Romance on the Homestead

By John Nail

Published on Oct 7, 2018


I would love to hear comments especially from non-genetic ladies at

Cindy woke up the next morning she wasn't sure what time it was but she saw the sun hasn't started rising yet.

She got dressed and she headed downstairs and she saw C.W. at the stove cooking breakfast and it smelled good.

She said," Mmmmm my mouth is already watering."

C.W. served up eggs, pancakes sausages, and orange juice.

Cindy said," I can't eat all of that."

C.W. said," You better eat it all because you will be working it off."

She took her plate and sat down and put the syrup on her pancakes.

C.W. said," You are used to sitting at your computer and typing here it works different. We will be walking the trapline talking about 4 to 5 miles and it is rugged country."

She asked," What else do you do here? "

He said," Well, I have chickens, pigs and other animals that makes this homestead self-sufficient. I also have a garden that I start every late April and early May. I also hunt elk and deer for my meat and taking only what I need. When I say hunt I know alot of your readers will think shoot but hunting and shooting often means two different things. I have spent many a day hunting and coming back empty-handed."

She said," Wow, I am gaining a whole new respect for you."

He quickly washed the dishes and said," Time to go it is quiet a hike so we better go."

They left and the sun still hasn't dawned yet because the sky was still black with the stars out.

They hiked for approximately 2 hours and arrived at the first site. He pulled up the trap and saw it was empty. He resented the trap and shook his head.

He said," Well, I hope the other traps have something."

They came to the river and they found beavers and he smiled.

After about 5 hours he had various animals and he went to skin them and tan their hides.

Then they went inside the house for about a 15-minute break.

She asked," So what can you expect to get for them?"

He said," Leaving them as they are about $200 now if I make them into shoes and maybe a beaver skin hat about $400 and any store could sell it for as much as $700."

He went and tanned the skins and put them in the tipi and started a fire with them on the frame and walked out.

She asked," Why did you do that?"

He said," Those hides will dry and stretch so they won't ruin."

They went inside and he said," Hey, do you want to cook with me?" "

She said," Yes. can I ask you questions while cooking?"

C.W. said," Sure."

As they cleaning potatoes she asked," How long have you lived here?"

He said," About 18 years."

She asked," What made you decide to homestead?" e cityHe said," I was working as a welder in a big city and I saw that nothing was real in the city. Take the so-called animal rights activists."

She asked," What is wrong with animal rights activists?"

He said," They will go and buy beef or go to a McDonald's and what and then they will protest a beef packing plant. Why is that because they don't have an intimacy with the food they eat." She asked," Meaning what?"

"People are removed from the process they are there just for the end to eat the beef. I am I have to harvest the elk and the deer and guess what if I want chicken I have to butcher the chicken."

She paused because what he said was the absolute truth.

He said," Those who say because I kill an elk or a deer I don't care about them are wrong. With the deer I kill the buck so that I don't take a chance to kill a doe with a fawn. With the elk, I am always very careful not to kill a cow with a calf elk and believe me you watch and you can quickly find out if that cow has a calf with her."

She asked," So you only kill what you absolutely need?"

He said," Yes, I want to keep the population going look when you depend on something to help you live you will preserve it. Look at your computer. You depend on that computer for your living and I bet you have antivirus and other stuff to preserve your computer. I read about this stuff."

She couldn't believe how right he was.

They got one cooking venison cabbage and potatoes and they sat down.

She said," Wow to gather up beaver skins and to tan the hides and then to dry them in that tipi."

C.W. said," Well, I loved your help."

She said," I definitely can understand why you would homestead out here. I never thought about it before but I live in my loft. I type a few articles submit them then I will go to the market come home cook it then I will turn on the t.v. then I will log on to my laptop to go to what is called social media and then I go to bed. All of it is just artificial."

C.W. asked," Social media?"

She said," Ya where you make friends through the internet."

He scratched his head and said," Wow, so the city has grown even more artificial since I left. So that is how you city people socialize and you city people call me uncivilized you socialize through a cable."

She laughed and said," I looked at this interview as a way to climb the ladder then I was distressed at the thought of being here for 6 months now I wonder if I want to go back."

He said," Out here you learn what is important and what you have to do to live. Is it harder living? Yes, it is but is it worth it? To me it is."

They ate dinner and she said," This is absolutely delicious."

He said," Yes, it is and that venison is low fat but high in protein and let me tell you us humans we need that animal protein in my opinion now moderate it may be and make sure your meals are balanced."

They finished eating and then they cleaned up and C.W. said," I am going to get out of these clothes and get in my version of pajamas."

He went out and he came back in flannel pajamas and animal skin slippers.

She said," Those pajamas look good."

He laughed and said," Ya, I found these for cheap and I decided to get them."

She said," Those slippers look good."

He said," Oh these are slippers I made from beaver skins I trapped about a couple of years ago."

He went over and got his pipe and put some tobacco in it and lit it up.

She said," I didn't know you smoked."

He said," Yes, this is one of my vices and I sometimes like to light it up "

She said," I love the smell of pipes."

He said," I am glad you like this pipe came from a Crow who was a good friend of mine but he was stabbed and killed in Billings," e

She asked," The Crow Tribe?"

He said," Yes, he would come and we would hunt elk and deer and he would help me run trap lines."

She said," Oh how nice. Why was he killed?"

He snorted and said," For $80 I mean $80! That is all that bastard thought he was worth. I am sorry sometimes my anger gets the best of me and say not so polite things."

She said," Oh no and you are absolutely right."

"Well, it is time to go to bed already good night."

She asked," I am scheduled to be here for 6 months what if I want to stay with you instead of going back to New York. "

He thought about it and said," I wouldn't mind that at all but that is a little quick why don't you go ahead and interview for that 6 months and if you decide you don't want to go back and you think you can make the arrangements great I guess this house can take a lady's touch."

She said," Great, I love it that you are open to it."

He said," You know you are pretty good for a city gal."

She said," You are not too uncivilized for a mountain man."

He rubbed his beard and he laughed and said," See you tomorrow morning."

As he went to his bedroom Cindy saw C.W. in a whole new light she saw a man who came here not because he couldn't succeed in a city but because he saw things to that city like how trivial everybody in the city. She saw a man who homesteaded here because he wanted to live a life of more substance.

She went to the bathroom and she brushed her teeth and then went to her bedroom and brushed out her hair

She pulled back her covers and went to bed and thought about things she learned about him and slowly went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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