Romancing James

By moc.loa@1naFnragusanaT

Published on Jan 7, 2001


The muchly anticipated (yeah right!) installments of Romancing James awaits your eyes! I just wanted to point something out, you'll notice when they are sex scenes (I am not saying they are in this chapter!) I don't give a specific length of the male pee-pee (hey when I get to the scenes, I'll use better words!). It's all up to your mind, it doesn't matter. I don't want to make anyone feel small! :-) Thanks to all that e-mailed me, it is greatly appreciated. Also thanks to my proof reader, and my preview reader ! It's greatly appreiciated! Lastly thanks to Aaron , for being such a sweetheart! Thanks for your inspiration (hence a new charachter was added) ! You rock Aaron! :-) Remember e-mail me at with any comments on the story. So, here goes Chapter 2.

Romancing James: Chapter 2- James and the Day With Pat

"Shit," James screamed, as he rummaged through his clothes, in the morning. His father was beeping the horn outside, as he was going through his stuff trying to find something to where. "Damn it, this is the last time I am jerking in the morning."

He tried to do it in the shower, and he hoped it would go down. Neither of the two happened, as he laid back on his bed, and jerked off. It took longer than James thought, and now he was in the predicament of having to rush through his early morning routine. He slipped on his Old Navy blue jeans, and thought What the hell, no need to be all dressed today,' he thought as he through on a sweatshirt. Fuck,' he thought. He had to bring clothes so he could shower at Pat's house.

James walked out of the house 15 minutes later. Even than he wasn't ready. He decided he would just leave his hair messy, which still looked particularly good. He opened the door of his father's blue truck, and sat down. His father had an angry look on his face. Neither of them said a word as they drove to the high school.

`Where is he?' Garrett thought, as he sat along the wall already in the high school. He expected to see James sitting in his usual spot. Garrett was planning to talk to James in the morning, about math stuff and other random things. It was now 7:10 and James was still not here.

"Garrett. Garrett. Garrett? Yo, fucking talk!" Tony said to Garrett who still remained silent. The bell rang and the large mass of people started walking towards their lockers, or their classes. Simultaneously with the bell, James walked in to see Melissa and Lacy about to leave. Garrett and James saw each other, and James smiled to Garrett to his delight. Happy thoughts started flowing in Garrett's mind.

"Hey," Melissa started, "you wanna go up to North house with us?"

"Sure," James said. They started walking up the stairs and when a familiar voice spoke to them.

"James," Pat said.

"Why the hell are you always behind me?" James asked.

"Well, it makes easier access to your.."

"Dude, not today. I am not having one of my peachy fucking keen mornings. As you know how I get."

"Sorry, anyways are you still going to sleep over today?"

"Yeah, dumb ass. Where should I meet you at the end of the day?" James questioned.

"Meet me at my locker, which is at the end of North house. O.K.?" Pat said, as they all continued to walk to North house.

"Sure," James said.

===During Block 2===

"Hey," Garrett said to James as he staggered in late. James was constantly late for Math class, and the teacher didn't care. James took his seat next to Allie, and diagonal from Garrett.

"Hi," James began, "I know I look like I've just been raped, but uh, I guess I don't have a point."

"You look fine," Garrett said rather quietly. So, quietly that no one heard him. He was usually so full of confidence, and sociable around everyone. Whenever he was around James he would tense up, and not know what to say. He didn't know much about James, and not being able to talk to him, was definitely not helping.

Allie began to laugh. "Yeah, what is with you and Fridays. These are the only days I have ever seen you sloppy. What's this? You didn't even put in a pound of gel like you usually do!"

"Oh, hush girl. I don't put that much gel in!" James said in defense.

"Yeah you do," Allie said. "It's like a dome, with spikes in the front."

"It's the style! To make it look good you need more gel. Besides, you know I constantly change my hairstyle. It's not like I do that everyday," James said. Garrett laughed at the conversation he had been overhearing. It was so stupid, yet he so wanted to be a part of it. He wanted to chime in with his comments, but was afraid he would be shot down.

In the middle of the pointless conversation came in an attractive teen. His name was unknown as of yet, but James was intrigued. 'He's too cute to be straight,' James thought. James was completely oblivious to Pat and Garrett's feelings. He didn't have a clue about it. Now there was this new kid, James could tell. He made sure he would be the first to greet him.

James walked up to the desk, and saw the guy up close in personal. He was about 5'8", had black hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He had a swimmers build, he was everything James liked in a guy. "So, Mrs. Weak we got a new student?"

"Yeah, this is," the teacher paused to look back down at the name. "Aaron."

"Why, hello Aaron. Let me be the first one to welcome you to our wonderful high school," James started.

"Thanks," Aaron said.

"I'll show you around the school, be your official tour guide," James started. "Hey teach, can I have a pass to show our new student the building?"

"Sure," Mrs. Weak said while she wrote the pass sending the two out.

Garrett watched the two leave the room in unison. Garrett was getting jealous, he had a look at Aaron, and they way James was acting and he knew James wanted him. Damn it,' Garrett thought. I am definitely making my move on Saturday.'

James began showing Aaron where his classes were. Aaron, knew that James was into him. James definitely wasn't hiding his flirting very well. "Do I look dumb?"

"What? I am just showing your around the school," James said.

"Like I don't know what your trying to do. Give me your hand," Aaron said. He grabbed James' hand and wrote his number down. "Call me and we'll plan something, but I need to see the other guys in this school before I go for you."

"I see your a bit of a bitch!" James said.

"Your a ho, trying to pick me up. I know how to play games, and we can play games together or we can be against each other." Aaron said. `I have a rival,' James thought.

"Well, I see what kind of person YOU are," James started. "That's not the point though, we're done with this tour Aaron. Time to get back to class, and have the class meet you."

They both entered the class. Aaron went on to meet the rest of the class. Everyone liked Aaron, as he let down his bitch side, and fit in with all the preppy snobs. James frowned and turned away. Garrett saw that Aaron and James weren't talking much, to Garrett's relief. Garrett was afraid that Aaron would come out of nowhere and take James away from him. Luckily that didn't happen. Garrett turned to James and started to talk.

"So, how are we going to work out you sleeping over?" Garrett asked.

"Well, Pat has to go to that basketball thing too. So, I'll go with him there, and I'll go home with you."

"Cool," Garrett said. He wanted to keep up the conversation, when Pat started talking to James from the hallway. Pat had been standing their for quite sometime, watching James talk to Garrett. He saw the twinkle in Garrett's eyes as he talked to James, and suspected he had the same feeling for James as he did. `He may get my spot on the basketball team, but he is definitely not taking this away from me,' he thought.

"Sit over here," James said pointing to the desk inside his classroom. He noticed that Pat had already had his bag. "She doesn't give a damn."

Pat slowly walked into the classroom, and sat down. James got closer to him, and they began to talk. "So, what do you want to do tonight? Go to the mall? I am sure everyone is going. It is Friday."

"I hate going to the mall on Friday. Way to crowded," Pat said.

"Oh is, Pat afraid of large groups?" James laughed.

"No. I just don't like too. I was thinking we could go to Lazerquest. Do you know what that is?" Pat asked.

"Hell yeah, I know what it is. That place kicks ass. Sure that'll be fun."

"Great we'll go around like 6," Pat said. The bell rang and they began walking down to the next class.

Lazerquest eh?' Garrett thought. I am sure I can make an appearance."

Pat and James walked to their English classes, when they saw Melissa in her Spanish crying. Pat didn't know Melissa as well as James, so he walked to his class. While James went to see what was wrong with Melissa. "Mel? What's wrong?"

Melissa looked up, to see it was James. She flashed a little smile, and walked outside the classroom pulling James along. "He dumped me! He fucking dumped me!"

"Oh, Melissa. I am sorry," James said while hugging her. "It'll be O.K. I mean I told you, that you deserved better. Tonight is Friday, go to the mall and hook up with someone."

"It's not that easy, I mean.."

"Hey, James," Garrett said walking into the same classroom, Melissa was supposed to be in.

"Hey," James said while flashing his smile, that always melted Garrett's heart. This time was no exception.

"Ugh, don't talk to him! He's such an asshole!" Melissa said trying to keep her voice down.

"Mel, don't be mean. He's nice. I am going over his house, on Saturday."

"Eeeew, what's wrong with you? Are you turning to a snob?"

"Of course not Melissa," James said.

"Excuse me, do you have a class to go to?" Melissa's teacher asked.

"I have always been," James finished his sentence to Melissa, while he walked to his English class.

===50 minutes later===

"Hey, Melissa," Garrett said to Melissa.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Hey, I am trying to be nice. What is your problem?" Garrett asked.


"I wanted to ask you about James."

"I am about to ignore you so good luck."

"Damn it. Your such a fucking hypocrite you know. I have never done shit to you, and you call me a snob," Garrett said walking away. He knew that he would not get along too well if James' friends, but this was brutal. Another bad sign, Garrett thought.

===End of the Day===

Pat patiently waited at his locker. He was waiting for James. Pat was so happy that James wanted to become better friends. He thought James was going to shoot him down. Now he had a day with James to really get inside his head. Get to know him. Pat was still thinking whether or not, he should tell James how he really felt for him. He knew this would be a perfect time to do so, but a voice in the back of Pat's head told him not too. He was perplexed. He was in deep thought, when he was hit in the back of the neck.

"You deserved that!" James said aloud laughing.

"Just wait until we get home, your so dead," Pat replied rubbing his neck.

"I am shaking in my boxers," James said. As they walked to the bus.

They sat next to each other on the bus. While James was thinking of random thoughts, or humming along to the song on the radio Pat had much deeper thoughts. All Pat could think of was how exactly he was going to make his move on James. He knew he would have to be gentle, because being up front with James was not the smartest thing to do. James would likely shut him down, or think it was another joke. Pat did not want that to happen. All of this became frustrating to Pat, he had given so many little extra signs to James, but James never acknowledged them.

Across town, Garrett was walking home from school. He had the same thoughts as Pat. The only difference between the two was that Garrett didn't have much positively in his mind. James and Garrett hadn't clicked the same way James had clicked with Pat. Garrett thought it was because James didn't like Garrett, but the real reason was Garrett wasn't being too clear on his feeling. He was still very distant, in fear of rejection.

By now Pat and James were walking home together. At this point neither of them were speaking. This is one of the things Pat was terribly afraid of. He thought this was going to happen. They would run out of things to say, and it would be silence. They still weren't the best of friends, so the conversations didn't flow as well. He didn't want James to get bored with him. Pat wanted alone time with James, and now that he had some he didn't have a slightest idea on what to say or do. What was it about James, Pat always wondered. James wasn't exactly a hot, model type, but he certainly wasn't ugly by any means. He wasn't the nicest guy you could be, he did have a soft, sweet tender side to him, but very little got to see him that way. He tried to be nice to people, but a lot of people got a snobbish feel from him. Something, James didn't want, but couldn't help.

Now, they were heading into Pat's house. Pat unlocked the door, and let James entered. James looked at the old fashioned house. "Lets go to my room," Pat said walking up the stairs. James followed close behind. "This is my humble room."

"Yes, very humble," James laughily said. Pat saw that James had his guard down and took his chance to tackle him on the ground. Pat would call this payback, but he knew deep inside he just wanted to have more moments where he was touching James. In one quick move he pushed James, expecting to find some resistance. He didn't get any. "Are you done?"

"You know James, you are supposed to fight back," Pat stated.

"Well, that would be giving you what you want. To have me struggle, when it's obvious your taller and have the upper hand. So, I'll just lay hear until your done," James said, as Pat let go of James. James knew exactly what to do to put people on edge. When they thought they had gotten the best of him, he would shoot back with something condescending as that. "Now, don't you feel pathetic?"

"Your so mean to me all the time. Why is that?" Pat asked, halfly sincere.

"You bring in on your self. I just point out the blatantly obvious, and exploit it," James said.

"See that's the cruelest thing you can do, you make people feel so small! I don't like it," Pat shot back.

"Well, too bad. You know you wouldn't like me all sweet and innocent," James smiled.

"No, probably not. Everyone I know thinks your one of those nice kids though," Pat replied.

"I come off as nice and stuff. I get good grades and I never get in trouble. I am nice to nearly everyone, and people think I am just overly sarcastic. Which I am, but once you get to know me people see my true colors. That's why I don't have many long term friends, I don't hide my bitchy side as well as others."

"I do notice that, you made a lot of new friends this year. I never see you hanging around with the same crew as last year," Pat began.

"You know that's just the way I am. I tend to crumble people, you need to be very strong to really get to know me. I will usually try to break away every layer, on a person to see if they can handle my deep emotions. I usually don't get far enough before I can trust them," James said. James was surprised he was telling Pat all this. He usually never disclosed such information. Yet, he felt that Pat really cared, which made James open up more.

"You do that too everyone?"

"Well, not if I really like you. I guess you should feel luck than," James replied, while taking a sip of his soda Pat had gotten him. Pat smiled at James. He was glowing inside, what does that mean, Pat thought. Did he really like me? I wonder if he knows how good that makes me feel. "Oh fuck, did I just say that? I hope your not getting to happy over this, I can still break you down."

Pat got James in a headlock and began speaking, "Oh James. You know you care about me. You just unintentionally said it. How sweet of you."

"You know what, don't get all touchy with me. I don't know you that well," James said while getting himself out of the headlock.

"You know you like it."

"Oh, yeah definitely," James said overly sarcastically. Conversations like this flowed until it was time to head to Lazerquest. At Lazerquest, Garrett sat on a box near the opening doors. He was hoping that James did end up showing up there. He was looking forward to seeing him outside of school. Sure Garrett could see him numerous times at the mall or the movies, but now that he was alone. Now, he wasn't afraid to approach James. He glanced back at the window, and saw James' shape. He looked at his boots, his white cargo pants, and his dark blue button up shirt. James' hair was combed to perfection, Garrett was definitely smitten. He ran to the bathroom, so it wouldn't look like he was waiting for James.

In the bathroom, Garrett washed his face trying to cool himself down. When all of a sudden James walked in. I should have known,' Garrett thought. How fucking predictable.'

James walked to the urinal and did his business. Completely unaware that Garrett was standing there. Garrett wanted to go the urinal beside James and take a peek, at the cock he had been lusting over for sometime now. However, he controlled himself, and casually started a conversation. "James?" Garrett said. Damn it, what the hell. This is like some sort of bad high school story.' Garrett thought to himself. He was annoyed that he couldn't start the conversation with something a bit more original. I've been reading way too much Nifty.'

"Garrett?" James said as he turned to see Garrett standing near the sink. They were alone in the bathroom, and James had a shocked look as he zipped up, and began washing his hands. "What are you doing here? Stalking me I presume."

"That's exactly what I am doing. How'd ya know?" Garrett said sarcastically, even though that's basically what he actually was doing.

"Well, being as great as me, you do pick up some fans along the way," they shared a laugh. "You hear with your sno..friends?"

Garrett smiled as he realized James stopped himself. It was an honest mistake, Garrett knew it. Was James trying to not hurt Garrett? "Sadly, being the loser that I am I am alone."

"Oh, Garrett. You really are a loser now aren't you!" James sarcastically responded. "I am just joking though, you can hang with me and Pat if you want too."

"I will, thanks."

They both left the bathroom, and walked to see Pat sitting patiently waiting for James. "Look, I found a lost puppy," James said, causing Garrett to do his puppy dog face. James turned away as he knew it would make him melt. James looked at both guys, they were stunning. Similar in many ways. Both were tall, both had the same basketball player's build. Both had brown hair. Both had gorgeous blue eyes. James wanted to keep these thoughts leveled as, if he wanted to start a friendship with either of them he would have to tone down his sexual urgencies. Or so he thought.

"Oh, hi Garrett," Pat said rather coldly.

"Hi," Garrett replied in the same tone.

"You guys want to play the next game?" James asked.

"Sure," they said in unison. They got all their things, and waited patiently as they explained the rules. This ritual was rather monotonous, and after a while you get really tired of it. They went through it, and within in minutes they were in the maze. Garrett and Pat all had the same thought on their minds. They wanted to get each other.

They ran around in the lazer maze for the standard fifteen minutes. It was like any other game, with one twist. Garrett and Pat had a lot more physical contact than any of the other players. It was apparent that both Pat and Garrett wanted James. They could tell by the look on each other's faces. That's the main reason for all the fighting between the two. The time was up as the three met outside. They waited for the scores to come up, as the kid with all their scores ran through the names.

"In a tie for second place, Infatuated and Lover Boy," he said. Garrett and Pat looked at each other as they both grabbed their tickets. `Damnit, I knew this would happen. Just like a movie," they both thought.

"And in first. Prophet."

James raised his fists, and grabbed his ticket. It was about time to brag. The played two more lazer tag games, before they departed.

===At Pat's house (12:00 midnight)===

James was sitting on Pat's bead in his regular pajamas. His Old Navy pajama bottoms, and a T-shirt one size two small. Pat had on a regular T-shirt and gym shorts. Pat couldn't keep his eyes off James, as the shirt clung to him perfectly. He's so hot, Pat thought. Pat knew that now, it was time for him to make his move if he ever was going to. "James can you come over here for a second?"

"Sure, what's up?" James asked in a soft tone. He could tell by Pat's voice that he was being serious. He hadn't the slightest idea on what Pat could possibly tell him.

"This is hard to say. I mean I have never felt this way about someone like this. I mean when I say those things at school, about us and having sex, it's not all a joke to me. I guess what I am trying to say, is that I want you to accept me as your boyfriend. I didn't ever think I was gay or BI, before. Yet, whenever I am around you, I don't know. You do something very special too me," Pat said softly, as tears began to run down his cheek. "I mean I know that a lot of other people like you, and I am not the cutest guy you could ever see. I am not a model or the smartest or anything. I just know that I really like you. I just need an answer, so I know what to do with all this feeling I have inside just for you."

It was silent for a few second, as James took all of Pat's words in. Those seconds seemed like an eternity for Pat who began to cry even more than when he started. He didn't want to say he was falling in love with James, but he knew deep down inside, he really was. James grabbed Pat's waist and brought him closer to him. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

James wiped Pat's tear stained cheek, as he continued on to talk. "I didn't have the slightest idea you liked me that way. It was always just a joke to me. I don't think I could imagine anyone liking me like how you said, I mean it's only me. Are you sure this profound feeling is for me?"

"I am sure. Are you saying your going to be my boy--"

James kissed Pat on the cheek. "Definitely. I have been lusting over you for a long time now. I am glad you finally came out and said something. Pat's solemn face turned to a wide grin, as he began to bear hug James.

"Thank you James. I can't believe this. Thank you," Pat said as he continued to hug James.

"I am ready to cuddle in a nice warm bed, with a sweet guy. You have any ideas on where I could get that?"

"Right here, babe," Pat said patting the bed. James took off his shirt, and laid next to Pat. Pat put his arm around James. "You have such a nice body. I really love it."

"Your not so bad yourself," James said as he flicked the light off.

"Goodnight babe," Pat whispered.


O.K. That was the second Part, I hope it wasn't to cheesy for ya'll. I know I can get like that sometimes ! :-) So, any comments e-mail me at . Thanks so much ! Thanks for reading this far!


Next: Chapter 3

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