Rookie Qb Defeated

By moc.loa@71wfdrdk

Published on Sep 14, 2023


Jimmy's mind is going 1000 miles a minute, what is he going to do. His life, everything he stands for will be gone in a bleak of an eye, if that gets out. Wesley made it looked like I wanted everything he did too me.

"Jimmy I said kneel before you Master, or I'm hitting the button." Wesley's voice has an evil sound to it...

Jimmy knowing he can't let this get out, slowly raises off of the table, walks over to Wesley, and kneels before him. Wesley pats his stud on the top of his head. He then walks over to a table, and returns with a collar.

"Jimmy you are to wear this collar at all times, it clearly states that you are my property, do you understand."

Looking up to Wesley, Jimmy states in a very somber tone, "Yes Master." Wesley loves the responds and places the collar on his new property.

Wesley then tells his new boy, to get into the sling that is now hanging in the middle of the room. Jimmy is slow to act, but knows he has no choice. When Jimmy is in the sling, Wesley secures is arms and legs in position. Wesley is towering over the bound stud, looking directly at the helpless man. Now to begin with phase 2 of your breaking. Wesley, places the head of his cock, right at the opening of the studs man hole, looking directly into his eyes, he slowly begins to penetrate, this virgin hold.

Jimmy, screams out load, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO", has this rock hard cock invades his body. Wesley is total beside himself. He has longed for this day, and he is in no rush. Wesley, slowly inch by inch pushes is entire cock in to the studs hole. Wesley is enjoying the felling of the tight ass around his cock, and the look on the bound studs face. Wesley, continues the attack but every so slowly, pulling his man hood all the way out, then back in until his balls hit the ass of his new toy. As the attack continues, and Jimmy's pain slowly turns to erotic ecstasy, his head hangs down, with his mouth open, and moans going from deep within. As Wesley continues, he belittles the stud with comments thru out the fucking; he can see the reaction, as the studs cock twitches with every movement and word. As Wesley fucks the stud, slowly for about an hour, he rams it in one last time, erupting inside of the stud, leaving his seed. When Jimmy feels the eruption, his on cock begins to explode, shooting his load all over his toned abs and chest.

Wesley, pulls his manhood out, of the used hole, and yells at the stud "Get the fuck out, and remember when you get my message you better follow thru or else". Jimmy manages to get out of the sling, and hurry's to gather his things, and rushes home. Thinking the entire way, what should he do, who can he call for help, but he does not find a solution.

When Jimmy gets home he is starving, he gets leftovers from the fridge, then after eating, he takes a long hot shower, trying to wash away everything that just happened. He is awoken, by his cell phone, when he reads the message; it's very clear who it's from. "You are to report to the following address in one hour, if not, then the tape is out. " Jimmy was hoping this was done and over, but knows he has no choice, so he gets around and heads off for the address he was give.

Jimmy has arrived to what appears to be a deserted warehouse, and there is a not on the door, giving him instructions. Jimmy read's the information, and follows them to the T, when he enters a room with a wrestling ring. There is a table with some gear, and a note. He reads the note, and it gives him two choices, one willing submit to be fucked again, our fight his opponent, and if he wins he is free to go. Jimmy, is a man's man, he is strong and can take a lot and dish out even more. No choice about it, he is going to fight it out. Little does Jimmy know, that's what was planned all along. Jimmy, follows the instructions, changing into the wrestling gear, and enters the ring. Jimmy is now all hyped up, ready to bring down his opponent and end this for good. Jimmy, starts to ell, come show yourself, let's get the show on the road, I have things to do.

Jimmy, hears a door open, he is waiting to see who is going into the room, with the lights shining on the ring, is impossible for him the see the figure that is approaching him. He hears this deep voice, "I'm so glad you choice option 2, Jimmy boi, as this will be so much more fun, beating you into submission, before a fuck that white pussy boi ass." Jimmy is taken aback, that voice, he knows that voice. When from the darkness appears this huge black stallion of a man, standing 6'5" and at 3850 lbs. Jimmy stops in his tracks. He was right he knew that voice; it belonged to Tyrell, the most feared defensive player in college history. He had played against him several times, but never did Tyrell ever get the upper hand. Tyrell, had always tried to physic out Jimmy, before the game, making the most crazy statements to the press, trying to throw him off his game.

Tyrell, can see the look on jimmy's voice, "What's wrong stud it's just you and me now no offensive line to protect you, scared?

Jimmy response quickly, " I was not scared of you then nor now."

"Well, then Jimmy boi, let's get this started, and you are clear on what happens based on the the results of the match", Tyrell states.

"Hell, yes and I'm ready to get my life back, so let's begin", Jimmy states.

Tyrell jumps in the ring, and the two are at each other's throat with in seconds. The two trade blows and holds, with the match going back and forth for about 15 minutes. Jimmy, currently has the black stallion, in a headlock, when everything begins to go downhill. Jimmy feels this immense pain from his balls, the black stallion, rammed his fist right into his balls. With the pain and shock, jimmy release the hold on the stallion, Tyrell is quick to act, throwing Jimmy into the turnbuckle. Jimmy hit so hard that he was propelled back towards the ring, only to meet a charging Tyrell, throw his body into Jimmy's, and forcing squashing him into the turn buckle.

Jimmy is in a daze, when he feels the full force of Tyrell's fore arm slamming against his hard chest, the smack echoes thru the room, and you can see the red mark left on his chest from the impact. Tyrell continues, with his assault, 2, 3, 4, 5 about a dozen strikes. Tyrell, grabs Jimmy's, arm, and like a sling shot, jimmy is flying across the ring into another turn buckle. Before Jimmy can react, Tyrell is there, and begins to use the studs pecs and abs as target practice, if it was not for Jimmy's arms hanging over the top ropes, he would be on the floor. Tyrell, does not stop, the beating, for about 5 minutes, Jimmy's head is hanging low, when Tyrell, raises it up so he can look into his eyes. Right then an upper cut hits Jimmy square in the jaw, and he falls to his knees the face first into the mat. That would have ended any normal guy, but Jimmy was not a normal guy, he was a rock hard stud, and was not going to give up.

Tyrell helps the stud up, only to body slam up in the middle of the ring. With Jimmy just lying there, Tyrell, starts with elbow drops to the studs chest, he repeats these in rapid succession. Then he out stretches the studs left arm, and begins need drops into his huge bicep. He then moves to the right arm, and then changes to attach the hamstrings and quadriceps in the studs legs. Jimmy is in so much pain, he has never been beaten so badly. Tyrell the straddles the stud, using his powerful legs, to hold Jimmy's arms, tight against his body. Tyrell, then brings his fist together, and lick a sledge harmer, begins to beat down on the stuns chest and abs.

After enduring the beating for about the last hour, Tyrell, stands up, above the beaten stud, and says, "Now its time to finish you". He reaches down, and tears apart the trunks Jimmy had been wearing, and removes his on trunks, releasing this giant man too, about 13 inches and fat like a beer can. Jimmy is in no condition to stop anything at this point, nor does he real now what is about to happen. Tyrell , picks the naked stud up, from that mat, his legs resting on Tyrell's shoulder and gives him one more huge body slam to the mat.

Tyrell, rolls the stud up on his shoulders, with his legs up in the air and using his on powerful arms forcing his arms to the mat using Jimmy's biceps as an arm rest, pins the stud to the mat. Jimmy is unable to move, and his man hole is wide open for attach in this position. Tyrell, looks down in to the defeated studs eyes, and slowly counts, 1, 2, 3m you lose. Without warning or delay, Tyrell, rams the length of his manhood, into Jimmy's ass. Jimmy's mouth opens wide, and throws his head back violently, but no sound nothing comes out of his mouth. Tyrell, laughs, and begins the violent attach on the studs hole, over and over, he rams the entire length into jimmy's hole, tears slowly run out of the corner of his eyes.

Tyrell, is very vocal during the whole session, calling him a white pussy boi, trash, no good fucker, fag, bitch, slut, whore, cum dump. Tyrell can feel the studs cock bouncing in the air, and feels the twitching, every time he is degraded even more, during the session, Jimmy ends up shooting three loads, covering his on chest and face with his cum. Slowly thru the process, sounds finally emerge from the stud's mouth, moans, and not from pain, but ecstasy. A grin appears on Tyrell's, face, and he knows phase two is complete, now on to phase 3, but he must finish, and with one last thrust shoves his cock all the way in, and erupting, leaving his seed in the studs, not so virgin or tight ass. Jimmy's insides are on fire, form the brutal fucking. Tyrell, pulls out his fact cock, and shoves it in Jimmy's open mouth, telling the pussy boi to clean his black dads cock...

Next: Chapter 4

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