Roger and Me

By James Anderson

Published on Apr 19, 2020


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While Roger was showering, I was quietly eating a banana for breakfast. The previous evening I learned my friend was placed in a chastity cage by his father. His father, after discussing the issue with me, decided to reciprocate, by putting himself in chastity too. The manhood in the Schwartz clan was effectively in a cold war with both sides controlling the other's freedom. Those two gorgeous cocks were locked up and desperate for attention. The thought made my own dick harden.

The magazines and other sexual paraphernalia were strangely missing. I was accustomed to seeing the piles of x-rated magazines littering the living room. Tom must have been sincere in his motivation and removed them last night. The room looked naked without them. I wondered where he put them. Did he throw them all away? I wondered if there was some way to donate such things to economically challenged horny men.

I thought I heard a moan, low pitched sexual sigh. Knowing both men were locked, I was especially curious. Stealthily, I moved to the master bedroom with extreme caution, trying to be completely quiet. I put my ear to the door and heard the rhythmic sounds of passionate fucking. How could this be? His father was caged tight. Was he watching a porn video?

Gently, I gripped the doorknob and slowly, with utmost care, turned the knob. When the door was barely an inch open, I peeked inside. Though I could only use one eye, I could clearly see Tom fucking. His hairy ass was facing the door with legs spread wide. His dick was thrusting wildly into a small ass replica. The low-hanging nuts slapped the plastic veneer with each forceful thrust. I pushed the door open and stood watching in disbelief. Clearly, Tom lied. He was not really caged.

The necklace he wore earlier was now on a shelf by the bed. Instead of having one key, it now had two. I quickly surmised that Tom gave his son a phony key. This allowed him to be in complete control. Roger thought he had bargaining leverage. That was only an illusion. His father, having the real key could continue getting off whenever he pleased.

My investigative thoughts didn't stop me from enjoying the performance. He fucked like a champ, deep and forceful. The ass replica squeaked wildly. Beads of sweat rolled from Tom's torso. I watched one particular bead run down his spine until it was lost in a small forest hairs on his lower back. The forest pointed downward to the crack filled with dark hair. This was better than any porn.

Tom's head curled back. His trusts became more frantic. His whole body trembled and he gasped for breath. That lucky replica was receiving a hefty deposit of spunk. When his dick, now softening, was pulled out, the ass oozed a trail of the precious white fluid. I wondered if Tom fucked with the same passion when he made the deposit that made Roger.

I clapped my hands, giving away my presence.

"Oh fuck!" he exclaimed as he saw me leaning against the entrance.

I mocked him. "That was quite a show, especially for someone that supposedly can't get hard."

He hastily hurried to secure the cage back in place. "Don't tell Roger," he begged.

While he fumbled with the cage, I grabbed the necklace with both keys. I heard that distinct snap from the lock securing his cage back into place. "Oh this will be between just us," I said. As I walked out the door I added, "For now."

He pursued me naked, except for the confines of his dick. "You can't!" he yelled.

By this time Roger was dressed and ready for school. His presence startled Tom.

With curiosity Roger questioned what was going on.

I quickly said, "I told your father it would be nice to show you his loyalty to you. You can see that he is still locked up tight."

Roger looked at both of us with suspicion but could clearly see the cage in place. Tom quickly uttered, "I'm doing this all for you, Roger."

As we were heading out, Tom's face was red with anger. I could read his lips as he mouthed out, "Give me the key."

I responded, "Surely I will be back to spend another evening, Tom"

Trying to hold back his temper, he said, "Yes, very soon and be sure to bring the vital material. Studying frees up the mind, you know." I understood his cryptic message. He wanted out of the cage, desperately.

On our way to school, I thought for sure he would inquire about his father's odd behavior. He didn't. Maybe he was accustomed to his father acting strangely. Instead he started talking about my father. "You told me you watched your father masturbate and even making a sly comment to you, knowing you were watching."


"And you said you would sometimes shower with him, casually holding his dick."

I giggled a bit. "Yeah, I did grabbed it, now and then."

He pressed onward, "And you said you told him you wanted to play with it."

"Well, yes."

After a moment of awkward silence he continued, "So did you? Did you ever end up playing with it?" He grinned at me, wanting to know my secrets.

"That night when he checked on me before turning the lights off, he sat on my bed. As usual by this time of night he was only wearing briefs. He asked if I had any questions. I kept quiet. Lying down next to me, wrapping an arm around me. My head rested on his hairy chest and I brought a hand to feel the thick fur. He reassured me, telling me it was okay. Despite his consent, I was nervous. Nevertheless, I could hardly maintain my excitement. My hand reached the elastic waist band and the fingers slipped inside, feeling the lush covering of pubic hair. Moving further, I reached the prize and held it. It got hard under my grasp."

"Fuck, dude, that is awesome!" Roger couldn't contain his excitement.

"While I stroked his cock, I turned my head slightly and started sucking on a nipple. It was large and firm. From his reaction, I could tell it was tender. He pushed his briefs down and kicked them off. Freed from the fabric, I felt his hefty nuts, feeling the weight in my palm. They felt huge. There I was massaging the organs that produced the seed that made me. His legs spread wide and I maneuvered between them. I removed my own briefs and knelt before my progenitor's penis. It was big with prominent veins running the length of the shaft. He put his hands behinds his head, as I played with the hard tool. I watched the skin glide across the smooth head. With the skin fully covering the thick head, I tugged gently at the skin. Using both hands, I could stretch it, making a cup. I put my own cock into the cup like opening and docked with my father. Later, my stiff cock brushed across his nuts and rubbed the soft skin under them, as I continued to stroke his cock. It was solid and hard, like steel, yet the skin was soft as velvet. My cock went lower and buried itself in the hairy recesses of his crack. When my cock pressed against his hole, he shuttered and panicked. With my cock still resting in his crack, I explored his chest before kissing his neck. I told him wanted this more than anything."

"You fucked him?" he muttered in awe.

"His legs went wider and I tried pushing it through his barrier. He told me that I would need lube so I covered my cock in spit. This time when I pushed, his ass slowly opened but remained tight. Looking down, I saw my strong virile father looking vulnerable and scared. My cock was shrouded in heat as it claimed his moist hole. It felt wonderful. When I got fully in and started a rhythm, I grabbed his cock and stroked him to my humping tempo. His moaning sighs will resonate in me forever. Fortunate for him, I couldn't last long. My first squirt shot deep within him; however the rest covered his cock and balls. With both hands, and using some of my spunk as lube, I stroked him off. His orgasm came in trembling waves that made his body shudder. While he was panting heavily, trying to regain his breath, I scooped up some of my seed with a finger and put it in his mouth. When he finished sucking my finger and tasting my cum, he called me a little bastard."

Roger chimed in, "Daddy's little bastard." We shared grins and continued onward to school heavily horny.

The day was going on fairly normally, until I tried using the restroom before biology class. It was empty except for Scott, the football quarterback. He was tall, built solidly, and blonde. He was exceedingly handsome and was surely the dream catch of every girl in school.

He cornered me against the wall. "What the fuck are saying, James?"

I was thoroughly confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Listen I am the best at a lot of things. I'm the most popular. I'm the star athlete. I have a great body. Just look at it!"

I couldn't help but agree. Even his ass was perfect. Those two orbs wiggled perfectly with every step. He would make any one either jealous or horny.

"I take pride in the fact that my cock is the biggest. But your friend, Roger, was telling people yours is bigger."

His agitated state made me nervous. I suggested we handle this after school behind the football field. As I ran out without getting a chance to pee, he told me not to chicken out.

During biology class, I sarcastically had to thank Roger for the publicity. Roger said he tried to remain quiet but Scott's incessant bragging made him mad.

I was pensive and disturbed. I told Roger that since he got me into this mess he had to help me out of it.

After school, Roger and I made our way to the field. Scott was already there waiting with a dumb jock friend. Neither of us had the trust to be alone. Once the four of us exchanged some unpleasant comments, we decided to walk to an adjacent line of thick hedges that offered privacy.

"Come on. Prove you are bigger." He demanded.

"What is it worth to you?" I asked.

"What is it worth to you?" he muttered back.

I suggested that whoever wins should win something. His jock friend said that made sense.

"What do suggest?" he asked?

"Hhhmm," I muttered.

His jock friend said, "I think the loser should have to run around around the field naked."

I replied back, "Okay, I'll run around the track once naked if I'm smaller. But if you're smaller, you have to wear something during practice."

"I have to wear something?" he asked incredulously.

"Are you afraid? I'm not asking you run around naked."

"Fine. I accept. But it better not be a pink shirt that says Fag."

With that we both unbuckled our pants and exposed our cocks. "To be sure," his jock friend said, "You both should get hard."

After a few minutes of caressing we were both hard. Two mighty cocks stood between us. I looked him in the eye as we moved closer. Our cocks rested side by side. I watched his eyes slowly descend, then a look of disbelief swept over his face, as if I punched him in the gut.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed.

Roger said, "I told you he was bigger."

With a wink, I handed Roger a key and said that I needed to borrow some equipment. Roger was dumbfounded. "How did you get this?" he asked.

Roger went further into the shrubs, then came out out with a contraption that confused Scott.

"What the fuck is that?" he asked.

"That is what you are going to wear." I said.

Roger explained, "It goes around your cock."

"What the fuck?" Scott yelled out.

"A deal is a deal," I explained.

His friend agrees, "A deal is a deal."

"How long do I have to wear that?" Scott asked.

"Just until you learn some respect, like after practice."

He was pissed off and highly agitated; however, he did comply, putting the snug cage around his cock.

Roger took the lock and with a snap secured it tight. I took the key, showing it proudly before slipping it into my pocket.

We waited in the stadium, until practice was over. We normally don't stay late, even though watching the jocks exercise is alluring. I was satisfied watching Scott in clear discomfort throughout the practice.

When practice was over, Scott saw us heading to the parking lot. "Where the fuck are you two assholes going?"

My father was there ready to bring Roger and myself home. "We're heading out, thanks," I answered.

"What the fuck? We had a deal, asshole!"

"I said you would wear that until you learned some respect."

His jock friend remembered me saying that. Scott hit his friend in the shoulder telling him to shut up. "But what about me?"

I replied, "I hope you learn some respect."

As we drove off Scott stood there powerless, speechless, and utterly outraged.

Next: Chapter 5

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