
By Daniel Master

Published on Dec 11, 1998


Disclaimer: the usual blabla do not read if you are underage etc... Copyright 1998 Daniel

Ronan, My Dark Angel: The Beginning

As I told you the last time we met Ronan was born in the year 666 what I didn't mention then is that his mother was a witch and his father a warlock so he is an original dark angel. I, on the other hand, am not: Ronan made me what I am. But I want to tell you about Ronan now. He was born in a time people didn't particularly like witches, but than they never seem to like anyone that isn't like them. Ronan's mother was killed when he was 16 and his father took him to live with an aunt until he would be grown up. The aunt, a sister of Ronan's father, knew what Ronan was and she finished his education. By the time Ronan turned 21 he stopped aging as we all do, unless of course we are being taken too early like some of our friends. One of our friends, his name is Sam, was taken by his dark angel at the tender age of 15: his angel just couldn't wait, but I'm getting on a side track now. Ronan picked his companion with care; he waited over six hundred years for me, but he had a life before I was born and he wanted me to tell you about it. It is not a pretty picture, so people with weak stomachs might want to leave. Perhaps I shouldn't tell the really gross stuff, ah well we'll see. Ronan left his aunt's house when he didn't have anything else to learn from her. A young dark angel doesn't need blood as much as an older one does and he could do with one feed every two months. But he fed using a lot of violence -- he really hated humans: for killing his mother, for hunting down his father, and for not leaving him alone. I have to tell you this before I forget, the union of a witch and a warlock does not necessarily produce a dark angel, it can go very wrong and produce something so evil Ronan doesn't want to tell me about it. But back to my love. He used a lot of violence: in his early years his trademark became leaving the bodies without their head and hands. He told me once the head was for their ignorance for hating without reason and their hands where for the blood on them for killing the ones he loved. He hates with passion my love. After a few decades his hate had softened but before it did he butchered thousands taking their heads and hanging them from trees, chopping of hands, ripping out hearts and guts. He was a beast rather than a person. After having fed he always felt this overwhelming urge to destroy and rip everything apart he could get his hands on. Now we know how to control that urge: he just fucks my brains out. But no one ever told him he could do that. In the year 1250 he met a man that taught him about sex he'd never even jerked himself until than! The man showed him to jerk off, give and take blowjobs, fuck, ... well you get the picture, don't you? They stayed together until he died (the man) in 1278. And Ronan was alone again he was still searching for his mate and he had to wait for a few more years. He met other guys now that he knew what he was looking for, he has a perfectly tuned gaydar (did I mention he doesn't do girls?) He wont fuck what he wont eat, he says. I think it's a joke -- I never saw him eat a man either. He had a lot of guys from then on. If you were to see him, you would know why -- he is very handsome. He has black hair, which is to be expected from a dark angel, he has piercing dark eyes, a very fair complexion, he hates the sun. The last guy before he found me lived with him for nearly 30 years. His name was Connor, Ronan thought for a while he was to be his mate but he was wrong. Connor never knew about Ronan's search for his mate, he did know Ronan was not human. He couldn't have missed that one, Ronan never aged a day while Connor kept growing older. I know Conner's death hurt Ronan more than he was willing to admit, because I know Ronan. In 1332 I was born in the same place Ronan was born over 600 years ago. He knew I was his mate the minute I was born, he says I hit him like a bolt of lightning. He had the task of making sure I stayed a virgin for 21 years and boy did he have his hands full with that. I was a horny little bastard. But living in a small town in that time and age I didn't have a chance to get laid that was not for lack of trying though. Ronan can transform into any animal he likes, that is how he kept an eye on me all the time. He made sure I was safe, remember a dark angel gets one mate and he wasn't going to let anything happen to me. I think I have to explain this a bit further, most dark angels get to pick their own mate but for some of them, like Ronan, one is chosen by a higher force. If his mate dies he is doomed to stay alone for eternity. He can of course choose a human lover but they have the habit of dying. On my 20th birthday, Ronan introduced himself to me; he told me he was new in town. We got talking and we became best friend in a matter of days. One year later he took me to be his. The day of my 21st birthday, Ronan said he was taking me swimming in the lake a few miles down the road. We took the horses and got on the way early, before sunrise. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day we took the road through the woods and we chatted the whole time. When we got there Ronan found a secluded spot in the shadow he said he couldn't stand the sunlight on his skin. We went swimming and we played around in the water until the sun came up and Ronan went to his hideout. I stayed in the water for a while longer but it wasn't as much fun alone. When I saw Ronan in all his beauty I decided to take a chance and ask him for a birthday present -- I got a bit more than I bargained for. I cannot, of course, tell you the whole ritual we performed, but it involves blood and sperm. Ronan told me he was very happy he was to be my first, I now am too. He gently dried me, kissing every inch he dried. My knees got so weak I had to sit down Ronan lowered my body onto the soft grass and his body onto mine. Then he kissed me gently opening my lips with his tongue, I felt his tongue enter my mouth and softly moaned I sucked his tongue as far into my mouth as it would go. When he pulled back I followed and tasted his mouth. For the fist time I was in heaven (or so I thought at the time -- now I know better). I involuntary moved my hips in a slow rhythm and, when I found out what that felt like, I nearly came but Ronan moved away. He had bigger plans with me. Ronan made me lie down on my back and started to kiss his way down my body stopping only to suck on my nipples hell I never knew nipples could be this sensitive. He whispered, "Gabriel, I'm gonna fuck you. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you if you just relax" I moaned; I wasn't about to protest. I wanted to feel a cock up my ass for god knows how long. Ronan proceeded to kiss and lick my trembling body avoiding my rockhard cock witch by that time was leaking a steady stream of precum. Stroking and kissing my legs he pushed them up so he could reach my tight hole. I grabbed my legs and pulled them to my chest. I was willing to bend my body in half to allow Ronan to fuck me, but he surprised me by licking my quivering hole with his wet tongue. I moaned loud as his hot tongue gently licked me and tried to push itself in. "Oh my god, Ronan, ohmygod, ohmygod, I'm gonna shoot if you keep doing that ... oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, Ronan." And he stopped "We can't have you cumming already, can we?" he said "I'm going to loosen you up a little first," Ronan informed me and he took a little bottle filled with some kind of oil and started rubbing that on my asshole. When he was satisfied with his work he gently pushed one finger inside me and slowly fucked me with it. it felt so good and I moved my hips to meet his finger but Ronan stopped his movements right away. "You lie still until I tell you to move or I'll stop everything right now." It took all of my strength to obey Ronan, but I somehow did it and he slid two more fingers in me tantalisingly slow. I begged him to go faster and deeper -- fuck me hard -- but he didn't listen to a word I said. Finally he pulled his fingers out of me, rubbed the oil in his big cock and pushed the head against my relaxed hole. I whimpered and begged him to please fuck me. He pushed in slowly, said he didn't want to hurt me. I told him "Never mind about hurting me, just fuck me -- NOW!" Ronan's eyes locked onto mine. "Okay, I'll fuck you but don't complain to me later." And with that he pushed himself all the way in with one fast move, making me scream but I loved it. Ronan started fucking me in a steady rhythm making me moan and groan. Every time his cock slid past my prostate, pleasure shot through my body. Ronan lowered his body onto mine resting his elbows beside my head and kissed me, his tongue thrusting in and out until I caught it to suck on it. When I pushed my tongue in his mouth it, somehow felt strange like his teeth where larger or longer. I didn't have time to think about it though because my balls where about ready to mix my seed with my juices. Or in plain English my balls where about to burst. I let go of his mouth "Ronan I'm about to cum. I'm gonna shoot in a minute." I wonder if he understood me talking trough clanged teeth but he moaned, "Okay, Gabriel, just hold on a few more seconds I'm almost there to." He sped up his thrusts and I felt his cock pulse inside me, then I felt something hot and wet in my neck and right after that a stinging sensation. I lost all control and came like I never had before. Spurt after spurt of my juices shot between our bodies and I swear I felt Ronan's hot stuff fill up my guts. I thought I heard Ronan mumble something but I couldn't make out what he said (now, of course, I know he was casting his spell, I know word for word what he said). I didn't really care, I felt relaxed and at peace, then I lost consciousness. When I woke up again, Ronan sat beside me looking at me. He didn't smile. He just stared at me. I felt like something was wrong. "What's the matter Ronan? Why are you looking at me like that?" After a short silence he asked "How are you feeling? There is something I have to tell you." I tried to sit up but my head started to spin and I lay back down again "What do you have to tell me? Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" "No, you didn't do anything wrong, you where perfect, but I did something to you: I made you mine -- forever." "What do you mean? You did just what I wanted you to do. I have wanted you to make love to you since the day I met you" "I know that, but I did more then make love to you: I made you MINE. You never can leave me ... and you never can die." I looked at him with my eyebrows frowned, "What the hell do you mean I can never die? Are you kidding me? And I don't want to leave you anyway." "Okay," Ronan said, "listen to me very carefully because what I am about to tell you is very important: To the people in your village, you are dead. They buried you about a month ago, so you can never go back there. You no longer are human. You now are, as we like to call ourselves, a `Dark Angel,' there are many of us. We live scattered all over the planet, don't ask about that I'll explain that to you later. We are not vampires, but we do require blood every now and then or we grow weak. The most important right now is for you to regain your strength and for you to trust me." Ronan never took his eyes of my face once during his speech. He saw a look of horror cross my face. I screamed at him "You did what?! You turned me into a freak! I hate you! I will not stay with you! NEVER! You hear me?! NEVER! Go away, you monster! I don't want you near me! I hate you!" Ronan just sighed and left me alone. I tried to sit up, but found I still couldn't move without getting very dizzy. For the first time since I woke up, I looked at my surroundings and saw I was in some kind of cave, but it was a furnished cave. There were two large chairs and a table in it and a bed which I was laying in. I lay there for hours; thoughts going round and round in my head. Ronan made me into something evil. I hated him, but I still loved him too. I didn't ever want to see him again, but I wanted him to make love to me too. His face kept appearing in my head. I knew his face so well but I didn't know him at all. Then Ronan came back with a cup he wanted me to drink from. I didn't want to -- I didn't trust him anymore. He urged me to take a sip. He said he knew I would like it and it would make me stronger. I hesitatingly took a little sip and he was right, I liked it a lot. I took the cup from his hands and as our hands touched it was like electricity running through me I know Ronan felt it too. I drank the liquid from the cup and tried to sit up, no dizziness at all, I tried to stand up, I was ok. Then I felt something so powerful it almost knocked me of my feet it was like I was being taken over by a very strong force but I was still in control. I felt strong and powerful: I felt like lashing out at someone or something. Ronan was conveniently close by, I ordered him to get down on his knees he obeyed immediately. I ripped his clothes off and smacked his bare ass until it was bright red, I enjoyed doing that: my cock was dripping wet with precum. I didn't bother to lube Ronan up and shoved my entire cock up his ass in one move. I think Ronan expected me to behave like I did -- he lubed himself up luckily for both of us. I fucked him like there was no tomorrow he had to brace himself against the side of the bed or I would have taken him around the cave. He moaned and screamed and I did the same all of my pent up hate came out of me. I had no mercy I clawed my hands in his sides drawing blood I licked his blood off my fingers and it made me even hotter. I felt his ass massage my hot cock and then it contracted around my cock like it tried to milk me but I just kept on fucking Ronan's ass. I think I fucked him for the better part of an hour. I felt his hot hole contract like that for six or seven times during the fuck and only later realised he came every time I felt it. Eventually I came and my orgasm was so powerful I passed out cold. When I came to Ronan was washing my tired body. "Go away and leave me alone I hate you I just needed an ass to fuck." I turned my back to him not caring if I hurt him or not. "You can hate me all you want, but I won't go away. You are mine as I am yours -- we need each other." I didn't answer him. It was going to take me a long time to get over what he did to me and I started to wonder what it was I drank. The next few months were pretty uneventful. I didn't need to much blood and Ronan provided me with everything I needed. We don't need to eat but we can if we want, so Ronan went hunting (animals) and tried to make sure I was happy. I didn't want to be happy though , I hated him with all my heart. I fucked him when he brought me blood but I wouldn't let him touch me, it frustrated him but he didn't force me. He taught me how to hunt (both animal and human), he educated me on witches and warlocks, he helped me adjust to living in the dark -- my eyes saw better in the dark anyway. After about a year of education, he took me with him to go hunting. I was excited and scared at the same time. We both transformed into eagles and flew to the edge of a large city. We walked into the city together just before sundown. When night finally fell, we selected our victim: a man in his early sixties. He staggered a bit when he saw us but I think that was due to the fact he was drunk. Ronan told me to go ahead and feed the way he showed me. I quickly located the carotid artery, plunged in my teeth and blood spurted out everywhere except where I wanted it, namely in my mouth. Ronan quickly killed the old man by ripping open his throat. "Come on lets get out of here, we are going to an other part of town." My next victim I did a little better, I actually managed to get a mouth full of his blood but it tasted foul so I spit it right out again. Ronan told me he probably was sick. He thought the plague was back. He said he hated that because it made the blood scarce. My third victim tasted a lot better, he was a bit younger than the first two. I completely drained him of his blood. After I fed Ronan made me drive a stake through his heart, he had already told me that would kill them because we didn't want a lot of zombies walking around leading people to us. We had to kill them right away. If we waited too long, they would wake up and be difficult to kill. Ronan fed just a few days before so we went home to our cave. When we came home I felt like I always do after drinking blood: powerful and hornier than hell. I practically raped Ronan -- I fucked him three times that day before I was satisfied. I think he shot at least 10 times. He was exhausted and so was I. We lived like this for a lot of years, Ronan teaching me everything he knew, both of us feeding, me fucking him silly, but I still wouldn't let him touch me. Than one day Ronan came home yelling at me "Gabriel, come on! We have been discovered! We have to go now hurry!" We ran out a secret exit and transformed into eagles flying over the heads of the angry mob that wanted to kill us. I know they can't and I know all my wounds will heal fast, but I also know being burned alive hurts like hell. We found shelter in the home of one of Ronan's friends and that was the first time I ever met any other dark angels. Ronan and I where treated like old friends, which Ronan of course was. The two women lived in a small valley with a herd of horses and no neighbours for miles -- we loved it there. We took long walks and talked for hours. On one of the walks we sat down beside a beautiful little waterfall and for some reason I felt romantic. Ronan sat down and I placed myself between his legs -- my back against his chest. I felt Ronan holding his breath, he was not used to me being affectionate, I usually kept a fair distance between us. Besides me fucking him, I wouldn't allow any touching. Ronan relaxed a little when I snuggled up to him, he let his arms hang beside his body. "Ronan, will you please hold me in your arms?" I asked. (You have to keep in mind I never told Ronan about my feelings towards him. As far as he is concerned, I still hate him.) "Are you sure you want me to touch you?" Ronan asked me. "Yes, I am sure. I am touching you too aren't I?" Still a little hesitatingly he put his arms around my body, but when I didn't push him away, he hugged me tighter. We sat like that for a long time just enjoying the feeling of each others body. Finally Ronan asked me why I wanted his touch now after so many years. (And it had been many years believe me -- I hated him and punished him for hundreds of years. It was the end of what is now known as the dark ages or middle ages) I told him I had started to feel different towards him some time ago and that my hate for him was gone. He talked for hours and finally I admitted to Ronan I loved him. He said he was very pleased to hear that. I knew him well enough by now to know not to expect him to tell me he loved me, but I knew he did by the way he touched me. I had known all along Ronan loved me, I didn't need to hear him tell me. And that day, for the first time in centuries, we made love just like we did the first time -- gentle, sweet and soft (even though not everything was soft, some things where so hard it hurt). That's all for now, next time I'll tell you what happened when we came home to our friends house.

Hope you enjoyed our story please feel free to send email to Daniel

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