Roger and Me

By James Anderson

Published on Apr 7, 2020


In biology class Roger and I were examining collected pond water under a microscope. I was happy to have this ginger hunk as my lab partner. I was nervous that our recent experience would make him hesitant to be friendly toward me; however, I was grateful he acted normal.

I would not give up that encounter for anything. I loved playing with his foreskin and rubbing our cocks together. Just thinking of his light kisses on my neck coupled with his heavy breathing makes me grow stiff and exceedingly horny.

Roger was never one to remain on task. He could talk about sex for hours and hours. Every other subject bored him. Looking for pond life with a microscope lost his appeal. In a state of boredom, he asked permission to use the restroom, leaving me alone to find and draw the needed specimens.

Several minutes later he returned in a rush. "What took you so long? Did you get lost? " He grinned evilly and pulled out a vial from beneath his shirt. I looked at the vial and then back him. It was filled with a milky substance. I looked around in a panic. "Is that what I think it is? " He shook the vial lightly. "You just jerked off? " I tried saying a calm tone. There was definitely an edge of terror in my voice.

"Sshhh!! " Roger said. "I got us something better to look at. "

I was trilled he didn't feel weird about continuing to be perverted around me; however, I didn't want to get caught or be in trouble. Nevertheless, I got a new slide and he dripped a drop of his spunk on the glass. Soon we were both watching his seed swim. I got horny thinking about his virility. I remembered our evening together when his spunk spattered across my chest. Now I can see his mobile swimmers and felt even closer to him.

Even though our last study venture ended without much studying, I wanted desperately to have more fun with him. I suggested having another sleepover, this time at his house. He liked the idea of spending more time together but didn't think his home was a good idea. Eventually he agreed to arrange a night, remembering another friend that also wanted to get together. He said the three of us would surely get along well.

I was hesitant. I wanted to spend more time with Roger; however, I know the old adage of three being a crowd often comes true. Nevertheless, I was willing to try.

A few days later we got dropped off by the school bus on his rural road. His home was a dilapidated house trailer. He was ashamed of it. "It isn't much but it's where I live. "

I put my arm over his shoulder. "I am here to see you, my friend. " He smiled and we walked down the dirt driveway.

"There you are! " a voice yelled out from ahead. It was his other friend, David, who was running up to meet us. Instead of going to a public school, like Roger and me, David attended a parochial. They knew each through church.

Roger was my height at roughly six feet. He was lean with muscles and was pretty hairy. A mop of ginger hair covered his head and blond fuzz covered his legs, ass, and arms.

David was good looking but just a bit shorter. He had a muscular frame like a football player. His hair was black but his body looked silky smooth.

As we all walked toward the trailer, we exchanged pleasantries. David walked close to me. "I am happy to meet you. Roger has mentioned you. And any friend of my perverted friend Roger is a friend of mine! " From that point, I knew we were all going to get a long well.

Roger told us about his pathetic, alcoholic father. He was seldom home but only worked part-time at a store that sells sexual paraphernalia. He was also collecting money from the state claiming he had a disability. For the most part, he had little to do with Roger, except complain if Roger failed to do his chores. His mother years earlier died.

We put our belonging in Roger's room. Before I could look around much, David exclaimed that he wanted to see the stash. His dad kept piles of nudey magazines, lots of piles. He also had an array of gear, straps, dildos, and items none of us could figure out. We each took a few magazines, lounging in Roger's room, flicking through each page carefully. Occasionally, one would show the others of an exceptionally fine breast, pussy, or huge dick.

Eventually, we heard the slam of the front door shutting. Roger sighed. "He's home. " We threw the magazines under the bed seconds before the bedroom door opened.

"Roger? " he said. Roger's dad stood in the doorway. He was tall, at least 6'8 ", and much thinner than I thought. In fact, he was actually rather good looking with a thick brown beard.

We all said, "Hi. "

He looked David and I over carefully. "I see you have people over. I'm heading out; won't be back till late. " Roger didn't need to respond. He simply shut the floor and headed out.

David asked Roger, "Where is he going? "

"Probably a bar. He loves liquor more than life. " There was several minutes of silence before Roger continued. "I hate him. I want to move out so bad. "

"I am sorry, " I muttered.

David was more forward. "What would you do? Where would you go? "

"In a year I'll be old enoughto join the army. " He pulls out a magazine and said quite candidly "I could be a porn star. "

After we all shared a box pizza, Roger pulled out a video cassette. "Everyone up for a movie? "

"By movie, you mean porn? " David challenged him.

He turns on the TV. "Of course! "

After a few minutes of viewing, Roger exclaimed again, "I would be a great porn star. " He rubbed his crotch.

I said, "I think it takes more than being horny to do porn. "

"Duh! " Roger exclaimed. "I have a pretty nice cock too. "

David was more logical. "You would have to fuck things that might not be a centerfold. "

Roger looked calculating.

"You would not be able to do however you wanted, " David continued. "You would have to get it up and keep it up, for as long as the director wanted. "

"I know I could do it. I would be awesome. "

"Well, we may never know, " I said.

David said, "We could know tonight. You could prove it. "

"I am game, " Roger said. Looking at the seriousness in voice and wondering where this may lead, made me horny.

"Prove it, " David said again.

Roger looked at us suspiciously. "Where is the girl? "

"Like I said, you don't get to pick what you do. "

Roger chuckled. "You expect me to fuck you? "

"James and I will direct. It will be a solo scene. You will stroke yourself and do whatever until we tell you to cum. "

Roger grinned. "I can do that. " He stood and started to seductively strip. He peeled off his t-shirt. While gyrating his ass toward us, he slowly pulled off his belt, then unbuttoned his jeans. He threw his socks across the room and slowly walked out of his jeans. He stood their in his underwear flexing his muscles. He put his thumbs under the bands of his underwear and slowly descended them. The prominent bush flared out.

"Stop! " David said. "James go ahead and reach in there. Get him hard. "

I obliged, sinking my hand under the fabric. My hand grasped his dick and started stroking him. We stared each other in the eye, as my firm grip played with his pride and joy. Quickly it got hard, rock hard. "I told you I could do it, " he said.

"He is really hard, " I confirmed. I pulled down his underwear, letting his penis stand free. A trail of precum hung from the tip.

David said, "James, dab off that trail of ooze. "

I wiped the precum with my finger. I looked at David. I could tell we were thinking the same thing. We both smiled wickedly. I pushed that finger wet with precum into his mouth. Roger sucked my finger like a nursing baby.

Soon David had him laying on his bed wanking like a grand violinist stroking a priceless violin. It didn't take long before Roger proclaimed that he was ready to cum.

"Don't cum! " David blurted out. "James, stroke him some more; but, don't cum, Roger, no mater how good it feels. "

I took his cock and stroked it. I watched the foreskin glide back and forth. "I'm close! " Roger yelled and his hands grasped mine to slow my stroking.

"We cannot have any of that, " David said firmly. He pulled out some leather shoelaces and started tying a hand to the bed.

"Wait. What are you doing? " Roger questioned with concern.

"I'm proving you don't have what it takes. And your hands have broke our directions. "

Roger sighed and allowed both hands to be secured.

Rogers nuts were tight. He was leaking precum like a facet. I could tell he was on the verge of cumming. I slowly stroked. He moaned, appreciatively.

Soon his urges became paramount again. His legs squirmed and he yelled out, "Stop! " David, not content with the squirming, started securing his legs.

"What!?, Roger said. He knew what was happening. "Why the legs too? "

David didn't offer an explanation. He simply kept tying, while I kept stroking. When Roger was fully tied up, he took some fabric and made a blindfold, totally preventing Roger from seeing. Roger begged for us to let him cum.

David had other plans. He quickly tore off his clothes and motioned for me to do likewise. David was completely smooth except for a thick black bush around his thick cut cock. He was rock hard.

With one hand David gripped Roger's cock. With the other hand, he lowered his own cock to Roger's lips. I watched the lips feel the tip of the head, then the tongued flicked out to lick it.

Kneeling on the other side, I pressed my cock to the same lips. My cock touched David's. David wrapped an arm around my should. "Roger wasn't lying. You are hung. " It felt wonderful having Roger's lips caress my cock. David rubbed our two cocks together.

David opened his piss slit wide. I showed him mine, then we rubbed the slits together, having our cocks kiss. Soon we were taking times pushing our cocks deep into Roger's mouth. It didn't take long before David shot several wades of cum across Roger's jaw.

I rubbed my cock through the cum, then inserted it slowly into Roger's mouth. I felt Roger suck David's cum off my cock. Soon I was cumming on his tongue, which he quickly swallowed.

Roger was still rock hard. David and I put on our shorts, leaving his cock flex wildly is desperation to cum.

David slipped out for a moment, bringing back a large dildo and lube. We grinned at each other. "What are you doing? " Roger questioned.

He soon discovered the intent when the lubed dildo pushed between his legs and slowly up his crack. "Fuck. What the fuck!? Just let me cum! "

"When we're done, you can cum, " David said firmly.

The dildo met with resistance but David pressed unrelentingly. The ass could not continue to hold it back and then suddenly the dildo's large head slipped inside. Roger moaned.

As David fucked, I teased his cock, keeping him on the verge of cumming. After nearly an hour of this, I looked up to see Roger's father in the doorway. He pressed a finger to his lip, telling us to be quiet.

He took hold of Roger's hard throbbing cock and started to stroke it. He pushed the dildo further in and started a fast rhythm with both hands. David and I, not knowing what to do, remained silent.

"Please, let me cum! " Roger pleaded. His father kept the pace and soon Roger's body was convulsing. Several spurts of cum flew everywhere.

Roger sighed in exhilaration and relief. His father pulled back the foreskin on the still hard cock and started rubbing the head directly.

"Oh fuck! What the hell! Please stop! "

His father kept stroking the sensitive cock. Waves of pleasure and pain washed through his body. Every nerve wanted to explode; however, his father was unrelenting. He continued to stroke and fuck with the dildo. Roger bellowed out in desperation. To my amazement his cock exploded again sending several more squirts of cum.

His dad left the dildo lodged far in the ass. He pulled the blindfold off, leaving Roger in complete bewilderment. His father rubbed off the cum on Roger's forehead then walked out of the room.

"What the fuck, guys! " Roger yelled out. As we untied him, David said, "You pass. You would be a great star. "

"Damn right! " he blurted out.

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Next: Chapter 3

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