
By Darc Blackwind

Published on Feb 3, 2005


Hello, friends at Nifty,

Once again, I apologize for the tardiness of this chapter. I must say, though, it was most fun to write! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 4

Naoko gazed on at the two from behind the trees, at a complete loss for words. She had seen it all, him getting sucked off by the demoness she found out was named Ryoko, him eating her ass out, and the grand finale of him fucking her until collapse. Needless to say, she was extremely hot and bothered by watching their antics and had to masturbate herself to quell her craving. Biting her arm to stifle the cry of lust as she pushed herself to orgasm, she stood there, panting slightly and gazing as the two lovers fell asleep, naked and completely unaware of her subterfuge. Wow, I had no idea Seizan liked oni as well as women. . . . What a shock, she thought as she stood there, bathed in shadow, gazing upon the couple in the patch of moonlight. As she watched the two cuddle together, she felt a pang of guilt hit her squarely in her taut, sexy stomach and sighed, creeping stealthily back to their encampment to let them be what they wished without her knowledge.

Sitting down and leaning against the boulder Seizan had been using as a chair, she sighed and grabbed Ni-Ten, her kasurigama. Seeing her beautiful face reflected in the shiny blade's metallic sheen, she couldn't help but feel happy for her travel companion. It had been far too long since she had known love's touch, with any sort of lover, male, female, even oni. Taking out her whetstone, she slid it slowly across the bottom edge of the sickle, a gentle "shing" coming from the contact as she honed the blade. Hearing the crickets sing once more now that the others had quieted their sex-play, she felt more at ease. The moaning and groaning of Seizan and his lover had reopened old scars for her own lovers. Her last lover was an oni named Kagetora, a warrior from the Demon Serpent Clan. No matter how hard she tried to forget him, Kagetora remained ever so vivid in the recesses of her mind. She smiled, admitting that she had fun with him, especially when sex was involved. The demon had been almost human looking, minus his eyes, which were slits like those of a snake's eyes. And he was certainly well-endowed, but that was a trait of oni, for some reason. Remembering the last time Kagetora took her, she felt quivers of delight run up her spine. Seizan plowing Ryoko's butt like he had done definitely brought back some fragrant memories to her.

The metallic "shing" coming off her kasurigama as she sharpened it intensified as she envisioned Kagetora. She had given her heart to the serpent-man, and he in turn gave her his heart. However, it was not meant to be, for Kagetora was a half-demon. His clan despised me. . . . she thought morosely as she sharpened her weapon to razor sharpness. He was different from the rest, for he retained his mother's looks of being human. His eyes were all that remained of his father's appearance. . . . Sighing, she set her weapon aside and gazed into the stars. Kagetora . . . where are you now?

She gazed back into the clearing where she saw Seizan and Ryoko's silhouettes. What a lucky guy he is, she thought to herself as she hugged herself against a chill draft coming in from the mountains to the west, down the road. Shrugging all of it off, she sighed and went back to her sleeping quarters, lost in thought. Smiling to herself and gazing up into the velvety blackness of the clear, tranquil night sky, she sighed, the mist of her breath rising lazily towards the opalescence of the moon. Our paths will cross again one day, Kagetora. . . . It's just a matter of time. . . .

Seizan awoke with a start, grabbing for his katana involuntarily at the sound of a twig splintering. Seeing nothing threatening in the gentle moonlight, he sighed and gazed down upon his beautiful Ryoko, her eyes closed gently and her breath playing across his naked chest and face soothingly. Smiling down upon her, he gently kissed her forehead, holding her lithe, taut body tightly against his. She instinctively moaned and smiled at his kiss, making him feel almost high from the rapture of her love.

She thinks she's falling in love with me. . . . he thought as he leaned against the tree to stretch his back out. After Seiko, I swore to the sword never to fall in love again. . . . Why am I feeling this way to her words. . . ? A gentle breeze drifted lazily across his face, reminiscent of a lover's caress. Swiping his hair out of his eyes, he felt Ryoko's arms cling more tightly to him, pulling him closer to her. Why couldn't I say `I love you' to her? I . . . I don't love anymore, I suppose. . . . He sighed and wrapped his arms around her shivering body to keep her warm. But . . . what is this I'm feeling, then?

Sighing in confusion, he gazed up at the moon, feeling comfort from its iridescent façade hovering so close it seemed like he could reach up and pluck it out of the sky. Smiling at the sight, he looked back down upon Ryoko, feeling her breath caress his chest softly. He chuckled quietly at the vast irony of what he was sensing.

Long ago, I had felt the same thing for another demoness. . . . he thought to himself as he gazed up at the grand moon as it slowly descended past the mountains' edges, casting a great shadow about the trail leading inward to the interior of the mountain. Since then, I have aged and grown sharper. . . . Cold and ruthless as a glacier from the north sea. . . . Her name was Seiko Tatsuyama, a demoness from the Snow Demon Clan. . . . Just like the Snow Goddess, just like Ryoko, she was beautiful. . . . It was the first time I had felt the intoxication of love and I remember the feeling far too well. . . . Worse was the feeling of abandonment after she left. . . . I swore to the sword never to love again. . . .

Once more he heard the snapping of a twig from off into the orchard, a silhouette moving slowly in the periphery of his vision towards the clearing where he and Ryoko were lying. Watching the shadow move slowly towards him, he reached for his katana and drew it. Ryoko's eyes opened slightly and gazed into his. "What is it, my love?" she whispered as she felt his muscles tense in preparation for battle.

Gazing down at his lover, Seizan smiled. "I must leave for but a moment, lover," he whispered, caressing the side of her fair face and kissing her forehead. "I'll be back before you know it." With that said, he got to his feet and dressed himself quickly, leaving his over-robe off for Ryoko to use as a blanket and just wearing his crimson under-robe, black hakama, and crimson sash. She moaned quietly as he wrapped her in his robe to keep her warm. "Don't go to fight, lover," she whispered worriedly. "Stay here, with me. . . ."

Caressing the side of her face with his scarred, callused hand, he knelt in front of her to gaze deeply into her eyes. "I must find out who is out there, love," he whispered, brushing his lips against hers. "If there is someone out there, he or she is waiting for us to fall asleep to rob and possibly kill us. The thought of your demise is too painful to bear, so I must go. . . ." Ryoko reached up and caressed the inverted cross-scar on the side of his face with her delicate hand, worry written in her eyes. "I will not die. This I guarantee. . . . I have something to live for now!" Seeing her giggle made him smile. "There we go. I will be back before you know it, lover. . . ." With that said, he kissed her one last time and left to find the creature lurking in the grove, waiting for him.

The darkness of the night seemed to close in on him as he wandered quietly through the trees, his eyes and ears weary of any sign of movement around him. Bathed in rancorous shadow, the ronin realized what it was that was stalking him and his lover. "Come out, wraith. Show yourself for you are caught!" he growled as he heard a snap behind him. Turning to look he watched as a shadow in the form of a human emerged and threw a dagger at him. Cutting it out of thin air, he lunged forward, rolling along the ground and coming up in an uppercut with his katana as it struck the wraith in the side, cutting its arm off. Covered in warm black-red blood from the attack, Seizan watched the wraith leap over him and onto a tree branch, then out of sight as it wailed in protest to his attack. Running out of the shadows of the grove, Seizan found himself alone in the clearing, the wraith gone. Twirling his katana to get the demon's blood off the blade, he sheathed it and, wiping the blood out of his eyes, returned to the demon's arm, which was dissolving into ash and dust. One thing remained, however, a ring on the wraith's middle finger.

Picking it up, he rubbed the inky blood off its surface and walked back to Ryoko to get a better glimpse at it in the wan moonlight. Ryoko watched as he came back to her, covered in the assailant's blood. "The coward left after I cut its arm off. . . ." he said as he sat down, making her giggle charmingly. "He left his arm back there, with this. . . ." He showed her the golden ring he found.

Giggling quietly, Ryoko smiled. "Thou art truly a mighty warrior, aren't thou, Ronin?"

Shrugging, Seizan smirked. "I just get by. . . . Besides, I love the heat of the battle when it is truly one for dear life! I was disappointed by that wraith's weakness. . . . But, I need a bath. . . . Do you wish to accompany me to the creek on the other side of the orchard? It could get lonely there. . . ." He left it as a double entendre to spark her curiosity as to what he meant by "lonely."

The creek gurgled quietly as it slithered onward through the grove to destinations unknown as Seizan walked to the bank and took off his blood-stained under-robe, letting it fall to the ground in a heap. Looking over at his lover, he grinned and took her in his arms, deeply French kissing her, his tongue massaging hers as they danced together slowly upon the moonlit bank. Feeling his muscular chest pressed against her naked breasts as her fingers clawed it, leaving red streaks on their way down to his stomach, she felt an overwhelming desire to take him right then and there. Feeling her hard cock press firmly against the fabric of his hakama, Seizan slowly let his hands creep down her taut, lithe stomach towards her hot, pulsating love organ. Grasping it firmly around its base, he pulled her close, caressing it and making her moan into the steamy kiss.

She pulled back slowly and gazed deeply into his eyes with a naughty little grin upon her gorgeous face. Licking her lips, she undid the fastenings that held his hakama pants to his waist, letting them fall to the ground around his ankles and freeing his hardened cock for her pleasure. Lust written in her gaze, she then descended upon him, taking his cock in her hot mouth and slowly wrapping her tongue around the head while fingering his balls. He groaned and thrust deeply into her mouth, feeling her soft, moist tongue lick the delicate underside of his penis and loving the sensation.

She sucked on his cock for about five more minutes before pulling off and getting up off her knees. "My, thou art so dirty, my gentle Seizan!" she whispered as she slowly and sensuously masturbated his hard penis. "I am going to have to bathe thy body myself!" With that said, she gently pushed him into the water and went in herself, the chill water giving her a rush of adrenaline and making him gasp in surprise and delight. She then cupped her hands and ran water over his muscular torso as she sat on his lap, feeling his steel-hard manhood brush sensuously against the entrance to her butt. She leaned forward, caressing her cock against his stomach and kissed him deeply, holding him tightly to her as though she'd never let him go. Pulling back, she gazed deeply into his eyes, her lust overcoming her. "I want to fuck you, my love," she whispered as she ground her anus against the head of his dick in sync with the motion of the flowing water around them.

His orgasm not far away, Seizan gazed deeply into Ryoko's eyes and nodded. "I was hoping to have your big member inside me again!" he whispered as he leaned forward and licked the tip of her nose lustfully. This sent her into a frenzy of grinding her butt against his hard cock, making him cry out as he penetrated her and came in her ass, the rush of his come shooting through her and making her scream in lust, arching her back as she felt his pulsating cock exit her butt and shrink with the chill of the water. Gasping, he quickly grabbed her hard cock and maneuvered so she could fuck him in that position, rubbing the pulsating head of her penis against his anal ring to get it moist from the precum and water. She then pushed forward, penetrating him and making him moan in ecstasy and pain.

After five or so minutes of letting her hard cock sit inside of him to get him used to it, she then slowly pushed the rest of her nine-inch shesword into his hilt, making him gasp and moan, wrapping his legs around her waist. She leaned back against the water and let him straddle her hips, his own hips gyrating slowly to get her breathtaking womanhood to bestow upon him her love fluids. She gripped him by his waist and thrust upward, making him cry out in agony and ecstasy as she fucked him, grasping his hardening cock once again and jacking it off. He arched his back and mauled her tits with his hands as he rode her great white snake, the water sloshing off of their bodies in his effort to make his lover scream his name.

Seeing the lust written in her eyes made him all the more ardent in the quenching of his lustful desire. Her eyes rolling up into the back of her head from such intense pleasure, she screamed his name as she thrust forth once more, unable to hold out any longer against his gyrating hips and came what felt like a gallon or more of hot semen into his violated rectum. Her breath ragged and wheezy, she leaned back against the current of the chill water, completely exhausted, and closed her eyes. Pulling off her withering womanhood, Seizan was utterly spent as well, lying down next to his lover in the shallow stream, sweat and river-water matting his sable hair to his face. Gently caressing the side of her sweaty, wet, beautiful face, he cuddled with her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her naked breast.

"My Seizan. . . ." the beautiful oni whispered, her eyes still closed. She wrapped her arms around her lover tightly. "Please don't leave me. . . ."

Gently kissing her upon her soft, pouty lips, Seizan smiled. "I will never leave you, lover. I give you my word!" He cuddled up to her again, feeling her sigh in content and kiss his forehead.

"I am glad. . . . I love you, Seizan. . . ." With that said, she drifted off to sleep, in Seizan's arms and lying in the shallows of the flowing creek. Seizan lay there with her for what seemed like hours, not speaking, not moving, just simply enjoying the warmth of love once more and enjoying the caress of the chill water cleaning off his body as it passed him. She loves me. . . . he thought silently as he watched the moon descend past the mountains and throw the valley into shadow once more. How is it that I feel love for her as well? . . . Is it true love? Or is it but another empty dream, destined to force me to awaken into a much greater nightmare. . . ? I knew I was telling the truth to her when I swore I would never leave her. . . .

Sighing, he gazed up at the velvet blackness of the night, the tiny points of light shining down upon him as he simply enjoyed the current of the water. It seems we are nothing more than buoys, adrift on the tides of this grand ocean called fate. . . . Truly, nothing could be more symbolic than water. . . . It takes no true form, seeks no absolute constant. . . . It is the incarnation of chaos. . . . Perhaps this is why I am falling in love once more? The chaos of my life is true to the very word, yet I long for order in my most private moments. . . . Perhaps this is why I have left my guard down and have felt love's touch once more. . . ? Long ago, after the chaos from Seiko's abandonment, I swore to my katana never to be so naïve again. . . . How ironic that such a covenant would be shattered as easily as glass after another demoness falls in love with me. . . . Oh well. . . . If there is one thing I have learned upon this long journey of life is that there is always an uncertain tomorrow. . . . Might as well enjoy today before it fades away, evanescent as a dream. . . .

He lay silent for many long minutes before he heard someone approach him. Looking over, he saw Naoko upon the edge of the creek, gazing down at him. "Hi. . . ." she whispered, her eyes boring deep into his own.

"Hi. . . ." he whispered back as she took off her shoes and dangled her feet into the chill stream, sitting on the bank and getting comfortable. "How long have you been there?" he then asked as he slowly got up and carried Ryoko to the dry grass upon the edge of the bank to dry her off.

Smiling, Naoko shrugged. "Don't worry, ronin. I too have a taste for oni. In fact, it is why I got into the business of slaying them. There is always a chance I'll find one I like and perhaps am attracted to, if you know what I mean!" she said lightheartedly as she winked seductively to him.

Shrugging, Seizan nodded. "Whatever works, I suppose. . . . I am constantly watched over by the Snow Goddess Ayame. It is part of her pact with me for rescuing her snow demons from annihilation many years ago. Ryoko is part of the Snow Demon Clan, if you didn't notice. . . . Truly, she is one of a kind. Unlike any other lover from the Snow Demon Clan, she has warmth, something I'm a stranger to. . . ."

Smiling, Naoko nodded. "Yes, the touch of warmth is but a fleeting dream to me as well, my friend. . . ." she said as she handed him his hakama and under-robe, which was still horribly stained with demon blood. Getting his loincloth on, he fastened his hakama around his waist and went to the stream to wash the blood out of his under-robe. "I guess it happens to everyone who's versed in the art of war. . . ."

Looking back, Seizan smiled. "I'm glad to have you along, Naoko," he said as he turned back to scrubbing the blood out of his clothes furiously. "You don't mind if Ryoko joins us, do you?"

Smiling at his request, Naoko shook her head. "Not at all. She's quite attractive, isn't she?" she observed keenly, smirking naughtily. She then decided to dry her off gently, not waking her from her slumber. Covering her naked breasts and stunning body with Seizan's black over-robe, she sighed in content and sat back down, just watching the ronin clean his under-robe. "So," she then began, "what's next?"

Looking over his shoulder, he gazed at his travel companion curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we have one more now in our quest. We are going to the epicenter of demonic activity in this province, so therefore, we need to take into account if she knows how to defend herself. . . . I mean, you have your Shirai-Onikami technique, I have Ni-Ten, but what does she have? True, she is oni-kind, but still, snow oni aren't the most powerful oni in the world. . . ."

Seizan nodded, shrugging. "That's true. Even though they're known for their grace, beauty, and poetry, they aren't known for their strength to kill others. . . . But how did you know she was snow oni?"

Naoko laughed gently. "Come on, my friend," she said humorously, "only snow oni have hair like that! Frost white and tipped black, just like snow! I am a demon slayer, you know. It's part of my job to recognize certain types of demons. . . ."

Seizan laughed as he got up, his under-robe clean from blood and other contaminants. "I suppose I should have realized that before I asked. . . ." He slung the wet robe over his shoulder and walked back to the encampment to hang it over the fire-basin and then lit a fire to dry it off. Walking back, he gently picked up Ryoko and smiled. "Well, it's almost time for the sun to rise. We might as well try and get a trifle more sleep before we continue onward toward the Honden of Chaos' End."

Smiling at his way of thinking, she followed him back to the encampment and then lay back inside her tent. "Good night, ronin," she whispered as she closed the doorway.

"Good night, demon slayer. . . ."

Here ends Chapter 4. What did you think? As always, questions and comments are always appreciated, as it helps me develop the story more to what you want. Email me at

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