Rolly and Hunter

By evan starks

Published on Dec 4, 2005


** This story is a work of fiction and in no way is indicative of the actual sexual orientation or sexual practices of the characters mentioned. Pity.


Rolly had slept great last night; who doesn't sleep great after they jerk off? But he wasn't sure if tonight would be the same. All day, even as his family was on the road trying to avoid elimination from The Amazing Race, he had been replaying the night before in his mind.

"I jerked off Hunter," he said quietly to himself as he walked into his family's camper and back to his room. "I jerked him off and he did it to me." Not that he was complaining about it. It felt great...better than doing it himself. He had probably shot the biggest load in his life. He had even told Hunter he wanted to do it again. Last night he was thinking about the next chance they could jerk off again. But today felt different. He had seen Hunter a few times while they were driving around and making stops, but Hunter acted like nothing had happened.

So Rolly started wondering if he had fucked up. Did he do something wrong? It was like Hunter didn't even remember the day before...and it was Hunter's idea to masturbate together in the first place. So why wasn't he feeling the same way Rolly was? That was when Rolly started wondering if he might not sleep as well...because he couldn't stop thinking about the whole thing.

Rolly stretched, flopped down on his unmade bed, and stared out the window. He sighed. Why did he care about this so much? Lots of guys have jerked off together, right? "Hunter's not a girl," he thought. It's not like they were dating or something. That'd be gay...and he wasn't gay, was he?

This is where Rolly's brain paused for the first time in a while. He hadn't really thought this possibility out yet. He didn't think he liked guys...there were girls in school that liked him and who he thought were cute enough. But he couldn't get the picture of Hunter's face, and his abs, and his cock out of his head. It was like they were implanted there.

He closed his eyes and drifted back to the night before. He could see Hunter pulling his shirt off and sliding his shorts down. He could remember the bulge in Hunter's boxers. He could almost feel Hunter's hand grabbing his cock and rubbing it.

"Rolly!" His mother's voice startled him back to reality. Instinctively, he sat up and pulled a pillow over his now semi-erect penis.

"Yeah, Mom," he called back, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Your sister's are over with the Bransen's for the night and I have to meet with the producers for a couple hours. What are you going to do with yourself?"

"I don't know, probably eat something and play video games."

"Or you could read a book."

"Maybe," Rolly lied. There was no chance in hell he was touching a book tonight. He could hear his mom rummaging around in the kitchen.

"Okay, Rol," she said a minute later. "There's meatloaf in the fridge and maybe some ice cream left. Don't waste the whole night on the television, okay?"


"Love ya, sweetie."

"Bye, Mom." Rolly heard his mom cleaning up a little more up front and then the door open and shut. He was glad to have some space to himself. He pulled the pillow off his lap and lay back down. Had he really started popping a boner just thinking about last night? This whole thing with Hunter was really driving him crazy.

Rolly went out to the kitchen to try to get his mind off of Hunter and to find something to eat. He skipped the meatloaf and went straight for the ice cream. After grabbing a spoon ("Who needs a bowl," he decided), he parked himself in front of his Xbox and started playing Halo 2.

About five bites of Ben and Jerry's later, someone was knocking on the door. Rolly hit pause and went to the front of the camper. Hunter had already opened the door and let himself in.

"Hey, man, what's up?" said Hunter. "You tired after all that running around today?"

"Sorry," said Rolly, sounding a bit pissed off, "I didn't know this was your camper. Why'd you even bother knocking?"

"Woooooooowwww," said Hunter. "I know who didn't take their anti-asshole pills today."

"Fuck you," responded Rolly.

"Whatever," said Hunter, sounding hurt. "I don't care. You want me to leave?"

Rolly took a deep breath. "No, it's cool...I'm just tired. Sorry, man."

"You okay?" asked Hunter. Rolly looked at Hunter, his brown eyes reflecting real concern.

"Yeah, I'm good," Rolly replied unconvincingly. "You wanna play Halo or something?"

"Oh yeah, sure," said Hunter. Then he paused and kind of smiled. "Or we could, you know..." Hunter dropped his left hand near his crotch and imitated a jerking off motion.

Rolly didn't react. He just stared at Hunter with his mouth half open. He thought Hunter had forgotten the whole thing, but now he was asking to do it again?

"What're you talking about?" asked Rolly.

"You're so retarded," chuckled Hunter. "Remember yesterday, you know, when we jerked off?"

"I guess."

"You guess? Dude, you said you wanted to do it again sometime."

"I know, but I didn't think you wanted to."

"What? Why not? It felt fucking awesome. I jacked off twice last night just thinking about it."

"Then why didn't you say anything when I saw you today?" asked Rolly. "It was like you didn't even remember."

"Is that why you're pissed? Hello? We were with our parents all day, dipshit. What'd you want me to say? 'Hey Rolly, thanks for playing with my cock yesterday. Wanna do it again tonight?" Hunter turned around and headed for the fridge, chuckling as he went. He reached in and pulled out a Coke. "You want one," he asked Rolly.

"They're mine anyway."

"Don't be a turd. Yes or no?"


Hunter tossed the can underhand to Rolly. After tapping the top a few times, he opened it and took a long drink. Both boys headed back to Rolly's room and sat down on the bed, drinking their sodas in silence.

Rolly felt like an idiot. This whole time he had been worried about what he had done wrong, or what Hunter was thinking, or if Hunter still liked him...all that type of shit. But really, Hunter was just being normal. Like he had said, it wasn't like they could have talked about whacking it in front of their parents. He sighed.

"Hey, man," began Rolly. "Look, I'm sor..."

"Shut the fuck up," Hunter said, cutting him off. "I don't care. Just as long as little Hunter here gets some more attention tonight." Hunter finished his Coke, set his can on Rolly's dresser, and gave his dick a little squeeze. Rolly laughed at this.

"Are you always horny?" Rolly asked.

"Heck yes I am," replied Hunter with his best Napoleon Dynamite impression.

"That movie is fucking hilarious," said Rolly.

"No shit. Like when Uncle Rico hits him with the steak?"

"Or when Napoleon chucks the 'Vote for Summer' button down the hall."

Rolly and Hunter were back to their usual selves in seconds, cracking up as they reeled off scene after scene from the movie. Finally, they had retold every moment they could think of and flopped back on the bed, side by side, catching their breath from laughing so hard.

"That movie really does kick ass," said Rolly. There was another moment of silence before Hunter slid his hand down his shorts.

"You wanna do it again?" he asked Rolly.

"Yeah." Rolly followed Hunter's lead and started playing with himself inside his shorts. Neither boy was looking at the other, even though they both desperately wanted to. Rolly's dick was fully erect in seconds.

"Rolly," said Hunter softly, turning his head towards him. "Lemme see it again."

"Show me yours if I show you mine?" said Rolly with a little laugh. Hunter chuckled too, but didn't hesitate. He pulled his shirt up a bit, revealing his flat stomach, and started undoing his cargo shorts. Rolly sat staring at him, transfixed by the smooth skin on his tight belly. He watched Hunter kick off his sandals and then unzip his shorts before sliding them all the way off. He could see the length of Hunter's erection pushing up against his boxers.

"C'mon man," chided Hunter. "I'm not putting on a free show here. Start stripping." Rolly responded by pulling off his sneakers and pushing his basketball shorts down to the floor. He sat up straight and yanked his shirt over his head, leaving him in nothing but his white boxer-briefs.

"Enjoying yourself?" asked Hunter as he poked Rolly's obvious bulge with a finger. Rolly sighed. He couldn't believe how great it felt to have his dick touched by someone else.

"Dude, take off your shirt too," said Rolly. Hunter smiled and slid his hand under his shirt. He was rubbing his chest a bit and, in the process, showing off more of his stomach. Rolly was again mesmerized by Hunter's six pack.

"You like my abs, huh?" asked Hunter.

"You've got a good six pack."

"Well you look pretty hot yourself." Rolly was flattered. He knew Hunter was an attractive kid who probably could get any girl in school he wanted. Honestly, he thought Hunter was pretty hot too. He was, however, surprised at how open Hunter was being. He looked back at Hunter to watch him pull his shirt off entirely, revealing his whole chest. His nipples were small and dark and seemed to fit his developing pecs perfectly. Hunter knew he was being watched and flexed his chest muscles a bit. Rolly felt his erection throb slightly.

"I'm taking mine out, man," said Hunter as he reached into his boxers and pulled out his sturdy four and a half inch dick. It looked better than Rolly had remembered the night before. Especially the big, round head. Rolly knew he wanted to touch it, but he also wanted his to be touched. He hooked his thumbs in his boxers and slid them down to the floor.

"Going the full monty, eh?" said Hunter. Rolly just grinned at him and started gently stroking his dick. Hunter was massaging his own erection, too. "When did you start getting hair?"

"Probably a year ago," replied Rolly. Hunter reached over and ran his fingers through Rolly's small patch of blond pubes, twirling a few of the longer strands together. He let his fingers slide down to Rolly's plump ballsack and trace softly back and forth over each testicle. Hunter noticed that Rolly had no hair there, just like him.

"That feels good," said Rolly quietly, as if by speaking louder he might scare Hunter away. Hunter responded by more fully examining his balls, rolling them around in his fingers.

"Do me too," said Hunter. Rolly reached and grabbed Hunter's rock hard erection and started to very slowly masturbate him. "Mmmmm," cooed Hunter, "feels good." He slid his own hand back up and took hold of Rolly's five-inch dick. For a few minutes, both boys sat touching and rubbing each other's boners in silence. Then, Hunter slowed his pace and looked at Rolly.

"Hey," he said. "This feels good, right?"

"Yeah it does."

"Well..." Hunter hesitated for a moment. Rolly stopped rubbing Hunter's dick, but didn't let go. "Have you ever had a blow job?" Rolly knew the correct answer for a fourteen-year-old was yes, but he decided to tell the truth. He had a feeling he knew where this was going.

"No, have you?"

"Uh uh," said Hunter. He hesitated a bit more and then started gently running his fingers up and down Rolly's cock. "You wanna, maybe, try it?"

"Do you?"

"I dunno...if you do," said Hunter, putting the responsibility back on Rolly. Rolly knew that he and Hunter were at a threshold. Jacking off together was one thing, but this seemed like they were getting into all out gay territory. He decided to put Hunter back on the spot.

"Isn't that kind of gay?"

"We don't have to...I just thought...well, don't you think it would feel awesome?"

"I guess, but I've never had my dick sucked, so I don't know," replied Rolly. He knew Hunter was trying to keep from being the one to initiate this.

"Yeah, me neither." They sat on bed in silence again, both continuing to rub the other person's dick. Hunter was leaning back on his elbows with his eyes half closed. The position he was in caused his abs to be even more accentuated. Rolly looked down at Hunter's dick, poking through the hole in his boxers, a bit of precum on the tip. Hunter had a nice dick, he thought. He kept staring at the big head and then suddenly a thought popped into his head...he wondered what it would feel like in his mouth. Hunter was now lying back on the bed, eyes closed, just enjoying having his cock stroked. Rolly looked over Hunter's whole body once again; not believing what he was considering doing. This whole time, Hunter had been leading the way. Now, Rolly realized, it might be his turn. He slid his hand off of Hunter's dick and over his stomach and chest.

Hunter sighed. "That feels cool," he said. Rolly ran a finger over one of Hunter's nipples before sliding his hand slowly back down to his crotch. He gave Hunter's dick a few soft strokes and then shifted his weight slightly. He slid his hand down to the base of Hunter's dick and took a deep breath. Then he leaned his head down, opened his mouth slightly, and licked the head of Hunter's dick.

"Holy fuck!" shouted Hunter as he bolted upright with his eyes wide open. He shifted his gaze from his dick to Rolly and then back to his dick. "What was that?" Rolly wasn't sure if this was a good reaction or a bad one, but he hadn't come this far to pussy out.

"I, uh, just wanted to try licking it. Your dick, I mean. I just licked it."

"That was fucking amazing. Holy shit, dude. Do it again." Rolly looked down at Hunter's dick. It was throbbing with anticipation. He dipped his head down and licked Hunter's entire dick from base to tip, stopping at the top to swirl his tongue around the head. Hunter was squirming on the bed.

"Like it?" asked Rolly, grinning at Hunter as he sat up. He was proud of himself for pushing the envelope a bit.

"You have no idea," panted Hunter.

"Dude, take off your boxers." Hunter did as he was told. Rolly now saw Huner's entire package for the first time since yesterday...a gorgeous dick on top of two decent sized balls and crowned with a small patch of curly brown pubes.

"Lay back down," said Rolly. Hunter didn't hesitate. Rolly leaned over again and licked his entire dick up to the top. But this time, instead of licking the head, he put it in his mouth and swirled his tongue around. Then he slowly slid his mouth down until he had about half of Hunter's dick in his mouth. He sucked and slurped, running his tongue over as much of this boy's erection as he could.

"Awwwfuck," Hunter moaned as he thrashed around on the bed. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod...ungh...shit that's good...awwwfuck." Rolly was getting into it now; encouraged by Hunter's sounds of pleasure. He could feel the ridge on the head of Hunter's dick and the silky skin on the shaft. He couldn't believe how hard something could be, yet also so spongy. Every once in awhile he would take Hunter's dick out of his mouth and run his tongue up and down the underside of it and then lick all around the head before devouring as much of it as he could again. Rolly was finding that he could almost fit Hunter's whole dick in his mouth.

As he continued to dance his tongue around Hunter's cock, he could feel it flex and throb in his mouth. Hunter was still moaning, but the thrashing had settled. He now had one hand behind his head and had gently put the other on Rolly's head and was softly pumping his hips up towards Rolly's mouth. Rolly knew that it wouldn't be long before Hunter shot his load.

"Oh shit, Rolly, that's so fucking good," panted Hunter. "Dude, I'm gonna cum soon." Rolly decided right then that he wasn't going to stop. He didn't know when Hunter would cum, or how much he would cum, but Rolly wanted his cum in his mouth. He brushed his blond hair away from his eyes and started sucking Hunter more earnestly. He was taking the whole thing in his mouth now and really tonguing it from top to bottom. He reached his right hand out and started to gently play with Hunter's balls. Hunter started to thrust his hips more forcefully.

"Shitshitshit...awwwfuck...I'm almost it comes!" Rolly braced himself as Hunter pushed down on his head a bit harder and gave one final upward thrust with his hips. His cock throbbed strongly and Rolly felt the first warm jet of sperm hit the roof of his mouth. Before he could even figure out the taste, two more strong spurts hit his mouth. Then one final throb and a bit more of Hunter's cum dribbled into his mouth. Hunter fell back on the bed, spent.

Rolly could feel his cum sliding around in his mouth and over his tongue. He let Hunter's softening dick plop out of his mouth. He swirled the cum around a bit more. It was a bit salty, but tangy too. And he couldn't believe how warm it was. He ran his tongue through Hunter's cum once more and decided to swallow it. He glanced at Hunter, who was watching him through half-closed eyes.

"Rolly...thanks. That was un-fucking-believable." Rolly grinned back at Hunter.

"Glad you liked it."

"Hey...did you, um, did you swallow it?"

"Yeah," said Rolly, a bit embarrassed.

"Fucking A," said Hunter, as he absentmindedly started to play with his now limp dick.

"It wasn't bad actually," Rolly added after a moment. "I didn't mind it."

Both boys sat in silence.

"You're still hard," Hunter said to Rolly.

"Oh yeah, I am." Rolly said this like it wasn't a big deal, but inside he knew he needed to get off. He dick felt harder than it had ever been and the entire head was covered in precum. Hunter reached over and gave Rolly's dick a few soft strokes.

"Dude, fair's fair. Lemme suck you," said Hunter. He said this like it was an obligation, but inside, Hunter knew how much he wanted to feel Rolly big cock in his mouth. He sat up and started leaning towards Rolly's crotch. Rolly could feel his heart pounding with anticipation. As Hunter's head inched towards his hard cock, he felt his breath catch in his throat. The anticipation of the moment was so strong. Hunter stuck his tongue out and lightly licked the head of Rolly's dick. Rolly took a deep breath as he did this. As Hunter pulled his tongue back a bit, a strand of precum momentarily stretched from his mouth back to Rolly's dick before dribbling down Rolly's shaft. Rolly was biting his bottom lip.

"Shit Hunter...that was wild."

"It gets better." Hunter started to move back in, but Rolly glanced up at the clock on the wall.

"Wait, dude," panted Rolly. He couldn't believe what he was about to say. "Stop."

"Why?" asked Hunter.

"My mom and sisters...they'll be back any minute. I don't want to get caught. Not like this."

"Rolly, you gotta feel this, though. It's amazing."

"Your camper?" asked Rolly.

"Everyone's there. Hey, what if I go grab some stuff and I'll spend the night here? You'll have to wait a little longer, but once your family's!" Rolly chuckled at Hunter's enthusiasm.

"It's cool with me. Mom won't care," said Rolly. Hunter smiled and started pulling his boxers on.

"Excellent. I'll just be a few minutes over there and then I'll be back."

Both boys finished getting dressed. As Hunter was getting ready to leave, Rolly had this strange sense that he wanted to kiss him...or something like that. He wondered if Hunter felt the same way.

"Alright," said Hunter as he stepped out the door, "I'll be right back. Don't blow your load without me." He gave Rolly his best smile and then shut the door behind him.

"Wouldn't even think about," said Rolly to himself as he watched Hunter run down the road.

Thanks everyone for the emails you sent along. I'd love to know what you think of the second installment. I'll keep working on more if people want me to. Email me at

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