Roleplay Adoption

By tt hh

Published on Oct 28, 2015



Roleplay Adoption

Other stories by the same author- Dale Plays Dressup Family Camping RX For Insomnia Rest Home Companion

This is a story that will be updated frequently and lives in the same fictional universe as Dale Plays Dressup

None of the characters depicted in the following story are based on real characters, nor do they follow the lives of persons living or dead. The author of this story does not condone sexual acts involving children, although the author does support the expression of ones self in safe ways such as writing and talking about personal desires. This story was written for the purposes of expression of fantasy and should be received as such.


As far as close friends went, I didn't have many at all. Kept to myself, worked, slept and repeated. A loner by choice for the most point but at times I would get that feeling of missing out on the simpler times one could have. I would head to the river with my dog now and then, or out into the woods for a hike with her but other than that I didn't have a group of buds that I would go play cards with or anything. Most of my meets with men was through Craigslist of Grindr, I never actually dated anyone just got what I needed and that was that, back to the simple life I had grown to love. I had dated and actually almost married a girl once but as I got older the life of a settled down guy just didn't suit me.

One afternoon at the river, my dog was off catching bugs and sticks while I read a book when two older guys walked up the beach to say hi. They were camping nearby and thought they would see if I wanted a beer. Ed was the oldest, he must have been up near 280 pounds and tall, well over 6ft, Jim was his brother, around 230 and six or so inches taller than my five and a half feet. Of the two Ed was certainly the one that did the talking, in a booming voice he roared about all the fish they caught, beers they drank and how much they like to explore, camp and kill things. These guys were out of my world of knowledge, I drive a jeep because it gets me to where I can use my telescope, I was a fairly small framed guy that hardly had any scars or 'manly marks', other than beer drinking I don't think we had a common interest. None the less these two guys were attractive as hell the way that they were so confident and manly. Ed and Jim were in loose fitting outdoorsmen pants with old Tshirts while I was in some snug above the knee shorts with a light tank top, they were scruffy and hairy where I was fairly clean cut and had never really had much for body hair. I watched the two of them as we shared shade and alcohol, I watched how they seemed to be like a couple but they pointed out quite a bit that they were brothers. It seemed weird at first but then again my sister and I can be mistaken for lovers the way that we interact at times. With a few beers already gone and my dog back from her adventure I told the boys that I was going to head off before the sun started to set. Jim was the one to speak up to tell me that they were going to have a fire that night and I should come back out after dark to have some drinks and a few laughs. It was either the lonelyness I had been feeling that summer or curiosity about these two rugged men and what they really meant by 'have a laugh' that had me asking for directions to their camp instead of making up an excuse to skip the invitation like I usually do.

With directions to their camp and a raging hardon thinking about them and what they could do to a curious 20 year old out in the middle of nowhere I drove home to prepare for either laughs by a fire or one fuck of a night with two men that could make a lady out of me.

Showered, shaved everything, scrubbed, trimmed and lotioned. I prepped myself in case one of them actually was a rugged top and I was about to become a sloppy bottom. I was lubed and plugged, dressed in warm clothes and ready for, well, ready for pretty much anything. I came twice thinking about the possibilities that night, once as I was showering and once while I was stretching what I was hoping to be a used ass. I had always been into older guy, actually the first guy that I ever had the balls to meet with was well into his 50's. He showed up at my place after I posted an ad looking for a fellow curious guy. He came over in a full suit and tie, came down my throat after a half hour of humping my face, after he came he acted really nervous, put his pants back on and left me with a massive hard cock that never did get it's attention. Being used and left like that sparked something in me and to this day I have never came because of a guy touching my cock, I don't care at all if I do, I only have them releasing as many loads as they can on my mind, in any way they need to. I have a regular buddy in his mid-60s about an hours drive away that I meet with every few months, he likes to have me over for a weekend so he can have someone basically on call to swallow his cum. We hang out and watch sports here and there then he will start watching some porn on his laptop and I go to work. I sleep with him but only so he just has to pull my head to his cock and know that his good little buddy will swallow whatever he gives me.

Leaving the safety of the city the stupidity of what I was doing started to kick in. At least earlier in the day I had a large breed aggressive dog that would have made easy work of the two if I was attacked. Tonight I was without my pup, plug in my ass, driving into an area without cell coverage to meet with two guys that could likely get away with anything with how remote we were. I had the foresight to grab a blanket, some water and a little kit with condoms, lube and a few other toys in case I needed them. Stupid kids make stupid decisions I realize now that I look back on the whole situation. I was shaking with nerves and anticipation. I pulled over a few times thinking I could just turn around and nobody would know I was ever even heading out there. Horny young me pressed on though and a half hour of driving on gravel and bush roads later I found their camp. It was remote for sure but they were in a pretty big motor home so I was glad to know that I wasn't trekking into the sticks to find a tarp shelter surrounded by tanning racks and bear traps.

Ed and Jim were outside by a fire, both in lawn chairs when I pulled up.

"Hey, the kid came back!" one of them hollered as I was getting out of the Jeep and walking over to them. A beer was passed to me and pleasantries exchanged as I grabbed a chair and sat between these hulking men. Ed was actually the quieter one to start, Jim was asking about the basic stuff, what I did for work, family, love life etc. I could feel Ed staring at me but in the dark I couldn't read his expressions the way I would have liked to. A few drinks into the night my plug was starting to get uncomfortable so I got up to take a leak and pull the toy out. Out behind the motor home and away from the men I took care of my discomfort and overheard the two having a muffled conversation. Ed asked Jim something along the lines of if he thought I was going to be game, then Jim said that he thought I was staring at their cocks this afternoon and even more tonight.

So they still didn't know if I would be OK with being a little bottom boy for them, interesting... With my ass unplugged I went back to the fire, took a swig and started talking about my house, I was remodeling and figured they would be into talking carpentry. I whipped out my phone and was showing them progress pics, I leaned over to Jim with my phone then 'dropped' it between his legs. Instead of letting him get it, or getting up myself I just leaned over, tipping my chair to him, rested one hand high on his thigh and reached down. My face was basically buried in his pants when I sat back up. Right away I saw them making eye contact, an unspoken conversation was held as I played it off like nothing happened. From then on out I felt like I was a young girl to these guys. I became their gopher for more beer and snacks, I was always the one to go add wood to the fire and I would play with them giving nice looks at my ass when doing so. Ed became fairly brazen as he barely left the dim light of the fire to piss, turning just enough so I could see the cannon that he had to show me, my eyes never left his cock the whole time he gave me a view.

It was getting to the point where we either had to let the fire go out and I made my way home, or the fire got stoked again and I find a way to get these guys to make a real move. Jim seemed like he was the one that would try to be subtle, luckily it worked. We were laughing about how random it was that I was drinking with them and I said that I should start calling them the city kid collectors. Jim without skipping a beat said that I should just call them my Uncles. "How about Daddy Jim and Uncle Ed?" I said to him as a sly crooked smile swept across his face.

"Well if that's the case, what is my boy going to do to pay us for all the beers tonight?"

"I could, I don't know, chop more wood?"

"No, no that won't do."

I could see Uncle Ed fixing his crotch as he listened to me and 'dad' talk, he was getting ready, now it was my turn to show them how a good boy thanks someone for a fun night like this. "You guys have been out here for a long time, maybe I could give you a nice massage or rub down?"

"Close, here, I'll show you what you can do"

'Daddy' Jim stood up and straddled my legs, looking down on me with an evil but assuring grin he grabbed the back of my head and said "this would do".

Noted, loud and clear, fuck yes I was right about these two beasts! My inner horny boy went into overdrive when he touched me, there was a cock just inches from my face, a cock that was waiting for a mouth to take care of. Two older hairy manly men that were playing the hottest scene I had ever experienced waiting for me to show them what kind of nasty things a young city kid like me would let them do.

Shaking cold hands pulled down the waist band of daddy's pants, springing upwards a nice cock. Long, hard and thin. It was so pretty. "Do you mean this daddy?" I said as I used my lips to guide the head of his cock into my mouth.

"Yes babe, daddy want's that cock taken care of, then you have to do the same for your uncle too".

Getting into a good mindset to blow him was super easy, I would have done this on the beach so I had been thinking of what I was going to do to these two for almost twelve hours ago. I was at a perfect height with my bum scooted forward for him to stand there and let me go to work. I kept my hands in my lap and gave him a slow sloppy workover. He was sensitive and would buck his hips as his cock hit the back of my throat, with him deep I would swallow more and more, fighting my gags and massaging him with my mouth. He was getting close as his hips started bucking and he took over the pace, I sat there slurping and cooing as he pistoned slowly harder and harder as he got closer to feeding his new little fuck toy. No warning besides a few low moans but I got a long goopy load from daddy Jim, he stopped moving his cock and let my mouth fill. I swallowed and started sucking but he pulled back and said that Uncle Ed needs some attention too.

Uncle was sitting back, hard mammoth cock poking through the fly on his cargo pants. "C'mere bitch" he said as I hit my knees and assumed the ever wonderful cock worshiping prayer position. Uncle wasn't so patient, he had a cock that wanted to make my mouth remember what it is like to have pure man inside it. With his hand holding a full mit of my hair he did the deciding on where my head needed to be. If he wanted me to choke on his fat cockhead then I was slammed down until there was nowhere else for it to go but painfully into my throat. I had never been with a guy that had a cock that was harder to swallow than take in my ass but Uncle Ed was showing me that there are men out there that will make a horny little slut second guess their choices in life. Uncle Ed knew that he had a 'challange cock' and sprayed me with insults about being a little pussy because I couldn't take him all in. He told me that I was going to regret not being a good enough cock whore to swallow him balls deep. I was worried but it was turning me the fuck on. He was skull fucking me and I was trying to think of what he could do that would be worse than dialating my throat for his rock hard horse cock. When Uncle Ed was ready to come the whole forest knew, he shouted out profanity and slurs as he relentlessly humped his hips upwards into my frothing mouth releasing quick shots of cum towards the back of my sore throat. He kept ahold of my head and made me suckle like a calf on him as he slowly went soft.

Finally released from his torture I panted and gasped my way back to my chair, grabbed a fresh beer and swigged short blasts trying to cool my burning throat. Exhausted, horny, excited, kind of drunk and a bit light headed I sat there cooling down as my 'family' made short talk like I hadn't just been mouth fucked by them both. As flames turned to embers and the sky was nothing but blackness we chatted and told stories but my mouth work seemed like it was just another camping ritual, they didn't even make reference to it which I found odd but was OK with it because they didn't tell me to fuck off afterward, I certainly wouldn't have been driving home with what I had drank before the night got erotic anyway. Daddy Jim started putting things away and it looked like we were going into the motor home so I ducked away to take another leak. With a half hard cock, I pissed again then used an on the go little pack of lube on my plug and tried to stretch out a bit in case Uncle Ed was going to make good on his punishment promise. I had it all the way in when Daddy Jim came looking for me, he called my name as I pulled up my pants and turned around, I wasn't going to stay plugged, just a quick stretch. Daddy said that he was just going to take a leak then head in, he had a soft cock in his hand so I reached around from behind and took it from him. He arched his back as I held him, I could feel him going and loved the sensation. I had held my own thousands of times but this was great. He was thicker, longer and heavier in this department than I would ever dream of being. I could hold him with my whole hand where mine soft I just hold with two fingers and that's all that will fit. Daddy was a lot bigger than me so I was more or less hugging him as he released, I gave him a few shakes and he said, "Let's go in, getting cold, tired?"

"I'm tired but wouldn't complain if you kept me up a little more"

Their camping was far more luxurious than my tent camping ever could be. Full kitchen, bedroom in the back, lots of couches and chairs, full bathroom. Hell, it was nicer than my own house. Uncle Ed was in the back and I was sharing a can of beer with daddy in the kitchen. We were standing side by side and he was rubbing my back, then the back of my head. I felt for my new friend under his pants and no surprise it was almost ready for me to do what my newfound role as the family slut should do. He told me about their last time finding a little play toy for them to destroy, a young guy that liked to wear dresses and let him and his brother destroy. He said that it had been a few years since they found someone new to play house with them. I was getting horny as hell and he was fully hard in my hand. Before I could get on it again he pulled away saying he was going to see what his brother was up to.

I heard them talking in the back, a few laughs and the odd 'thud' while they stumbled half drunk. While I sipped the beer I scoped out the rig, looked new, huge front widows, two Tvs that I could see from there. Uncle Ed came out and said "There is a tradition in this family, the youngest on a camping trip needs to take care of his elders before bed, so get those clothes off and get in here, you have work to do".

My heart skipped a horny little beat as I flicked the lights off, shed my clothes and quickly got into the back bedroom. It was a bed with walls around it. About 1 foot of walking space surrounded a queen bed, when I opened the door to it, both my new Daddy and my new Uncle were sitting against the headboard with soft cocks waiting for me. This was the first I really go to see of both of them. Daddy had a little extra weight on him and was hairy from his chest to his toes. Uncle Ed was a big man though, big thick cock, big belly, not quite as hairy but he certainly was the intimidating one of the two. I crawled on the bed, got close enough where I had one of both of their legs between mine as I switched from one sexy man's hardening cock to the other. Back and forth I played and sucked, one hand usually playing with one of their chests and the other either balanced me or had a pair of balls in it. With them both hard I was really getting into it. I would be really rough and impale myself on my sexy Uncles cock then take my time and be passionate with daddy's. While I was swallowing my dad's hard cock Uncle's hands started exploring and found my plugged little asshole. "Looks like your kid is ready to do more than just swallow these dicks Jim, little bitch is plugged" He laughed before pulling it out in one sharp motion. It sent a shock up my spine and I moaned around the cock in my mouth. Uncle Ed pushed me off of him and got on his knees, "Hey Jim, you mind if I put a cock in your son's ass" he said jokingly. No response from daddy Jim, I think he was more interested in the seven inches of cock that he had deep in my throat to care what his brother did with my little ass.

I felt a few drops of lube fall on my rosebud, then his calloused finger working it into me like a thick little plug. He didn't fuck around too much with foreplay before I felt his massive body getting in behind me, his weight pushing me hard into dad. I knew I was going to be in pain, I knew this monster behind me was going to introduce me to a new level of discomfort but there was no backing down. These two men were going to feed me cock in any way because I didn't think this would ever happen to me again, once in a life time to a closet kid like me. Uncle lined his cock up and slowly pushed through every bit of resistance I gave him. He slapped me on the back of the head a few times telling me to open up my pussy ass. I had to get off of dad's cock as uncle worked his way in, the pressure was too much for me to focus properly without gnawing on daddy. Head nestled in his lap dad stroked my hair and encouraged me to take it all like he knows his little man can. That was doing the trick. Hearing him talk to me like that, telling me that I was a good little family slut relaxed me more and I was eventually feeling uncle Ed bottoming out inside me. I was tight on him, nothing this big had ever been in me, I had some toys that I had got used to using but never thought I would let someone this big inside me like this.

He worked back and forth as I softened up and let him have more movement, pain turned into a sick and mind numbing erotic feeling. Back on daddy's cock, slobbering and moaning to the motion of my uncle starting to slowly get some steady humps behind me. One gorgeous older guy in my mouth, one mountain of an older guy buried nine inches deep in my ass and all I had to do was ride their cocks back and forth. Daddy took my head in his hands and started to guide me to where he needed my mouth so I was able to just focus on the rock hard cock stretching my ass. Uncle was starting to do full strokes before he got close to cumming, his belly was on the top of my ass, hands on my hips and cock never leaving my ass. Full length strokes harder and harder, daddy was doing the same with my head, pulling it all the way up so my lips were barely holding onto his cock head then slowly pushing my head down so I had a face full of his pubes. Being a cum bucket was something that I had always thought of as I got myself off but when I came on the bed after never once touching myself or my new men touching me I was on a new level of orgasm. I had never done it before, everything from my hips down tensed up and I had a multi wave orgasm. This was enough to push uncle over the edge, he said that I was like a vice grip on him while I felt his warm load start shooting in me. Uncle kept at it until he started to get too soft to impale me then rolled off. Beside daddy and I he layed back, lit a smoke and huffed loudly and he savored the moment.

Once I was just focusing on daddy I hit the spots that he seemed to really like, flicked my tongue where it would make his hips jump then was rewarded with a nice load for all my hard work.

"Is that what you wanted me to do daddy? Is that how you want me to pay for all the beers?"

"I would have settled on you jacking me off in the dark, but this will do just fine" he said as I came down from all the excitement softly curled up between his legs.

Uncle Ed shook the whole rig getting under the covers then crashed hard into a snoring coma. I was getting chilly so dad and I got under them as well. I was in the middle, both of them facing me. It was intimidating for me, this was the first time that I was really the 'little one' and I'm not usually what you would call a twink or girly boy. Dad spooned up behind me and I felt almost feminine in his arms. I think I was asleep before him, very warm, drunk and very worn out.

"Baby girl, roll onto your side" Daddy said to me as I was waking up in a bit of confusion. It took me a few seconds to remember that I was in be with my 'new family', at some point I had rolled onto my stomach and daddy was getting me to move. With my back to his front again I knew why, daddy had his cock hard as can be and covered in a nice thick layer of lube. I pushed my ass back to him and arched my back. He had an arm under me bear hugging me, the other on my hip as he eased into my warm puffy asshole. Uncle Ed had done a number on me so I was slow to let daddy in but I don't think no was an answer he was going to take, that cock was going into my little bum. After him calling me his baby girl and taking me like this it was the first time I had felt like someone's lady. I felt like this was daddy giving his daughter a quick fuck in the middle of the night. Besides the pressure of him going in he was gentle with me, quietly moaning in my ear as I reached back and held his head while he worked his way towards a third load for me that night. This was the first time I ever felt like someone was making love to me, daddy kept whispering to me how much he liked being in his 'little girls' ass, how his little girl was so good to him. Long slow and full strokes while his hands explored my young body were erotic as hell. Every guy that had ever been in my ass was there to cum, plain and simple. I had been fucked in dark rooms by strangers or fellow nervous guys in my bed, half hour later they would be gone and I would have a well fucked asshole. This was different, this was a man making love to someone that was just as into it as he was.

When dad came, he pulled me in as tight as he could, his cock still in my warm slick hole. He told me to go back to sleep then snuggled in himself and slowly started to drift off. The feeling of him slowly going soft as I drifted to sleep is burned in my mind to this day. So hot.


Morning had started, I woke up in an empty bed with the taste of beer and cum in my mouth and a tender asshole. I laid there listening but didn't hear my men, just birds and wind. Slowly I worked my way to the little bathroom to see about freshening up.

Inside I saw a note: There is a new toothbrush in the cabinet, on the floor is a little bag, if you want what's in it you'll be my little princess, if not, you'll be Daddy's little boy. Up to you, either way, welcome to the family. Daddy.

Inside the bag was a pink little thong, black socks that when I pulled them on came to just below my knees and a tight little black tank top. I stared at them for longer than I should have. There had never been a discussion within my own head on if I wanted to be someones 'girl' even if I was just playing a girly version of myself. I had a body that could pass as feminine in the right light, 5'6'' and thin enough that you could see my hips when I was standing but I had never considered wearing anything feminine. I brushed my teeth to take my mind off of it, had a quick rinse in the shower and dried off. I looked at the clothes I came here in, then back at the new clothes. Back and forth, this was a decision that would stick with me for a long time afterwards as I slowly pulled on my first pair of ladies panties. They were tight and possibly a little too small but feeling them snug against my skin was sexy. I ran my hands over the little mound at the front then admired my ass in the mirror. Looked like I was going to see how far down this rabbit hole Daddy's little princess would go. Socks and tank on. I didn't want to go out in just that, at that point I didn't know if there would be people around or not. I pulled on my sweat pants from the night before, then my shirt and headed outside.

It was really warm out. After plugging my very dead phone in I saw that it was mid-morning but no sign of my two men anywhere. I puttered around, started a fire, made a pot of coffee and relaxed. After about an hour the fabric on the thong was rubbing my sore little ass I dug in my travel kit that horny me packed the night before and lubed up a small plug with a big base but the family fuck session the night before had me too worn in to even be able to hold it in, every time I started walking it would pop out. I upgraded to a bigger size and squeezed on it as much as I could while I was puttering in the camp. Day after getting impaled like a fuck toy by uncle then falling asleep with daddy in me I would have rather not had a toy in me but it was better than the thong rubbing me even more sore.

I found a book in the Jeep, poured a coffee then set out towards the river, it had been a while since I heard anything at camp so I figured I might as well go relax. I set up at the same spot that I met the boys the day before, I tried to read but all I could think of was how much of a slut I had been for them. They had a carnal force on me. I went from being shy little me that would seek out a man once in a blue moon to coming here fully hoping that they would treat me exactly like they had, only they went far beyond what I had hoped they would. I was too hot in the sweat pants so I first rolled up the legs but that was useless with the socks so I pulled them off to use as a pillow, then off came the shirt. I was basking in the sun, thoughts of daddy suggesting that I call him that in the first place started adding up with the whole situation. They have done this before. I didn't know if they really were brothers, either way they had one hell of a fantasy game playing out. The two of them looking for guys to play 'family games' with, they had these clothes already I'm sure, I wondered how many brothers I had all over the place that they gang fuck. Two beefy men that have horny little bottoms waiting in line for the next time Daddy Jim and Uncle Ed come by to stretch them out. Just thinking about it was making my mouth water.

I could hear a motor boat coming down the river, he went by me pretty fast and I saw him take a look at me as he passed, I wondered if he knew I was a boy or not. I didn't know what I really looked like. I felt like a girl, knew I wasn't but I had the feeling that I would be seen as nothing but a girl to my men.

I was getting bored when I saw them coming up the riverbank. Both shirtless in the sun, daddy pointed at me as they approached then joined me as they did the day before.

"Princess! Looks like you found your way around alright this morning? We went to check on some fishing spots"

"Yeah daddy, thanks for the new clothes" I tried to act coy, tried to look like the princess he made me feel like.

"Did you eat?"

"No daddy, I was waiting for you to get back"

"You could eat this" Uncle Ed said grabbing his cock through his pants and laughing.

Dad opened a beer for us all as we sat in the shade, I drank the beer and soaked them both in with the full light. They were sweaty and smelled like men, I noticed every move they made and how their bodies flexed. I was getting close to poking out of my little panties. Having never been one I tried to be flirty in my newest role. With my head resting back on uncles thigh and my feet in dad's lap I laid there drinking as they talked about fishing. I reached back and played with the meal that uncle offered feeling him get a little harder the more I explored. In dad's lap he had his legs open and I was stumbling through giving my first foot rub on a cock. With them both mostly hard I rolled over and took out the monster that had my throat feeling like I had been swallowing sand. I was now determined to find a way to get his balls on my chin so I started slowly getting more and more into my throat. He never bothered with me besides the odd moan here and there, just kept talking and letting me gag on his gorgeous cock. I never did get all the way down on it but not being stabbed by his cock made it easier to get used to when and how I had to swallow. I had dad's hand lightly caressing my ass, slapping it now and then before he slowly pulled my plug out. Uncle laid down flat so I could get right on top of that cock, my hands resting on his belly and on my knees between his legs I was back at the alter or cum. He must have been content with me doing my thing, I had full access to every inch of him without worrying more about breathing than I was getting him off. Daddy was behind me now, poking gently at my tender hole. He was slicked up and guided that hot cock into me in one movement. My toes curled and my feet lifted off the ground as I tensed up moaning.

Daddy had my ankles in his hands as he started to pull all the way out then pushing deep in me again. Every time he came out I felt empty, going back in the full feeling of a cock plus the tenderness of my sore ass made me twitch some more. He was loving it, I was loving it. As I worked the cock in my mouth uncle put a hand on the back of my head and played with my head, I was constantly on guard waiting for him to get bored and start slamming my head down but surprisingly he just played with my hair. I smiled around his cock thinking back to when I would get head from a girl and do the same thing.

Daddy had a rhythm going that was pulling him almost all the way out then going balls deep again, long full motions before he changed pace and for the first time really fucked me. He had been gentle for every time he was in me I was quite surprised. This was raw, he slapped my ass, grabbed my sides and pulled me hard back on his cock. Then told me that I was a bad girl for letting someone else see me dressed as a slut. Daddy was punishing me but I was loving the fuck out of how daddy chose to show how bad I was. With the punishment fuck from behind I was bobbing on uncle who was twitching in his hips, he had both hands on my hips and was starting to mutter swears at me and and my mouth. As his cock stiffened up and I was getting ready to swallow another load he grabbed my hair, held my head back and aimed at my face. Uncle gave me the first of what would become many facials from him. I had never been cum on, always came into. Made the whole beach fuck even hotter. Uncle looked at me and told me that daddy was going to do the same, then I was going home with it like that. I told him OK and thanked him for it while I focused on daddy's hips driving into me. My head was resting on uncles sweaty belly, cum on the side of my face that daddy could see, I was in a state of ecstasy on that beach when he pulled out and told me to get 'my fucking face over here'. I scrambled back, he jacked himself and pointed his cock right at the bridge of my nose. When he cum it splashed down my face, covered my nose and cheeks. I licked my lips and smiled up at daddy while he flicked the last few bits onto my face.

Both of them exhausted they cracked another beer and I told them that I really should go home to let my puppy out. They agreed so we headed back to camp. At that point I didn't give a fuck at all. I looked like a hot mess, cum on my face, wearing girls clothes, walking like I had just be anally rage fucked, one sock was bunched at my ankle, the other still pulled up. We crossed a dirt road to get to their camp, a truck drove by and you could see a look of pure confusion while he stared at me trying to figure out what he was seeing. Back at camp I gathered up what little I had with me, checked my cum face in the mirror disappointed to see that it was mostly dried, showed a little bit of shine in a few spots but my face certainly smelled like cum. I skipped up to uncle Ed, gave him a hug, one arm around his back, the other lightly grabbing his cock then I tiptoed up and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Same to Daddy only he grabbed me and we kissed on the lips. Daddy told me they would be there for two more nights before moving on; I jumped in the Jeep and took off back to home.

I was in a state to put it mildly. I had been fucked relentlessly three times, throat fucked, adopted by two horny as fuck; beastly men, decided to play the role of their little cum princess, risked going out there alone, hungover. Now I was driving in girls clothes looking like I had been gang fucked and even had the dried cum on my face to prove that I had been. My bum was on fire, my throat was scratchy, I could feel that my knees were sore and I wanted more. I didn't want to leave their camp, I could have stayed there all summer smelling their musk as they fed me cock in any way that pleased them. As I entered the city I was glad to have smoked windows and a lifted vehicle, I was too much of a mess to be showing myself off to the rednecks that I share streets with. At home I parked in the garage and very slowly made my way to the back door to let a very excited dog out to pee. She looked like she was judging me, didn't care.

First thing I had to do was eat, I hadn't had anything but beer and cum since the morning before and I felt like I was going to pass out. With a plate full of anything fairly soft to swallow I ate it all cold still with crusty cum on my face. Next thing was to take a long hot bath, I had muscles telling me stories that I didn't even know I had. For the first time I was glad I lived in a house four times my age, it had a huge claw foot tub for me to soak in. Deep inside a steaming bath I finally scrubbed all the manly smells off of me, I didn't want to but alas I had to. While I soaked I massaged my sore bum, scrubbed every inch then slowly eased a softly vibrating rubber plug in me. I was missing the feeling of being full, as it vibrated my soothed bum I thought of the slutty things I had done. Right from 'accidentally' dropping my phone, the back to back blowjobs, especially holding daddy's soft cock as he pissed, I was hard thinking of all the things I let my new boys do to me without question. Turned on by my own slutty night and the plug vibrating just the right spots I was able to give myself a great orgasm, not nearly as good as when Uncle Ed was piling into me but it left me light headed and even more relaxed.

I finished up by shaving nose to toes again then got out and did what I figured a young girl would do. Massaged a soft scented body lotion all over myself. I felt smooth as silk.

I was relaxed and energized, fully naked I threw the clothes daddy gave me in the wash, let my dog in then got dressed. I wasn't sure where I could go to get supplies that would help me in my new role, I had no idea what to wear for makeup if I was going to go on that route. I did know sex toys to I went to my local shop and went on a search for an uncle sized toy to stretch out with. Up near the top I saw a 12'' black cock that looked just like his, angry and thick. With a new toy to stretch with and a bulk sized anal lube I checked out the erotic clothes, nothing really caught my eye. There was a few restraints and a blindfold that did so I added it to my cart. At the checkout the guy at the counter mid 40s arabian type had wide eyes as he rang up the black-cock-o-rama and asked if it was a joke gift, "No, I need to get used to it so I don't get tore up again" I said with a smile. The guy kind of knew me from being a semi regular. "There's no way you're going to take that" I could hear the doubt but short of proving it to him on the spot I figured he would have to take my word for it. "What, are you jealous? Big ones run in the family, I didn't get one but it seems the rest of them did." His face was blank as he gave me my change and I lightly left the store. Sure as hell he will be trying to get me to prove my skills next time I'm in there.

I drove a few blocks to the mall where I was on a search for underwear and possibly some more erotic clothes. The girls at the ladies store were awesome, I told them that I was buying for my girlfriend, what size roughly and told them how much I wanted to spend. Ended up getting a ton of stuff on sale and enough to last me a whole week of playing. The line of buying for a girlfriend made clothes shopping really easy, most ladies were more than willing to help. Shoes however was a different story. I'm no idiot, I wasn't going to be trying my luck in heels so I found a few styles I liked from runners to flats, quickly tried on the bigger sizes, as soon as something fit, re-boxed and gone before anyone could come and help me. By the time I left the mall I practically had a wardrobe for a coed going to her first year at college. Everything from comfy clothes to skirts and leggings. I had padded bras, panties, hats and even a swim suit. At one shop they had inserts for a bra that AA cup girls bought, works for flat chested guys too I guess.

I went to a pharmacy with it's own makeup department and told the girl a line about my girlfriend forgetting her makeup at home, here for a wedding and she needs all the basics 9-1-1 emergency style, again, pawning any uneasyness on a made up girlfriend made this way easier than I thought. Last stop was at a store that just sells accessories, I grabbed a mixed bag of chains, rings, hats, sunglasses, bracelets and hair things then headed back home.

To say that I was excited to get home would be an understatement. I raced across town, up to my bedroom and spilled the spoils of my trip out on the bed. It looked like a teen magazine blew up on my bed. I usually wear blacks or earth tones, this was the most colour I had ever seen in my room. I started putting random things on, trying the panties, fighting with bras and inserts. I had a tight fitting dress on with little flat shoes and in the mirror from the neck down I was passing as a girl. No hips and pointy shoulders but it was working. I settled on a pair of lacy oatmeal leggings over a small thong, black dress that flowed to my knees, tank top and a breezy light sweater thing. I felt really girly. I couldn't stop feeling myself up and down. The fabric was so different from what I was used to.

Makeup and hair in general is a whole novel that I won't get into much. Many many pokes to the eye with mascara and uneven tones later I actually managed to feminize my soft face. I don't have much for facial hair so I am assuming that that helped a ton. I stuck to light makeup, both easy to maintain and didn't look like I was trying too hard. My hair was long for a boy but not nearly long enough or cut right to be considered a girls cut so I opted to comb it straight down so some was in front of my ears and put on a girls cap that matched the rest of what I was wearing. I took way too long painting my nails a light shade of pink, using the left hand was terrible so I dug into my project room, set a brush up to be held in a soldering vice and changed the game, being a home body nerd pays off! This whole process took me almost six hours by the time I was satisfied.

I wanted to test it out but nerves were high. After going to the garage and chickening out a dozen times I finally jumped in and went for a drive. I had the advantage of the tinted windows but a disadvantage of being somewhat known for the vehicle I drive, it stands out especially in the Jeep community. The hat got pulled a little lower every time I saw someone driving near me but luckily it was light out enough to wear some oversized sunglasses. I had cleaned up and put in a plug before I left, the feeling for driving in these clothes with it in me was turning me on in a way I didn't know before this, it wasn't a masculine way. I was turned on by the possibility of cock, or what I would do to someones mind if they thought they would want to have me for a night. It was thrilling. Being the quiet one that I am I have been hit on by hot men and women at say a gym and never given it much thought because I am too shy. Now I am driving around wondering if I'm dressed to have someone want to take me home.

First challenge I thought I would do was drive through at a coffee shop. I ordered a pink frozen drink and pulled to the window. The guy that served me was mid-twenties and I could tell that he was serving a female. There is a way that a guy serves another guy, to the point, no BS but this guy was awkwardly trying to talk to me, I knew my voice wasn't passable so I spoke back mostly in blushing sounds. He had given me a dry cappuccino a hundred times without saying boo in the past, now he wanted to know if I had plans for the night. Interesting.

I drove around with my new confidence sipping on some kind of creamy strawberry drink. This girl stuff was so gentle and smooth! The clothes, the cuddles, the drinks even!

The sun was down and I was getting bored, my plug was starting to scream that it needed to come out but I wanted to stop back at the adult store to see if the guy working would recognize me. My heart was pounding, I was parked on the curb then it was about ten steps into the store where it really became an anything goes place but that little patch of sidewalk seemed like a mile in 'regular' world. With my nerves in check, pink drink to distract myself with I hopped out and went inside.

A few old men were playing with their cocks under their pants as the walked around the DVD section but it was dead in there. I went to the back wall to look at toys. The guy at the counter followed me with his eyes the whole time, I scanned the wall looking for something girly, I pulled a steel plug with a big fake diamond on the end down and got really excited. I had seen pictures of girls with them but they had never appealed to me before, now, it was perfect. When I got to the counter the guy said right away that he needed to see my ID.

"What you don't recognize me? I was in here earlier buying a black-cock-o-rama." I looked at him and smiled, took off my glasses and watched the pieces fit together.

"HO-LY-SHIT! NO WAY!? Are you serious? You're the little butt toy kid right? You're always in here as a guy, shit dude... or, girl, fuck whatever, you're a hot guy and girl."

"Thanks! Do you still need ID now?"

He rung me up and couldn't stop staring. The old guys had taken notice that he was loud at the front so I put the glasses back on still worried that I might draw the wrong attention.

"Is there anyone in the booths? I want to put this in right now"

He grinned, "No, but if you're not out in ten minutes I'll have to come back and kick you out when I close up."

"Thanks!" I grabbed my new toy in it's bag and skipped to the back to try it out.

The booths are for lack of a better term sketchy, super small, really only big enough for a bigger guy to get into and watch some wank flicks. I had been in them a few times on weeknights waiting to see if anyone was there to use the services of the gloryholes but had mostly always struck out. This was a pretty homophobic town so I wasn't surprised. Inside one of them I popped in a quarter and watched as some asian girl with a fake scream got tossed around a couch by some big black dude, not interesting but it was the rules. No sound coming out, get the fuck out. It was on a big sign on every door. The big plug that I had in popped out and the cold steel plug slipped in nicely. It was cute, felt girly and I was so happy I came in. I heard a second film fire up and figured that I had got him to close up early, lucky for the guy working I was horny as hell and more than happy to give him a free one. I heard a belt then a soft white cock came through the hole, it was flopped there waiting for me to show it some love. This wasn't the worker, this was one of the old guys that was prowling around.

Challenge accepted. I crouched down and sucked him into my soft mouth. After having the two giants last night it was nice to have a cock like my own between my lips, once it was fully hard he was just barely tickling my throat when I had my face mashed against his pelvis. I worked a really good groove, stopping now and then to plug some quarters then back to the old man letting me practice what I love doing. A third film now playing I was now wondering who I was going to be sucking off next. With a cock in my mouth that was already twitching and ready to blow I felt a hand on my ass feeling the soft fabric of my dress. The old man in my mouth tapped the wall to tell me he was going to cum then gave me shot after shot after shot of strong cum, I think he was building it up for a while. He went limp quick then leaned down to thank me, he slipped a $50 through the hole and left. I was shocked, never been paid to do what I do before, bonus I guess. As I turned around and stuffed the money in my bra I had another cock in my face, he was ready to go, at full attention already. He was more like daddy, long and thinner, I was salivating as I bent at the waist to suckle on the tip of this stranger cock.

A hand at my ass again spooked me, he hadn't played a video so I assumed that it was my initial offer to feed me cock. He wasn't messing around, hand under my skirt and pulling my leggings waistband down. I think he was waiting for me to stop him but my preoccupation with the hard cock working it's way to my throat and a generally slutty scenario had me open to anything again this night. His hand found my new plug and he played with it for a bit, pulling it until it was just about ready to come out then letting go so I would swallow it up inside again. Finally it came out to be replaced by some skillfully exploring fingers. Being such a narrow booth if I bent my legs a bit then kept my back level I could have a cock in my mouth and fingers in my bum, fingers that were replaced with a thick cock soon enough. Second time in as many days getting spit-roasted and I loved it. I kept my ass at the wall of one booth and still had the top half of my mouth cock to play with. My ass was getting probed skillfully, I was actually surprised, he was moving his hips a lot. With all the booths quiet, no more shitty porn all you could hear was knees hitting the walls and the slurps from my mouth, it was crazy hot.

A tap on the wall at my head signified the end of cock #2, I put a suction grip on the head of his cock and furiously jacked him off into my mouth. He let me keep stroking until he was too sensitive then shot me a $20 and left. Cheap prick, or not, I don't know, I don't do this much. Now I just had the steady assault behind me, I had both hands holding onto the hole ahead of me, my ass getting bounced off the thin wall as he tapped. Shots up my ass were warm, I could feel them coating me, he must have been shooting a thick load. As soon as he pulled out my cold steel diamond plug was pushed in trapping his cum in me.

"That was good, but I ain't paying you, you gotta go though"

I thanked him for the booth session and told him I'd come back again, pulled up my leggings, grabbed my bag and off I went. Sipping on the melted drink as I hit the sidewalk both old men were standing in front of the store. I blew a kiss and said 'bye boys' then hopped in the Jeep and took off.

My heart was racing. As soon as I left that booth I went from feeling like a sexy girl to a fake one, the nerves kicked in and I had to get home fast.

I showered, removed my nail polish from my hands and flushed myself then slipped into some frilly boy shorts and soft girls pajamas. I had some exhausting days, I had to be at the office early the next day for a meeting then I was taking a week off. Initially I had planned to do a road trip to check out an eclipse. Now I might be just staying close to home to have a vacation from being a boy.

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