
By bill ben

Published on Aug 9, 2015


Rog, part 3

This is the third part of a multi-part series, I'd like to get your feedback at (and your pic gets mine) ...

In the first part, Pete discovers his flatmate Rog jerking off, and it ends up with the two of the jerking off to porn together, and cumming watching a solo guy shoot a hue load. Pete then meets Spenser, and they do the same, but in the 2nd part, Pete jerks off over Spenser's dildo-enveloped ass, and finally Spenser cums over Pete's face.

This part goes back to Rog and Pete expanding on their first experience.

Rog had gone to a conference, all the while I'd had my serious night of fun with Spenser. Now I wanted to see what else could happen with Rog. We'd both enjoyed jerking off together, so the scene was set for at least more jerking off together. But I wanted more now. I wasn't about to tell Rog what me and Spenser had got up to, I wanted to really tease this out.

I'd taken a trip up to our local adult book store / theatre, perched on top of a hill not more than 5 miles from where we'd lived, after my encounter with Spenser, with the intention of buying a dildo and trying out some anal stuff for myself (to be honest, I'd had a good look in Rog's room, to see if I could find the one he had used in his little home-made video, but no luck ...). I'd picked one up and paid for it (about 8 inches long and a bit slimmer than my cock), but then got more curious about the actual porn booths behind - I'd never been in one before but (from porn stories) knew the drill.

I collected a handful of tokens from the guy behind the counter and made my way into the "unknown" ... I was really hoping that there wasn't a whole crowd of guys milling about and fortunately for me there were only 2, and they looked normal enough and harmless enough, no lecherous stares or such. I chose the booth at the near end, but seeing that it had a glory-hole, made my way back out. I wasn't ready for anything like that. Not yet anyway ... Same with the booth on the far end. But with the row of booths on the opposite side, I got third-time lucky. No glory hole ! I walked in and firmly locked the door. So now I knew I was completely safe and with no eyes watching or surprises to come. Funny how that just made me hornier ...

My eyes got used to the relative darkness of the booth, and I was surprised to see that the booth was clean of strange marks or pools, or tissues, and smelled clean also. A sign on the wall asked that the "client" respect the room and leave it clean for the next "client". There was a trash can with a sealed lid (and a spray bottle of detergent beside it!), and a paper towel dispenser. In short, it was a very clean booth. I also noticed that the screen was a decent size. The booth itself was about 5 feet wide and the same in depth, and the screen was about 4 feet by three feet. The bench itself was deep and had a leather seat, with a leather back that curved into the seat, and was really very comfortable. And there was a tray, I assumed for clothing, as well as a couple of clothes hooks on the wall. Having read a few stories involving porn booths, I was very surprised at the high level of cleanliness. Customer service indeed ...

Even better was the fact that there were no buttons on the screen to press, there was a little black remote control (clean!) which slotted into a wall-holder. So you could pause, fast-forward, rewind, switch movie and adjust volume all from your seat. Smart.

To begin, I fed 10 $1 tokens into the slot beside the screen and was rewarded by a screen offering "Viewing Options" - movies were arranged by category of movie. Each category (straight, gay, shemale, bi, toys, masturbation, amateur, group, etc) allowed you, when selected, to click on sub- categories which were probably cross-linked. I settled for bisexual group, and without any hesitation stripped off and put my clothes in the tray. This felt good ! The movie lengths were shown on the next screen with a screenshot, and I selected one that lasted about 10 minutes, and involved one girl and three guys, all young and smooth (and with big cocks !).

Now I knew those two guys were probably outside and it made me even hornier to know that, my exhibitionist side (well, in terms of aural but not visual) was rearing its head ... I turned up the volume and watched as the movie started. Pretty soon they were all into it, and after a few minutes the guys started to get it on, and I turned the volume even louder, treating the two guys outside to the one guy in the movie saying to another "Oh yeah, suck my hard cock, I want to fuck your ass later". I was hard as a rock, shaking and tingling, as I imagined the two guys outside knowing that I was in there, watching gay porn (or close enough), and likely with my hand wrapped around my cock. I started moaning, loud enough for them to hear and saying, "Yeah, suck his big fat cock, I'd love to be sucking that right now, right into my mouth".

I watched the rest of the movie, adding my comments to those of the guys in the video, but didn't get close to cumming. Sounds strange, but I wasn't ready for that yet. I got my clothes back on, and headed outside. Took a few seconds for my eyes to get used to the relative lightness, but then I noticed the two guys still standing there, grinning.

One guy said to me, "Enjoy that ?"

I nodded.

The other guy said, "Yeah, it sounded like you did. Good for you".

I didn't know what to say, but blurted out, "That was my first time in a booth like that, I really didn't know what to expect".

The first guy said, "Well, this is one of the better ones, the owner believes that if you treat your customer well, he'll treat you well in return. It's a really good store. You should see the theater itself, it's just as impressive". The second guy nodded his agreement.

The first guy said, "We were actually just about to head on in, would you like to join us ? We could show you around ?"

I really wasn't sure about that and said, "I don't know, not sure if I'm ready for that just yet".

The second guy said, "Hey, listen, there's no pressure, might just be useful for you to experience your first time in an adult theatre with two guys who know the ropes. And believe me, things have changed. Nothing happens in there unless you want it to, it's easy enough to let people know you'd rather be alone, and from my experience they respect that. If you change your mind, I'm Danny and this is Paul. Good luck to you !"

I replied, as they walked off, "Thanks guys. I'm Pete, by the way". They reached back and we all shook hands. How very civilized.

And of course, as soon as they disappeared, I started wishing I'd gone in with them ! Fuck ! I couldn't really believe how relaxed I was about the whole scenario. I was expecting some filthy pit and had found something entirely different.

And so, of course, five minutes later, I bought a ticket and started my "movie experience". Opening the door to the theater, I noticed that the theatre itself was fairly small (relative to a cineplex theatre), holding about 60 seats, and that the rows well-spaced. The screen was standard size but obviously HD. The movie playing was bisexual, similar to what I'd been watching, but with three guys. The room smelled and looked clean. There were about 10-12 guys dotted about, no women. There were three guys in twos among the audience and (as I counted closer) five guys on their own. Two were in the same row, the other three spread around.

I noticed one of the "couples" beckoning to me, and I saw that it was Paul and Danny. I thought, "fuck it, why not ?" and made my way down to the middle of the theatre where they were sitting. I sat down beside Danny, Paul was to his left, and they both whispered a "hi". I noticed that Paul's zip was down, but neither had their cocks out.

"Glad you changed your mind, Pete", Paul said. Danny added, "Can I give you a quick intro to the "etiquette" of the theatre, Pete ?", and I nodded.

"Well", Danny began. "It's pretty obvious why guys come here, right ? We all get horny, and if we're HERE, it means we like to be in a group setting rather than alone. You agree ?"

I nodded. I should say at this point that Danny and Paul were both average-looking guys, slim, same height as me, clean. No alarm bells :)

Danny continued, "Now you wouldn't be surprised, then, that many of these guys have, or will have, their cocks out, and will be playing with them. I should also say that the place is about as busy as it gets during the weekday. At night, you can expect about 20-25 guys, maybe a couple of women, same during the day Saturdays".

He added, "Now, we beckoned you over, and you came and sat beside us. You had the right not to, of course. You also have the right to sit near someone else, but at least two or three seats away. If either you or he wants to get closer, you'll know. Similarly, if someone comes and sits close to you, and you don't want that, just move one seat over if you can, or switch rows. He'll get the message".

"Got it", I said.

Paul then added, "Now, no-one minds if you get up and walk about, have a look. There are a lot of voyeurs here, and quite frankly a good number of exhibitionists. From what I heard while you were in the booth, I think you might be a little bit of an exhibitionist, Pete", and he smiled.

He carried on, "It's OK to stand and watch someone as long as they don't let you know they're not happy with it. Similarly, a little shake of the head on your part lets someone know that you'd rather not have them watching you. A shake means no, a nod or a smile means yes. Got it ?"

I nodded, and Danny then said to me, "Feel like a trial walkabout with me, while Paul stays here ?"

I smiled my yes. Danny added, "Now, are you sure ? You know what you're likely to see, right ?"

I nodded and said, "Oh yeah, I think I do, and I have no problem with that. Quite the opposite, Danny".

"Good", he said, and got up, I followed and we made our way to the back of the theatre.

The movie was in full-swing, and we both watched for a few seconds as one guy was fucking another guy, while the third guy was jerking off close to his face. Hot stuff, I liked it ...

In the theater, the guy closest to the back looked a bit nervous and was making no attempt to remove his cock from his (bulging) sweatpants. The guy along from him in that row was more advanced, his cock was out and he was slowly playing with himself. Nice ...

Two rows in front was the first of the other "couples". My jaw dropped as I noticed that both had their pants off, shirts up, and were jerking their hard cocks together. Wow, that was hot ...

Danny whispered, "Rule of thumb - the further back, the shyer they are. Now check out the two front rows".

We walked on. On the far side of the 2nd front now, a lone guy was sitting about four seats in. His pants were down, and his cock was out. I could see very clearly that he was well-hung, could even see the wetness of hic cock-head. He looked up and smiled at us.

At the front corner, two guys had their pants off and were idly playing with EACH OTHER. Nice ... but just five seats down, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. These two guys were COMPLETELY NAKED, and stroking each other's hard cocks.

Danny said, "These are the real exhibitionists. If you watched long enough, they'd put on a show, and they wouldn't care who was watching. Quite the contrary, they'd welcome it". Nothing was happening yet, but their cocks were very very hard.

We stood and watched as one guy placed his mouth around the other guy's cock and started to gently suck him. Wow !

Danny then said, "Hey, I'm going to leave you to do some solo scouting, get a feel for the place. You know where me and Paul are if you need us", and off he walked.

Thing was, every one of the guys I saw was normal looking, clean, probably in their 30s, 40s or 50s. Maybe it was just my luck but it kept me relaxed as I made my circuit. I stood and watched both couples in the front row for a while, then wandered backwards. I saw the lone guy I'd seen before and, steeling my nerve, sat down three seats away. He smiled. I was in. For the princely sum of $10, I at least got to watch this guy play with his gorgeous hard cock !

I started watching intently as he masturbated, not able to take my eyes off that cock. After a few minutes he caught my eye and beckoned me closer. I moved one seat over, only one seat between us now. He whispered, "Hey, I don't mind you watching, but I'll make a deal with you". I waited, and he said, "I'll let you sit right beside me and enjoy the show. But only if you take your pants down and let me see your cock".

I thought briefly, and decided that that was a pretty fair deal. "OK", I whispered back, and moving over, I deftly slid my sweatpants off at the same time. No boxers of course, and soon I was sitting right beside him, with my cock hard up against my belly.

"Hey, nice cock, pal", he said. "You like mine ?"

I nodded and said, "You're pretty big".

He continued, "You like watching other guys play with their cocks ? Turn you on ? Make you hard ?"

"Yeah", I whispered back, "I like to watch. Especially a cock as big and fat and hot as yours".

"Mmm", he said, "I like that, keep on talking, and get your hand on your cock ..."

I did so and slowly started to stroke myself, saying, "I like the way you're jerking your big juicy long cock, love how wet your cockhead is, you must love watching these guys fucking each other in the ass on-screen. Do you ?"

"Fuck yeah", he said, "Turns me on, how about you ?"

I kept it up, saying, "I'm waiting for one of these guys to shoot his load in another guy's mouth, now that really makes my cock want to cum".

"Oh fuck", he murmured, "Me too. If you like, I'll cum for you and you can watch ? I love being watched, just keep talking to me ..."

Wow !

"Yeah", I said, "I'd like that, let me see you shoot your cum out of that big lovely suckable cock, I can smell how good you taste from here. Come on, let me see you shoot your jizz ..."

He lifted up his t-shirt to reveal a smooth hairless chest, and pushed his butt off the seat, making his cock seem even longer. I couldn't even touch my own cock, for fear that I'd cum, and I'd only been in here under 15 minutes, I wanted to savour the experience.

Within a few minutes he moaned, "Fuck, here I cum...", and I wasn't ready for the sheer volume of his cum. He started erupting all over his chest, huge loads of cum, splashing all over his chest, belly, cock and balls ! Fuck, this was hot ! He was moaning as he continued to cum, and I continued to watch.

Eventually, he finished and lay back, breathing heavily. I whispered in his ear, "Thanks, that was amazing. Hope you enjoyed cumming as much as I enjoyed watching you cum", and pulled up my pants. I moved off and stood at the back of the theatre for a while, just to calm down and stop the shaking ! The same guy passed me a couple of minutes later, all cleaned up and dressed, and shot me a wink and a smile as he passed.

I figured that was enough for my first time. I wanted to cum badly, but I didn't want to lose my horniness, because I knew Rog would be back by now. I wandered over to Danny and Paul, who by now had their cocks out. Lovely ones too ! I sat right beside Danny and said, "Hey, thanks for the intro, I'm going to head off now". He looked a bit disappointed. I said, "Listen, I have a room-mate I think might appreciate this, I'm going to see if he wants to come here later. Will you be here, about 8 ?"

Danny looked at Paul and said, "You think we can hold off, Paul ?". Paul smiled and said, "All in a good cause", and with that I made my way out into the stark brightness of the afternoon.

When I got home, Rog was indeed there, drinking a beer and watching double-header baseball. After a bit of chit-chat, I said to him, "You'll never believe where I was just now ..."

And I told him all about it. In detail.

"Shit", he said, when I was finished, "You've made some progress, Pete ! I can't believe that..."

He thought for a bit and said, "I'm actually envious. What a show !" At that point, I think we both knew we wanted to progress beyond our mutual masturbation session of a few nights ago ...

Then he added, "Can I tell you something, Pete ?"

I said sure, and he continued, "I've thought a lot about what we did a few nights ago. I really enjoyed that, Pete, it was really sexy, if I can use that word".

I said, to gauge his mindset, "I enjoyed it too, a lot. Can I ask you something then, Rog ?"

He nodded, and I said, "Have you masturbated thinking about that night we jerked off ? Because I have, every night".

He smiled and replied, "I'm glad you said that, because I have too. Every night of the conference and every lunchtime I could sneak away. I had some amazing orgasms just playing the whole thing over in my head".

"Pete", he said, "Do you think maybe me and you could go back to that adult theatre tonight ? I am so horny and I'd really like to experience that".

"Glad you asked, Rog, I was going to suggest the same thing !", I answered. "Round about NOW suit you ?"

"Let's go !", was his response.

Once there, we paid our dues and I guided him towards the booths. This time there were a good five or six guys hanging about. But I'd been there, done it, I was the conqueror, so I wasn't fazed !

There were two empty booths, including the one I'd been in earlier. I took him in and closed the door and showed him all of the "features" - he seemed as impressed as I was. We went out, and I moved towards one in the middle. We peeked in and could easily see the infamous "glory holes" neatly cut into either wall. "You can guess what those are for", I added, smiling. I said, "Do you want to go into the first booth and try it out ?"

He looked me straight in the eye and said, "Tell you what, let's just go straight into the theatre itself. You agree ?"

I smiled and said, "Oh yeah, I'm up for that". We paid for our $10 movie tickets (no popcorn ?), and in we strode. We waited at the back to get used to the darkness. We could see that it was busier now, a good 20 guys in there, which was quite a lot given that there were only 60 seats. They were reasonably spread out. We sat down at the back, a good few seats away from the nearest guy, and I explained the "etiquette" as it had been laid out for me.

I said soon after, "Let's take a walkabout, Rog, see what's going on."

"You sure ?", he asked. "No point in being a wall-flower, now is there ?" I got up and he followed me.

I made sure he got the same experience as I got, from shy guys at the back, moving down to cocks out of pants, and then to guys with their pants off.

"Holy shit !", he whispered, "That's a lot of cocks !"

"What do you think so far, then ? Turned on ?", I asked.

He said nothing but grabbed the front of his sweatpants, raising his eyebrows. I looked and said, "Yep, you're turned on. Me too", I said, pulling my sweatpants down just enough for him to see my hard cock sticking up.

"Let's have some fun", I said, and sat down a few rows ahead where a guy was sitting, cock out, but pants on. I was to his left and Rog was beside me, with two empty seats in between us. I looked at the guy and he smiled. He looked at my crotch, and I got the message, pulling my cock out. Rog didn't make any move at that point.

I started to slowly tug on my cock, watching the action on the screen. Guys fucking and sucking. I said to Rog, "You like the movie ?"

He said, "Do you ?", and I smiled and said, "Oh yeah, see how hard I am ?"

He looked and then whispered, "Yeah, I do like it, makes me horny, but I like his cock even more", pointing at the guy.

I started slowly pulling on the length of my cock, watching the guy do the same. I moved one seat over and whispered to him, "Mind if we jerk off with you ?". He breathed heavily and said, "Believe it or not, this is only my second time doing this, but yeah, I'd like that".

I said, "I really like your cock. Tell you what, why don't you tell us what you'd like".

He raised his eyebrows and replied, "For real ?"

He nodded and continued, "Well, I'd like you on one side and your pal on the other side of me. I want him to take my sweats off and you to take his off. But you take yours off first, now. That work ?"

I smiled and said, "Good deal". I told Rog to go and sit beside the guy, and he managed to edge over, looking at me wide-eyed. I then stood up, facing the guy and (with everyone behind us able to see), slipped off my sweatpants to reveal my aching rock-hard cock, sticking straight up against my belly.

I then sat down and leaned across, saying to Rog, "Take his pants off, Rog, let's see that big hard cock of his". He didn't say anything. The guy raised his butt off the seat, and Rog did just as he was asked, sliding the guy's pants down and off. Man, what a cock he had !

I then said to Rog, "Stand up", and as he did so, I pulled his sweatpants down. He shrugged them off and sat down. Now we had a nice little row of three very hard very nice cocks. I started slowly playing up and down the length of my cock and watched as Rog did the same. This was incredible. The guy followed suit.

I turned my action briefly to the screen, to see one guy taking another guy's cock in his hands and gently starting to jerk him off. I really wanted to try that ! I looked at Rog, caught his eye, looked up at the screen. He caught my drift as I said, "Yeah ?", and he replied, "Oh yeah".

I said to the guy, "How would you like me to do to you what the guy in the movie is doing ?"

He looked up and said, "Would you ?"

I said nothing, but rather let my right hand encircle his cock, feeling for the very first time a fat hard cock in my hand - it felt wonderful ! I started to jerk him nice and slow and watched as Rog moved his left hand onto the guy's balls. The guy moaned and said, "Fuck yeah, make me cum". I picked up my speed on his cock, my hand making constant contact with Rog's hand on his balls.

I said to him, "I love having my hand on your big fat cock, I really want to wank you off and make you shoot your load, will you do that ?" He nodded, and Rog, having heard, started squeezing his balls harder. I started really jerking him hard and fast now, heard him moaning more loudly, and noticed the guy in front turn around to get a good look.

Rog said, "I think he's going to cum", and he was right. The guy started to spew his cum all over his belly and cock, keeping it up for a good few seconds. When he was done, I said to Rog, "Wonder how he tastes ?". I then scooped up a dollop of cum onto my fingers and smeared it over my lips and into my mouth. "Yum", I said, "I like that!" Rog just stared at me wide-eyed.

The guy took his time recovering but when he had, he said, "Wow, thanks guys", dressed, and made his way out.

"Fuck Pete, that was incredible, I can't believe we just did that !"

I replied, "Wasn't that awesome ? I loved that !"

Rog then said, "I'm a little jealous, though ..."

I said, "How come ?"

He said, "Well, I'd like to have seen how that felt, to jerk a guy off. And second, well, I actually wish it was your hand on MY cock ..." Well well, Rog wasn't against upping the ante either ...

I thought for a bit, "Well, Rog. Tell you what, if you really want ME to jerk YOU off, I'll do it, right in this theater, but you have to do what I say. And, on top of that, you have to promise that you'll jerk me off later tonight, at home, watching porn. Deal ?"

He thought about that and said, "OK, deal". Nice !

I replied quickly, but I haven't finished, "Ah, but remember I was here earlier ? Well, I bought myself a little sex-toy. A dildo. I want to use that on myself while you suck me, and I want to watch your little home-made porno movie while I do".

He said, "You mean the one of me toying myself ?"

I nodded and he said, "You're asking for a lot, Pete, what do I get in return ?"

I said, "While we're here ?"

He nodded.

And I said, "Fair enough, whatever you want"

He smiled and said, "Good, We have a deal then".

"OK", I came back, "But what is it you DO want ?"

He said, "I do want you to jerk me off. But Pete, I want you to jerk me off all over your face when I'm ready to cum".

He didn't know that Spenser had already done that, so he looked surprised when I said, "Even better, I get to eat a load of your cum. Oh yes !"

I told him to follow me, and we got up, hard cocks swaying as we walked, carrying our sweats with us. I made my way right to the front and noticed a section of empty seats, between two groups of two couples. I sat down, and Rog sat beside me. There were two empty seats each to my left and two each to his right, with the couples on either side. The two couples all had their pants off. I then noticed that the couple to my left were Danny and Paul, from earlier. They said, "Hey Pete, having fun I see ?"

I nodded and said, "About to have some more". I then took off my t-shirt and helped Rog take his off, leaving us completely naked apart from sneakers. Completely naked in the front row of the porn theatre, with rows of horny guys beside us and behind us, what a feeling !

I wrapped my hand around Rog's cock, feeling his smooth hardness, and said, "You've wanted that ever since we jerked off together, watching that guy unleashing his monster cumload from his hot juicy cock, haven't you Rog ?"

"Oh yeah, Pete", he moaned, and I stroked him more.

"Tell me what you've been thinking about, Rog, since then, when you've been playing with yourself", I added.

"Fuck I'm horny", he began, "Keep wanking me, Pete, feels so good. When I came that night, and every night since, I was fantasizing it was your hand on my hard cock, just like now. Also wishing I was jerking your hot lovely cock off too. And wishing I could just have pulled your head down and shot my load right in your face and mouth". I then told him all about Spenser as I slowly jerked his raging hard cock, and said, "Remind me to show you the pic when we get home, while you're jerking me off. We should maybe even get back in touch with Spenser, have a little threesome with our cocks, dildos, and mouths, huh ? I bet you'd love his load in your mouth too, he tasted so good. Hope you taste as good when you shoot your cum in my mouth, Rog !"

"Fuck yeah", he moaned, "I want all of that, play with my cock, Pete". Just then, Danny caught my eye and let me know that he and Paul wanted to get closer. I nodded a yes. I also nodded an invite to the couple on Rog's right. Both closed in, and we were sandwiched by cock ! All four removed their t-shirts too, leaving six naked hard cocks in a row. Wow ! They were all focused on me jerking Rog's hot cock, and were all jerking off too. I watched as Danny started to jerk Paul's cock, and told Rog to look at them.

I decided to get on my hands and knees, right between Rog's legs. I jerked him, saying louder, so that the whole row could hear, "I love jerking your juicy fat big cock, Rog, I want to make you cum all over my face and right in my mouth and then I'm going to suck your cock clean, while all these guys watch and jerk off too !"

"Fuck yeah, Pete, fuck, do it, make me cum in your mouth, then suck my hard cock clean! You're such a cum-slut and I love it !", he moaned, pushing his cock harder into my hands.

I started jerking harder and then Rog said, loud, "I want all these guys to come all over my cock and your face while you're jerking me off, and cover us in cum, can we do that Pete ?"

Dirty little fucker ! But yeah, I was up for that! As if he'd read my mind. Kind of ... what I really wanted, greedily, was all of those loads in my mouth ...

I looked at both couples and said, "Guys, you up for that ?" They all nodded, and stood up to form a little semi-circle round me and Rog. I didn't notice anyone behind complain about restricted views :) In fact the guys in the row behind had stood up too and had started to jerk off. From where I was, three guys had their cocks poking out over Rog's head, and he turned his head to see them, up close and personal.

Rog said, "I'm close, Pete, do it !"

Just before I got ready to move my mouth closer to catch his cum, I felt the first blast of cum hitting me on the side of the neck, probably from the guys on Rog's right. I felt the next on my forehead, and saw it was indeed one of the guys on Rog's side. I felt more and more loads of cum spattering my neck and head, and the guys moaning as they shot their cum on me. It felt great ! It also smelled great, a real heady aroma of musk with 7 cocks in "surround sound" beating off as I watched and jerked off Rog.

Rog said, "Fuck, that is hot, you're being covered in cum". I started jerking him harder, and then looked up to see Danny and Pail side by side, their cocks inches from my face. "Cum in my mouth, guys, come on, fucking blast me with cum, I want it so bad !", I said, turning my head to face their cocks. I then felt a combined massive explosion of cum all over my eyes and nose, my chin, my lips, opened my mouth to catch a few more blasts inside as my new friends Danny and Paul unleashed their loads. I stood up a little to let the three guys behind follow suit and again caught another three massive loads, this time mostly in my mouth. I let it trickle down my chin and onto Rog's chest and just as I got my mouth back in position over Rog's cock, I slid my finger (covered in his pre-cum cum) hard up his ass and he almost screamed. I took his cockhead into my open mouth and started jerking him furiously as I kept my finger buried deep in his ass.

"Come on Rog, shoot a nice massive load of cum right into my mouth, fill me up with your hot jizz !"

There was no mistaking his yell as he did just that, and he started to unleash yet another massive volume of cum into my open mouth. He just kept on cumming and cumming, and I put my mouth right over his cock and sucked the rest into my mouth. I swallowed load after load. There was a bit of cum on Rog's cock and belly, from the guys behind and the guys to our sides, but not as much as he'd expected (or hoped for ?). I was sure he'd mention that later, and was also sure we'd find ways to remedy that situation going forward ...

What a feeling ! It took him a few minutes to come down, and by now the guys were drifting off. Paul passed me a business card as he left, saying, "You learn fast, buddy, that was one hell of a show!" Soon after, we'd dressed and had made our way out of the theatre, getting a broad grin from the guy behind the counter. I was still covered in cum, according to Rog, it was dripping down my face and onto my t-shirt !

I'm glad we didn't get pulled over on the way home, I'd have had some serious explaining to do ... we finally got home, and locked the doors. I stripped off, as did Rog, and I asked him to take a picture of my face. He did and showed it to me, I still had a really good load of jizz all over my face, neck, throat, ears. We counted that 8 guys, including him, had cum on my face that night, including 6 in my mouth. Six !!!

"How do you feel now, Pete ?", he asked ?

I smiled and said, "Amazing, I am such a cock-slut. I drank so much cum tonight, and I can't wait to have you suck me off while I fuck myself in the ass with my new dildo. Go get your little porno vid, I'm horny ! Then we can get busy."

What happened the rest of that night cemented what had happened between me and Rog. He sucked me, I sucked him, the new dildo got well used (as did his dildo, which he unearthed from its clever hiding place that evening), lots of cum flying around.

Unfortunately, it ended there. Rog was poached from grad school early; he did get back on part-time release to finish his degree but we never managed to meet up, partly because he also met a girl and got married in a hurry. Life got in the way. But I did have plenty more fun at the adult theatre. Strangely enough, although I sucked many cocks, I never got involved in anal sex, either giving or receiving, I just wasn't ready for that.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed the story, I have plenty more on Nifty and will be adding to them. I'd love to hear from you !

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