Romeo and Julius

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on Sep 10, 2002


Romeo and Julius Part 2

"3 is company, 4 is a crowd, and 5 is insane"

NOTE TO READER The same rules apply from the last

chapter. "~~~~~~" indicating either change in point of view,

or time and setting :).

<At Cindi and Chet's party..a week before the beginning of

senior year at UIC>

Romeo remained speechless for a few seconds, frantically

searching his brain for the right words to say in this incredibly

akward moment. Not to mention desperately trying not to lose his

composure in front of his FEMALE date, who was just as perplexed

as he was.

"Um..well..yeah".Romeo stammered."Well..what are YOU doing here?, oh yeah...DUH! you're here for the UIC seniors party!, so how are ya man?. Oh yeah, this is my girlfriend Danielle"

Julius had barely begun to extend his hand out 2in when

it was abruptly met by Danielle's

" are you, I'm Danielle..head of the Women's Catholic

Organization and Photography Club here at UIC".Danielle quickly greeted Julius giving him a fake polite smile and a quick "hi I'm a bitch" handshake.

"I'm good it's nice to meet you". Julius replied trying

not to show the blatant hatred and shock as he remembered that

this was the very Danielle that was responsible for casting

that vicious vote against his sister Roberta unfairingly kicking

her out of the Women's Catholic Organization simply because she didn't

like her for some reason.

"So, who did you come with dude?". Romeo said in that friendly, sexy football jock type tone.

"Oh, it's just me, my sister, and my best friend..all

of us seniors-to-be hehe" Julius replied, knowing the sister

part of his answer was true, and nervously darting his eyes

around the room tryin to look for Kevin hoping Kevin wouldn't

see him talking to Romeo. Julius couldn't help but notice

that Danielle was listening to the conversation and growing

continually impatient. Romeo quickly continued.

"Oh yeah..your sister..we met at the park the other day..

Roberta Ocampo right?...Danielle probably knows her..she

knows practically all the UIC girls don't ya babe?"

Danielle seemingly angered upon hearing Roberta's name,

quickly grabs Romeo's hand and starts to pull him toward her.

"Um, yeah I know her alright..well it was nice talking to you

Julius..say goodbye dear" Danielle said trying to pull Romeo in her

direction. Romeo quickly followed Danielle but uttered these words

as he turned his head over his shoulder at Julius.

"Well I guess I'll talk to ya later man..have fun!"

"Ok you too!" Julius shouted back as he saw Romeo turn back

to Danielle and mutter the words "what the hell is your problem?"

Hello, it's me Julius again. just me or is that Danielle girl a MAJOR BITCH?, and what a freakin coincidence meeting Romeo here, Danielle seemed to be uncomfortable about hearing my sisters name?..what the hell was that?. Right now I'll try to forget what just happened and resume my attempt at navigating to the snack table.

Julius arrived at the snack table only to

see that Roberta had beat him and was already trying her

hand at the deviled eggs.

"Oh good I'm glad I found you!...have I got some shit

to tell'll never guess who I just ran into.."Julius

exclaimed while Roberta still gobbled down the rest of her deviled


"Oh I can just about guess..In fact I KNOW....ROMEO and lets

just say I don't really care for the person he came with either.."

Roberta replied rolling her eyes back in disgust. Just then,

Julius felt a finger lightly tap him on the shoulder..

"Hey..who was that guy you were talking to?" Julius turned to

see that it was Kevin asking that question.

"Just a guy I knew from last year why?...and um excuuuse me

what is that in your hand?" Julius inquired pointing to the glass

in Kevin's hand which appeared to have an alcoholic drink in it.

"It's just a lil brandy that's all it's not even that strong..

so what's that guys name huh?".The alcohol was clearly beginning to

take effect on Kevin's brain as he never usually becomes this possessive and this was out of character from the normal laid back Kevin that Julius was used to, this started to annoy Julius a bit.

"For gods sake, if you must know MR Nosy, his name is Romeo..and

since WHEN DO YOU DRINK?" Julius probed further.

"Jeez aren't I allowed to try new things every once in a while?"

Kevin said.

"Ok calm down you guys!, Cindi and Chet are gonna give a speech

right now so be quiet" Roberta interrupted quickly as she noticed

Cindi pulling Chet up to the front of the huge luxurious living room

in which the had set up a mic and everything. As Cindi and Chet gave

their long winded sappy speech about what it means to be a senior

at UIC, the crowd stood in boredom as they impatiently waited for an

hour for Cindi and Chet to finish so they could go back to doing the

typical college socializing. Julius suddenly felt the call of nature

creep up on him during the middle of the speech..hey..when ya gotta

go ya gotta go...

Julius carefully wove in and out of the crowd quickly asking

a stranger if she knew where the bathroom was and luckily in getting a

correct answer. He hurriedly opened the door and quickly found a stall

in which to relieve himself. "Man this speech is long" he thought

to himself as he could still hear the faint mumble of Cindi Johnson's

part of the speech drone on. Julius finished, then zipped up his

black dress pants, and left the stall to go wash his hands. As he

turns in the direction of the bathroom sinks he is abruptly startled

as he sees Romeo using one of the urinals. The squeaking of Julius'

rubber soles stopping suddenly also startles Romeo causing him to

quickly turn around, they both glance at eachother for about 2 seconds,

before Julius breaks the ice.

"Oh!..hey..I didn't hear you come in hehe..sorry I got a lil

startled there". Julius said trying to calm down.

"We just keep running into eachother don't we? hehe".Romeo replied with a laid back tone as as his eyes followed Julius as he made his way to the sinks beside the urinals." earlier". Romeo continued as Julius washed his hands..."I wanna apologize for the way Danielle acted, she can be pretty bitchy sometimes".

"So why are you with her?" Julius asked in a "you dumb ass"

tone...." I remember.."

"Yeah.." Romeo replied his thoughts trailing off as he

stared at Julius, obviously overtaken by feelings of attraction

as he noticed Julius's shiny jet black hair and dark mocha

complexion. He was so oblivious to everything else around him that

he completely forgot the fact that he had stopped peeing and was

still standing at the urinal with a "growing situation" happening

below the belt. Julius didn't know whether to puke at the thought

of being flattered that another guy was sprung over him while he

had a boyfriend, or to collapse on the floor from laughter at the

site of Romeo standing at the urinal drooling over him with his

tongue(not to mention something else..) hanging out. Instead,

he nervously decided to take on the task of bringing poor Romeo

out of his euphoria and back to reality..

"Um..hello? to Romeo?"

"Oh my god..".Romeo said as he was jolted back into the real

world. "Sorry I've just got a lot on my mind right now.." He said

as his face turned bright red while trying to zip up his pants.

" I'll see ya later sometime.." Julius

said as he waved bye to Romeo and quickly opened the door and

stepped out of the bathroom. As if the encounters with Romeo

weren't akward enough, Julius spots his beloved Kevin making

his way to the bathroom as Julius starts to make his way down

the hallway.

"Ah there you are, I've been looking all over for you!".Kevin

said excitedly as he slipped his hand around Julius's waist in the

hallway for a bit..seeing as how no one was looking. Julius, again

was torn between being nervous and happy..being that he just ran

into Romeo.

" found me..muah!". Julius romantically replied as

he and Kevin dangerously snuck in a small kiss on the lips. "

to the boys room huh?" Julius said

"Yeah..I'll be right out ok?" Kevin smiled and attempted to

head into the bathroom when he was all but cut off as the door swung

open with Romeo almost hitting Kevin in the head with the door.

"Oh man I'm sorry bout that dude are you ok?, I didn't get you

did I?".Romeo said praying that Kevin wouldn't clobber him right on

the spot.

"Watch where you're goin next time dumbass!" Kevin said

immediately recognizing Romeo was the one Julius talked to earlier,

but wisely keeping his cool about not telling him to "stay away

from his boyfriend"...

"Kevin..he couldn't see you were there jeez". Julius said, then

quickly turned to Romeo." He's had a lil too much to drink, he didn't

mean what he said..sorry". Julius said quickly ushering Kevin into

the bathroom to get away from Romeo and calm the situation down.

Julius shut the door behind them and locked it..

"Ok..what is up with you tonight...why are you acting

this way?'re not yourself tonight...what's up?".Julius demanded

as he stood in front of Kevin with his arms crossed. Kevin..still

sort of buzzing from the alcohol, tried to collect his thoughts.

"I think the question is why are you cheating on me??" Kevin

slurred a bit as he eeked out that statement.

"Kevin..please your blowing things out of proportion".Julius

retorted, clearly frustrated." I get enough unfair judgment from

my parents, I don't need any from you either". Kevin sighed as he

thought about what Julius said, and he knew he was right and that

he had been acting like a total ass, he began to apologize.

"I know, babe your right..I...I'm sorry.." Kevin replied

as he hugged Julius. "It's not you...It's me really, what with

senior year startin in a week..things have been really hectic

lately and I was takin my stress out on you and I shouldn't

have...I won't do it anymore I promise.

"I hope so...because I don't want us to spend our whole

senior year fighting.." Julius said lovingly rubbing Kevin's

back. Kevin then briskly dried his tears and pulled away from


"You better head out there, you know how Roberta is,

if you're gone more than 2 minutes she'll start looking for you,

just give me a minute to collect myself and I'll meet you back

out there ok babe?" Kevin said with a grin.

"Ok, but don't take to long..I don't want your sexy ass

waiting in here too long, the next guy that comes in here

might fall for you..and I just can't have you CHEATING ON ME!

haha" Julius joked

"Haha ok I deserved it now get outta here Mr Funny Man!".Kevin

laughed as he tried to wad up a ball of toilet paper and playfully

hurl it at Julius but missed.

Hello again, it's Julius, surprise surprise..did you miss me? well, anyways all I can say is this party totally sucks right now. with 2 akward run-ins with Romeo and a fight with my boyfriend, this has been shall we say an "eventful" night. Ok, I have to cut this off now cause I just spotted my sis Roberta shooting Danielle a dirty look so it doesn't look good.."

As Julius made his way through the crowd searching for

Roberta he heard the usual clinking of glasses and people chatting

and living it up. As he finally stumbled upon his sister with an

annoyed look on her face.

"Ugh! thank god you're came just in time to rescue

from Danielle comming over here and tormenting me". Roberta said

relieved, but not for long as Danielle boldly plowed her way over

towards Julius and Roberta.

"Oh hi Roberta it's sooooo good to see you sweetie!..mmph!..

OUCH!". Danielle shouted as Romeo accidentally bumped into her.

"Ugh!, don't you know how to walk?!!" Danielle shrieked.

"Whatever, Julius..lets get out of here...PLEASE". Roberta


"Oh hey looks like I've stumbled upon a lil gathering here!"

Kevin exlcaimed as he came upon Roberta, Danielle, Romeo and Julius.

"Oh my!..and who is this tall handsome thing?" Danielle flirted as

she looked Kevin up and down unashamedly checking him out. Julius,

almost furious to the point of losing it..interrupts..

"Uh his name is Kevin, but sorry we have to go now..see ya later,

come on guys" Julius said totally cutting Danielle off and giving

Kevin a little push..god knows Roberta didn't need one since she was.

practically foaming at the mouth to get out of there.

When all was said and done, Roberta, Kevin and Julius

hopped into the convertible and left the scene. Kevin, being

the sweet and thoughtful guy he is, insisted that Julius and

Roberta stayed the night in his new high rise condo that his

parents let him rent during the summer. Kevin knew all about

Julius's overprotective parents and figured that the last thing

they needed was to come home to bitchy parents after an extremely

akward night like tonight. Besides he wanted to make it up to

Julius for acting like a jerk that night. They stopped by the

Ocampo house to grab a change of clothes, toothbrushes and

toothpaste for the morning then headed off to Kevin's place.

When they arrived at Kevin's condo, Kevin told Roberta

where to park, then they all got out of the car and gathered

their things and headed inside the downtown Chicago building

and up the elevator to Kevin's place on the 22nd floor. With

the dinging sound of the elevator doors opening they stepped

out of the elevator, and made their way down to the condo.

Kevin pulled out his keys and quickly opened the door, and they

all stepped in.

"Enjoy it while it lasts guys, this is my place till

we hit the UIC dorms next week, you guys have been here before

so just make yourselves at home, my house is your house, Oh

Roberta? don't mind having the guest room do you?, Julius

and I stay in the master bedroom hehe" Kevin said with a sly grin.

"Oh yeah of course, it's cool...master bedroom...hehe".

Roberta giggled as she trotted off to the guest room singing.

"Kevin and Julius sittin in a tree....K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"My sister can be so embarrassing sometimes" Julius laughed

as he and Kevin made their way into the master bedroom.

"Well..I love her she's cool....but you know..who I love

more?....." Kevin said playfully poking Julius's side, then takin

off his (Kevin, not Julius lol) shirt gettin ready for bed. Julius

could'nt help but notice Kevins well toned basketball player

calves as he removed his black dress pants to reveal boxers


"Hmm...who is it?" Julius said playing along takin his

shirt off as well.

" Oh I think his name starts with J!" Kevin said tackling

Julius onto the bed, both of them laughin hysterically. After

a couple minutes of horsing around like 10 year olds. Kevin had

also lent Julius one of his bigger oversized sleep shirts to

wear for the night. They finally settled down and slipped under the covers and layed side by side.

Kevin's arm around Julius's waist.

"Can you believe we're gonna be Seniors in college babe?". Kevin


"Time flies huh" replied Julius, lettin out a small yawn.

" You said it..." Kevin muttered pensively,"I hope we make it

the best year ever"

"Oh I'm sure it will be one to remember". Julius said softly as

he began to drift off to sleep in Kevin's arms.

**Hey guys, sorry this took a while to post...I was having

problems setting up the other site I gave the address to on the

last chapter and I apologize for any inconvenience it may have

caused you. Well I hope you liked this chapter and you can always

email me with feedback at, I love to hear

from my readers :). Have a good one!"**

Next: Chapter 4

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