Ronnie and Randy

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jun 28, 2005



Ronnie and Randy By

A few years ago, when I was in my early 50s, I met a very interesting set of identical twins, Ronald and Randall. We'd decided to spend a Saturday afternoon together after we'd been introduced at a party by a mutual jacking friend. All I knew about them was that they lived together, and had an interest in mutual jacking. Ronnie and Randy were only a couple of years younger than I, and made an effort to be distinctive because they did not dress alike and they wore their hair differently. Ronnie parted his on the left, and Randy wore his brushed straight back. When I arrived, they were wearing bathing suits, and drinking beers. We sat down in their living room, and Ronnie brought me a bottle of Beck's. "Well, you don't look as much like identical twins as I'd imagined," I commented.

"No, we try to look different," Ronnie replied. "Our parents wanted to be sure of telling us apart," Randy added, "so they did something to make sure they'd always be able to tell who was Ronnie and who was Randy." He got up and dropped his bathing suit, revealing a normal-sized cock with a large mushroom head set off by a brown circumcision ring behind the ridge. A couple of seconds later Ronnie did the same, showing me a cock identical to Randy's except that the magnificent mushroom head was totally covered by a thin sleeve of foreskin that gathered in a little knot in front of the glans. "See the difference?" Randy asked. "Anyone can tell us apart once they see our dicks." "Too bad Randy got clipped just so our parents could feel secure about telling who was who," Ronnie added. "I really enjoy my foreskin and wish Randy still had his." "How 'bout you?" asked Randy. "You still got your hood?" I said nothing, but stood up and shrugged out of my clothes. Their eyes were riveted on my crotch as I dropped my shorts, and Randy whistled. "Wow, what a magnificent foreskin!" he exclaimed as my long, pendulous hood came into view, sharply distended by the bulk of my glans. Ronnie took me by the hand, leading me to their bedroom, where a king-size play pad awaited us. "You're our guest, so lie back and let us give you a good time," Ronnie said. I lay back in the center of the bed, and Ronnie knelt and spread my legs to get at my balls. I felt his fingertips tickling the hairs lightly, and my prick began to swell. I put a couple of pillows under my head so I could watch. "He's reacting!" exclaimed Randy as he sat on my right side, and his fingers wrapped around my cock near the end. As my cock swelled, Randy began to stroke my foreskin gently back and forth. "I really love foreskin," he said, "and this one is magnificent." Ronnie added; "Randy never gets enough foreskin. He's feeling mine all the time, and I lost count of how many times he made me come." Actually, all three of us were reacting. Randy's cock was full-hard, and Ronnie's moist glans began to peep out of its envelope as his cock swelled. I reached for Randy's cock with my right hand, and gently squeezed the big mushroom head a few times. My left hand reached Ronnie's cock, and my thumb and forefinger gently peeled the skin back, revealing a smooth and glossy version of Randy's mushroom. Most men have helmets or mushrooms, the difference being mainly whether the ridge flares out. The mushroom head is short and blunt, and becomes wide very quickly, the ridge dropping off to the shaft straight. It resembles a mushroom, which is the reason for the name. The helmet, of which my glans is one, is longer, and has an outward curving ridge like that on a military helmet. Ronnie used his other hand to drip some baby oil onto his brother's mushroom, and I began a light fingertip stroking because I didn't want to make him come too fast. I felt Ronnie's hood retract, forming a snug collar behind the head, and when I stroked it, it came forward only far enough to bump his ridge. I strummed the sensitive gee-string under the head and heard him catch his breath. "That feels real nice," he said. Their cocks were slightly longer than my six inches, with straight shafts, and their big mushrooms were deep pink. My full-hard cock still had some foreskin gathered in front of the head, and Randy was rolling the nipple between two fingers. "It comes back, doesn't it?" he asked. "Oh, yeah, it certainly does. You just have to grab a big handful and pull," I explained. He got a secure grip on my hood and pulled back, baring my big purple helmet. "Hey, look at that," Randy said. "Looks like a Darth Vader helmet. Big ridge! That's a beautiful hole, too! Looks like a teardrop." He took long, satisfying strokes on my foreskin, completely denuding my glans on the back stroke, then bringing it up to envelope it completely and form a nipple beyond the end. I was getting double stimulation, as Ronnie's fingers were still tickling my balls as Randy full-stroked my cock, and I knew they'd make me come soon. "Slow down, Randy," urged Ronnie. "You'll make him pop and then your fun will be over." "He just loves to play with foreskin," Ronnie said to me. "Yours is so much longer than mine, and that's why he's fascinated by it." "Yeah, I love the way it slides," said Randy. "It really goes up and down over that big head." "He's juicing a lot," said Ronnie, referring to the lubricant that was rolling out of my hole to lubricate the thick foreskin. "That makes it really slippery, the way you like." "Yeah, look at that big hole," said Randy as he paused with my hood stripped back to show his brother my teardrop shaped hole. "I see it," replied Ronnie. "Now I'm going to get the vibrator." Ronnie got off the bed and within seconds returned with a big wand-type vibrator with a 110-volt cord leading to the wall plug. "This thing gives off powerful vibrations," he explained to me. "I'll put it in back of you and you won't know whether you're coming or going." "Oh, no," I replied. I don't even like a thermometer up my ass." "Don't worry," Ronnie said. "I'm not going to put it in. Just putting it in contact with your anus will send the vibrations deep inside you. "You'll feel them, don't worry." He dropped a few drops of baby oil on the vibrator's bulbous tip to make it slip easier between my cheeks, then slowly slipped it under me. I felt the rounded end probing at my anus, and I said ""hat'' it. You've got it." Randy was now giving me very long strokes, pulling back my foreskin hard enough to stretch my gee-string and make the tip of my glans dip towards my balls. He had loosened his grip to let my cock-head expand as my excitement mounted. "Look, he's getting closer," Randy exclaimed. "His tip's swelling and turning darker." Randy was right, and I felt a deep itch begin in my corona as he continued to stroke me. A tickle in my cock-root told me another gush of pre-cum had started up my shaft, and I felt the itch turn into an insistent tickle. "You a shooter or a dribbler?" he asked. "Dribbler, usually," I replied. "Tell me when you feel the first throb," Ronnie told his brother. "That's when I'll hit him with the vibrator." Randy continued to stroke me, but more slowly, prolonging the build-up, and I reveled in the delicious sensations. My cock was super-hard, shaft stiff, veins bulging at the top and side, and I felt every stroke of the long hood over my sensitive head. The nerve endings in my foreskin stretched sensually as the hood caressed the nerve endings in my glans, and I felt every delicious bump over my ridge. The tickle now changed to a hot tingle, and I murmured "This is it," as my eyes closed involuntarily. My awareness of the world outside dimmed as my attention focused on my cock. I felt the first throb deep inside, and then the sudden lashing vibrations as Ronnie pushed the button. My lower body was filled with sensation as my orgasm began, and I groaned helplessly, my prostate and cock-root churning with both spasms and heavy vibrations. Hot, burning juice shot up my shaft and gushed from my tip as I felt myself dissolving in the delicious agony of orgasm. My consciousness was assailed by several sensations. The vibrations filled my prostate, hot gushes of cream burned their way up my tube, and there was the heavy pounding of orgasm in my cock-root. I felt the gushes of juice rounding the upward bend in my urethra, heading toward the hole in my glans, and each gush spread the lips of my cum-hole as it shot through. "Man, he's shooting, not dribbling!" exclaimed Randy as he continued to stroke my foreskin in long, sensual strokes along the shaft and over the head. I felt hot drops landing on my chest, and knew that my cock-root was really pumping out the jets. I heard myself moaning helplessly in the distance, passively enjoying the delicious feeling of the orgasm the brothers were giving me. I don't know how many jets I shot before my sensations weakened, but at one point I heard Randy saying; "It's down to dribbles now. I think he'll be finishing soon." His strokes slowed and his grip became tighter, squeezing the dribbles out of my shaft. My cock-head suddenly became super-sensitive, and I yelped. Randy stopped stroking, but pressed his finger into the base of my prick on the underside, feeling for the tube. Running his finger up my shaft, he squeezed out the residue, and I watched it ooze from my hole. As my prick began to soften, I felt its excessive sensitivity fading, and I reached down and pushed the hood forward over the head. Ronnie and Randy were now stroking their own cocks, Randy caressing his big lubricated head while Ronnie jiggled his foreskin back and forth, bumping his ridge. "Here, let me help you guys. It's your turn now," I said. I got to my knees on the bed, and the brothers turned to face each other. "Do it to us while we're face to face," Ronnie said as he spread a towel between them. "When we do it together, we like to have the heads of our cocks touch. That makes it really sexy." They snuggled up so that their tips touched, and I grasped their cock-heads with two hands. Ronnie dropped more lubricant on his brother's glans, then poured some on his own. I spread the baby oil evenly over the sensitive surface with my left hand, then began to stroke him back and forth, twisting my fist as I went. My right hand massaged Randy's glans in the same way. I noticed that both brothers had large, gaping cum-holes, now filled with clear lubricant. It was exciting for me, as I rarely got to handle two cocks at the same time, and had never done it with two brothers. If I hadn't just shot my load, I would have been hot and hard in seconds. Their excitement, however, was building fast, and I felt their shafts stiffen and their tips swell, losing the spongy feeling, as they neared the plateau. Ronnie spoke: "Try to keep our holes together," he said. "If they're aligned right, one of us will shoot right into the other's, and that feels really great, having another guy's cream shooting into your hole." I kept twisting my fists on their swollen purple mushrooms, but carefully, so that their holes were close together. "Think you can come together?" I asked. "Doesn't matter too much," replied Randy through clenched teeth. "Ron will probably come first, 'cause his cock's more sensitive, but I'll be right behind him. Anyway, if his cream shoots down my hole, I'll pop my load right there." Now both brothers were tense, lips drawn back over their teeth, anticipating the explosions. Their mushroom tips were hot in my hand, partly because they were congested with blood but mainly from the friction. I saw clear fluid drip from between their tips onto the towel. I felt a powerful throb in my left hand as Ronnie began to shoot. I stopped twisting my fists and held their big mushrooms together as well as I could. Ronnie's cock throbbed several times, then Randy groaned and I felt his congested glans begin throbbi ng in my fist. Gushes of cream came out from between their swollen heads, dripping down onto the towel. Randy and Ronnie were really into it now, eyes closed, lips drawn back, as the rush of sensations overwhelmed them. A pool of cream built up under their tips, and I applied a few quick twists to make them juice more. Now both were crying out for me to stop, because they'd had enough. I let go, and watched strings of thick white cream dripping down from their mushroom tips. When it was all over, they rolled up the towel and wiped their sodden cocks with tissues. Ronnie replaced the hood over his shrinking head, and said he was going out to the kitchen to begin dinner. None of us were tired or sleepy. We all felt wired because the session had been so exciting. Randy and I went into the living room, where he placed towels on the couch facing the giant screen TV. He inserted a tape into the VCR, and I saw a European man on the screen, jacking his long-foreskinned cock. I had a copy of the same tape, and often watched it for inspiration. Randy said; "I like watching uncut guys beating off. I fantasize that I'm the guy on the screen." Ronnie came in with a tray, serving us big double martinis on the rocks, then returned to the kitchen to continue cooking. Randy took a long pull from his drink, and his hand dropped to my lap. He asked; "Mind if I play with it a bit? It's such a turn-on." I nodded affirmatively, and felt Randy's fingers begin to slip my long hood back and forth, jiggling it lightly. As my cock was still soft and didn't provide resistance, he couldn't strip it all the way back. I felt my penis begin to grow, and soon it was hard. I took a drink and relaxed to enjoy the delicious feeling. Randy began pumping, as our eyes remained fixed on the screen where another guy with a big bell-shaped head stroked a long loose foreskin back and forth over it. The bell head's ridge dropped almost straight down to the underside, instead of sweeping sharply forward as mine did, and the outward flare looked much like a bell's rim. This guy's cock-head was deep purple, and glossy from the copious flow of lubricant he was secreting. The actor changed his stroke, now rolling his foreskin between the palms of his hands, and Randy began doing this to my cock, maybe not realizing how stimulating this particular stroke is for me. A heavy tingling began in my rim, and I knew that if he didn't stop, I'd be blasting off within seconds. Luckily, the guy on the screen began jiggling his hood back and forth in quick strokes that just covered and uncovered his rim. Randy changed to this stroke, and my breathing began to slow. Randy was staring avidly at the screen, then at my turgid tool, enjoying the sight and feel of heavy-foreskinned cock, and I felt my excitement mounting again, although not as fast as before. I took a sip of my martini as Randy said; "You're head's getting larger and stiffer." I could feel it as my cock seemed to swell to bursting, and my eyes closed as I readied myself for orgasm. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sensation in my tip, which made me open my eyes immediately. Following the action on the screen, Randy has skinned me back completely and was rubbing the fingertips of his other hand directly on my glans, running from dome to rim, and around the back, hitting all the nerve endings. I was starting to come, the hot throbbing deep inside telling me that I'd be gushing cream all over myself in another second. My eyes closed again, and gizm poured out of my cock, spurt after burning spurt, until I thought all my insides were shooting out through my cock. When I opened my eyes again as my orgasm faded, I saw Randy's eyes fixed on my big purple tip, fingers caressing it, sliding in the thick coat of cream that still dribbled from my hole. Then Ronnie came back to tell us dinner was ready, but when he saw us he grinned. "Can't get enough of that foreskin, can you, Randy?" he laughed. He used the towel in his hand to wipe my cock and abdomen, and I followed Randy into the bathroom to wash our hands. We sat down to a delicious meal of corned beef and cabbage, washed it down with several bottles of beer, and after dinner returned to the living room to watch another European tape. The sight of all those foreskins got us aroused, but that's another story.

The end

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