Roger and Me

By James Anderson

Published on Apr 21, 2020


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Once home, Roger and I made my way to my bedroom. There we discussed the many odd things that happened earlier. We started the day with Roger in chastity. We both thought his father shared the confinement; however, I caught his father getting off. That lead me to being in possession of keys to their freedom. We thought it was brash of Scott, the football quarterback, to corner me in the bathroom, challenging my dick size. We laughed how he lost the challenge and ended up being put in Roger's chastity cage. We wondered how frustrated he will be tonight not being able to get an erection.

Roger asked what plans I had for tonight. I sprinkled a few tiny flakes into the aquarium that rested in a shelf by my desk.. We watched the small fish swim frantically around collecting the food. There were many species of fish one can maintain. I explained that chose guppies because, unlike most fish, they actually mate. Male fish have a modified fin that acts like a penis. Like most things with a penis, they were always horny. It was in their nature to fuck -a lot.

He looked at me and grinned wildly. "You're like a guppy."

I adjusted the bulge in my jeans. "This is no guppy," I said mockingly.

An eyebrow raised as he leaned back. "So what did you have in mind?"

I grabbed his pants and tugged them off. "I want to get you off," I said most assuredly. I knew Roger was used to getting himself off several times each day. Since he was locked up for the last few days, he could not get off, let alone even get hard. He must have been very horny. I want to be the one that offered the relief he so desperately needed.

As he sat on the edge of the bed, I knelt between his strong hairy legs. "Do you want this?" I asked.

His face smirked with that sexy grin. "More than anything," he replied. Without any touching, his cock jumped to life and slowly hardened. Contentedly, I watched it grow. Soon the smooth, pink head emerged from the skin.

"More than anything, what?" I questioned him.

He looked me in the eye and confirmed his statement. "I want it more than anything, sir."

"That better." I said, keeping an air of dominance. I brush my fingers through the curly fur and griped his balls. When I gently tugged his balls, a small trail of precum oozed from his cock. His cock begged for attention. It smelled heady and ripe, like a man's cock. Being unable to clean his cock well over the past few days, some smegma rested on his glans. "You are very ripe," I tell him.

He noticed the cheese and became embarrassed. "I'm sorry." He tried to get up. "I'll go get clean," he reassured me.

I comforted him. "You have a man's cock. That's what happens." I kiss the tip, tasting the presum, which was salty and very sweet. I rub my finger along the crest of his glans, wiping up some of the cheese. I then brought that finger closer to him so he could smell the virile smell. He sucked on the finger consuming the manly balm and tasting himself. Looking at his beautiful manhood and smelling virility intoxicated my resolve. I too wanted nothing more. I was drunk in happiness.

I sucked on his divine cock, tasting the robust and stout flavor. My tongue covered the entirety of his hardness, occasionally stopping to relish on the tender balls. I always had a curiosity about cocks; but, this was different. I loved his cock, every bit of it. Merrily, I slurped and swallowed and gulped. I devoured it feverishly.

I wiped the hardness against my face. "You taste so fucking good!" I exclaimed. Uncontrollably Roger moaned in delight. Enraptured in passion, his toes curled. I kept the rhythm steady and maintained a strong pressure. I could see his face reflected the urgency at hand. He was on the edge, nearly to the point of cumming. He was in bliss, but so was I.

When his labored panting stopped with a long pause, I knew what was about to happen. His cock swelled and his hot fluid gushed into my mouth. It was nutty and sweet. I held the fluid over my tongue, savoring the ultimate flavor of this hunk.

I moved up, pushing him further onto the bed, my body over his. I pulled up his hairy legs, which draped over my shoulders. I lubed my cock, spitting his cum onto my cock, covering it in his vital semen. My cock pressed against his furry hole. I whispered into his ear, "Now it is time to give me something I want." Intently, I watched his face cringe as my dick entered his inner kingdom. My cock greedily took his cherry.

His ass gripped my cock in a warm embrace. As my cock continued to slip slowly inward, I lowered my face ever closer to his. Soon the complete length was buried in his pleasing bowels. My lips touched his quivering lips. We kissed deep and long, as if unable to ever get enough.

I started a strong and stead pace, hitting his prostrate with every thrust. Our explored each other. We kissed feverishly, browsing our lips lovingly wherever they would touch. My balls bounced against his ass. We remained in this enchanted union for over half an hour. I would lasted longer but he suddenly gripped my back, pulling me closer. He gasped with a look of utter surprise, as he cam again. This time he cam hands free, spilling his precious fluid between us. While still tightly held in his embrace, I cam, depositing my love juice deep inside.

After lying together in the glow of our enchanted ecstasy for a long spell, he broke the silence. "That was great."

"That was awesome."

After another pause, he giggled. "Scott is so fucking pissed."

I agreed. "It served him right though."

"You know, he will try to kill us," he said with concern.

I thought about his words. "I think we'll be alright."

Next: Chapter 6

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