankles, he was fasten to the cross. Jimmy's head hung down resting in his chest. Omar came over and lifted the studs head so they would be face to face. Omar, leaned in, and whispered in the studs ear, "Are you ready to call me Master?"

Mustering his will, Jimmy responded, "Never."

Omar, just smiled and snapped his fingers. A guard came over and started to tie rope around the stud's balls, then attached a bucket to the rope. The bucket was empty, and then the guard poured in a predetermined amount of sand, and the bucket pulled on the stud's balls. Like clockwork the guard would return every 30 m ins, and add more sand to the bucket, cause the bound stud to winch as it caused his balls to be pulled hard. This went on for hours, and by the end the stud's balls were turning blue. When Omar, finally had the guards removed the bucket and rope form the stud's balls, he had sweat pour down his body, and he let out a sigh of relief. Omer just smiled, as he was loving this so much, this was the first time he every had a hot American stud to torture.

The guards once again removed the restraints, and quickly took Jim, back to the town square. This time there was what would appear to be something like a saw horse, only a little bit larger. The guard's first fastened the studs ankles to the back legs, then forced him down with his chest resting on the center boards of the device, then attached his wrist to the front legs. They them used leather straps coming around from the bottom of the center boards, and going over the studs back, making sure he was secure and unable to move.

Once again the town squared filled and Omar once again talked to all of the town's people. When Omar was done the assault began, and Jim yelled out as the thick board, hit his bare muscled ass. Every time the board struck, the cheers from the crowd grow louder. Before it was over, Jimmy's ass was bright red, and tears were running down his face. When Omar told the crowd that the big American stud was crying, it was the loudest cheer of all. Omar then walked to where the studs head was hanging down, he lifted it, and wiped away the tears, and once again asked, are u ready to submit to your new Master?

It took Jim, a few minutes to clear his throat, and spit out "NO." Jim's mind was racing, he was not sure what else he could take, but he was never going to call some low life Master. Jim was removed, and taken to a small cell, with no light, and thrown in. He was left without food or water, for 24 hours. He was growing weak; Jim kept out hope that he soon would be free.

When the guards returned, they moved Jim to a room, where he was placed on a table, his legs hung off at the knee, and were fasten to the legs, then his arms were pulled above his head and fasten at each corner of the table. Then nipple clamps were place him and they were pulled upwards being tied off to a ringlet in the ceiling. Then his balls were pulled thru a hole in a wooden plank. The plank was then pulled upwards as well tied off to ringlets as well. His balls were nice and tight in the device. Once in place Omar came into the room. He walked over to the table here Jim was bound too.

Omar fills the stud in "You know, my find American stud, no one has ever made it this far, without calling me Master. I have been waiting for the right stud to use this next treatment on. Thank you for the chance to break u with my own hands, and this little stick."

"Fuck you, you sick bastered," Jim spits out.

Omar just laughs... Omar then takes the stick in his hand and begins to lightly tap on the bound studs balls.

Jim, cannot believe the filling that he's getting from the stick hitting his balls, he's panting and heaving with each tap. Omar continues the assault and can tell by the stud's reaction that this is working just like he planned. After about 20 minutes, he stops, and tells Jimmy, "All you have to do to get me to stop, is say I submit to you Master.

Jimmy shakes his head from side to side, and states "I will not."

Omar begins again, the slow tapping, continues, on and on, he can tell its driving the stud crazy. He continues the torture off and on for the next 2 hours, when he hears Jimmy say "Please stop, stop no more."

Omar, leans over and is staring into the studs face, and states, "Say it Jimmy, tell me I'm your Master."

Jimmy, "Just stop please stop, no more.. "

Omar continues hitting the stud's balls, "Tell me jimmy, tell me you submit to your Master."

Jimmy response, "OK.. ok, ok, just stop."

"Jimmy say it now or else, tell me u submit to your Master, " Omar repeats has he still continues to hit the studs balls.

Not able to stand it anymore, Jimmy makes the statement, "I submit to you Master."

Omar gushes with delight, and stops and leans closer to the studs face, "Say it again Jimmy boi."

Jimmy takes a big gulp, and says it again, "I submit to you Master."

Omar, is thrilled, now for the real fun. He yells out in a triumphant noise, causing the guards to run in, he tells them he as achieved victory and how they can really enjoy the stud. They all being rejoicing. The whole time Jimmy, becomes more worried, he thought this would be the end, but what was his fate now.

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