Rookie Qb Defeated

By moc.loa@71wfdrdk

Published on Aug 24, 2023


Just a little back ground before I you tell you about the day I went from a man to a boy toy.

I'm Jim Johnson, 23 years old, and a in my rookie year as a quarterback in the pros. This was always my dream; I have worked hard to get my body in prime condition. I'm 6'3" 250 lbs of solid muscle, nice pecs covered with a nice layer for hair, with nipples the size of quarters and my abs are to die for, black hair, and blue eyes that make you want to take a swim. I have always been proud of my body, and thought that the hairy chest made me look more manly. When I was drafted in the third round, it only made me more determined to succeed, I'm the first there and last to leave. One of the assistants that worked with the quarter backs, was Wesley Williams, a 35 year old that wanted to be a quarter back but never made it. Wesley stands at 6" 185lbs, and decent shape for an older guy.

I'm not sure when it started, but Wesley and I never did really hit it off, I guess he was jealous of me and my position. I don't think he ever thought I could be a quarterback. Anyway it was Wed afternoon and it was our bye week and coach called practices at noon, but I was there until about 2pm. When I finished my work out and had showered, I went to my locker, and as always there was a bottle of my favorite sports drink. I chugged it down, put on my skin tight shirt, jeans and shoes. It was about then it hit me, and the next think I knew I was out on the floor.

When I woke, I was still out of it. As I came too, I realized I could not move. My arms were stretched out in each direction up towards two steel poles on either side of me, and my legs were also spread out attached with chains to the steel poles. I was still fully clothed and sweat was pouring from my body, looking around there were heat lamps pointed directly at me. All I good think was how did I end up here, and who was behind it all.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

"Glad you could join me Jimmy, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Who is it show yourself."

From behind the bright lights, out walks Wesley, dressed with a leather harness, that showed off his firm hard pecs, a jack strap, and chaps. I would have never guessed he would have had such a hard body, from seeing him at work.

"What in the hell are you doing, let me the fuck go, Wesley."

"Ha ha ha, please Jimmy, you are here to become my boy toy."

"What the hell are you talking about, you are a sick person. And my name is Jim."

As Wesley approaches his stud bound tight, there is a devilish grin. "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, you will see, that you now belong to me."

Both men are face to face staring straight at each other only inches separate them. Wesley, whips out a knife, and in a split second, he is holding it at the studs adams apple.

Jim takes a deep breath and trying to remain calm, "Ok Wesley calm down, no need for anyone to get hurt."

Wesley, does not say a word, but takes the tip of the blade, and starts from the stud's adams apple, and starts tracing down his body, stopping and paying extra attention, to the studs nipples, that can been seen all too well thru the tight sweat soaked shirt. He continues all the way down to the stud's crotch.

Jim is panting, and trying to remain as still as possible, watching the knife closely, hoping this was not the end of his life.

Wesley, looks into the stud's eyes, "You look so hot, let me help you cool off,", and with one swift move of the knife, starting at the bottom of the shirt, going upwards, he cut away the sweat soaked shirt from the studs body.

All Jim could do was look, and be thankfully, it was just his shirt and not him being gutted. "Wesley, look, I'm not sure why you are doing this, but you need to stop this before it goes too far."

Wesley, looked defiantly into the studs eyes, and as he did once a again took the tip of the knife, tracing done the studs, chest and abs, once again stopping to play with the nipples. As he played with them they grew, hard, and he could hear light moans coming from the bound stud. Then down he went and now he was cutting away the jeans, leaving the stud hanging in just his soaked white jockeys.

Jim's head was swimming; he was so exhausted from hanging there for hours with the heat lamps shinning down on him. He was slow to respond, "Look, Wesley I don't know why you are doing this, but let me go now, Its over."

Wesley, stepped back and just stared at the stud, hanging there, enjoying the site of seeing Jimmy, chained there, sweat pouring doing, his fur covered chest, his cock easily visible thru the sweat soaked jockey. Wesley once again had that devilish grin, he knew his plan was working, before the night was over, this stud would willingly do as his Master commanded. Wesley, moved around behind his stud, walking up from behind him. Bringing his arms around the stud, and pinching each one of Jimmy's nipples, Jimmy throws his head back, and low moans started coming from his mouth. Whispering in his ear, "That's right Jimmy, give in to me, become my boy toy.. "

Jim, cleared his head, and stated "never, never, will I give into you."

"In time you will willing kneel before your master." Wasting no time, Wesley removes the knife from his belt, cutting away the last piece of clothing that his stud was wearing. Sliding the knife between the crack of Jimmy's ass,

Jimmy jumps, pulling his body forward, feeling the cold steel, where nothing has ever been before. "Wesley please stop this now, don't do this." Jimmy was on overload, so exhausted, how much more can he go thru.

Wesley walks, around and asks one more time, "Are u ready to be my boy toy."

Jim, shakes his head from side to side, "No I will not, you piece of shit."

Wesley, goes off to the side, and returns with some rope, he quickly goes to work on tying off the balls of the bound stud. He pulls the rope and attaches it to a hook in the floor, stretching the balls of his helpless, stud. Jimmy lets out a screech, when his balls are fully stretched out.

Wesley grins, and slowly turns and leaves, leaving his stud hanging there under the heat lamps. When Wesley returns, about an hour later, his sweat socked stud has his head down, resting his chin on his chest that is heaving up and down. The floor below has pools of sweat. "Well there Jimmy are you still with me."

Slowly raising his head, he sees Wesley standing there now with nothing but the leather harness that outlines his pecs, nicely. He can see his cock that's pointing right at him it must be around 10.5 inches. "What, what are u doing?"

"I told you, making you my boy toy."

"No, never.. "

"Are you sure, this is your last chance?"

"No, I'm not fucking gay, never."

Wesley laughs, and moves behind his hanging stud. He places some lube on his finger, and moves right up behind, Jimmy, and starts, to rub lube on the studs manhole.

Jimmy, once again tries to pull away, but is trapped. "Wesley don't fucking do this, hell no this is not funny."

Wesley moved in closer, whispering in his ear, "Why should I stop, please tell me, I have complete control and you are mine."

"Please we can work out something, anything but this, please."

Wesley pauses, reaches around with his left hand, tweaking the studs nipple, low moans once again come from the studs mouth. "So you say anything?"

"Yes anything, but just don't fuck me."

Wesley slowly walks around to face his stud, lifting the studs head up so they are looking eye to eye, "OK, I tell you what I will let you down, on one condition. For the next 5 hours you are mine, you will do what I say, and obey me. I will not fuck you unless you ask for it, but you will suffer and do what I say. After those 5 hours are up if you wish to leave, then I will let you walk away, never to hear from me again."

Jim, is slow to respond, thinking in the back of his mind, how bad can it be, he went thru frat initiations, and made it. "Ok, I will do it, but no fucking, right."

Wesley looks, and does not break a smile, however his mind is going crazy, this is right where he wanted him. He played right into his hands. "That's right Jimmy, I promise not to fuck you unless you ask for it."

Jimmy takes a deep breath, thinking he will never ask for that, so he is home free. "Ok, so let me down."

Not so fast stud, I know you are eager to start severing your new Master, and that is what you will call me for the next 5 hours, no matter what. Understand"

Jim pauses

"Well, I don't have all night, which one is it getting fuck, are me abusing you for the next 5 hours?"

"Ok, abuse me, no fucking"

"Ok what?"

"I told you OK, just no fucking."

"I believe I told you how to address me."

Jim takes a breath, "OK Master."

"Very good, Jimmy." Wesley moves around behind his stud. He gets a drugged soaked rag from a table out of Jimmy's view. He walks up behind Jimmy, reaches around him and covers his nose and mouth. "Breath in Jimmy do not fight it. " Slowly the stud stops fighting and he's all relaxed, but not knocked out. Wesley releases the stud's ankles form their restraints, and then removes the rope form his balls then starts with his left arm. When he releases his arm, it falls quickly from exhaustion, then the right. Jimmy falls to the floor resting on his knees, arms like limp dicks at his side, and his chin resting on his heaving chest. Wesley walks off to the side, makes some adjustments and the heat lamps are now off, and the room is lite like a stage. He then turns some more switches, and 8 cameras located threw out the room come to life. They are hidden from view has well mics placed in the room to record every sound. Wesley then walks and stands in front of the kneeling stud. Reaching down with his hand and lifting the studs face so he is now staring straight up into his Masters eyes. "Now Jimmy remember our agreement, are you here of your own free will?"

Jimmy looking into Wesley's eyes, and slow states "Yes."

"Now Jimmy we have talked about how to respond, I need you to answer that correctly, and louder."

"Yes Master."

"Good, Will you obey and follow your Masters orders."

"Yes Master."

To be continued

Hey let me know what you think. You can e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 2

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