Rolling Stop Punishment

By Scott Smith

Published on Nov 1, 2007



Intro: This is another of the many accounts I have written as part of my ongoing punishment and humiliation by men to whom my Mistress sends me periodically. All of these accounts are written exactly as they happened, and Mistress maintains a yahoo group where people discuss and give input into my training as well as displaying video clips and pictures of my getting it. This account is of the most severe beating I have gotten so far.

Rolling Stop Punishment

By Scottieboy

Mistress E Mail is

I had been warned after the previous redlight camera ticket that the next time I got any moving violation I would get the most severe punishment of my life. For that reason, I have been driving very carefully as some of my punishments have been hard to handle and I didn't want anything worse.

However, when distracted by the cell phone, I did not come to an absolutely complete stop at a stopsign. The police officer was sitting there waiting to write tickets and of course cited me for the violation.

I knew better than to try to hide it from my Mistress/Wife, and knew that what would follow would be severe. I told her about it that night and she let me know that I would be sent for punishment as soon as she could arrange it. Then, because of the Southern California Wildfires I had a reprieve for about a week and a half.

The day came for my discipline and I was handed Mapquest directions to a home about 30 miles away, located in a rural area. I was given a box that had in it the following items: a flyswatter, a tube of Ben Gay Extra strength muscle rub, a rag that based on appearance and odor had been taken from the laundry after being used by my son for personal purposes for a while, a heavy western leather belt, a thin whippy rattan cane, and the dreaded cord whip (picture coaxial cable forming two concentric loops of about a foot in length mounted to a wooden handle). I had a long time to think about what was coming on the drive there.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by a man in his 50s who got right down to business and said "Go into the bathroom, strip, and come back out". I did as told with literally trembling hands, and was then directed to lie across an ottoman with my legs spread wide.

He started out I thought reasonably with a ping pong paddle, reddening my ass in a stinging manner. I knew this was not the punishment, but felt thankful I was going to have some warm up. He was a man of few words and didn't talk during this time.

My ass was really hot when he stopped using the ping pong paddle and reached for the heavy western style belt, well oiled, flexible, and 1/4 inch thick. He doubled it over and said "Now the punishment begins. I was instructed to give you 50 hard blows with the belt and that is exactly what you are going to get". He then took out the disgusting rag and stuffed it in my mouth; the taste immediately confirmed what the rag had been used for and my face turned redder than my ass, with the total abject disgust and humiliation of knowing my own kid's cum rag was now in my mouth.

In the remainder of the story, I will give the dialog as if it came out clearly. Obviously anything I tried to say was totally muffled but that did not stop me from begging.

I was trembling with great apprehension before the first blow landed, knowing that 50 in a row would break me down.

"WHAAAACK" came the first hard blow. I gasped.

"WHAACK" came the second, then third, then fourth.

I started to tremble all over and gasp with each blow. I had never experienced a belting this hard and there were 45 more to go.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, whack, Whack" rained down the blows at a ferocious pace, each really hard.

My eyes started to water and I trembled more........... I was crying, something I never do.

"I"m sorry Sir........ PLEEASE" I whined into the disgusting gag.

"Shut the hell up and take it" he replied, and gave me 5 blows even harder than before

I was wracked with pain, my ass cheeks tensing involuntarily, and tears streaming down my face as I whined and moaned.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" the beating continued as I sobbed.

Finally he must have gotten to 50 because it stopped, but it took me a minute or two to stop sobbing and figure out it was over.

My body was still heaving from the sobs when I heard the next sentence pronounced: "Now you will get two sets of 12 cane blows, very hard".

I heard the loudest whoosh of a cane I have ever heard as he swung through the air hard.

My ass tensed involuntarily.

I heard the cane whooshing though the air, it seemed deafeningly loud, then I felt the initial blow of the cane followed by a 3 second build of searing white hot pain. It was sort of like a time delay: hard thud, then blowtorch to my ass.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOWH" I cried out, despite having been prepared for a hard blow. This was a new kind of pain, much worse than I had felt before.

"Whoooooooosh" came the sound then the hard bruising thud on my ass followed by the same time delayed searing burn.

"AAAAUGH" I cried out.

"Whoooooosh" came the third blow, and this time in addition to crying out I started shifting my weight from one leg to the other and back, trying desperately to spread or dissipate the burning pain.

"Whoooooooosh" came the fourth blow, and the 5th, and the 6th.

Tears were again streaming down my face and I was again sobbing but it got me no mercy.

"Whoooosh" came blows 7,8, 9, 10, 11, and 12: then it stopped. I found out later, when I had to clean up the punishment area, that the last 2 inches of the cane had broken off and that is why he stopped.

He left me there heaving as he went into the kitchen and returned with a coke which he opened and sipped on for a mminute before the second set began.

My ass was already covered in cane strokes and marked badly by the belt, so every place these 12 strokes landed was already sore. He delivered the second set just as hard as the first, and all of my crying and attempts to twist out of the restraints were fruitless. This was the worst pain of my life and I was already pretty much broken.

He went back and finished his coke over a 5 minute period as I lay there recovering. Then he reached for the cord whip.

I have been petrified by the cord whip since my Mistress got it. Prior to today I had only ever gotten one hard blow with it, and that marked me for a week. It was sort of the punishment instrument held in reserve, effective by it's presence without being used. This time though it would be well used.

I wanted to twist out of the restraints and run, and would have if I could. However, I just lay there as I knew I was not escaping this, and I tried to prepare mentaly for it.

"Time for the final round you poor bastard" he said. Swinging the cord whip through the air to test it.

He then reached for the instrument I fear most: one that I have only had used lightly before and which was horrible then. It was called the "cord whip" by the member of the yahoo group who made it to be used on me and sent it to my wife. It consists of two concentric loops of coaxial cable mounted to a wooden handle on which the sadist who made it engraved "no pain no gain" on one side and "use hard and often" on the other. I am sure he found it funny, but fo mre it was definately not a source of humor.

The first blow was searing white hot pain, and I knew that the result at a minimum would be a sore raised red welt that would take many days to go away. I tensed my whole body and screamed into the gag.

The second was harder than the first, obviously he had assessed the effect of the first blow and now had found his zone.

By the 5th blow, I was sort of kicking my legs and twisting back and forth, in vain of course, but in an involuntary effort to protect my ass which I was certain would look like hamburger from this.

By the 20th blow, I was pretty out of it; just screaming in agony into the gag and wishing it would stop.

At 25 he did stop, but frankly I didn't notice nor did I count. I was later told it was 25 and I am sure I lay across the ottoan in a trance 5 minutes before I came out of my trance and realized that the whipping was over.

He directed me, perhaps more than once before I was aware, to get off the ottoman and he removed the gag.

"On your knees cocksucker" was the next thing out of his mouth.

This took me by surprise. As the reader knows from my prior punishment accounts having to suck cock has been a part of several punishments. I got on my knees and started working his cock, pausing from time to time to lick his balls when told to do so. My own dick remained flacid; I don't think I could have gotten it up for anyone after the punishment I had just received.

After about 5 or 10 minutes he blew a load in my mouth and said "swallow it". I dutifully swallosed the liquid down.

"Now lie on the bed on your back" he said.

I wanted to run, but kind of knew it was coming since two of the instruments from the box had not been used yet.

Once I was secure, he took out the Ben Gay and squeezed an enormous amount on it and rubbed it into my nut sack and dick, trying to masturbate me with it but I could not get hard. Unfortunately, while doing that some of the Ben Gay made it into the end of my urethra and created searing burning pain.

I was sort of gasping to contain the pain when the flyswatter came out "Your final punishment is 4 sets of 25 with this applied to your cock and balls".

With that he began rapid fire swatting my cock and balls, as though he were trying to kill a recalcitrant cockroach with it.

"Whack, whack, whack, whack.......... ".

He delivered the blows fast; took maybe 30 seconds. I was whining and gasping by the end of the first set.

Then he examined by genitals and commented "starting to look like your ass" and sort of laughed at his own joke.

The next set came identically to the first, except that the skin was more irritated by the last one and the ben gay so it hurt worse.

He paused and examined again, then sort of moved my dick off to one side and lay it so that he could hit an area that wasn't red yet.

The next twenty five hurt even worse.

Next he turned my dick the other way and whacked the side he had missed 25 times, along with my balls of course.

I was released and sent to the bathroom to dress: I looked at my ass and could not belive what a horrible mess it was. I also could not belive how red my cock and balls were and I knew that it would hurt to move or pee for days.

WHen dressed I came back out into the living room and, knowing it was expected said "Thank you Sir for punishing me".

"Any time" he said, and handed me the box for the long drive home.

Postscript: As usual some photos and vids were taken of this session and can be found in the yahoo group my wife operates. If you need to know how to join, just send one of us an e mail.


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