Romancing James

By moc.loa@1naFnragusanaT

Published on Mar 12, 2001


Hello everyone. Here is Pt. 4 on R. James. This part is shorter than the others. That was intentional :-) Not much else to say. Just here it is. E-mail : Website with stories:


Romancing James: Part 4

"Hey," James said. He looked at Garrett's damped hair, the effect of the water made Garrett look so fine in his eyes. "Wanna pop in the movies or something?"

"Sure, but wait I almost forgot. While you were in the shower Pat called for you. He wanted you to call him back," Garrett debated in the shower whether or not he should tell James about the call. He decided it would look shady if he kept it to himself, and James found out.

"O.K., well I don't think I am going to call him," James replied, pulling one of the movies out of the bag, it was Bless the Child. As he opened up the box, a knock was at the door. Garrett walked to the other side of the room, down the stairs to opened the door.

The room was on the attic level, and the door to it was down stairs to the second level of the house. To get to the attic you'd have to go through the now TV room, which in the past was know as Garrett's old room. Garrett felt that he needed more privacy, and with that they moved his things up the stairs, and into the attic.

Garrett came back up with two, Chinese take out boxes. Garrett's mother had ordered food for them, and it was just delivered. Garrett handed James, fork, spoon, and chopsticks. Garrett didn't know whether or not James could use chopsticks, so he handed him all three. Garrett had only a fork, and he opened up his box.

"You don't know how to use chopsticks?" James asked.

"No, I never learned, I tried but ya know I failed," Garrett said while he smiled sheepishly.

"This clinches it, you are completely retarded," James replied as he looked at Garrett's face blush in embarrassment.

Garrett playful punched James in the arm before he said, "I am not, I just never applied myself to learn."

"O.K., bud keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better," James said while taking a bite of the lo mien that was bought for him. James reached over and opened the packet containing the other set of chopsticks. "Do you want me to teach you?"

Garrett laughed at the notion before he spoke, "You could try, but it's a lost cause."

James handed Garrett the chopsticks, "Well, let me see how you do it." Garrett awkwardly picked up the wooden sticks and began to put them in an akward position that anyone with half a brain would figure out was wrong. "Well, see I have no fucking idea on how to do this."

James was hysterical, with the way Garrett was handling the chopsticks and the exasperated expression on his face it all added up to comedy for James. Wiping a tear from his eye from how hard he was laughing he began to talk, "O.K. Garrett you really are bad at this."

"I told you," Garrett said as he put his chopsticks down. He picked up his fork, and attempted to begin eating, James stopped him.

"Never say never, Garrett. I can teach anyone, even the slow ones like you," James swiped the fork away from Garrett and handed him the chopsticks. "First of all your holding them wrong."

James gently touched Garrett's hands and maneuvered the chopsticks in a better position. "Now, look at my hands." Garrett's eyes adjusted to James' fingers and he saw how James was handling it. "Like this."

Garrett attempted this a few times, until he thought he had gotten the hang of it. "I think I got it!" Garrett exclaimed a little to enthusiastically, because a split second later the noodles that were once in-between the plastic sticks had fallen on his white T-shirt. "I spoke too soon."

James began to laugh as he handed Garrett a napkin, "Well, you have the basic idea, I suppose your just stupid."

"Shut-up," Garrett replied with another playful punch. They finished up their food, in ample time as they were terribly hungry. It was around 7:30ish, and they popped in the first movie which was Bless the Child. In the middle of the movie, the conversation between the two teens began to spark.

"Do you remember back in elementary school? When we used to be friends? What happened? I mean now we rarely talk and we have three classes together," Garrett scratched his head as that thought had gotten the best of him for the past couple of weeks. Ever since he started realizing his enlarging crush on James, he thought of how they stopped talking. How did they become good friends to what they are now, just classmates.

James pondered the question for a few moments, thinking back all the way to 3rd and 4th grade when their relationship was at it's peek. "I don't know, around that time I was having some problems with my self. Mostly esteem problems, and I didn't really fit into your group," James paused as he thought about it a little more. "I didn't really fit you know. I wasn't an athlete or anything like that. I was out of place."

Garrett was staring into James' eyes as listened to his friend speak. All the things he had said was true, when they started to judge and be cruel it almost seemed like you had to be a certain person to fit into the group Garrett occupied. The more he thought about it, the more shameful he felt for being in it. There's so many great personalities like James, and he couldn't reach them, because he didn't fit. He wanted to punch himself for being so shallow. "Did you think I was shallow? I mean I know what the opinion of my clique is, and I know it's a true opinion for some, but I never thought I was that bad. Before today, before we spoke, when we were just classmates is that what you think?"

James looked at both the intensity and tenseness in Garrett's face and he knew he was deeply effected by this. "Just by the look of sincerity on your face, I know that deep down you are a good person. You, I think was shaped by people like Trisha and them," James looked at Garrett's eyes lit up as James was saying this. "You were always nice, and you never talked shit for no reason. So, I guess you are one of the nice ones."

Garrett laughed, as he spoke, "You makes us sound like people who were out to ruin your lives!" James raised an eyebrow as if to say `Well, aren't you?'

"Oh, shut-up," Garrett said as he turned his gaze back to the TV.

"I didn't say anything," James said as he also directed his stare to a different direction. Random chatter like that continued through out the movie. They learned more about each other throughout the second movie. As it was getting later, their attention was fixated more on each other than on the movie. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"You can ask, but I don't know if I'll answer it. I know what a filthy mind you have," Garrett replied with a large smile on his face.

"Well I was going to ask something else, but I'll ask you something filthy," James said with a wider smile on his face.

"Oh, here we go."

"Shut-up. Hmm...what to ask. O.K., how's this one. How far did Leah let you go?"

Garrett's face turned to shock, as he began to immediately turn red. "I don't think you really need to know!"

James got closer to Garrett, and looked him deeply in the eyes, "Oh, but I really do. I know she's probably a tight ass and didn't let you get any."

"Your a very rude!" Garrett said, grimacing because what James was saying was true

"I know, but that's why everyone adores me," James said in the sweetest voice he could manage. Both he and Garrett began to laugh. An hour later the movie was over. James picked up the remote control and hit rewind.

James rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Dude, I am really tired and it's not even that late yet."

"Really? I am not tired at all, and I am not going to let you sleep until I am ready!" Garrett replied as he got off from the chair in which he was sitting and rolled it to the computer. It was on sleep mode, he pressed the little blue button to turn the computer on and signed on AOL.

James plopped on the bed that was stationed beside the computer. "You better not fall asleep," Garrett replied laughily. In reality, Garrett would like nothing more than to have James lying beside him while he went to bed. Meaningless chatter filled the warm room. That's when James began to drift off. Garrett was telling James a story, so he didn't realize that his silence was due to the fact he was sleeping.

"...I mean dude what was the meaning of that!" Garrett said as he began to laugh at his own story. "James? James?"

Garrett turned to see James' angelic face in a peaceful slumber. This was the perfect opportunity for Garrett to get a recent picture of James. He could just write off, that he wanted to annoy James. He grabbed the Polaroid camera from on top of his desk, and flash, the picture was taken, and being developed. "You bastard," James responded half asleep. He was too tired to really do anything, and he quickly fell back asleep.

In the meantime Garrett was busy speaking to Randy. Randy and Garrett were extremely close. Randy however had moved a few months ago, Randy was one of the few people that knew what Garrett was feeling. The fact that he was now so far away, gave him a sense of security.

Tennispro15: So, tell me how is James doing? You haven't seduced him yet have you? DyStAncE1: No, of course not. He's sleeping right now. You don't even know what's going on in my mind right now! Tennispro15: I am thinking that you are thinking of him naked! LOL DyStAncE1: Well, I am thinking about doing things to him, that are unspeakable :-) Tennispro15: I hope you are kidding! DyStAncE1: What the hell do you mean? Tennispro15: I mean you should take it slow with him. If you liked him as much as you said you do, you'd want to take it slow. You'd want to savor every moment, whether it was sexual or not. DyStAncE1: I guess your right. But I don't know, just looking at him makes me tempted it. Tennispro15: Don't do it. Control your hormonal desires. He hasn't proved himself to you yet. DyStAncE1: He's nice though. Tennispro15: Does he even know that you want him? DyStAncE1: No, not really.... Tennispro15: See! What if he's not interested. DyStAncE1: thanks..:-( Tennispro15: That's not what I meant! I mean don't get your hopes up, until you know. DyStAnCe1: I guess that seems right. I am going to join James in bed now. I'll be nice! Tennispro15: Good...Bye.

Garrett clicked on the sign off button, and he did just that. He turned back to James and took in his beauty. How he wished he could be closer to him. Garrett walked to the other side of the bed. He flicked off the light and lay next to James.

Garrett reflected on the day, and smiled. He felt that he really got to know James. They had this underlining trust that neither of them spoke about. It was just there. What kept him from telling James about his want for him. What kept him from not taking James and telling how much he liked him, physically and emotionally.

Garrett looked at James with the blue light coming from the window. The bed was situated by the computer on one side and the window on the next. It helped Garrett to sleep staring at out the window into the sky, thinking about everything. Now all he thought about was, how much he wanted to hold James.

Garrett thought about it, James had told him that once he asleep he's usually gone. I'll just put my arms around him for a little while, I'll take them off before I fall asleep,' Garrett thought. He tried to rationalize this feeling that felt so right to him. Damnit, why does James make me feel this way? With anyone else I am so confident, and I don't have that around him. Why?'

That was a question Garrett couldn't answer. He thought about his situation more, and he couldn't find an answer. He just kept on looking at James, and every time he did a small smile would come across on his face. He gently wrapped an arm around James, and continued to think. Within a few minutes Garrett dozed off, leaving his arms around James' body.

Rose looked at the clock hanging above the fridge. It was nearly 11:00 a.m. and she didn't hear any motion from upstairs. She decided it was time to wake them up. She walked up the flight of stairs, and knocked on the door. She waited a few moments, and opened the door.

She let it lightly squeak, as she eloquently walked up the stairs. A smile spread across her face, as she looked at her son's arms wrapped around James' body. A beautiful smile was also appearing on Garrett's face. She knew she wanted to capture the moment, it would be a nice picture for them to reflect on. Their first night together.

She picked up the Polaroid, and aimed the camera in the two boys' direction. She took the picture, waking both of them up. "Rise and shine boys!"

"Huh, what?" James groggily said. He rubbed his eyes, and then realized Garrett's arm. Garrett however wasn't as calm as James. He began to freak out.

"I am so glad you finally told James, it must've been hard to keep it a secret with him lying next to you," Rose laughed as she said that.

"Tell me what?"

"Ma, I didn't tell him. Oh my god, I can't believe you did that! James, I don't know I mean you were laying there, and you looked so cute. I was only supposed to hold you for a minute, and I forgot," Garrett was turning red. He didn't know what was going to happen. James didn't have a reaction on his face. He was still just beginning to realize what it all meant.

"Honey, I thought you told him. It was supposed to be the first night together!"

"Wuh?" James said still trying to figure out what was happening.

"I didn't tell him! I tried, I couldn't. James, I don't know what to say. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this."

`Why the hell is he like this? I haven't even gave him a response,' James thought, as he realized the perfect thing to do. James stared into Garett's ice blue eyes, grabbed the back of his head, and kissed him softly on the lips. "Sweetie, it's way too early to be bitching."

Garrett's face turned from shock to happiness. Did he hear right? Did James just call him angel? Was he just kissed by the boy of his dreams? Yes, it was all true. "Aww, how sweet. He already has a pet name for you!"

"MOM!" Garrett said in horror. "Thank you, James. That was great."

"First thing you need to know if you want to be my sweetie is, don't thank me for kisses. You'll get many of them," James said as he stared directly into Garrett's beautiful blue eyes.

Garrett stared at his mom, motioning for her to leave. She pretended not to notice. Garrett sighed before he spoke, "You don't know how happy this makes me feel. Throughout all last night, I was freaking our, just because you touched me ... "

"Oooh, where did you touch?" Rose laughed, James laughed too.

"MOM! When you taught me how to use chopsticks, I don't know it made a shiver of electricity flow throughout my whole body. It really felt great!"

"No problem, seeing you spatter noodles over yourself, was well worth it!"

"Shut-up!" again Garrett looked at his mother. She again pretended not to notice. "Mom, can you give us some privacy? PLEASE?"

"Oh, right. I'll start breakfast!" Rose left quickly. Garrett listened for the door shutting then he reached in for another kiss. James stopped him.

"Sweetie, morning breath!" James said.

"I don't care," Garrett said as he went down and they shared a deep passionate kiss. Garrett thought about how great the day had started, and how happy he felt.

He hoped James felt the same way about him. Garrett rested his head on James chest, as they sat their in silence, both reflecting on the happiness that had just joined their lives.


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