Romancing James

By moc.loa@1naFnragusanaT

Published on Feb 25, 2001


Sorry for the onlg wait for this. The proof reader never got back to me and I forgot about this, EVeryone go to . That is my website for the stories, you'll generally get the rough copies of my storie quicker this way. This one has many mistakes so bare with it. Thanks!

Romancing James: Chapter 3- James and the Compromising Situations

James looked around the silent room, in the early hours of the day. It was only 7:00 a.m. James was an early bird, and was always ready to do something. James gazed to the far pale gray wall, he saw paintings. Surprisingly, James didn't realize they were there yesterday. He slowly crept out of bed, and walked to the far wall. Pat still lay there motionless. The paintings were of dragons, James assumed Pat had painted them, judging by the initials on the lower corner of the painting. They were exceptionally well done. The green body of the dragon, corresponding with the reddish-blue background was a perfect match. James had found Pat's talent.

James walked to the window on the opposite side of the moderately sized room, and looked out the window. The sun was shining and he saw that the little children began to play in the snow. It hadn't snowed in a week, in the cold suburban New England town, but the remnants of last nor'easter remained. Deciding to let Pat sleep, James walked out of the room, and entered the hall way of the medium sized house. He wanted to use the bathroom. He approached the bathroom, but he heard water running. He went downstairs, to the other bathroom. Luckily, it was empty. He opened the door, to the tiny bathroom, and did his business.

Garrett, woke up in his large cold bedroom. Realizing the window was open, he promptly shut it. He had forgotten to do so, the night before. He looked at his cable box, and realized he should begin to get ready. Practice wasn't until 10:05, but he always got things done as soon as possible. Garrett, had extra energy flowing through his body. The thought of having James alone to himself, was one thing he was very pleased about. Yet, he wasn't as happy as he could possibly be. He thought about what happened last night at the Lazerquest, and how James could be pissed at him.

"I know exactly what your trying to do, and you better take a step back." Pat retorted in the middle of Lazerquest. James had gone to get a soda.

"What do you mean? I am not trying to do anything, just trying to have fun," Garrett quietly replied.

"You think I didn't know you were going to listen into the conversation today? I knew you were. I knew it all along. I didn't think you'd have the balls to actually show up, coincidentally, by yourself," Pat began. "James is way too naive to even consider anything, like the fact you could possibly like him. He doesn't even know my feelings for him, but bitch I am telling you right now. If your trying to get into James' pants, it won't happen. He is way too good for you!"

Garrett was shocked. He didn't realize this would go so far. He thought that Pat was just playing in the maze, but when James walked away he turned to someone else. He wasn't the sweet person that James thought of him as. He was a bitch. Garrett's mind was blocked. He couldn't handle all this hostility when it came to James. Garrett couldn't speak, thinking it was his only hope he pushed Pat away. Pat was pushed into James, and James spilled his drink all over himself. "What the hell Garrett? Why did you do that?"

"Uh, well he was umm," Garrett tried to speak, but the words would not come out. Displeased, James walked to the bathroom, while Pat followed close behind. Pat mouthed the f word to Garrett, as he turned and headed to the bathroom. His alarm went off, sending him back to reality. He quickly shut it off.

How could I be so fucking stupid? Pat probably made his move on James already,' Garrett thought. He opened his drawer next to his king size bed. He pulled out a plain brown pencil holder. He opened it, and pulled out a shirtless picture of James. He had gotten it from Allie, from one of James' constant pool parties over the summer. He is so beautiful, I hope he'll accept me.'

James and Garrett's budding relationship, seemed so close to him. He could see it happening, he pictured the warm embraces, cuddles, and kisses that seemed so true. He could nearly taste James' tongue, as it entered his mouth. He imagined it all of this, while staring at James' face in the picture. He imagined James pulling him tight, and putting his arms around him as they began to slowly undress each other. Feeling the warm passion and, "Garrett get ready!" Rose, Garrett's mother, said as she opened the door. Garrett threw the pencil case, and the picture in the drawer and slammed it shut.

"O.K., mom. I am going to head into the shower," Garrett said. He rummaged through his closet, and found his basketball uniform. He grabbed it, and his towel and went to the bathroom.

Rose, Garrett's hippie like mom stood at Garrett's drawer. She desperately wanted to know what he was hiding. She felt really bad going through, her son's stuff, but she knew it would help answer questions that Garrett would never answer. She walked over to the bed and sat on it. She opened the drawer, and saw the shiny picture of James. She picked it up, and examined it. She turned it over to see a caption. `Here G, here's your boy. I hope you end up with him, you guy's would be so cute together! Luv -Allie'

What did she mean by saying your boy',' Rose thought. She pondered it, and saw the brown pencil case. She opened it and out came a poem, and more random pictures of James. She opened the first piece of paper, and read it to herself:


The way your smile warms my day, Waiting for you to make my dream become more than an infatuation. Your personality sets my soul ablaze, And you run wild, through my crazy imagination.

Rose didn't want to read on. She knew what her son was now. She was surprised, Garrett had never shown homosexual tendencies. Rose then realized that James is the guy coming over the house that day. Should she ask Garrett about it? She didn't know what to do. She sat their pondering for 10 minutes until she heard the shower stop. She put everything back in the drawer, and rushed downstairs.


Pat's tongue probed James open mouth, as they shared their first kiss of the day. James' hands roamed Pat's back, as they shared a long, passionate kiss. They were stopped, when someone knocked on the door. Pat and James separated, and the knocker entered the room. "You guys should get ready, if you want to make it on time," Shaun said, Pat's brother who was also on the basketball team. Shaun was going to drive them. Shaun left the room, and left the two alone. For a moment they, only gazed into each other's eyes. Pat was overwhelmed, with James by his side. He thought he really won James over with the whole crying bit. All was an elaborate plan, to get James into bed. Pat had been taught how to make himself cry, and it was trick he often used to get his way. It definitely worked. He did care about James, but more so he wanted Garrett to be alone and to have sex. A boy's hormornes never changed for an immature teen like Pat.

They took their separate showers, and had breakfast. Due to the rush they were in, talking was put to a minimum as they made their way to the high school, on the crisp Saturday morning.

Garrett and Rose, were driving along the main road, when Rose turned to the back road. Garrett was concentrating on the song on the radio, that he didn't realize the detour was happening. When he finally realized it, his mother had a confused expression on her face, and began to talk. "How's Leah doing?"

Garrett's happiness turned to anger. He wondered why his mom would ask such a stupid question, she knew the breakup was hard on him. It was a terrible choice on her part to bring it up. "She is going out with Matt now," Garrett said somberly.

"Oh, she found a new boyfriend?" Rose played dumb. She wanted this to slowly tie into her next question, about Garrett's possible boyfriend.

"Looks like it," Garrett said to his mom, now with more attitude.

"What about you?" Rose asked.

"What?" Garrett asked, beginning to get scared. `Does she know?'

"What about you son, do you have a boyfriend?" Rose said as gently as possible.

Garrett started to turn red. How did she know? Was she snooping around in his room? Or did she just know? Garrett didn't know what to say, but since his mother didn't seem mad he decided to just answer the question. "I have someone in mind."

"I know."

"You do?" Garrett asked.

"That James kid, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

Rose ran her fingers through her sons hair to reassure that this didn't effect her love for him, before she continued on. "I saw the brown pencil case."

"You snooped through my stuff?" Garrett asked, turning back to anger. He swatted his mother's hand off of him. "How dare you!"

"Honey, it was just that. I saw you put it in your drawer, and.."

"That doesn't matter. You have no right to go through my stuff!" Garrett screamed loudly.

"I thought you were hiding drugs or something, I mean.."

"Look at me, do I look like a fuc-- druggie? I play sports and I am damn well good at it too. What were you thinking?" Garrett asked while calming down a bit. He realized his mom wasn't attacking him, but trying to learn more about him. He took a deep breath, and continued. "Mom, don't tell dad o.k.? If he found out, he would kick me out of the house!"

"I know son, I'll keep this to myself until your ready to let him know. Just remember that I love you no matter what," Rose said. They were off the highway by this point and were at a red light. Rose took this time to hug her son. "Is James, that way?"

"That way? You really need to phrase your sentences better mum!" They looked at each other, and began to laugh. "I heard he was bisexual."

"One of those greedy ones than?" Rose asked.

"I guess," Garrett said, looking out the window. He saw the snow capped trees, and passing stores as Rose got closer and closer to the school. Garrett hoped that he had the nerve to tell James how he felt. A chill ran through his body, as he pictured James holding him that night. Together in bed, with smiles on both their faces. A sudden stop woke him from his persistent dream. "O.K. mum, see you in an hour."

Garrett left the car, and went up the stairs to the average size school. The orange doors, were fading, and had scrapes of silver metal showing through. He entered through the doors, and turned right to the field house. He opened the smaller blue doors, and looked around. They were beginning to start, and he saw both Varsity and Junior Varsity beginning to shoot. Garrett was wearing his blue and white uniform. Tank top, with shorts that went down to knee. Garrett never liked wearing his uniform, as he thought his arms were too scrawny.

"Hey," James said walking toward Garrett. Garrett admired James' clothes as he began to get closer to James. It wasn't a surprise what James' was wearing. His American Eagle top, with blue jeans seemed to be a uniform for James.

"Glad you could make it," Garrett said as he began to beam. He saw Pat was coming over, Garrett cringed. Thoughts of James and Pat flew through his mind. Before either of them said anything more, a whistle was blown and they all went towards the center of the gymnasium. James took his seat in the top corner of the bleachers.

James had brought a book, and he began reading. Yet, he found himself staring at one guy. Garrett, not Pat. James observed Garrett's dirty blonde hair, smooth sexy arms, and his slight patch of pit hair that James found so sexy. James continued to fantasize about Garrett, when he heard a voice call out to him. He looked around and saw his brown haired, brown eyed friend Melissa. She was standing near the entrance with a smile on her face. James put his book in his bag, and decided to leave it on the bleachers. He slowly made his way to Melissa avoiding the practice that was going on.

"Mel, what the hell are you doing here?" James said, as they shared a friendly hug. James was relieved that he was no longer alone.

"My brother Dan, had hockey practice so we dropped him off. I went in to get a drink and I thought I saw you, and I decided to keep you company."

"How sweet of you," James responded. They decided that they wanted to sit, so they went back to where James originally sat.

"So, why are you here?" Melissa asked.

"Well, last night I slept over Pat's house and .. "

"Eeew, he's so fucking gross!"

"Melissa don't be mean. He's nice, and well," James paused. "forget it. Today I am going over Garrett's house."

"Garrett? Garrett? The Garrett in my Spanish class?"


Melissa rolled her eyes, "Why the fuck are you going to that snobs house."

"We are doing a project together, so we decided that I should sleep over his house," James said beginning to get pissed. Melissa was always like this. She had always made fun of everyone and their mothers. Today was no different .The rest of the conversation was Melissa slamming James.

Garrett was out of breath. He was glad practice was finally over. He wiped the beads of sweat running down his face, and started to approach James. "Hey."

"Fuck you," Melissa said. "That goes for both of us."

Garrett's face turned to shock, when James spoke up. "Melissa quit being a bitch. Hey Garrett."

"Hey James," Pat called out. He just came out of the lockerroom.

"Hey," James said. The ensuing conversation would be a confusion. With everyone talking at the same time. Melissa was bitching about Garrett, Pat and Garrett were to busy trying to talk to James. While James sat their silent, the three voices at the same time were beginning to cause a headache for James. "SHUT-UP!"

Everyone quickly hushed. Melissa left at that point as she saw her Dad standing at the doorway. Garrett went to the lockerroom, leaving James and Pat alone. "Babe, don't yell at me."

"Pat, then stop being an ass. Every time Garrett tried to talk you would interrupt him."

"Well, I am your boyfriend, I wanted to talk to you," Pat said.

"More like wanting to monopolize my conversation," James replied. James ran his hands through his hair as if in disgust, then let out a long sigh.

"That's only because, I know Garrett. He is bad, I know what he is all about. He is going to try to hurt you," Pat was lying through his teeth.

"Don't be a shit. You know very well, I can handle myself. I don't need a baby-sitter," James said in contempt. "What is with you anyways, Garrett is one of the nicer guys in the school."

"He pretends to be, but he isn't. Believe me I know," Pat said while putting his right hand on James' shoulder. "I know."


Garrett was in the lockerrom gathering his stuff, as he stepped outside he saw Pat place his hand on James' shoulder. Garrett turned back into the locker room. He took a deep breath, and looked in the mirror. The thought of James and Pat was now even more apparent. Even if it was just a touch, Garrett knew it was more. He splashed his face water, trying to calm himself down. `What is wrong with me? If I am really am supposed to be with James, he'll pick me over Pat. Hell, maybe Pat isn't even with him, what am I worried about?'

Garrett ran his long fingers through his golden brown hair, and took a deep breath. He walked out of the locker room. James was now alone. "Ready?" Garrett asked.

"Sure," James walked towards Garrett. "Let's go dude."

They walked side-by-side to the main entrance of the near empty school. Their foot steps echoed an eerie sound of emptiness. During the weekdays the now shallow hallway would be filled with students and teachers alike it a mob like crowd. The plain gray hall lead to the main entrance, where Garrett's mom was waiting outisde of. Garrett saw the silver Interpid through the windows, as he lead James out the doors.

It had gotten a bit warmer during the two hours of practice. A cool, breeze ran a chill down James back, as he opened the door to the backseat. They both entered the backseat.

Patrick was already home, by this point. He was outside shooting baskets, when a he saw someone walking by. It was his new neighbor. They looked at each other for a moment. They both didn't say a word. Pat noticed how the neighbor seemed to measure up Pat, looking up and down. He remained at the edge of Pat's driveway, as Pat started approaching his neighbor. "Hello, I am Pat. I am your neighbor," Pat reached out for a handshake, by was left hanging.

He stared at the glove covered hand until Pat withdrew. "I'm Aaron."

"Your in my friend James' class aren't you?" Pat asked, he had just realized this as he got closer to his neighbor.

"Oh, so your a friend of him."

"Yes," Pat said, while wiping away the hair in his face. "Hey it's getting a bit windy out here, do you wanna go inside and chill. Maybe get to know each other?"


Garrett looked at his mother in a mixture of shock and happiness. She was asking James simple questions about himself, that Garrett wanted to learn. However, Garrett never had the nerve to ask. They were simple things, but Garrett still loved the knowledge. The thing that scared him, was he knew how his mother was. She could get carried away easily with things, and she might get way too personal. Something, Garrett wished his mother didn't do. "So, do you have a girl--friend?" Garrett's mom asked adding extra emphasis on girl. Garrett turned to his mother in horror, but quickly calmed down. `James wouldn't pick this innuendo up would he?'

"No, I am definitely do not have a girlfriend. Girls are trouble," James joked. James thought again about Pat. Wondering what he was doing at that certain point. If James knew what Pat was doing, he would be stopped in his tracks. Aaron certainly knew how to play people. He had easily gotten Pat to confess about he and James' relationship. He was certainly set to break them up. From the looks of things it was going to work. Aaron had set up the plan, when James called to say hi, Pat would say he was with Aaron. Their relationship would be over. Pat thinking he had something going with Aaron. Boy, was he wrong. It was all a game, to him. A game in which he certainly never lost.

The conversation dragged on, in what seemed for an eternity for silent Garrett. Throughout the conversation Garrett bit his nails, and twitched hoping to finally get away from his mom. They finally pulled into the garage. Garrett rushed James up the stairs, to his bedroom. His bedroom, was a redone attic. Garrett liked the privacy.

"Damn, I love your room already! Not only is it large, but you get privacy. I wish I had this privacy," James said as he put his stuff down. James looked at the renovated room. They walls looked brand new, and were painted a light blue. He immediately walked over to one corner, where a lot of pictures were placed. He looked at all the smiles, it was the Popular clique at it's best. Something James never wanted to be a part of. They all went to James middle school. Which was nicknamed `The Snobs of the Town' school. Whenever James was asked which middle school he came from, he cringed to tell the truth.

"Hey, I am going to get us some sodas," Garrett said breaking the silence, and bringing James back to reality.

"Oh, OK. Can I use the phone?"

"Sure," Garrett said, while walking down the stairs. James waited for the echoing footsteps to stop, before he started dialing. He had promised Pat he would call him when he got to Garrett's house, and he did just that.


"Hello, is Pat there?"

"He's kind of busy right now, pleasuring me," Aaron began to laugh.


"Tell him."

"Hey, ex-babe. Aaron, my neighbor and I have decided to hook up. I am sorry, but I like Aaron much better," Pat said. Pat didn't care for James anymore. He originally did it because he wanted sex and to spite Garrett. Now he had Aaron, a much more accessible and cuter guy, he decided to take him. While on the phone, Aaron was busy kissing Pat's stomach waiting to make his way even further down.

"But, you said you really cared about me? How could y-,"

"Things change babe. Aaron is way better than you sorry but it's true. Mmmm, Aaronnnn. I hope we can still be fr-," Aaron hung up the phone. Pat didn't care, as he enjoyed the movements of Aaron's expert tongue. James sat in the silent room dejected. `Still be friends? What the hell is he thinking? It's one thing to break up with me, but to do it on the phone while with the other person. What an ass,' James thought. It was one thing to lose his guy, but to Aaron. Someone who had confronted him already, made the pain much worse. The door squeaked, as James realized Garrett was coming back. He wiped away a solitary tear, and put a smile on his face.

"Any plans for tonight?" James asked, spinning around on the black wheeled chair. Garrett handed James the Pepsi, and sat on the bed. He grabbed a remote, and turned on his stereo putting it on the hip-hop station. 3LW was playing. "O.K. you probably think I am such a dork, but I love this song. So, if I happen to start singing along, ignore it. Force of habit."

Garrett laughed, "The song is cool. Anyways for tonight, uh we can rent a movie. I have to return some tapes, anyhow. Just chill in the house, maybe get to know each other?" Garrett asked, he ran his fingers through his brownish-blonde hair, anticipating a response.

James sang a long to "No More" for a few seconds longer before he responded. No more,' James thought. No more shit, I am going to take from Pat.' "Cool, I am in a chillin' mood tonight," James said imitating how Garrett spoke. James had an impeccable ability to hide his emotions. No one ever knew how he was really feeling, James thought if he let people see, he was vulnerable to them. "What kind of movies are you into?"

"Well, I don't know. I am into the run of the mill teen movies, and I like Christina Ricci too."

"I love Christina too. Maybe we can get one of her movies, none of her kid movies though," James smiled. Garrett loved James smiled, the way it seemed so sincere and everything about it, made Garrett smile. He was extremely happy to be able to finally talk to James, even if it was trivial stuff. "I guess we should get started on the math thing."

"Sure," Garrett said, grabbing a chair and sitting next to James at the wooden computer desk.

"Wow, that was great," Pat said to Aaron. They both lay naked on the bed, Pat reached to hold Aaron, but he backed off. "Hey, what's the problem?"

"Cuddling is for people who date, not for people who fuck," Aaron said putting on his boxers.

"I was under the impression that we were ya know, dating," Pat responded beginning to get confused. He focused on Aaron's deep brown eyes, he put his hand on Aaron's jean covered leg.

"Naive, naive Pat. Don't you get it? I was using you to hurt James. He thinks he's the shit, or at least that's how I saw him. I had you dump him, and that's all your needed for. You weren't that good anyway," Aaron said. He walked out never looking back. Pat lay alone, silent, naked. `What just happened? I just got played, ruined my relationship with James. Damn it, why am I such a moron. How did I let myself into this mess? Will James ever talk to me again?' all these thoughts flew through Pat's mind in incredible pace. It was all to much for him. Pat hurriedly opened his bottom drawer, and found his antidepressants. Pat had been on these pills for awhile now. Ever since, the divorce of his parents, he had never been the same.

He took the cover off and took a deep breath. He poured one out and grimaced as he swallowed it without water. Pat put his clothes back on, and went for a walk. He needed to think deeply, about his situation. `What am I going to do now? I lost my boyfriend and my good friend. Damn it Aaron, I am going to get you.'

Staring intently at the screen, James pressed button after button trying to win. They had abandoned the project, they had done a half assed job. They figured with the way Mrs. Weak was, they would still get an A. All you had to do was talk you way out of it, and she would believe anything. "Ohh! You suck, I told you. K fucking O!" James said, as he looked at the replay of his character kicking the ass of Garrett's.

"That was a lucky try," Garrett said.

"You were lucky even touching me," James laughed in Garrett's face.

"Oh you better shut-up, with that before I hurt you," Garrett said sarcastically.

James dropped his controller, and broke out laughing. He did this all to piss Garrett off, and from the looks of things it was working. "Oh, that's it," Garrett said while lunging at James. He tackled James on the floor, pinning down his arms. James stared at Garrett's beautiful eyes, while twitching trying to get loose. "Give up?"

Noticing his legs were free, James raised them up, kicking Garrett in the back. Garrett flew down, and their faces were only inches apart. With the grip loosen, James pushed his opponent off of him, and had control of his legs, and arms. "Looks like the tides have turned?" James laughed, adding more pressure on Garrett's arm. "All you have to say is, James is the best. Then we can go back on our merry way."

"Never!" Not only did Garrett not want to concede defeat, he loved the feeling of James body so close to his. James added more pressure. The pain and the twitching in his pants, all gave him the green light to give up. "Fuck, that hurts. James is the best."

James let go off Garrett, and sat back on the bed. "I am glad you are smart enough to know that," James smiled. Garrett couldn't stop smiling. He knew he was stronger than James, but he was to obsessed staring at James' beautiful face that he nearly forgot what to do. What is James doing to me?' Garrett thought. Garrett was about to say something, when he heard his mother clearing her throat on the stairs. Was she there the whole time?' Garrett thought.

"Can I speak to you, Garrett, downstairs?" she asked.

"Wait here," Garrett said to James, as he made his way downstairs.

"Where do you expect me to go?" James asked. He didn't get a response.

"What?" Garrett asked his mother.

"You seem to be getting very close, to James," Rose sarcastically said putting extra emphasis on close.

"We were wrestling mom, you get close when you do that," Garrett said in-a-matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but usually the one on the bottom doesn't have that look on his face," Rose replied adding emphasis on that.

"What look?"

"The look, that you wee going to kiss him," Rose said. Garrett turned red.

"Did I really?" Garrett asked, hoping James didn't see that look.

"Kind of, but I can tell you one thing. You sure know how to pick em'. James seems like a good kid."

"He is."

"When are you going to ask him?" Rose said again smiling.

"Mom, I think your more involved in this relationship then I am."

"I just want to see you happy, and I think he just might be able to do that," Rose again smiled.

"I think so too," Garrett said, hugging his mom.

"We can go to the video store now if you want," Rose said grabbing her bag.

"I'll go get James," Garrett rushed up the stairs. "Hey were going to go to get movies. You wouldn't want to come would you?"

"Well, considering I'd be alone and away from my favorite partner in the whole world, I guess I should," James said half sarcastically. Those words sent a chill down his Garrett's spine. `Did he mean what he just said?' Garrett thought to himself. He stood motionless until James hit him in the back of the head.

"Let's go," James said pushing his way in front of Garrett. He followed close behind.

Pat sat on his bed. The walk certainly did not help. He was now even more confused then before. The pills he took certainly weren't helping. He kept on thinking optimistically, then pessimistically. It was one big joke to him by now. He stop caring. `I'll just go with the flow,' Pat thought. The drugs by now certainly hit him. Pat shrugged off any pain still left in his body, and picked up the phone. It was a Saturday, and he sure as hell wasn't going to spend it at home.

"You want to make it a double Ricci?" Garrett asked as held Bless the Child and The Opposite of Sex in his hands.

"Sure," James said.

They paid for the movies and started to drive back home. Rose still had some questions on her mind. "I heard a lot of commotion from upstairs. May I ask what you guys were doing?" Rose asked playing dumb. Garrett turned to his mom, wide eyed. He was about to speak, when James interrupted.

"We were merely playfully wrestling. Rest assured, I did not hurt your son. Though, I was in a position to do so."

"You were not, you just caught me off guard an--"

"Won. I made him say a phrase, to loosen up my grip," James said in a solid tone.

"Oh, what was that?" Rose again played dumb.

"Tell your mother, Garrett."

"I won't," Garrett retorted.

"Please?" James said in a very soft tone catching Garrett's attention. He couldn't say no now.

"James is the best," Garrett said solemnly.

"Can't you just hear the sincerity in his voice?" James sarcastically asked.

"I can," Rose said, while winking at her son. Garrett turned red. Luckily, he was saved as the car pulled into the driveway. Garrett once again rushed James upstairs, and they sat on the bed thinking what to do next.

"Hey, I think I need to take a shower," James said while pretending to sniff himself.

"I think I do too," Garrett said while nodding. "You can go first."

"O.K.," James pulled a towel out of his bag, and his sleeping clothes and headed down the stairs. While James was bent over grabbing his stuff, Garrett stared at James' backside. It was perfectly matched. He was lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear James leave. The phone rang, snapping Garrett out of his dream. He walked over to his desk, and answered the phone.


"Is James there? I need to talk to him. Tell him it's Pat," Pat said hurriedly.

"He's in the shower, I'll tell him to call you when he gets out," Garrett replied. There was no other response. Pat hung up the phone when he heard those words. This gave Garrett time to think about James. Garrett dreamt about James in the shower, picturing the water cascading off his tight abs and perfect chest. He saw the water running down to his legs, clinging to the legs hairs. Time went by fast, during his dream sequence. Garrett never snapped back into reality until, James stood there.

James whistled, to get Garrett's attention, and when Garrett glanced James spoke. "You can go now," James said. Garrett looked at James and he was pleased. James was wearing a tight T-shirt, seeming to be a few years old, that clung to every muscle on James body. `How am I going to get through tonight? Every time I look at him, I get excited. I need a cold shower,' Garrett thought.


Garrett grabbed some clothes out of his drawer, and went to have his cold shower. James thought about Garrett, and took out his poem book. Thinking about Garrett, made James feel good. There was this certain thing that Garrett did. He didn't know what it was, but Garrett had a sincerity about him. His soft, yet deep voice soothed James heart. All these emotions inclined James to write. Many poems and ideas ran though his mind, as he searched tirelessly for a pen in his bag. When one was not found, he looked around the desk, opened a drawer, but there was no pen to be found. He checked the other set of drawers, and found a brown pencil case. He opened in, but instead of finding the pen he had been searching for he saw the picture.

He pulled out the picture and realized it was him. A thought of the obvious went into James brain. Garrett did like him. He read the back and it was confirmed. Garrett likes me. Why am I not more surprised?' James thought. Am I ready for another relationship? Can I even call me and Pat a relationship? I can't tell Garrett I saw this, he'll think I was snooping. I'll let him make the first move.'

James reflected on the past few days, the drama, the break up, and now the possibility of a new relationship. James folded the poem neatly, and put it back in the brown pencil case, along with the photo of himself. James dreaded taking that picture, Allie nearly forced him. Now he knew why. What was he going to say to Garrett now? Was he going to flirt, or play it cool? The door squeaked open, and the footsteps of Garrett became louder and louder. Wearing a T-shirt and sweat pants, he sat beside James on the bed.

James' temptation was at it's peak. He began to speak.


Cut! lol , Just picture James mouth beginning to open, than a cut to commercial. With a character saying "Please stay tuned for scenes of the next Romancing James". :-) Well, ya know this took me awhile to get out, but I hope you enjoy it ! All e-mails direct to Thanks !

Next: Chapter 4

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