By cnishim

Published on Jul 27, 2023



My story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. I also claim all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

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Rômulo Story dedicated to Colleen McCullough

"You've got to pay me a visit, Mrs. Silva! Ask your daughter to drive you to the old farm. I'll be very happy to have you over my place for coffee. You'll see that mom's old house is well kept and the garden, well, the flowers are beginning to thrive again, now that I'm around." Ken smiles, while holding his grocery bags.

"I'll ask Tina to do that, dear. And how's life on the farm?" The older lady shades her wrinkled face, which is heavily powdered like a geisha.

"Life on the farm is hard, Mrs. Silva. I've already been working for four months trying to fix the place up. I can finally say that it's looking much better now." They smile. Ken notices a tall strong man in black, wearing large rubber boots, stained black jeans, stained black and red plaid long sleeved-shirt, a hat with a scarf covering his neck, and a black surgical mask. The older lady that is accompanying him is in a dark red dress.

"Fuck the bitch! Giving us hell and charging us so much for the groceries!" Her companion does not say anything, but nods. They enter an old black truck.

"It's Mrs. Porky, Ken."

"Pardon me, dear?"

"The whole town calls her Mrs. Porky, well, because of her grandson. Didn't you notice anything queer about him?" Ken shakes his head. "He's a pig. I mean, he's got a pig's head."

"I'm afraid I still haven't understood your meaning, dear." She comes closer to me.

"His mother, Maristela, used to be the town's mistress. She even used to have sex with a pig. And that's how her son came to be." She laughs and covers her mouth, as if holding her denture in place.

"But that's a cruel thing to say, dear. I bet her grandson, what's his name again, dear?"

"Rômulo, The Bastard!" She covers her mouth.

"I'm sure Rômulo must have a minor physical defect due to malformation of the fetus or a disease which science can easily explain."

"In any case, watch for him. The whole town says he's a pedo, and he's always on the lookout for kids swimming in the river, to do you-know-what! By the way, it's Água da Madeira River, the same place you go fishing to, Ken. You've got to watch, for this man is dangerous."

"Well, Mrs. Silva, I've got to go now. I'm sure Rômulo is not what the whole town makes of him. Anyway, I'll wait for your visit, dear. Bye!"

On the following day, a sunny Sunday, Ken decides to go fishing early in the morning. He collects his backpack and puts two bottles of cold water, two apples, a large ham and cheese sandwich, and a bag of unsalted roasted peanuts.

He leaves his old farm house at dawn and hardly makes out the road. He walks down the long valley and admires the lovely landscape. At the distance, he sees the neighbor's house and smoke coming out of the chimney. How lovely! He shoots a few pictures of the bucolic landscape.

As he reaches the quiet river, which is surrounded by trees and much thick vegetation, he starts fishing. He catches a few lambaris--small fish that are abundant in rivers in the area--and celebrates his catch. He goes down the river and steps on the pebbles. He manages to go down the river walking along the edge. He continues fishing, shooting photos, and drinking water. He checks his watch and it's still a quarter to ten A.M. He decides to go further down this time. Just then, he sees four kids also fishing.

"Hi there! I'm Ken!" He smiles and waves.

"Hi! Did you catch anything?" A young boy asks.

"I must have caught at least twenty lambaris. What about you?"

"We didn't catch many. But Sérgio caught a wolf fish!" A nine-year-old girl says. Her name is Viviane.

"Don't tell him that! Otherwise he'll come here fishing at our secret spot!" A boy about her age says. His name is Lucas.

"Well, I'll go further down and try my luck, kids!" They all look terrified.

"No, Ken! That's where Mrs. Porky's property is! If Rômulo sees you, he'll get mad at you and shoot you with his rifle!"

"He's a cursed man! Mom says he's the son of the devil!" A black boy makes the sign of the cross.

"We've seen him spying on us when we were swimming! Tell him, Edson!" The little girl says.

"We were swimming near her property, because the river is deeper and wider there. Then Viviane saw him spying on us."

"I landed a stone on his thick pig-head!" They all laugh.

"I threw a stone and hit him on his bum!"

"I threw a stone and hit his back. I saw him scream of pain and run. He even lost his hat. That's when we say his ugly face, long curved ears, short thick nose, just like a pig's nose."

"He's as dumb as a rock! But we never know. He's very strong and can kill a man!"

"We know that because we saw him swimming naked!" Viviane says.

"Don't tell him that! He's going to tell our parents!"

"Well, kids. I'll try my luck. And if Rômulo or Mrs. Porky come, I'll speak with them." Ken struggles through the bushes and finally finds a hidden trail. Lovely! No thick dense woods nor thorny vines to get on my way.

He catches many lambaris in the lovely deep pool and decides to call it a day. He takes off his rubber boots and puts his socks to air out. Then he decides to have a lovely picnic.

As he finishes eating half his sandwich and some peanuts, he yawns. He leans against a tree and enjoys the monotonous sound of water. He closes his eyes and takes a quick nap.

"Leave me alone! Ouch! Help! Grandma!" Ken opens his eyes and jumps to his feet. He hears some kids screaming. Then at the short distance, he sees a large man on the ground, protecting his head. He sees Edson with a slingshot aiming at his head.

"Edson! Stop it!" But it's too late. The stone hits Rômulo on the head. "Stop it, kids! I'm going to tell your parents that you've been throwing stones at that man!"

"But he was spying on you, Ken! We were just trying to protect you!"

"All right! Now, you can see that I'm fine. And you should never use a slingshot against a person. What it if you hit him in the eye? You'd blind this man!"

"He's got thick skin, Ken! He won't feel a thing."

"All right, kids. Promise me you won't do that again. No more hurdling stones at this man. Do you promise me?" The look at each other. "Otherwise, I'll be forced to speak to your parents."

"All right. We promise you. But he must not spy on others again!" They leave right away. Ken turns around and sees Rômulo trembling and cowering on the grassy area. There's blood on his large hairy hands.

"Are you all right, Rômulo?" He is shaking as a green leaf. He keeps his face hidden with his old large straw hat.

"Yeah. I guess." Ken approaches him.

"Let me see your head, dear." Ken kneels down by his side. He still covers his face with his old straw hat and his large hands. Ken touches his hand gently.

"No!" He turns his head away.

"Rômulo? This is your name, isn't it dear?" He nods. "Ok, I need to take a look at your head, to see your wound." He nods and lowers his head. Ken touches his large pinkish bald head, then the large floppy ears. "There it is, dear! Your ear is hurt." Ken takes out a handkerchief and presses it against the cut. "Here, dear. Hold this pressed against the wound. It's going to stop the bleeding."

"Thank you."

"Not a problem, dear. Did they hit you in other places too?" He nods and shows his black stained jeans.

"My crotch, the big balls. It's hurting. This is why I fell down." He moans. Ken looks into his deep blue eyes and cannot help but feel compassion for this man.

"I'll get my backpack, dear." Ken walks back to his napping spot and picks up his backpack, as well as his fishing rod and bucket of fish. Rômulo sniffs the air.

"You've got thirty-six lambaris, Ken." Ken smiles.

"I don't know how you did it, but it must be thirty-six or so. I lost count when I was fishing." Ken takes a small hand towel and wets it with the bottle of cold water with ice. He twists it and tells Rômulo to open his pants. He undoes the button and lowers his pants and filthy briefs.

"Ouch!" Rômulo has tears in his eyes.

"It's quite cold, I know, but it'll bring immediate relief, dear." Ken places the freezing towel around his large balls, which are the size of two large chicken eggs. Rômulo then sniffs the air and smiles. "What is it, dear?" His stomach grumbles. "Oh, you've smelled my sandwich, apple, and peanuts!" Ken takes out the sandwich and feeds it to him. He wolfs it down greedily, making chewing noises and eating with his mouth open. Ken holds the apple for him, and he eats the entire thing with seeds and all. "Dear, you sure are hungry." He offers the peanuts for him and he smiles.

"I love peanuts! They're my favorite food!" He munches happily all the peanuts.

"Let me see your wound, dear." He lowers his huge muscular arm and Ken inspects the wound. He pours some water on his kerchief and cleans it. Just then he realizes Rômulo's head is covered with dirt stains, due to lack of washing. He looks at his large hands and notices the black long finger nails. He also notices his filthy hairy muscular neck. He looks down and his large hairy belly is no cleaner.

"My balls don't hurt anymore, Ken."

"In this case, can you get on your feet?" He stands up and Ken notices the long fat uncut cock, the forest of pubic hair, and the large low hanging balls. "They might hurt a little when you walk, dear. But you should be fine." Ken helps him pull up his briefs and pants back on.

"You are very kind, just like my mother. My grandma beats me up every day." He shows Ken his scratched belly, scars on his enormous pecs, arms, back, and neck. He even shows his large forehead. "She threw a bottle at me once. There was a lot of blood." He looks down.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, dear. Listen, I want to speak with your grandma about today's incident." His eyes widen and he panics.

"No! She'll get mad at me! She told me never to go near the river and watch the kids. I disobeyed her. She also doesn't like me talking to strangers."

"Rômulo, why do you watch the kids, dear?"

"They're so innocent, carefree, and beautiful. Unlikely," he touches his pig's nose and big floppy ears. "I'm a beast, Ken."

"Oh, now I see. I suppose they represent a life you didn't have. When you see so much happiness and freedom, you wish to have some for yourself. I think you must be quite lonely, dear." He nods.

"Grandma never lets me go out to town on my own. She fears others will, throw stones at me, or even lynch me." Ken smiles and strokes his large stained cheeks.

"Surely people don't like or accept whoever is different, dear. Life can be quite cruel sometimes, but that doesn't mean they can abuse you, or use violence." He nods and takes Ken's hand. To his surprise, Rômulo is quite gentle with his grip.

"Come! I want you to see our house." Ken accepts and walks towards the house, hidden by the bamboo grove and thick vegetation. The house is very old and falling apart. At the distance, an older lady appears.

"Where have you been, you idiot?" She screams. He lets go of Ken's hand and lowers his head.

"By the river, grandma." She uses her broom and hits him on his back, making loud noises.

"Madam, please! You can't hit him like that!" Ken stands in front of the big man.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Ken, by the way." She eyes him suspiciously.

"I'm Mrs. Fernanda Couto."

"Listen, Mrs. Couto. I found your grandson being attacked by some kids. They were hurdling stones at him. I told the kids never to do that again. It really wasn't his fault. He was just enchanted by their freedom, happiness, and beauty. I see no harm in that, Mrs. Couto."

"I see." She looks at Ken from head to toe. Then she turns to her grandson and the handkerchief he's holding. "Rômulo, go and feed the chickens. Then come back right away for your lunch." He rushes away to do as he was told. "But first, return to this young man his silk handkerchief."

"You can keep that, Rômulo." Ken says.

"All right, then." She turns to Ken. "I saw you in town talking to that big old gossip, Mrs. Silva. I bet she didn't spare any malicious comments about us, did she?"

"People talk about things they don't know, Mrs. Couto. Now that I know Rômulo, I have a more faithful idea of his character." She nods and seems pleased with Ken's firm speech. She even smiles, disclosing her missing front teeth. Then, coughs violently in a fit, and spits blood.

"Are you all right, Mrs. Couto?"

"Nah, I'm just getting by." She looks around herself. "Come, I want you to see our place, young man. You'll see we're simple folks, isolated from everybody. We're also kind people, even though others say otherwise."

The house is dark and the walls are covered with sot. The wood-burning stove is hot and black pots are bubbling. A white cat is sleeping right under the stove. Ken notices the bare old wooden table made of several boards put together. He even sees the heads of the nails, which have darkened with time. Two old chairs, that once were either yellow or white are by the table. The floor is smooth and reddish, with cracks on the rough cement.

She brings an old black bubbling pan without the handle and places it on the table. Ken realizes it must be a sort of thick broth or sauce. She then produces from the wood-burning oven, a large piece of roasted meat. It looks dry and burnt on the sides. She places two old stained porcelain plates on the table. There are dirt spots on them. She takes a large black spoon and places it next to a large bowl, which Ken thinks belongs to Rômulo. She finds two stained forks with crooked ends and places them next to each plate.

"Rômulo was rejected and discarded by his mother right after his birth. The delivery was normal. From the very beginning, she rejected him. Five times the bitch tried to abort. Anyway, he was stronger and was born the way he is." She sits on the chair, wipes the table with a dirty damp rag, and takes a puff of air. "People in the hospital talked about the child of the devil, the beast. I had to save the baby and told my daughter-in-law that I'd have the boy and raise him on the farm." She looks down. "Today he's a strong healthy young man. Though he has a strong body, he is a little slow in the head. He's never been to school, nor has had any friends to play, for obvious reasons. I taught him the basics I knew of reading and writing. To my surprise, he's picked up the rest himself. He often likes to read all sorts of magazines, manuals, the bible. He's a smart cookie, but, gullible and simple. Anyway, my son Rafael moved to the east, to the beach, where he was assassinated. And my virtuous daughter-in-law, Maristela, is still around, just waiting for me to kick the bucket. I bet that bitch is crazy to lay hands on this farm and our savings in the bank. You see, I'm already eighty-four, and the boy depends totally on me. You saw us in the supermarket. Poor boy, I wonder what will happen to him when I die."

"But won't his mother come and take him, Mrs. Couto?" She wipes her eyes and shakes her head.

"She's a viper, ready to strike. About the boy, she could care less if he were alive or dead. I'm sure she'll just lay hands on the money, take over the farm, and throw him out like trash." Rômulo enters the house.

"I've finished feeding the chickens, grandma."

"Go wash your hands and let's have lunch."

Rômulo wets his hands and dries them in a filthy old rag. He takes a stool and brings it to the table. Mrs. Couto pours him his thick broth and a large piece of roasted meat. He starts right away, making some terrible noises.

"Eat slowly! And don't make so much noise, you animal!" She hits him with a thin stick. He slows down and makes quieter noises.

"I'll have just a little bit, Mrs. Couto, thank you. I've already had a sandwich and apple by the river."

"This is quite simple food we have, Ken." They have their meal silently. Ken cuts some small pieces of meat and dabs it on the broth. He savors the food and enjoys it.

"Mrs. Couto, if you allow me, I'll clean your grandson's cut later. I'm afraid it might get infected if not treated properly." She licks the tips of her fingers and nods.

"You can do with him whatever you want, even take him along if you want to. I'm sick and tired of watching over him." She blurts out.

"I don't want to leave our house, grandma. I like it here."

"Yes, but I'm not going to live forever. When I die, guess what? Your mother will come to take over this place! Then, she'll make you sleep with the pigs in their pigpen." He begins to tremble.

"Dear, it's all right. She didn't mean it." Ken puts his hand on his big shoulder.

"See what a cry-baby you are! How on earth are you going to survive without me around?"

"You can't die, grandma! Please!"

"Mrs. Couto, perhaps we can change the subject. Have you any other relatives around?" She shakes her head.

"Not a single one." She fixes her long dry white hair. "They're either dead or forgotten. It's just useless to worry about us, Ken."

"By the way, I'm on my own as well. I mean, my folks are dead. I've got three brothers, but they're living abroad. I bought their share of the farm and, have decided to take care of the land myself."

"You're so brave and courageous, young man. Besides, you look young and intelligent. To own that amount of land besides our property, you must have some money, dear." She smiles.

As they finish their meal, Ken notices Rõmulo scratching his large smelly feet.

"He's got some chigoes on his toes. I just can't see well, so, I can't help him." Mrs. Couto says.

"Do you have a sewing needle and alcohol sanitizer, Mrs. Couto." She looks surprised at him.

"Yes, but, for heaven's sake! His feet are quite filthy and smelly. You won't stand the stench. In fact, his whole body reeks of shit, for he never washes properly. I wish I could help him, but you see, I'm old and can hardly manage to walk."

"Well, Mrs. Couto, you show me where the bathroom is." Ken turns to Rômulo, "about you sir, get ready for a thorough bath, for today is Sunday!" Rômulo smiles and nods.

"If you can't stand his stench, you tell me and we'll throw him in the river." Mrs. Couto says.

"I like to swim in the river, grandma!"

"You fool! You're going to wash in the river and not play around!"

"It won't be necessary, Mrs. Couto." Ken follows her to a dark old bathroom. He sees a stained rusty old bathtub that hasn't been washed in years.

"Are you sure you want to do that, son?"

"Pretty sure, Mrs. Couto." He scrubs the bathtub clean and rinses it with cold water. Mrs. Couto brings a large metal bucket with bubbling hot water. Then another one. Ken turns on the rusty tap and fills the bathtub.

"Into the tub, filthy brat!" She shouts. Rômulo hesitates.

"I suppose he's afraid of being naked in front of me."

"Nonsense!" She helps him remove his clothing, disclosing his strong hairy limbs. "Now, get into the water, you animal!" She hands Ken a bar of dark soap that smells rancid, some old stained towels with holes, a brush, a large sponge, and a paring knife.

"I won't need the paring knife, Mrs. Couto."

"I'll be doing some chores in the kitchen. If he misbehaves, smack him on his head with the metal bucket." Rômulo remains still.

"Do you like the water, dear?" He nods and smiles.

Ken wastes no time and takes a plastic container, collects the warm water, and rinses his head gently. Next, he takes the sponge and soap bar, and begins to rub his scalp, ears, and neck vigorously. The hairy giant remains still. He carefully cleans the inside of his filthy ear, then the other. He also scrubs hard his muscular hairy back, powerful protruding pecs, bushy armpits, and large furry belly. He rinses him with water and asks him to stand up. Then, he rubs his genitals and pulls back his foreskin, getting rid of the accumulated cock-cheese. He cleans his ass and rubs vigorously his massive muscular hairy thighs, knees, and round calves. He takes each large foot and scrubs with the brush, sponge, and much soap. He surveys the chigoes-infested toes with horror. After the thorough bath, the water turns dark.

"Stand up dear, and let me rinse you." He comes out of the tub and Ken dries him completely. He drains the tub and notices the sediments at the bottom. He washes the tub and tells him to go to the kitchen and sit by the fire near the large window.

"God! You've transformed this animal into a human being again!" She inspects his ears, neck, back, belly, and legs. "Geez, look at you! How clean you are!"

"Now, let me help him get rid of his chigoes." Ken sits on a small stool, takes his large hairy foot on his lap and inspects the infested toes. He wastes no time and with precise and quick movements with the needle, extracts all the fleas under the skin very carefully. He applies sanitizing alcohol and cleans the tiny holes. "Now, the other foot, dear." He repeats the operation and manages to finish it in no time. "Mrs. Couto, can I have a nail clipper and a file, please?"

"Maybe for him you should use gardening sheers!"

She brings him the clippers and an old nail file. Ken also borrows a stick with a pointy end. He cuts the long toenails and cleans under each of them. He files each nail and in no time, his toes are totally manicured.

He does the same with his large hairy hands. He smiles and says he's happy to have taken the shower and gotten his chigoes removed.

"Now, go out and chop some wood and bring them here!" She tells him. He gets dressed quickly and puts on his boots. He takes his straw hat and an ax and leaves right away. She turns to Ken. "I sent him away on purpose because I've got a very sensitive topic to discuss with you, young man."

"What is it, Mrs. Couto?" Ken puts everything away and sits on a chair. The old lady dries her hand, for she was cleaning the fish that Ken had caught.

"Has he misbehaved in the bathtub? I mean, his dick, did he play with it in front of you?"

"Mrs. Couto, no!" Ken shakes his head. "But I had to take his penis and wash it, for he's never washed it properly, I mean, pulling back the foreskin and washing the glans."

"This is the point, dear. He's a very strong man, a bit retarded. He's also, very sexual too. Well, every night, I have to make sure he hasn't, well, used his dick for doing wrong things."

"You mean, like, masturbation?" She nods.

"Every night I inspect his balls and dick. Then I would make him function and after that, clean him and tell him to go to sleep. This way he won't cause others harm, if you know what I mean. Also, we sleep in the same bed, for I have to keep and eye on him. For whatever reason, he just can't sleep on his own." Ken is surprised by her honesty.

"But why are you treating him like a child, Mrs. Couto? He's obviously a grown-up man. He can even drive a truck. He clearly can learn to become more independent."

"Physically he's strong as an ox. But he's got his naïve mentality and no malice." Rômulo comes back with a lot of wood. "I'm making some deep-fried lambaris that Ken caught for us to have with coffee." Rômulo claps his hands.

"I love fried lambaris, grandma!" He turns to Ken. "I'm sure you'll love them too Ken."

"Yes, dear. I'm sure they'll taste delicious."

They feast on the fried lambaris. Rômulo eats almost everything on his own. Mrs. Couto smiles and scorns him for making too much noise while chewing the crunchy fish. He apologizes and she places her bony hand on his large one.

"What is going to be of you when I'm gone, dear?" He stops chewing a fish and swallows hard. Then he turns to Ken and smiles.

"Ken will come here and take care of me, grandma!"

"I wouldn't mind doing that, dear. But there are other things to consider first." Ken drinks his coffee.

"In due time we'll have something figured out, dear." Mrs. Couto says.

"I'm having the last fried lambari!" Rômulo feasts and eats as happy as a kid.

"Now that you've eaten all Ken's fish, you might as well help him catch some for him to take home."

"Mrs. Couto, I'm fine, honestly." Rômulo claps his large hands and places his big hand on Ken's, for he's become comfortable in his presence.

"Grandma is right! I can show you my private fishing spot. In no time we'll catch a lot of fish for you to take along." Ken smiles and doesn't have the heart to refuse his invitation.

"All right. You've convinced me to accept your offer."

"You go fishing then. Grandma is feeling tired now."

"Let me show you where I get the best worms, Ken!"

They walk to the back of a pigpen and get the worms. Ken admires the pigs sleeping and suddenly woken by their presence. "I built this pigpen on my own, Ken. I bought some used boards from a neighbor. The piglets I got from another neighbor. See that large tree over there? I planted it. As a matter of fact, I've planted most of them, to shield and protect our house," he begins to dig and takes some large worms.

"You work very hard here, dear." One of his ear twitches. "What is it, dear?" He smiles.

"A chick has just hatched, Ken. I can hear at least twelve chicks! Wait until I tell grandma, Ken! She'll be very happy to know it."

"This is wonderful news, dear. That's new life on the farm!"

"Grandma is like my mother, Ken. She quarrels with me, beats me up, but I know she loves me her own way, Ken. She lets me sleep in her bed."

"She's already told me that too, dear. She's surely very fond of you."

"What about you, Ken? Do you sleep with your mother or grandmother in bed?" He catches some more worms.

"Actually, I sleep on my own. They're both dead, dear." Rômulo drops his hoe and stares at Ken.

"Do you mean, you sleep alone in your place?" Ken nods. Then, he smiles and take's Ken's hands. "In this case, you can come here and sleep with us, Ken. I'm sure grandma won't mind you living with us. It must be hard sleeping alone, Ken."

Ken smiles as he feels the big man hugging him.

"I want you to remember me when you sleep alone, Ken. This way you won't feel so lonely."

"Thank you, dear. You've got a heart of gold." Ken kisses his large sweaty forehead. He smiles and blushes.

"No one has ever kissed me, Ken."

"No one? What do you mean, dear?"

"Once I heard grandma say that I was rejected by my mother. She didn't want to look at me. Grandma then took me in. But as far as I can remember, she's never kissed me. No one has ever done it before." Ken strokes his face.

"Maybe we can go fishing now, dear." He smiles.

"This way, Ken. It's a shortcut." They reach a trail and come near the river, where it's deep and silent. "I love to come fishing here, when grandma is taking her naps. Sometimes I only come here to swim. Then I look at the water and admire the view."

The fishing trip is a success. Needless to say, Rômulo can catch many more fish than Ken. At times, he'd let a fish get away on purpose, just so that Ken would catch one instead.

"You're cheating, dear!" Ken pays close attention to him. Rômulo then sniffs the air.

"Somebody not far from here is frying some pig's meat in the animal fat." Ken tries to pick up the scent.

"You're just impossible, dear! I can't pick up such far away scent." Then Rômulo's ear twitches. He turns around and points to a distant stone.

"See, Ken!" He points. "A snake by the edge of the water, basking under the sun!"

"I can't see that far, dear." Ken turns to him. His eyes are intensely staring at the distance. "Geez, Rômulo, besides having a super sense of smell, hearing, you have super eyesight." He smiles and nods.

"I can almost see in the dark too, Ken. What I do is simple: I use my eyes combined with my sense of taste, for I have a long tongue." He sticks out his long red tongue and Ken smiles.

"I haven't noticed your long tongue, dear."

"I can also sense the vibrations, or pick up magnetic waves in the air. My feet are also very sensitive and can pick up any vibration from the distance. I can use the palm of my hand and scan and feel the beating of your heart, Ken. Geez, it's accelerating, Ken!" Ken smiles.

"You're like a super hero, dear." Ken notices Rômulo perspiring. "Say, now that we've caught some fish, why don't we take a quick swim before we call it a day?" Rômulo's face brightens up and he smiles.

"Sure! I'm dying to swim with you, Ken! I want to show you my favorite swimming spot." Rômulo just strips completely and jumps in the water. Ken sees the muscular hairy man swimming without a care. Then, he joins his friend skinny-dipping.

"Wow, the water is surely cold, dear!" They swim and reach the deep part.

"Over here, Ken!" They sit on a stone and admire the rapids. He puts his large arm around Ken, to protect him from slipping.

"This is so nice, dear!" Ken smiles and leans against the big man's strong furry body.

"May I kiss you too, Ken?"

"Oh, of course, dear. You don't have to ask." He kisses Ken on the head. His breathing is heavy and he closes his eyes.

"I'll never forget your smell and touch, Ken. Your skin is so smooth." He kisses Ken's neck and his long tongue licks him.

"That tickles, dear!" Ken smiles and notices Rômulo hard cock throbbing. Dangerous territory.

"Look, dear! Let's race in the water. I'm sure I can beat you and get on the other bank first!" Ken jumps in the water, followed by Rômulo. As they reach the bank, Ken takes a dive. Rômulo does the same. Then, they come out of the water.

"Let's bask under the setting sun, Ken. The sun sets rather quickly in this area." They sit naked in a clearing. This time, Ken feels more conscious of their naked body.

"Tell me, Rômulo, have you ever fallen in love? I mean, feeling something special for another person, wanting to be close to that person." Rômulo smiles.

"Yes, of course, Ken. I fell in love with grandma. I always want her to be around me."

"I see. She's quite lovely, dear."

"And you, Ken?" He asks. Ken is caught by surprise.

"Well, dear, yeah. I mean, a couple of times. The last one, it was with Maurício, who's died recently. Then, I decided to abandon everything, and here I am."

"Who was Maurício, Ken?"

"He was a very special man, Rômulo. We used to live together, and sleep in the same bed." He smiles.

"And did you use to play with his penis too, like grandma does to me?" He asks, innocently.

"Yes, dear. We were married to each other."

"And did you have kids?" Ken smiles.

"No, dear. He was much older than me. At least thirty years older and he didn't want to adopt."

"And how old are you, Ken?"

"How old do you think I am, dear?" Rômulo scratches his head and sniffs the air. "Stop cheating, dear!"

"Thirty-one?" Ken smiles and takes his large hand and kisses it.

"You're just impossible, dear!" Ken feels him holding his hand. He takes it and kisses it. He begins to lick it again. He pulls back and smiles.

"Let me guess your age. If I get it right, I get a kiss from you!" Rômulo's eyes widen and he claps his hands. Ken inspects his muscular hairy body, his large furry belly, his deep-blue eyes, and large feet. He smiles, and closes his eyes.

"You're twenty-one?" Silence. Then he feels a gentle kiss on his cheek. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles.

"Did I guess it correctly?" Rômulo nods. "Do I get another kiss from you, dear?" He kisses again. They look into each other's eyes and smile.

"Now I love two people in the world, Ken. I love my grandma and I love you. And I've just kissed one person in the world. And it's you."

"Dear, look at the time! It'll get dark soon! I'd better head back home. Otherwise, it'll get dark. I've still got a long way to walk back home." They get dressed right away. "Let me just say goodbye to your grandma and I shall go back home, dear." They approach the house and Ken hugs the old lady.

"Why don't you stay over for dinner, dear? Rômulo can drive you back in his truck, right big boy?" Rômulo's face beams with happiness.

"But are you sure I'm not imposing? I've already spent all afternoon with you." Rômulo takes Ken's hand and kisses it.

"Please, Ken. I want you to stay. Grandma always cooks delicious food!"

"All right. I'll stay. But I need to help her too." As Rômulo is feeding the farm animals, Mrs. Couto is all smiles.

"I never thought my grandson would feel this sort of attachment for somebody, Ken. Well, truth be said, you're someone extraordinary." She smiles. "And look at him! He's smiling, talking, and feeling so comfortable by your side!"

"He's told me some interesting things, Mrs. Couto. He's got an acute mind and super developed senses." He goes on telling Mrs. Couto all he's learned from him, including that incident with the kiss and his boner.

"It's my fault, dear. I've never kissed him, indeed. I never felt like doing it. But please, forgive him for having, well, exposed himself too much. He's just a boy in a grown-up man's body."

They clean the fish, make rice, heat some beans, fry some kale, and cook a chicken. Ken admires him walking outside in the dark without a flashlight. Again, he remembers that he has extra senses. Then, Rômulo returns home and washes his hands. He sits by the kitchen stove without saying a word. He listens and watches Ken tell his stories. At times, he'd nod his head, smile, and licks his lips.

"Look at him, Ken." Mrs. Couto smiles. "He's so fond of being near you and listening to your stories."

"You're a very special young man, dear." Ken puts his hand on Rômulo's broad shoulder.

"You're very special too, Ken. I love you." He smiles.

"Oh, look at you, big boy!" His grandma smiles. "Sitting in your corner just to watch Ken. You're just my big boy!"

They sit by the table and start. Rômulo places his stool closer to Ken's chair. He imitates Ken's table manners and tries to not make too much noise as he chews his food.

After they have dinner, Ken says he's doing the dishes and heading back home.

"Leave the dishes to me, Ken. Rômulo, big boy, you take Ken back to his place. Drive carefully, big boy!" She turns to Ken.

"His sense of direction is exceptional, dear. He can drive with his eyes closed, just sniffing the air."

"Ok, grandma. I'll drive Ken safely to his farm house."

"Thank you for everything, Mrs. Couto. And I'm expecting you and Rômulo to pay me a visit for coffee soon."

"I know my big boy well, and he'll be talking about you all night long!" She smiles. "Bye dear and God bless you!"

Ken enters the old black truck and Rõmulo starts the engine. They drive along the long winding road uphill. Rômulo keeps one arm outside, feeling the wind. He drives at ease and confidently.

"Feel the sweet smell of grass, Ken. You can even feel the dampness in the air. Feel the smoke of some chimneys coming from the city." Just then, they spot the city lights not far from the road. He turns left and continues driving. Ken remains quiet and doesn't give him directions. He wants to see how far he can drive the truck without him giving directions.

Rômulo keeps on talking about plantation, farming, and animals. He comments about the good condition of Ken's gravel road, and says the soybean crop is very lush. He drives on and reaches the lower area and stops the truck. "There you are, Ken. You're safe and at home."

"Wow! Dear, how did you find my house? I didn't even tell you which house I lived in. There are two more houses on this farm, and mine is the last one down this area."

"That was easy, Ken. I could pick up some noises from insects and other little animals. I could tell both houses were abandoned for quite some time. Yours on the other hand was closed, stuffy, and there was a particular smell about it. Bugs, little bats, owls also know about it."

"In this case, you're coming in for a cup of coffee, dear."

They get off the truck and Ken takes the key under the mat. Rômulo admires the large old country house. He enters and admires the light walls of the large kitchen, the impeccable floor, the long kitchen table covered in white linen cloth. He touches the linen and feels the smooth texture. He watches the fruit tower and licks his lips.

"Sit down, dear." Rõmulo sits on this heavy upholstered chair. Ken notices him admiring the fruit tower.

"Would you like a fruit, dear?" He nods. "You can help yourself to them, dear." Ken turns on the electric burner of his gas stove, and Rômulo is taken by surprise.

"You don't use matches, Ken?" He is eating some green seedless grapes. "Those grapes are so nice and sweet."

"This sugar-apple fruit should be ripe, dear. Just watch for the large pits. You can't eat them." Ken cuts the green fruit in half and teaches him how to scoop out the white sweet flesh with a shiny silver spoon. He admires his own reflection on the back of the spoon.

"This is so sweet, like honey, Ken!" Ken is stirring the coffee and putting it in a thermos.

"Did you like the sugar-apple fruit, dear?"

"Yeah, I've never had this fruit before. And these grapes don't have seeds!" Ken smiles and brings a crystal platter and puts some cookies on a silver plate. Rômulo takes one, sniffs it, and eats it in one bite.

"Wow, they're so delicious and soft, Ken."

"They're chocolate-chip cookies, dear." They drink coffee and Rômulo takes Ken's hand and kisses it.

"I like to kiss your soft hand, Ken." Ken does the same and Rômulo smiles. "Do you like to kiss my big rough hand too, Ken?"

"I do, dear." He strokes his fat cheek and Rômulo smiles and looks into his eyes.

"C-can I kiss you, Ken?" Ken closes his eyes and feels the warm wet lips on his cheek.

"Let me kiss you too, dear." Rômulo closes his eyes and Ken kisses him on the mouth. He opens his eyes and feels his lips with his hand.

"You kissed me on my mouth, Ken." He runs his long fat tongue around his lips. Ken strokes his large flapping ear, careful not to upset the small wound. He smiles.

"I like when you stroke my ears and my cheek, Ken. It feels good and warm in here." He points to his chest.

"You're very handsome, Rômulo." Ken smiles and takes his hand. Rômulo looks down, tears falling down his cheeks.

"No one has ever told me that, Ken. Not even grandma. And every time I look in the mirror, or at my reflection in the water, I feel sad, for I'm a beast." Ken dries his tears. "But now, I feel like a real man, Ken. I feel I am not so ugly. I'm so happy that you came into my life, Ken." He touches his own flapping ear and his short wide nose and smiles. "I am glad to be this way, because you like me the way I am, Ken."

Ken approaches him and kisses him on the mouth again. This time, Rômulo also engages in the kiss, pressing his big lips against Ken's mouth.

"It feels so good and so right, Ken. I promise, I'll never forget this kiss as long as I live." He also strokes Ken's face with his large hand. They kiss again. He moves uncomfortably on his chair and rubs his crotch. "Oops! I think grandma will get mad at me for wetting my briefs! I ejaculated without touching my cock, Ken." He smiles innocently.

"In this case, let me bring some tissue paper and get it cleaned for you." Ken brings a box of tissue paper and cleans his throbbing cock. He also cleans his briefs.

"I'm sorry, Ken. I made a big mess in my briefs."

"That's ok, dear. It was my fault. I was the one who kissed you on the mouth." He wipes and pulls up his briefs and closes his pants and zipper. "There, you should be fine now."

"Ken, do I always ejaculate when I kiss you on the mouth?" Ken smiles and strokes his cheek.

"It was involuntary, dear. Just like your grandma told me, you're hyper sexual and feel easily aroused, dear. That's the way you were wired to be. I suppose that in time, you'd manage to control it more." He nods.

"And will you teach me to do it, Ken?"

"All right, dear."

"That's good, for I don't want to get punished by grandma every time I kiss you, Ken." He looks down.

"Don't worry, dear. I'll talk to her and explain that I was the one to blame."

"Well, I'd better be heading back. I hate to leave grandma on her own at home." Ken prepares a nice bag with cookies and another one with fruits.

"Take them, dear. Tell your grandma I've sent her these bags." Rômulo thanks him and looks into his eyes again.

"Please, Ken, let me kiss you on the mouth one more time before I go. I'll really try not to wet my briefs again." They kiss and Rômulo uses his tongue and feels Ken's warm tongue.

"Goodnight, dear!"

"Goodnight, Ken. As soon as I get home, I'll get cleaned again. I hope grandma is too sleepy to notice my wet briefs. Bye!"

Ken closes the door and sits on the kitchen floor. He admires the used cups on the table and realizes he's not dreaming. Everything that's taken place today was real. Rômulo was real. His crush for him was real.

Geez, I wonder what I am doing! What is going on with me? He takes a quick warm shower, and involuntarily, masturbates. He thinks of Rômulo and his powerful hairy body. In no time, he cums and gasps. It's been such a while since I've felt this. He runs his hand over his face and lips. He dries slowly and goes to bed. Oh, dear. This afternoon's adventure must have been a dream.

On the following day, he washes the used cups and prepares his breakfast. His phone rings and Mrs. Silva says she's coming for a visit in the afternoon. Ken smiles and says he's looking forward to meeting her.

All day he thinks of no one else but Rômulo. As he drives to town to do his groceries, he starts every time he sees a black truck. He thinks he'll meet Rômulo again.

He drives to the bus terminal to get his mail, for the small post office is located there. He's inherited his parents' old rusty PO box. He sits on a bench and checks his bundle of mail, mostly bills to pay.

Then, he feels the strong perfume in the air. He notices a middle-aged lady in a tight-fitting pair of dark pink jeans, white top, and white high heels. She's chewing a gum, fixing her make-up, and arranging her jewels. Her lover, a young man, is holding her big black purse, a white hat, and a golden fan.

"Here we are at last! Now, we just need to pay Mrs. Piggy or Porky and her bastard son a visit. Oh, Lord, that bitch will raise hell when she sees us! I know she must still be living in that filthy shithole with that retard! God, how I wish he'd died at birth. But as luck would have it, he's alive and now I can make some profit using that aberration. Let's get out of here and get to business. She'll have the surprise of her life when she sees me, the old witch! She'll die anytime soon! We just need to stick around and keep our eyes open, you know! I'm back to get what is rightly mine!" They find a taxi and take their luggage along.

Could that lady be Rômulo's mother? Gees, Mrs. Couto and Rômulo are going to freak out when they meet her. I just hope Rômulo won't do anything harsh--though these people deserve it.

Ken drives back home and prepares something simple for his late lunch. Later, he takes his usual nap.

No sooner has he woken up from his half-hour nap, Mrs. Silva and Tina, her daughter arrive.

"Have you just taken a nap, dear?" Mrs. Silva kisses him.

"The most lovely nap, Mrs. Silva. How are you doing? I love your new pink blouse. And look at this silver brooch and pearl necklace!"

"Hi, Ken. How are things?"

"Tina! You look great! These jeans are just right for you! And where did you get these sandals from? And this perfume! It's not from here, I suppose?"

"Ken, do you read minds as well? It was brought to us by my brother, Samuel." Ken smiles.

"No kidding! Your brother from São Paulo, the big city, is here visiting you!" Ken ushers them into the large well-lit kitchen.

He prepares some coffee and takes a plastic ware of confectioner from his fridge. He places the delicate sweets on a silver tray covered in linen champagne-colored cloth.

"My son is here to spend the Christmas holidays with us, Ken." Mrs. Silva takes a piece of candy and admires it against the light. "This candy is so beautiful. It's a pity to eat it."

"How lovely to have family around, Mrs. Silva."

"Yeah, they've just arrived yesterday. And they're already in Paraguay shopping today."

"What a pity they haven't come here too for a visit. I wanted so much to meet them, dear." Ken pours the coffee for the ladies.

"My sister-in-law, Laura, well, we don't get along, Ken." Tina sips her coffee. "She could hardly wait to get away from the house. I prefer it that way, at least mother won't get upset with her staying around. Can you believe that mother's silver watch disappeared from the kitchen counter? It was there last night when they arrived. And today it's gone!"

"Tina, dear, let's not bother Ken about this unfortunate event. Anyway, we all know she likes to steals things." Mrs. Silva shakes her head. "Anyway, Tina lent them her car, dear. I didn't want to lend them my car. That's why we came here using it."

"Mom, you should have learned how to drive a long time ago. And now that dad's gone, you've got that brand-new car in the garage collecting dust."

"Ken, let me just tell you something." Mrs. Silva fixes her glasses. The moments she does it, she'll gossip non-stop. "My son and daughter-in-law, and my grandson and his girlfriend came by bus this time. Anyway, do you remember the last time we spoke about Mrs. Porky and her retarded son?" Ken blushes and protests.

"You shouldn't call Rômulo a retarded man, Mrs. Silva!" She apologizes and covers her mouth.

"So, there is this feisty lady who lives in the same city as my son, by the ocean. My son says her name is Maristela, and she's quite a character. She's involved in a lot of illegal stuff on the beach and has a place of her own and acts as a madam. He says everybody in town knows her. Well, she's got this young boyfriend whom she supports. I guess you call it a sugar-baby. Apparently she's here to lay claim on some land that belongs to Mrs. Porky. As you can already suspect, Maristela used to be married to her son, who was mysteriously murdered during a fight in a bar."

"Wait, I saw them at the bus terminal today!"

"I suppose she was coming from Foz do Iguaçu then, for my son said she wanted to visit the waterfalls first, then settle for business in the town."

"Do you think she has any rights on the land, dear?" Tina asks.

"Well, I guess so. She was married to Mrs. Couto's son when he was murdered. She has got rights over everything he was entitled to. As Mrs. Couto is very old, and her grandson has a disability, Maristela is close to kin and has claim over the land and full custody of the young man. It's just the law."

"I just feel sorry for them, Ken. They're going to have a hard time with this lady and her lover in town." Tina says.

"I know, dear. By the way, speaking of Mrs. Couto and Rômulo, I got to meet them in person, at their farm house!" They both stare at him.

"Let me guess, you went out fishing and met Rômulo, who probably invited you over to his place to see his grandma." Tina smiles.

"Don't be silly, Tina!" Mrs. Silva cuts in. "Ken, Mrs. Perez, who lives near Água da Madeira River, said her children met you fishing. She also said you protected Rômulo from getting hit by stones from the kids. She was in town this morning and told me as we were on the square."

"Oh, I see. Anyway, I must say that Rômulo is the sweetest young man in the world. He couldn't possibly hurt a fly. And Mrs. Couto is quite protective of him, and this is why she's so defensive. But they're both quite nice folks. I should have them over for coffee sometime. You should also come by and speak with them. I'm sure that once you get to know them, you'll also become friends."

"I don't know, Ken. In my opinion you should stay away from these people. Like I said, Maristela is here for trouble. You wouldn't want to cross that woman's path, dear."

Ken changes the subject and they talk about crops and the coming Christmas and New Year's celebrations. They also invite him over for lunch on Christmas day. He apologizes for he's already been invited to attend lunch with his old school friend who's coming from England for a visit to her folks. They haven't seen each other since high school graduation.

"In any case, dear. You must join us for New Year's luncheon then! Please, say you're coming! I can't stand Laura, my sister-in-law on my own. And you'll be the best companion for us! The whole family will be there and we need someone skillful to have a pleasant conversation with."

"I'll let you know a week before dear. My relatives from around town usually organize a family reunion. But I can always pay you a visit at the end of the afternoon. Then we can sip some champagne and eat strawberries or cherries, dear." They have a lovely time and Mrs. Silva and Tina have to go.

On the following day, in the morning, Ken is at the bank. Then, he hears the latest gossip in town: Daniel, Maristela's boyfriend has been taken to the hospital. Mrs. Couto has also been admitted to the hospital. Ken drops his bank card and picks it up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Pereira. Can I come here again some other time to discuss business with you? I've got someone I need to visit in the hospital."

Ken shakes hands with the bank manager and leaves the bank at once. The hospital is only a block away, so he rushes there on foot and sees Maristela smoking outside. He talks to the receptionist and is told Mrs. Couto is under medication in room 102. Her grandson is also in her room. Ken's heart nearly skips a beat. He fears for Rômulo's life. He knocks the door gently and enters. Ken feels a great relief as he sees Rômulo, whose face beams as he sees the visitor.

"Grandma, Ken is here!" Rômulo takes Ken in his bear hug. He kisses Ken on his head and cheek. Mrs. Couto's eyes open. Ken approaches the bed, still holding Rômulo's large hand.

"God bless your soul for having come here, my child!" Ken kisses her bony hand. Both arms have IVs. She can hardly move her frail body.

"Mrs. Couto, you've got to rest, dear." He hands her a glass of water. She sips it through a straw and smiles.

"Ken, you must have heard that his mother is here." Ken nods and turns to Rômulo. He is all smiles and never stops holding his hand. "She's just waiting for my time." She sheds tears. Ken dries her eyes and she smiles. "You're a sort of angel that God has sent to me! You're the answer to my prayers dear." Ken turns to Rõmulo, who also has tears in his eyes. "Please, Ken, take him away and make him eat something. He hasn't had his breakfast yet and he must be starving."

"All right, Mrs. Couto. Don't worry about us. I'll take care of him. Try to get some rest, dear." She smiles and closes her eyes.

"Is she going to be all right, Ken?" Rômulo's eyes are red from crying. Just then, Ken realizes he's wearing a black mask and a woolen hat, which covers his large ears. Ken is wearing a white discreet mask. Ken nods.

"Dear, I'm taking you to have something to eat. You are hungry, aren't you?" He nods.

"Grandma wasn't feeling well this morning. I wanted to have something to eat, but she told me to take her to the hospital instead."

"I see. She's going to be all right, dear. The doctor has already given her some medicine." Ken takes his hand and guides him to the opposite end of the hallway. He calls Mrs. Moreira, the head nurse. She used to be his mother's best friend. They greet each other and he explains to her the situation.

"Of course, dear. Come this way, please." She shows them a nice well-lit room. "The nurse will be here shortly with the tray of food." Both sit on some plastic chairs. Rômulo puts his large arms on the table.

"She's here in the hospital, isn't she, dear?" Rômulo looks into Ken's eyes, and nods.

"She came to see us yesterday. Her stupid boyfriend wanted to boss me around. Grandma told that lady to beat it. She threw insults at us. Her boyfriend boxed my left ear." Ken inspects it and kisses it.

"You'll be all right, Rômulo, dear." He smiles. "And you don't need to tell me what you did to that young man, dear." He kisses his ear again. "But I'm glad you did it anyway." The nurse arrives with a large tray of food.

"Thank you, dear." Rômulo licks his lips. "Have you washed your hands, dear?" He shakes his head. "See that tap over there. Let's wash our hands, then." They wash their hands and Ken gives him some paper towels to dry.

"Those are not as delicate at the ones you used to clean me at your house, Ken." He smiles.

"Oh, I see." Ken smiles and kisses his cheek. He blushes. Ken serves Rômulo some sandwiches, orange juice, fruit salad, jam and butter on a toast, coffee and milk and sugar. He also opens a small packet of crackers and adds artificial strawberry jam on each. He washes the shiny red apple and peels an orange for him. He eats everything up and Ken dabs the corner of his mouth with a paper napkin.

"That was quite delicious, Ken." He looks around. "Now I need to use the toilet, Ken."

"Come this way, dear." Ken shows him the toilet for one person only. He shows the paper towel dispenser, sink, and toilet bowl. "I'll wait for you outside, dear."

"You won't go away and leave me alone, will you Ken?" He looks worried. Ken smiles and kisses his cheek.

"I'll wait for you outside, dear." He kisses his short wide nose through the mask.

"I love when you kiss me, Ken."

Ken exits and waits. At the distance he sees Maristela in the hall quarreling with the nurse. Rômulo is finished and Ken enters and closes the door.

"Let me see if you've washed your face well, dear." Rômulo removes his mask right away with a big smile.

"See, Ken! Grandma told me to brush my teeth, wash well, and clean my ears, for this is the only way for me to make a good impression to you."

"You've always looked fine, dear. Now, wait here and I'll see if you can come out. I don't want you to meet, well, her." He squints his eyes.

"I know she's here. I can pick up her scent." He also tightens both huge fists. Ken looks into his eyes and strokes his cheek.

"Do you promise you'll behave and be a nice gentleman?" He looks away. Ken takes his face and looks into his eyes. "I'll give you a kiss on your mouth if you tell me you'll behave nicely, dear." He immediately agrees and removes his mask. "Here it goes, dear." They kiss.

Ken checks outside and everything is fine. He takes Rômulo's hand and brings him back to Mrs. Couto's room. She's sleeping. They sit on the small loveseat and he holds Ken's hand.

"She's looking so pale, Ken. Do you think she's eaten her breakfast? Maybe we should have saved something for her too, Ken."

"I don't think she'll want to take some food, dear. See those IVs, dear?"

"Yeah, I can see the dripping liquid in the tiny hoses."

"She's been treated and hydrated, dear. That's why she doesn't need anything to eat."

The doctor comes in and greets them. He checks the patient and scribbles a couple of things on the form. He turns to Ken and answers a few basic questions. Ken asks about her condition and he shakes his head. As they are talking quietly, Mrs. Couto opens her eyes. The moment she sees Ken, she smiles.

"You've kept your word and is taking good care of my grandson, my dear."

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Couto?"

"Weak, dizzy. Listen, Ken. I'm going to be very frank and direct with you." She looks into his eyes. Ken understands her pleas, nods, and gets closer to her.

"Mrs. Couto, count on me. Ask me anything and I'll do it, for Rômulo's sake." Ken whispers. He turns around and notices Rômulo napping on the sofa. He takes the extra blanket and covers him. Mrs. Couto smiles.

"Please, my child, be frank with me. How do you feel towards my grandson?" She looks into Ken's eyes.

"To be honest, Mrs. Couto, I love him." She opens a faint smile.

"I knew it, dear. You fell in love with a very sweet man or should I say, beast. The night he took you to your place and came back, he spoke of nothing else or nobody else but you. I realized he had ejaculated but didn't quarrel with him. I knew he had done it involuntarily. And I knew you were someone special for him."

"I love him the way he is, Mrs. Couto. For me, he's just perfect." She nods.

"Is that what you want for your life, dear? Someone like him to depend on you for the rest of your life?" Ken nods and wipes a tear.

"Yes, Mrs. Couto. I want to take him in and love him the right and proper way. I'll take good care of him and do everything in my power to make his life happy, safe, enjoyable, and meaningful."

"Dear, I'm a very savvy old woman. You don't need to answer to my request now, dear. But here it goes. Do you want to marry my grandson?" Ken smiles and nods.

"Mrs. Couto, I do! I wish to get married with him if you give us your blessing."

"Of course I give you both my blessing. Listen, dear, I want you to arrange a speedy marriage. The sooner you both marry, the better for you. As a married partner, and intelligent, you'll have guard over him. You'll also control his finances. There's the farm, which can fetch some money. I've also saved every penny I could to give him a comfortable life. It's a saving's account. You'll have access to the money for him." She smiles. "I suppose it's possible now for two men to get married, or a man and a beast, I don't know. You bring in the documents and I'll sign them for you. Please, Ken, take my boy and give everything I couldn't give to him." She closes her eyes. "Do that for his sake, please!" Ken kisses her hand. "My documents and all his papers are in that bag he has with him."

"All right, Mrs. Couto!" Ken finds the bag. He bends over and kisses Rômulo. He twitches his nose and continues sleeping.

He exits the room discreetly. In the long hall, he sees Maristela again talking on her cell phone. She quarrels with a nurse for not having allowed her to smoke in the patient's room.

Ken exits and takes his car to the Registry Office, which is empty by this time of day. He greets Mr. Otaviano and Mr. Sotero. They are business partners. He requests a meeting and they enter the large room. He explains his intent and gives them his best smile.

"Well, same-sex marriages are already legal in Brazil, Ken. Now, in this case, we'll need some extra papers." Mr. Otaviano says, while checking with his colleague.

"We don't have much time, gentlemen. Can you speed up the process for us?" Ken smiles.

"We can start now, and possibly, by tomorrow around this time, we should have it done. We just need two witnesses. I can get them for you from this office."

"Then I trust you this will remain private. No one should know of this business. I'll pay all the expenses involved, Mr. Sotero." Ken hands them the documents, including his own. He also reveals Rômulo's mother's evil intentions.

"After Mrs. Couto signs the papers, nobody will be able to interfere between you and Mr. Couto, Ken. It's the law. You'll be legally responsible for this man. You'll automatically have full power to make all decisions for him. We'll make sure that everything is included in the document for both of you, Ken."

"I really appreciate your help, gentlemen!" Ken shakes hands with them and exits.

Back to the hospital, he doesn't see Maristela anymore. He overhears the receptionist saying the police officer was very professional in telling her to behave and not make a fuss in the hospital, otherwise, she'd be in trouble. Ken enters Mrs. Couto's room and find's Rômulo still sleeping.

"Oh, how nice that you're back, dear." She smiles. Ken approaches her and tells her everything. She smiles and nods. "You can count on me, dear. I'll hang around until we sign all the papers. Then he'll be in your hands, dear." She yawns and closes her eyes. Then, Ken feels a heavy hand on his shoulder and a kiss on his head.

"Did you have a good rest, dear?" Ken kisses his cheeks. He yawns and nods.

"Tell you what, dear. I'll take you back to the farm. You'll feed the animals, while I prepare us some late lunch. Then after we've eaten, we come back here." He smiles.

"The animals, I can't take my mind away from them, Ken!"

Rômulo drives his black truck to the farm and begins to work. Ken cleans up the kitchen and lights the fire. In no time, he prepares rice, fries some eggs, chops some greens, and cooks some fresh meat that was in the fridge. He also squeezes some lemons and makes a lemonade. As the food is being cooked, he looks around the house. He sees a lot of clothing articles scattered around. The mattress has been scattered around and drawers upturned. Maristela must have been here, he thinks.

He picks some fresh clothes for Rômulo and puts them in a bag. He also finds a nice dress for Mrs. Couto. He closes the bedroom door and returns to the kitchen. Rômulo is still feeding the cows when he sets the table set for two.

"Smells great in here, Ken." He goes to the kitchen sink and washes his hands.

"Time for lunch, dear." Ken serves his food and they start. He eats everything and drinks all his lemonade.

"Dear," Ken takes his large hand, "how do you like the idea of me sleeping in your bed with you every day?" His face lights up.

"Seriously?" Ken nods. "So, that's what you and grandma were talking about when I was lying on the sofa in the hospital room?" Ken smiles.

"Did you hear everything, dear?" He nods.

"Won't you get mad at me, Ken?" He looks down. Ken stands up and hugs him and kisses his head many times. "Geez, what have I done to deserve so many kisses, Ken?" He looks into Rômulo's eyes.

"Rômulo, dear, I love you." He strokes his fat cheeks.

"Ken, I told you I love my grandma and you." He looks around and scratches his head. "If grandma is not around me anymore, does that mean that you're going to take her place and take care of me?" Ken nods. "And does being married to me, mean, we can kiss on the mouth whenever we feel like?"

"You're a very smart man, Rômulo." Ken kisses him on the mouth. He covers the front of his pants.

"I think I'll need to change my briefs, Ken."

"All right, dear. You take a shower and I'll clean up and do the dishes. Then we head back to town to see your grandma." Rômulo feels excited and goes to the bathroom.

"I like to have you around me, Ken. I feel so happy and don't feel alone at all." Ken clears the table, does the dishes, and sweeps the floor. Rômulo gets his shower, dries, and gets dressed.

Back to the hospital, Mrs. Couto has just had some soup and is taking a nap. Rômulo arrives and kisses her forehead. She smiles and kisses his cheek. Ken also kisses her.

At the end of the afternoon, Rômulo and Ken return to the farm. He feeds the animals while Ken prepares dinner. They return to the hospital and keep the older lady company. At around ten P.M., the older lady tells Rômulo to have a good night. She turns to Ken and smiles.

"Mrs. Couto, tomorrow we should be back to see you after breakfast." He takes Rômulo's hand and they leave the hospital. "Rômulo, dear. Tonight your grandma is not going to sleep with you. So, that's why I'm here." He nods, feeling quite tired after driving in and around the whole time.

"I'm going to miss my grandma." Ken takes his hand and guides him to the large dark bedroom. They fix the bed and put on their pajamas. Rômulo says he usually sleeps in his briefs and shirtless. Rômulo lies down in the fetal position. Ken looks at him and kisses his head.

"You can hold me in your sleep, dear." He does not need to speak twice, for Rômulo is already hugging him. They kiss and Rômulo is already dozing off.

On the following morning, Ken wakes up and doesn't find Rômulo in bed. He yaws and stretches. He walks to the old bathroom and washes up. He gets dressed and goes to the kitchen. The fire is already burning in the stove. He looks out the window and sees Rômulo feeding the animals.

Rise and shine! Ken smiles and begins to prepare breakfast. He brews some coffee and slices a large loaf of bread. He takes out the butter and jam from the fridge. He finds some fruit and puts them on the table. He fries some eggs and sets them on the plate. Where is the sugar pot? He looks around and finds it.

"Ken, good morning, my love!"

"Good morning, dear!" They kiss and Rômulo washes his hands. He admires the table and places his chair closer to Ken's. Ken pours him some coffee.

"Thanks, Ken. Did you sleep well in grandma's bed?" He takes Rômulo's large hand and smiles.

"Wonderfully, dear!" He kisses his hand.

"Me too, Ken. I thought I'd miss her. Then your body was so warm and soft." He smiles and rubs his crotch. "I'd better think of something else otherwise I'll have to change my briefs." He blushes.

"After our breakfast we pay your grandma a visit, ok?" He nods. They finish breakfast and Rômulo changes his clothes. Ken clears the table and does the dishes.

"Good morning, Mrs. Couto!" She is all smiles.

"Good morning children!" She kisses Rõmulo, who kisses her many times.

"I like to kiss you, grandma." He smiles and kisses her again.

"And you look so happy, dear!" She strokes his beaming face and kisses him on his cheeks.

"I slept with Ken in our bed, grandma."

"And did you sleep well, dear?" He nods right away.

"It was so good. I even," he looks down. "But I changed my briefs and put on a fresh pair, just to come here to see you, grandma." She smiles.

"Dear, let grandma tell you what we're doing this afternoon." He smiles and kisses her.

"I'm getting married to Ken, grandma. I know it already." She smiles and turns to Ken, who shrugs his shoulders.

"He heard us as we spoke yesterday. He was taking a nap but was also listening to us." She turns to him and pinches his big beaming cheek.

"And how do you feel about it, dear?" He kisses her hand.

"I feel at the top of the world, grandma. Ken is so patient, kind, and handsome. He makes me feel loved, protected, and knows how to kiss very well, grandma." They all laugh.

They spend some more time chatting and the doctor prescribes some medicine for Mrs. Couto to be taken after her lunch. Rômulo then drives Ken to his own farm, where they prepare lunch. After they eat, Ken calls him to the sofa and they take a short nap. Ken strokes Rômulo's head, cheeks, and kisses him. They doze off for over one hour.

Ken opens his eyes and Rômulo is yawning. He rubs his muscular hairy back and smiles.

"I love taking a nap and sleeping with you, Ken." Ken smiles and runs his hand over his lover's hairy chest.

"Shall we take a shower, dear?" Rômulo smiles.

"Do you want to take a shower with me, Ken?" He takes Rômulo's hand and guides him to the large well-lit bathroom.

"I'll soap and scrub you, and you do the same for me, dear."

"Yeah, I like that, Ken." He closes his eyes and Ken rubs his scalp, neck, back, furry chest, round firm buttocks, long fat cock, large balls, legs, and feet.

"Your turn, dear." Rômulo grins and does the same operation, very delicately. They rinse under the water. Ken turns off the water and dries Rômulo's strong body. He does the same for Ken.

"Having a shower with you is so good, Ken. It's like when we were swimming in the river."

"Do you wish to kiss me, dear?"

"Can I kiss you, Ken?" Ken does not wait and they kiss on the mouth. He uses his tongue and invades Rômulo's gaping mouth. He becomes daring and uses his long tongue and invades Ken's mouth as well. "Ken, this feels so good!" His cock is throbbing.

"Let me teach you something different, dear. You've got to stand still." He kisses the furry chest, large protruding pink tits, belly, the forest of pubic hair.

"Ken, what are you doing to my cock? Wow!" He gasps and moans. "I-I've never felt like so!" He moans loudly and ejaculates right away. Ken massages his big balls and manages to swallow the sweet sticky hot semen.

"You're going to give me another load, dear." Ken pulls back the foreskin and licks the head of the throbbing cock.

"Yes, Ken! Geez, this feels amazing!" He grunts and moans. He gasps and shoots another load.

"You've scored again, my love!" They kiss. Ken looks into his deep-blue eyes. "Do you think you can come again, dear?" He licks his lips with his long tongue and nods.

"I haven't ejaculated that many times in a row, Ken. But I think I can manage that, my love." Ken does not waste time and massages the large balls. He forces the throbbing cock down his throat. Rômulo gasps and grunts. Ken massages his firm hairy buttocks, muscular legs, fleshy love handles.

"Ken, I'm going to cum! YESSS!" He moans and empties his third load inside Ken's mouth. This time the volume is less and thinner.

"Time to reciprocate, dear."

"But Ken, I've never done it before. I'm afraid I might bite you. I've got sharp big teeth." Ken looks into his eyes and they kiss.

"You'll not hurt me, dear. I love you and I know you love me and will be careful."

"All right, Ken. I think I can do it." He opens his mouth wide and takes his pulsing cock.

"Yeah, dear. Slowly. Fuck, your tongue is just amazing, my love!" Ken controls himself not to cum right away.

"Do you like that, Ken?" He continues with his job and swallows as much cock as he can. Just then, Ken shoots his load. Ken takes Rômulo and they kiss passionately. "Ken, I believe I'm getting hard again." Ken smiles and gets on his knees again.

After his fourth shot in a row, Rômulo gets dressed in a nice white shirt.

"It looks a bit tight for you but it'll have to do, dear."

"I like the perfume, Ken."

"Let me put a tie for you, dear."

"I've never worn a tie in my life, my love."

"Let's just hope the suit will," Ken watches Rômulo in his deceased partner's suit. "Yes! You look so handsome, dear!" Ken has brought a pair of black pants from Rômulo's house. They're not new, but they look fine.

"You also look very handsome in your suit, Ken!"

"I'm ready to go, dear. Shall we go then?"

At four sharp, Ken, Rômulo, and Mrs. Couto sign the marriage certificate in the hospital room. Mrs. Couto is in her lovely navy blue dress. Her hands are shaky and weak, but she signs all the papers firmly. Mr. Otaviano and Mr. Sotero then hand Ken and Rômulo their documents.

On that same night, Mrs. Couto passed away peacefully in the hospital bed. Ken receives the message and calls Rômulo to him. He looks into Ken's eyes and nods.

"She's gone, isn't she, my love?" He asks. Ken nods.

"I'm sorry, dear." They hug each other.

"I feel sad because she's left me. But I feel happy because she encouraged me to find happiness. She blessed our union, Ken. She was my real mother, Ken." He sheds some tears and hugs Ken.

After the burial, Maristela come to see Ken and Rômulo on the farm. The moment she heard about their matrimony, she cursed and left their farm right away. She promised to bring her attorney to claim for her rights of custody of her son.

Ken's own attorney, gathered sufficient material to exclude Maristela from any claims to the inheritance. He used all arguments against her: decades of total neglect, moral misconduct, long criminal record, which included her possible involvement in the death of Mrs. Couto's son. As she could do nothing about it, discouraged by her own attorney, she left them at once, cursing the day Rômulo was born.

"Do you think she'll come back, my love?" Rômulo kisses Ken.

"I don't think so, dear. She knows there's nothing she can do to reverse this situation. Besides, she's got to take care of her business in the beach town." They enter the dark quiet house and kiss.

"Ken, do you let me, put my cock into your mouth again?"

"You mean, you want to have a blowjob?" He smiles.

"Yes, I want you to give me that, a blowjob."

After ejaculating twice in a row for Ken, he is still feeling horny. Ken smiles and takes a bottle of lube.

"Now, Rômulo, I'm going to teach you something new. You're going to penetrate me from behind."

"Like some of the male animals do to each other?"

"Yes, dear. You'll enter me through my private hole." Ken lubes himself well and tells Rômulo to lube his long fat cock.

"I cannot look at your naked body, and my cock is already throbbing, Ken." He guides the big man's massive cock inside him.

"Yeah, slowly, dear!"

"Ken, this feels amazing! Are you not feeling pain?"

"As long as you go slowly, dear, I can take it."

"I promise, I won't hurt you, Ken!" He enters slowly and moans loudly. "This feeling is just incredible, Ken! It's so tight and warm inside you! I've never done it before!"

"Yeah, I can feel you all the way in. Go for it, dear! Deeper! Give me your load, dear!"

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes! YES!" Rômulo shouts and empties a big load inside his lover. He continues pumping and thrusting his cock in and out.

"Dear, do you want to cum again?"

"Can I really do that, Ken?"

"Yes, of course. In this case, don't pull out yet, dear. Go for it, my love!"

Rômulo then keeps on thrusting his cock to and fro like a piston and has the time of his life. He cums again and collapses on bed, sweaty and feeling exhausted. Ken lies on top of him. They kiss and Rômulo continues panting and breathing fast.

"I feel so happy to be married with you, Ken. And now you are allowing me to explore my own body. I feel I'm a complete man now."

"You're just the best, my love." They decide to shower and hit the bed.

"Now I know how one married man feels like, Ken. Thanks to you."

"And thanks to you I'm happy again."

"Can I kiss you on the mouth, Ken?" He smiles.

"You don't have to ask, my love." They kiss.

"It's odd, my love. Now that I'm kissing you on the mouth, I don't ejaculate right away anymore. Instead, I just get hard." Ken smiles and strokes his face.

"That's because you've now stricken the right balance in your sexual life, dear. You're sexually active with a partner, dear. That makes all the difference with your libido and social life."

"I like when you stroke my face, scalp, chest. I like everything about you, my love."

"I love you too, my handsome husband."

"Am I your handsome husband?"

"Yes, and I'm your handsome proud husband."

"Do you feel proud of being my husband, Ken?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"But I'm a beast, Ken."

"But you have a heart of gold, my handsome husband."

"Ken," he looks away, shyly.

"What, my love?" Rômulo blushes completely.

"If I ask you to, penetrate me, will you do it?"

"Of course. Why not?"

"Does it hurt a lot?"

"That depends, dear. Usually it hurts in the beginning. But why do you ask?"

"Because I want you to penetrate me too." Ken looks into his eyes.

"And why would you want that, dear?"

"Because the feeling was so just incredible, when I was penetrating you. Now, I want you to feel it too. I want to allow you to feel the intensity of the pleasure I felt."

"You're very sweet, Rômulo."

"And you're the sweetest husband, my love. I love you, Ken." They kiss, and Ken rests his head on Rômulo strong furry chest. He turns off the lights, and puts his big arm around his lover.

"Good night, Rômulo dear."

"Good night, my love."

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