Romancing James

By moc.loa@1naFnragusanaT

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Hello everyone, a new story! If you got this far you get a thank you. And by the way, if you are underage or something like that, remember that I won't take responsibility for you getting caught with your boxers around your ankles whacking off to my story! If you have something for me, advice, anything please e-mail me at This story is told in Third Person. It does contain acts between younger guys than 18. If you are offended by this, in anyway then pretend their older. Age really isn't the focus here. It doesn't effect the story. I also would love to have a proofreader, so if your interested please e-mail me!

Romancing James: Chapter 1- James and the Asks

James sat along the wall at 6:45 a.m. on a cold Thursday morning. School wouldn't start until 7:30 and he had much time to waste. If he didn't get a ride from his father, he would have to take the bus. Something which James dreaded. No one on the bus liked James, and on the way home he took another bus home to avoid his neighborhood mates. James wasn't actually hated by all. He was very well liked by most. The people on his bus had some sort of personal vendetta for James. He never understood why. He had his headphones on, and he patiently waited for a friend of his to show up. Silent waiting always killed James.

On the opposite side stood the "popular" crowd. Nearly all got along with James, but talking in the morning between them was usually limited. Sitting on that side this early in the morning was Garrett, Danny, Colleen, Ryan, and Laura. Mindless chit chat filled the group. By the time first bell rang the group would turn to a large mass, only to deplete to nothing by the time second bell rang. First bell rang at 7:15, second rang at 7:26, third rank at 7:30 signifying the start of school.

Amongst the shallow talk between the small group of 5 Garrett found himself thinking deeply. He was looking in James' direction and long, complicated thoughts went through his head. He thought of how well James looked lately. He had really gotten attractive the past few months. Garrett didn't really know what his sexuality was. He always thought he was straight. Yet every time he looked at his classmate's face he always thought of how cute he was. Garrett never had these thoughts for any other guy. There was something about James. Garrett didn't know exactly what it was. He a, 6'0" tall high schooler was very cute in many eyes. His dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, was a sight to be seen. He wasn't exactly model material, but he had a look in his eyes which screamed all American. The football/basketball star was modest, but couldn't deny that his body was sculpted well.

"Hello, wazzup?" Kim asked James. Kim and James have been friends, off and on, since 7th grade. James seemed to have problems keeping a long term relationships. His longest on going friendship was with Kelly, who was bound to show up sometime. James and Kelly were slight friends in 6th grade, with 7th and 8th solidifying the relationship.

"Nothing. You wouldn't happen to know the schedule for today?" James asked, with one headphone still on. That second James noticed Garrett looking at him. Garrett quickly turned away.

"Uh, let me check," she said while searching in her bag looking for the block scheduling. "It's 1-5-3-2-6."

"Health, English, Theater, Math, and History. How fun," James sarcastically replied. He surveyed his schedule and realized he had the last 3 blocks with Garrett, last two with one of his most trusted friend's Allie and first and last with Jenna and Ryan.

It was now 7:10 and both the "popular" group and James' group grew in size. James was not going to stay in his group very longer, as he saw Kelly coming.

"Yo, shortie!" James shouted too loudly. "Glad you came I was starting to feel small, and I need to feel tall again! Thank you!"

"What you want to make something of it? Just because I am short don't mean I can't kick your ass," Kelly replied.

"Ha ha. Your right! I am afraid of those heels!" James exclaimed.

"Well lets go up to our usual spot," Kelly demanded.

"What am I, your slave? What if I don't want to go up to your little spot?" James asked.

"Well you are my servant so you must!" Kelly exclaimed.

"Excuse me, Shortie but he's my damned whore," Pat said. "I have all rights to him, just like last night!"

"Filthy slut! You promised you wouldn't tell. You know I have been boning Kelly on the side!" James laughed. James never denied that he liked guys. Pat didn't know that however. Pat also was attracted to guys, but no one knew that. He was incredibly attracted to James. Kelly was straight, but didn't care about sexual orientation. None of them have ever had done anything with each other. It was a long on-going joke between the three them. Mainly between Pat and James. "So, Kelly what lunch do you have today?"

"I have 2nd!" Pat replied.

"Excuse me! Bastard. I was talking to Kelly," James coolly replied.

"Shut up whore. Or you ain't getting any..."

"Oh, no! Not that. Just shut up! I don't need your innuendoes today," James said.

"Oooh, rough the way I li......"

"I have third. What do you have?" Kelly asked.

"Second. Just like my filthy slut," James said melodramatically.

"Hey I got to go to class. Can't be late," Pat walked to his first block class. As he walked away all he could think of was James. He was so attracted to him. He wish he had known him longer. He was planning on inviting him to his house on Friday just to get to know him. The whole sexual act thing could wait for later. As much as Pat liked to talk about sex, with a guy like James he wanted to take it slow.

James also noticed that Pat was getting a bit touchy feely, and was talking about sex with James a lot more than usual. He hope, but never actually thought that Pat was like him. :::RING:::: The bell rang. James and Kelly still stood in the hall way with a mass of people rushing to class.

"Where the hell is Khristen? I am supposed to walk to class with her during 1! Bitch!" James sarcastically said.

"I know! She has my make-up! She said she was...."

"GET TO CLASS!" Mrs. Imshaggin screamed with Office Mello by her arm. It was an ongoing joke that those two were having an affair. All the kids made fun of that. "Kelly do we need to have another talk?"

"No ma'aaaaaaaaaam."


"Yo, Pat come here." Khristen said to Pat. She had come in 15 minutes late.


"I need to tell you something about James....."


"Don't worry about it. I am always late for English. No problem," James said walking along with Gina.

"I just got dumped, console me," Gina said. Gina was a short, plump ball of energy. She got on James' nerves constantly.


Garrett continued thinking about James, it increased when he saw him hugging Gina. Pat also continued thinking about James. Both didn't know exactly how to approach him. A far off view you might see James as a nice guy. Both knew that James was capable of playing games, and being really cruel. Garrett had witnessed it numerously back in grade school, when James toyed with some of his former friends. If James liked you, then things would be cool, but if he didn't you would have hell to play. Neither of them wanted to cross that line.

Third block was about to start. Garrett knew that James was in the class. He was determined to finally act with James. James never showed interest to work with Garrett, which almost hurt Garrett. He latched on to people he just met, and he had known Garrett for several years. The bell rang and he headed for the auditorium.


"I need a volunteer," Ms. Cee said.

"PICK ME!" Garrett screamed.

"Garrett up on stage. Pick a second person."


"Well you were supposed to pick a girl, but what's done is done. The scripts are on the chairs, read through them and make them believable."

"Your kidding right. Oh geez, you better me kidding!" James said.

"This is why Garrett was supposed to pick a girl. Now START!"

Garrett: "What is it you ask of me? James(laughs): "I ask for your love. As I don't see any man that could set my soul ablaze as you do. You are my true love, and will forever be. No one else compares to the you, my one and only true.

"O.K. enough, Leah switch with James. He was doing to well," Ms. Cee laughed. Garrett was a bit disappointed. He imagined that James really meant what he said. He was sad that he had to do this with his ex-girlfriend. They had an extremely good relationship though, but this scene was bound to make them feel uncomfortable. The scene was over and they now has a new assignment. Form four groups of five and perform a skit. They could either perform a tragedy, comedy, or a satire. After they had formed the group and picked one they would grab a script. This could lead to guys playing girls and girls playing guys. It depended on the group and the script.

"Hey, Jackie. Wanna....." James was interrupted.

"You gotta work with us!" Garrett said. Among his group that included some of the biggest snobs.

"Don't do it James. Don't become one of them," Jackie stated.

"Uh, sorry dude. I am working with Jax."

"Oh." Garrett replied. He felt rejected. He really wanted to act with James. Just to spend time with him. James didn't even give it a thought. He just said no. That's what the thought Garrett has of James. However, James did want to walk with him, but he didn't want to abandon his usual mates during class. For the rest of the class Garrett could only think of James. He knew this constant thought wouldn't go away, since the last 3 periods of the day were with James. He really hoped something could erase this thought out of his head.

The bell rang signifying the end of the period. They didn't have time to perform their short scenes. James walked out with Jackie. "Can you believe that snobbish ass asked you to work with him? I mean doesn't he understand that you don't fucking want to talk to him?" Jackie said.

"He's not that bad."

"I beg to differ," Jackie started. "He's one of those guys who tries to be nice to everyone, and keeps the thoughts of how much hate he has to himself. Purely pathetic in my opinion."

"What's with this hostility you have for him?" James questioned. He actually had the same opinion of Garrett for the longest time. He had a terrible view of most people, but during this year he erased them all. He gave people a chance. No more grudges were being held.

"You know what forget it," Jackie sternly replied while walking away from James. James saw Pat walking toward him. James didn't really know Pat all that well. They had just met this year, and Pat seemed to always be around.

"Hey, whore," Pat began. "Get to class dirty whore. You can walk with me."

"Filthy slut, I am so honored," James said as sarcastically as he could.

"Uh...Khristen told me something about you."

"Oh and what was that?"

"She said you were bi," Pat said.

"Oh, did she?" James said.

"Yeah," Pat began. "So, are you?"

"I might be."

"I hope you are," Pat replied. This would go under the usual talk they would have, but this time he really meant it. The sexual talk of homosex, were always seen. Pat began it one day and James just went along.

"O.K., whatever" James said then walking to his class not giving Pat a chance to respond.


"You are going to do a report and oral presentation on a famous mathematician. Considering I am such a nice person your going to work in pairs. I am picking the pairs. The list is on the desk, ya'll can check it now while I put notes on the board," Mrs. Weak said. James sat next to Allie. They were planning on working together, but hearing the groups were going to be picked that thought was diminished.

"I just better not get, GROSS," Allie said. Gross referred to Eric. `Gross' was an inside joke that Allie and James constantly used.

"I'm working with you," Eric said.

"Grrreeatttttt," Allie cringed. Garrett standing at the desk found his name on the bottom of the list. He read it once, and then twice, then smiled. He was going to work with James. He was beaming with happiness. He calmed himself down so he could talk to James.

"We're working together. I wanted to ask if....." Garrett started.

"Whore!" Pat whispered from the hallway. "Go to the bathroom."

"Mrs. Weak can I go to the bathroom?" James asked.

"Take the pass," was the response. For the second time Garrett felt rejected. James didn't even mention a word to him. Just blew him off like he was nothing.

"Just because I am a whore doesn't mean you can just order me around," James said.

"Oh, sure it does. You don't seem to mind when I order to you to blow me," Pat said.

"What the fuck is with that? I mean no one is even here so it's not even funny," James replied.

"You know you like it."

"Oh yes, oh baby! I love it," James sarcastically responded. He looked up to the blue eyes of Pat. They were beautiful. Eyes wasn't James weak spot however. It was the lips and the smile. Pat didn't have an all too beautiful mouth in James' opinion but his smile certainly did melt James down.

"Glad you are finally admitting your carnal desires. Hey, umm...I was wondering like if you would like to get to know each other better and like uh....would you like to like sleepover on Friday or something?" Pat asked tentatively.

"Spend a night over your slut home? I don't know if that's such a good idea," James teased. "Convince me."

"Well I want to spend as much time with someone as great as you. Such an esteemed whore and your just wonderful in every aspect."

"Works for me. Should I take your bus home on Friday?" James asked.

"Yeah that would be sweet."


Garrett still sat and contemplated about James and how he had constantly reject him. He heard him coming down the hall with Pat. Garrett and Pat were rivals at everything. They went to different middle schools, and both had brown hair and blue eyes. They were always rivals when it came to basketball. Representing different teams, and playing the same position. They were going up for the same spot on the basketball team this year and knew it would be a fight.

Garrett thought if Pat had the same feeling for James as he did. He quickly erased the thought, as Pat seemed straight and narrow to him. "Welcome back, James," Garrett said.

"Why thank you partner."

"Oh, so you were listening!" Garrett replied back to his cheerful happy state.

"Just because I don't respond and not looking at you doesn't mean I am not listening. It just means that ya know I'm just preoccupied!" James replied.

"I see, I am on the bottom of your occupied list," Garrett frowned.

"Oh Garrett, your on the top! Don't worry about it."

"Good. Now uh do you want to come over on Friday to work on the project? You could sleep over," Garrett asked.

"Well, I just made plans with Pat to go over his house on Friday. So, no can do. Saturday is workable though."

"Well, if you can go over Saturday you'd have to watch me through a basketball camp thingy. It's like a group lesson you could come and watch? You could cheer me on."

"Oh, happy day! Sure, I'll be your cheerleader for the day."

"Perfect," Garrett said. Then the bell signifying lunch rang. They all marched down to the lunch room with the other classes. Garrett stared at James on the walk down to lunch. He was always compelled to look at him. He knew it was slowly turning into more than a crush. He really wanted James. He didn't know exactly what he was going to do on Saturday, but he knew he was going to enjoy his time with James.

"Yo, James come outside with me," Pat said to James who was talking to Allie.

"Al, I got to go. I'll see ya," James said walking towards Pat. Garrett saw that they were heading outside, he sincerely hoped that James wasn't going out to smoke. He questioned whether or not he should follow them outside.

"Bastard, what exactly do you want from me?" James asked Pat as he followed him outside.

"Oh, I see I am no longer your beloved slut? Just a bastard? I am so hurt."

"Allrite, you can shut up now and answer my question."

"Umm...I need to have a smoke and..."

"Bye," James said.

"Where are you going?" Pat quizzed.

"Why, Patrick you should know how much smoking is bad for you. How the hell do you run cross country if you smoke?" James replied.

"Well, I stopped for then. It's be stressful lately and..."

"No excuse. I can't tolerate smoking. First of all..."

"And what may I ask are we doing out here?" Garrett asked as he approached them.

"I was just leaving," James said, as Garrett followed him back to the cafeteria.

"Is Pat smoking?" Garrett asked.

"Yeah, or just about too. I don't stand for that," James smiled. Garrett replied with a smile. This certainly made James look more attractive in his eyes. The fact that James didn't smoke and didn't intend too was a big plus. Being the jock the Garrett was, smoking would not be able to happen.

"Wait, James...O.K. I won't smoke! Come into the lunch line with me though please."

"Garrett, you probably got a whole table ready and lined up for you, so I'll leave you be," James said as he and Pat walked away. Once again Garrett felt rejected. James just assumed he rather sit with his usual snobbish click, compared to him. He sighed and returned to his table.

"Since when do you hang around with Garrett?" Pat asked, as he and James stood in line.

"Who said I was hanging around with him?" James asked. Pat seemed to annoy him constantly with questions that seemed so dumb to him.

"Well he certainly was talking to you in a friend type of way. I can't stand that kid."

"Why? He seems nice I guess. Not really my crowd though," James replied, while grabbing a juice in the line.

"For starters he is so fucking egotistic, it's almost too much," Pat started. "He is also a terrible snob, and everything I can't stand in a person."

"Garrett? Egotistic? That doesn't sound like the one I have vaguely known, and the one that has been talking to me today. I can't imagine that. The snob thing I can see, but until he starts something with me, I suppose I'll be nice to him."

"Believe me, don't even give him a chance. It isn't worth it. Not at all," Pat said in all seriousness. Garrett had double crossed Pat years ago, and Pat never forgot it. Pat was still thinking about revenge.

"I sense a little bit of bitterness here? What's with all the hostility?" James asked as he sat at the table. Pat took the seat next to him.

"I don't really want to go into full detail, right now. I am just forewarning you that he comes off as an all around nice guy, but believe me he does have his evil side," Pat said about Garrett, who was sitting in the opposite lunch room thinking to himself.

Why doesn't he give me a chance?" Garrett thought. I mean I have been nice to him, and everything, but still I get nothing. What is wrong with me?'

"Yo, Garrett something bothering you?" Trisha asked as she looked at the smitten Garrett. Garrett had a hopeless look on his face, he wasn't eating, and he definitely wasn't talking.

Obviously startled Garrett stuttered, "What? Uh, no nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about something.'

"I hope your still not upset over Leah. I mean your attractive, you'll find someone new. I promise."

"That's sweet. I am going to get a snack, be right back." Garrett said quickly as he walked to the other lunch room, where the vending machine was, and where James was too. Garrett saw him sitting with Pat which had emptied to only the two. `Damn, why is he hanging around with Pat, and not me?' Garrett thought while gesturing for James to go over their.

James saw the gesture, and said, "Wait here, I have to talk to someone."

"Your not going to see Garrett are you?" Pat asked. "That would be a mistake, a big mistake."

James didn't respond. He just continued walking to see what Garrett wanted. James didn't want to single out Garrett just because Pat thought he should. He wanted to give everyone an equal chance. "You requested my presence?"

"I most certainly did. I have one question for you. Why do you feel Pat is better than me?" Garrett asked in a serious tone.

"What? I don't understand what you mean," James was perplexed. "Oh, do you mean why I was sitting next to him?"

"Well you did choose him over me." Garrett said softly.

"No, not really I just thought you would prefer to sit with your usual crowd. I mean it's not everyday we communicate out of the classroom," James pointed out.

"Well, I am not that snobbish," Garrett replied while walking away. James stood their confused. He looked back at the table and saw Pat who had a bit of an angry look on his face. He was furious that James went to talk to Garrett against all his advice.

"You left me to talk to him?" Pat asked.

"Dude, chill. I mean he needed to ask me something," James said.

"Whatever, I am over this," Pat said. The bell rang signifying the end of lunch, as James and Pat took their trays and continued their conversation.

"So, you don't like smokers?" Pat asked.

"They are O.K., I guess. I just don't like ones who ask me to go outside with them, while they have a smoke!"

"Sorry, I won't do that again. I mean you know from our talk on Friday, that it's been a rough transition for me lately. I just can't seem to handle it anymore, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it. Just not around me, O.K.?" James asked.

"Got it. Hey go the long with me please?" Pat prodded.

"Sure, anything for you my slut." James sarcastically replied.

"Wow, now don't I feel special."

"You, should."

The rest of the lunch period went by really fast. The bell rang, and it was time for last period. James tied his shoe, and saw Pat walking down the hall. They saw each other, and they walked together. "Where you going next?" James asked Pat.

"Oh, I am going down to English," Pat said. Garrett was standing by his locker and watched the two walk down the hall. Garrett was jealous of Pat once again.

"I am going right here," James said while walking into the classroom, where he saw Allie sitting their waiting for him.

"Jamie! I need a hug. It's been a terrible day," Allie said to James. Jamie was the name Allie constantly said to him.

"What the hell Allie. We were in the same class, last block!" James responded.

"Yeah we were, but a lot of shit happen in the hallway! Are you going to hug me or not?" Allie asked, while she put her hands around James. They both went to their seats and starting talking about nothing. The class was a bore. Mr. Smythe the teacher, lectured on and on about History. While James and Allie continued to just talk about nothing. Garrett continued to think about James. He looked as James ran his fingers through his brown hair. As he laughed along with Allie. Garrett was on a mission. He would not stop until he had James. He thought about Saturday, and thought how he was going to get James to be with him.

That's all for Chapter 1. Coming In Chapter 2, second day in high school, James and Pat's time together. I hope ya'll enjoyed the story, I know I am moving this slow, but I am like that you know! Remember any comments to be directed to

Next: Chapter 2

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