Romeo and Julius

By John Doe

Published on Jul 18, 2009


Romeo & Julius By: Kevin T. Smith


During gym I couldn't help but stare at him the entire gym class. The way his ass looked in his basketball shorts, the way his shirt would lift up ever so slightly and give me a glimpse of his perfect six pack. Gym was over quicker than it began and I was stuck talking to the gym teacher as everyone else went into the locker room. I decided there was no point in changing since I would be back for tryouts later that afternoon.

"Hey, new kid!" I heard from behind me as I turned around and saw this tall black guy walking towards me, he was cute just not my type. He was about my height with his hair braided and a very toned body that could be seen obviously through his tight fitting black shirt. "It's Romeo." I said stopping and waiting for him to catch up. "Yeah sorry, I'm Rob, I heard you talking to Coach back there, are you really joining the team?" 'Rob, Julius' Rob?' "Yeah I used to play back in New York just glad I didn't miss tryouts."

"Oh ok that's cool. I just wanted to introduce myself I like to know everyone on my team." he said smiling at me. It wasn't a normal smile, there was something behind it. "Your team?" "Yeah, I'm captain of the varsity team." The more he spoke the more arrogant he sounded he must have been a guy who always gets what he wants. "Oh ok." "So what are you doing before tryouts? Wanna grab something to eat while we wait?" I nodded as we head towards the parking lot. "We can take my car." he said as we walked over to a yellow Chevy Cobalt, it was gorgeous obviously brand new with the new car smell his seats were black with yellow trim and it reminded me of Bumblebee from the Transformers movies. "Dude this car is gorgeous." I said as we sat in the car. The smile widened on his face as his ego grew, "Thanks I just got it about a week ago." "Do you mind if I make a quick stop got to pick someone up?" I shrugged in approval as we pulled up to a white house not to far from the school. Honk. Honk.

As the horn blazed the front door to the house opened and out walked a guy who was about 5'6'' curly brown hair and wearing clothes that were maybe a little to tight but showed off his feminine shape very well. "You could just call instead of honking like an idiot." he said getting in the car and not even acknowledging my presence. "If I want to honk I'll honk. You should have been outside waiting anyway." Rob said to our new backseat passenger. He rolled his eyes and sat back and didn't continue on with the unnecessary banter. "I'm London by the way." He said still with his arms folded. "Romeo."


"I hate Paul." I said as Ty got closer to her car. "What did he do now?" I ran through the entire locker room scene as I remember how angry I was that I didn't get my chance to talk to Romeo. "Well that's Paul, lets eat I'm hungry." She said climbing into the car. "Look!" I said pointing to the shiny yellow Cobalt. "Want to go somewhere else?" she asked I shook my head and headed towards the doors. As the door opened six pairs of eyes looked at me, `What was he doing here with them?' Ty and I stood in line behind them and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I tried really hard not to look at them in case I lost control and smacked London, the whore. But temptation got the best of me and I glanced up and Romeo was staring at me, I smiled shyly and he smiled back. I glanced over at London who must have caught our little exchange and glared at me as he put his hand around Rob's waist. "Slut." he mumbled as he rolled his eyes and turned away. "What did you just say? Really London I don't feel like kicking your ass today so just shut up." "Don't tell me to shut up, it's been a day since Robbie dumped you and you're already flirting with the new kid." he said nodding towards Romeo who was slowly becoming red. "You call me a slut but you were the one on your back even though Robbie still had a boyfriend." I spit out with such acid in my voice. He let go of Rob and walked up into my face I had a good 5 inches over him and could easily ring his little neck. But I felt a tug on my arm and it was Ty pulling me back. "He isn't worth it." I didn't budge he wasn't worth it but I so wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face. "Hey fellas relax." Rob said putting his hand on London and pulling him back. Again I look like a freaking lunatic in front of Romeo. "I'm going to kick his ass Ty." I said infuriated as we walked towards her car. "Let it go Jules." I tapped my foot ferociously as we sat in her car and I swear I could feel steam coming off of my head. "Let's just go back to school for tryouts I can let out some steam on the mat.


"Wow!" was all I was able to say as we sat in Rob's car. "Rob you shouldn't have stopped me I could've whopped his ass." Rob shook his head and said, "Sweetie Sorry to say but Julius has like 5 inches on you and would've really kicked your ass." "I can't believe you just said that." And for the rest of the ride back to the school the car was dead silent.

"Thanks for the ride." I said getting out the car not waiting for a response. As I walked back to the gym I saw him again that flawless walk and that oh so perfect body. I followed behind him as he walked into the gym. 'Girls?' I said to myself as I saw a bunch of mats and girls stretching. My eyes followed him as he walked to the end of the mat and took a deep breath and took of running and did a round-off and then followed a bunch of other amazing flips. My mouth was opened as I watched him fling his body in back flips and the way they flowed perfectly together was just magnificent. "Showoff!" I heard as the door behind me opened and London walked in. He walked to the edge off the mat and took off running like Julius did but it was different his seemed more forced but Julius' was more powerful and it came natural. "Hey are you trying out?" I heard a female voice as all eyes were quickly on me. I didn't really care that everyone was staring at me just that he was. "Only persons trying out for the Cheerleading team are allowed at tryouts." I blinked twice shook my head and came back to realty. "Sorry, I was looking for the basketball tryouts." All hands pointed in the same direction, "Other side." I smiled and walked away, "He's cute." I heard as I walked out followed by a bunch of giggles.

I blushed as I entered the other side of the gym. "Glad you made time to join us." the coach said as I put my bag down and joined everyone else with the set of push ups they were doing. Tryouts went by like a breeze though most of the younger guys were complaining about the work out it was more like a walk in the park for me.

"Hey Romeo!" I turned to se Rob walking towards me. Everyone seemed to talk to me except the one guy I wanted. "Hey Rob, what's up?" "I know we just met but I'm having a Halloween party this weekend would be great if you could make it. Everyone is going to be there and it's a great place to meet people." He didn't have to do much convincing I didn't want to be stuck in the house this weekend. "Sure I'll be there." he gave me his address and time and the other important information and we went our separate ways. Four days to find a costume, Great!

Next: Chapter 4

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