Romance on the Homestead

By John Nail

Published on Oct 8, 2018


I will love comments at And oh don't worry they will make love don't you worry about that.

She has been at C.W. Smythe's homestead now getting onto a month and she was at her typewriter writing about her experiences at the trapline and seeing the elk and the mule deer walking right by the windows in front of his house. She wrote about how he saw the importance of the preservation of the wilderness area and the wildlife and how angry he became when he saw a carcass that was shot by a poacher and just the head and antlers were taken and the rest of the carcass was left to rot.

As she was typing C.W. came and looked at what she was typing and he said," I do like that."

She said," I am glad."

He asked," So are you here for 6 months?"

She said," I made a mistake it was a year I believe. Now you said you were a professor at Berkley but then you told me you were a welder in New York."

He laughed and said," I was a professor at Berkley but then I quit because I had found that Berkley was destroying free speech and believe it or not it was the so-called liberals doing it. I left and under anonymity, I became a welder in New York."

She said," Wow, you are more complex than I thought."

He said," I wasn't trying to deceive but I was watching even 30 years ago people living in what I call an artificial world now it is even more so in what is called this online social media sites. Really? Are people really that insane? I have noticed how good you are becoming in snowshoes."

She said," I do enjoy wearing them."

He said," Good."

She said," Since I have been thinking about living here with you I have something to show and tell you. I hope you won't want to kick me out."

She unzipped her jeans and then pulled down her thermals and then her panties and then she untucked her little bitty penis.

She exhaled and said," I am what you would call a pre-op transgender woman. You will notice I have no testicles and I have had naturally more estrogen being produced than testosterone all of my life. I had started developing breasts when I was 13 so my parents saw I was more female than male and I have been living female since 13. I just hadn't had gender reassignment surgery."

He sat there thinking about it for a minute and asked," Who else knows about this other than your parents?"

She said really meekly," No."

He said," I look at you as a lady anyway, I still would want you to stay and finish your interview and if you decide to stay after you finish I would still love it."

She ran over and hugged her and he said," Now, I am not ready to be a couple I have been bachelor pretty much all of my life."

She said," I understand."

He said," Now, I do have more found respect for you. So do you still love it here?"

She said," Yes I do."

"By the way, you can email the article at the library in town."

She said," I can?"

He laughed and said," Even Bozeman is connected just not here on the homestead."

She asked," Since you are so self-sufficient why do you still have to earn money?"

He said," Bozeman still wants me to pay property taxes."

She said," Of course."

He said," I understand that question so don't worry."

She said," I could fall in love with you."

He laughed and said," With this new familiarity I might take liberties like walk out of my room in boxers."

She laughed and said," Why not I did grow up with 3 brothers."

He laughed and said," That is good. Anyway, I love people who are frank and honest men or women. Needless, to say I don't hold too much stock with politicians."

She said," I have been falling in love with this homestead."

He said," You know what I should take you out even though I don't care for restaurants. I have been saving up money like crazy because well I haven't been to a movie since I can remember when and the last time I have been to a restaurant was when I was a welder in New York."

She asked," When was that?"

He laughed and said," Close to 30 years ago."

She asked," How long were you a professor at Berkley?"

He said," I believe maybe 5 years I have found that it was staffed with radical revolutionaries."

She asked," That long ago?"

He said," Yes."

She said," Well, I think the schools may have gotten worse but maybe that is just me."

He said," The funny thing is I learned more about the real world from the high school graduate construction worker and the cowboy around here and just the normal everyday people and there in New York I had my eyes opened by the sanitation workers and the other welders."

She said," When you are a professor at university you have a tendency of being isolated from the real world. Maybe writing for a magazine in a skyscraper in New York does the same thing."

She said," It does on my last article I spent 2 weeks in Cody than a day touring Yellowstone Then I was whisked back to New York to write my article. I did my best to not make the people in Cody a caricature but I will admit I didn't get to really experience the richness of the people in Cody."

He leaned back in his chair and he said," You have just spoken with the wisdom that so many people of back east don't usually speak with."

She said," Well, I think it was because I have spent about a month here and I have started to really appreciate and respect your life here."

He leaned back and said," You are quite a woman."

She couldn't believe it he looked at her just as a woman and not a cross-dresser or transgender just as a woman.

She said," You have just given me the best compliment you ever could when you said I was quite a woman I just wanted to be looked at as a woman."

He looked at her and he said," Well, other than that little external plumbing you are a woman."

She said," I am becoming more and more attracted to you."

He said," You know what it is past dinner time. Would you like to go to town?"

She said," Yes."

He said," Give me a moment."

He went back to his room and brought out $40 and he said," This isn't going to be fancy and it will take a little over an hour to get there."

She said," That is fine with me. I forgot what fancy is."

He laughed and said," You just might endear yourself to me after all."

They got out and got on his snowmobile and he started it up and off they went through the powder and he whipped through there between 35 and 40 mph and got to a road and they got off after riding for about 45 minutes.

They got off and he helped her into his 1968 GMC C20 4x4 truck and then he got in the other side.

He pumped the gas one time and it fired right up and they started working their way down to the highway in 4 low they got to the highway and he stopped and took the truck out of gear and the parking brake on.

He went and freed up the hubs and got in and took the truck out of 4 wheel drive.

He put the truck in first gear and let out the clutch to get moving shortly he was in 4th gear.

As they were going down the road and the heat was filling the cab she said," Wow this truck runs well."

He said," I bought this truck used in 74."

She said," Wow."

He said," Ya this truck has been reliable but I didn't put much miles on it I will drive it to the furriers once a year."

She said," Well this is a nice truck might take my rental back."

He said," Well, you have time to make your decision I have a feeling your magazine didn't expect it to be turned in real quick, it is still parked there, they knew where you were going and it was easy to find it and they could have turned it in.'

She said," I have the key."

He said," They could have left a note."

She thought about it for a moment and saw he was right.

He said," There might be a remote chance that when you are done you might want to go back to New York City. If you turn that rental car now they will want to know why."

She said," OK, I don't have to turn it in but would you still want me to stay?:

He said," Yes, it has been pleasant having you at the homestead. "

They got to the cafe and they walked in and the lady at the cash register said," Hello C.W. and who is this lady?"

He said," Cindy Edwards."

Somebody said," The Cindy Edwards who writes for Western Lifestyle?"

She laughed and said," I don't know about The Cindy Edwards but I am Cindy Edwards who writes for Western Lifestyle."

He said," Wow, you really give a good feeling about out here."

She said," Thank you."

C.W. cleared his throat and said," OK enough this is Cindy Edwards and she is here to do an article on homesteading here in the west and we would like to get something to eat."

The host took them to a table and she said," Well, they probably think you are quite ornery."

He laughed and said," I already have that reputation here."

She laughed and they sat down in a booth and she asked," What do you recommend?"

He said," If you insist for them to cook it fresh the meatloaf can be quite agreeable."

She asked," They don't?"

He said," Sometimes they will pop a meatloaf in the microwave."

She said," Oh ok."

The waitress came over and he ordered a chicken fried steak and he told them to cook the meatloaf fresh.

She said," Yes, C.W.."

As she left Cindy asked," How long?"

He said," About 45 minutes they have a loaf in the cooler ready to put in the oven they prep the meatloaves in the mornings."

She said," Cool."

He laughed and said," It is isn't it."

She laughed and said," I can't believe I used that cliche."

He laughed and said," Occasional cliches are alright anyway this is as fancy as it gets."

She said," This is more than good."

They talked for about an hour and then the food came.

She said," This looks and smells so good."

He said," It isn't venison but it will do."

They started eating and she asked," Don't tell me you have ever been here."

He said," Once about 15 years ago I got stuck in town in a blizzard about 15 years ago."

She laughed and said," Oh is that how you got the reputation?"

He laughed and said," This out of towner was making fun of me living on a homestead. "

I said," What is your excuse for being dressed so hideously?"

He laughed and said," It was about Nov. 15th and it looked like a Halloween costume."

She laughed and said," Ya it is called metrosexual."

He said," What is that? Never mind."

She said," Basically it is a "straight" man who is super fashion sensitive."

He laughed and said," Doesn't sound like a man to me."

She laughed and said," You are probably right."

They finished eating and they got the ticket and it was $15 and they gave him change for a $20 and he put the $5 tip on the table.

They left and he went to the passenger side and he helped Cindy up to the cab of the pickup.

He climbed into the driver's seat and Cindy said," You know if I am staying with you, you might put 2 steps on this pickup you know 1 on the passenger side and the other on the driver's side."

He said," I will put a step on the passenger side."

She said," Wouldn't like to get into the cab of the truck?"

He laughed and said," Yes, you are right I am not a spring chicken."

He backed up and got on the road to get back to the homestead and as he was driving she fell asleep.

In 30 minutes he said," Wake up dearie,"

She groggily said," Where are we?"

He said," We are at the sled and I don't think you can ride on the back of the sled asleep."

She laughed and said," You are probably right."

They got out and got on the sled and he started it up and off they went.

He drove about 30 mph in the darkness and they went through the powder for 30 minutes and they arrived at the house and they got off and headed inside the house.

As they walked in she said," There in New York I could just go down and take a pick of whatever restaurant I want to eat at. But going to that cafe is probably the most fun I have had in a long time."

He laughed and said," I am glad you enjoyed it I will see you in the morning."

She said," Yes I will see you in the morning."

She brushed her teeth and brushed out her hair and got dressed in her nightgown and then she rolled back the bedspread and the sheet and climbed into bed and after turning off the lamp she quickly fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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