
By bill ben

Published on Jan 26, 2013


This is the first part of a multi-part series, I'd like to get your feedback at (and your pic gets mine) ...


I wasn't expecting to come home and find my room-mate Rog masturbating on the sofa, but that's just what I'd walked into a couple of days ago. There were two doors in to the apartment, so he'd neither heard nor seen me.

I'd frozen on the spot. He was totally naked, legs spread, with a hardcore porn DVD on. I could see his hand wrapped around his (rather long) cock, jerking off slowly and I continued to watch, mesmerized, as he really got into it, moaning and stroking, until suddenly he was shooting burst after burst of creamy white cum all over his chest and cock. My own cock was hard as steel, I'd never seen another guy jerking off before, and realized for the first time that it had really turned me on.

But I'd forgotten about that squeaky floorboard when I shifted my weight to get an even better look.

His head turned quick as a whip and he saw me. He quickly covered himself up, very embarrassed, and said, "Jeez, how long have you been there, Pete?"

I couldn't speak.

"You saw me cum, didn't you ?", he mumbled, looking crestfallen.

I just nodded, feeling like a bit of a pervert. "I'll let you get sorted, Rog, sorry", I mumbled, and withdrew into my bedroom. My cock was still hard and I couldn't get his image out of my head, couldn't believe how much it had aroused me.

I finally left my bedroom and Rog suggested we go for a beer. Good idea. After three, he brought the subject up.

"Just your luck for me to walk in on you the one time you decide to watch a porno and play with yourself", I said jokingly. We'd lived together for two years, both postgraduates, so we were fairly comfortable talking like this.

He thought for a bit. "Not really", he finally said, "I do that almost every night I know you're out. Great for stress, you should try it sometime"

Wow. Honesty indeed.

I thought for a bit. "You know, maybe I should", I replied, a little drunk by now, adding "except I don't have any DVDs" with a smile.

"Not a problem", he said, "Large dresser in my room, bottom drawer, right at the very back – help yourself. And I'm going to be out tomorrow evening". He raised his eyebrows.

And that was all that was said.

The next day, I couldn't stop thinking about all of this, and finally the evening came. I wandered into Rog's room, opened the drawer, and found his sizeable stash of porn DVDs – all hardcore of course, very mixed, and one called "Cum Explosion".

I made sure the doors were locked and slipped the DVD into the player. As it loaded up, I removed all my clothes, feeling a strong sense of exhibitionism which I really liked. My cock was hard in no time at all, sticking straight up against my belly, oozing trails of pre-cum. The screen was soon flooded with scene after scene of guys cumming on women: body, face, pussy, ass, mouth; generally guys with big cocks, sometimes two or more of them in the same scene. Lovely ... I watched for a good half hour. I realized I was focussing more on the guys cumming than on the women they were cumming on, watching the cum erupting from their cocks, enjoying watching them pulling on their cocks.

And then I came to a clip of a guy on his own. Really big cock, and I watched as he jerked off to produce a massive pulsating cumshot that lasted a good minute and left his entire mid-body absolutely saturated in cum. Awesome. By this time I was now furiously jerking off and within a few minutes I had shot my biggest load in perhaps the last year or so. It had been amazing ...

I put the DVD back in Rog's drawer. As I did, I spotted a loose DVD with no label or such on it. Curious, I slipped it into the DVD player. I instantly started to get hard again as I realized what it was – Rog filming himself jerking off. I watched as a few minutes in, to my amazement he started to slip a dildo up his ass, then got onto the floor, re-adjusted the video camera, and impaled himself on it, still jerking off. It only lasted a few minutes, but ended with Rog furiously pumping himself in the ass with the dildo and shooting wads of cum everywhere. I rewound a couple of minutes and pulled my shorts down. I started to jerk off again watching my roommate with that dildo up his ass, cumming again, and at the same time he did, I shot another few loads.

This was amazing ! I imagined how awesome it would be to actually watch him doing that in the flesh ... in any case, I cleaned myself up, put that DVD back and called it a night.

Next day Rog caught me at breakfast. "Enjoy your DVD night last night, Pete?"

I smiled and said, "Very therapeutic, Rog, thanks for the loan of the DVDs".

"I'm out for a bit this evening too, feel free to do the same again if you want", he added.

"Thanks, Rog, I think I most certainly will"

And that evening I did. I got ready and slipped the "Rog DVD" into the player, ready to get started. I was naked and on the sofa when I heard the front door open. Shit ! I covered myself up and then realized the DVD and TV remotes were on the other side of the room.

Rog walked in. "Oops, sorry, am I disturbing ? My class got cancelled". He could obviously tell I was naked under the blanket, getting ready to watch one of his DVDs.

"So what is it tonight, then ?", and he opened the DVD player. I saw him visibly pale as he realized exactly what it was.

"Did I leave this in my drawer, really ?", he said, looking really embarrassed. I simply nodded.

"Please don't tell me you found it last night and watched it. You didn't, did you ?". Going bright red was my answer to that question.

"Oh shit, this is so embarrassing, Pete". Then he stopped for a minute. "Hold on, you saw it last night and you're ready to watch it again tonight ?"

"Well, yeah...". I didn't know what else to say.

"Did you cum last night, watching this ?", he asked a bit more relaxed.

I was silent for a bit. "Yeah, Rog, I did"

"So you liked it, huh ?"

I nodded.

"And now you're lying there naked, about to watch me ... wait, tell me what I was doing in the video, Pete"

I hesitated. "Come on", he urged.

"OK, you were jerking off, and then you were jerking off while you fucked yourself in the ass with a pretty large dildo. Then you shot loads of cum all over yourself." I surprised myself by being so candid.

"Right" he said, "and last night you shot loads of cum all over yourself watching me do that".

I just nodded.

"So it must have turned you on. That's a bit of a relief. This stays between us, Pete, OK ?", he said.

"Sure, Rog", I said. And again he asked if I wanted to go out for a beer.

"I know you're all settled, but maybe a few beers, we can come back and maybe put a DVD on. What do you say, Pete ?"

"OK, sounds like a plan, Rog". We needed to dispel the tension, and this was as good a way as any.

We didn't make reference to it all over our beers, just played music and pool, chatted about sport and such like. Around eleven, we were both a bit buzzed and I suggested we go home.

Back at the apartment Rog asked what I wanted to do. Without thinking I said, "Watch porn".

"Together ?", he said, "Are you sure ?"

I was so horny ALL I wanted to do was watch porn, and so I nodded.

"OK", he replied, "but not the one with me, OK ? You can go and pick anything else"

I stumbled through to his room and go the "Cumshot Explosion" DVD. I came back and opened the DVD player to find the "Rog DVD" gone, he'd obviously taken it.

He saw the title of the DVD I'd put in and said, "One of my favourites"

We were sitting side by side on the sofa that faced the TV, about two feet between us. We'd both changed into sweatpants; I didn't know about Rog, but I'd slipped my underwear off too.

It was a bit strange at first, not really in a bad or uncomfortable way, but I'd never watched porn with anyone else before. It must have been obvious to Rog that it was turning me on, due to my erection making such a large tent in my sweatpants. I discretely looked at his crotch and saw the mirror image of mine. No underwear there either ...

About twenty minutes in, I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye, and taking a peek saw that Rog had slipped his hand into the waistband of his sweats and was now obviously (but carefully) touching his cock and balls. Just a mere two feet from me, my roommate was playing with himself ! I actually started to shake, the arousal was overpowering ...

Well, I thought, if he can do that, so can I, and slipped my hand into my sweats and onto my cock. Ah, that felt so good ...

Over the next half hour we both upped the tempo and it was quite obvious to us what the other guy was doing. I'd even managed to get a slight jerking motion going, and so had Rog.

It was only a matter of time. Rog spoke first.

"Listen, Pete, it's obvious we're both really into this movie, and both pretty turned on. We're both playing with ourselves too. Maybe we should get, as they say in the movies, more comfortable ?"

I wasn't at all sure about that, not just yet. And Rog picked up on it.

"OK, listen, how about this – toin coss, best of 5, heads or tails : first, whether sweats come off or stay on; second, if that works out for sweats off, whether one or both of us do it; third, if it turns out it's just one of us, who it is"

"Yeah, OK", I said. I was trying to sound nonchalant but was really quite excited about what would turn out to happen.

Rog picked a quarter off the table. "Right, I'll call for sweats off, you call for sweats on"

"Heads", I said.

Heads it was.

"Tails", he said. Tails it was.

"Tails", I said. Heads.

"Heads", he said. This was is. If it was heads, very soon at least one of us would be sitting with no sweats, cock revealed.

It was heads.

"OK", Rog said. "Next, you call for one taking sweats off, I'll call for both of us taking sweats off. You first".

"Tails", It was heads.

"Heads", he said. It was heads.

"Tails", I called. It was tails.

"Tails", he called. It was heads.

At 2-2, the final toss would settle it. My call.

"Heads", I called. And it was heads. So only one of us would be taking their sweats off.

"Right", Rog said, "Final call. If I win, you take your sweats off. If you win, I take mine off. My call first".

"Heads". It was tails.

"Heads", I called. It was heads.

"Tails", he called. It was tails. 2-1 to me.

"Heads", I called. And it was heads. I'd won.

"Well", Rog said, "you win". And he stood up and pulled down his sweats. As he stood up straight, I could see his still-hard cock sticking up straight. It was big, no doubt about that ...

He didn't seem to be too self-conscious about it, probably the earlier beers were helping. I had my hand back inside my sweats. I didn't need to be so subtle with my movements now, since Rog was sitting beside me with his hand wrapped around his cock, very slowly masturbating. I was giving longer pulls on my cock, my sweats bulging out and back with every move. I noticed also that Rog was playing with his balls with his other hand, his knees parted and legs spread a bit. I had a very good view and I was really enjoying it.

Another 15 minutes in, nothing had changed, but I'd become incredibly horny. Rog asked if I'd get a couple more beers from the fridge. When I'd taken them from the fridge, I had an idea. Rog had been the one leading on this so far, I thought it was time I made some kind of contribution, otherwise he might think I was becoming uncomfortable.

So I slipped off my sweats and with a beer in each hand and my cock sticking up hard against my belly, wandered back through next door. I handed Rog his beer, noting that his eyes hadn't left my cock since I'd appeared back in the living room.

"That's more comfortable", I said, and lay back on the sofa, emulating Rog, wrapping my hand around my cock and starting to slowly masturbate.

"Yeah, much better", he said, staring at my cock.

We finally got to the stage of the video, close to the end, when the guy has that amazing pulsating cum.

"I saw that the other night and couldn't believe how much he could cum", I said. We were both comfortably and unselfconsciously playing with our cocks and balls now, not hiding that we were spending as much time watching each other as we were watching the movie.

"Yeah", replied Rog, "I was the same first time I watched it. I still like to cum to this scene"

I hesitated. Thought. And then said, "Maybe we both could"

"You like this too, Pete, with just the guy cumming ?", he added.

"Yeah, it's really hot. He's got such a big cock and I love watching him shoot those enormous loads of jizz all over himself". I moved slightly closer to Rog on the sofa and he did the same. Now our knees were touching, our legs spread.

"OK", Rog said, breathing heavily, "Let's jerk our cocks and cum, watching him stroke his nice juicy fat hot cock, Pete, I want to shoot cum all over myself".

Rog obviously enjoyed the dirty talk ...

I continued, "Yeah, my cock is so hard watching this and watching you play with your big cock too, Rog, I want to cum and I want to watch you cum, want to see you pulling hard on your big hot cock and watch the cum flying out of it. Fuck, I'm so horny"

There was no going back now. I stared at Rog jerking off, he stared at me, both really turned on by watching each other masturbating in front of each other.

"I'm gonna cum, Pete ...", Rog moaned.

"Me too, Rog, I'm watching you pulling really hard on your big fat cock, can't wait until you start shooting loads of creamy juice all over yourself, it makes me even harder watching you"

And with a loud moan Rog started blasting bucketloads of cum out of his cock, huge pulsating gobs of jizz spattering his chest, cock and balls, some even reaching his neck !

"My turn", I said, "watch me, get closer", and Rog had recovered enough to sit even closer, moving his head down until it was barely 6 inches from my cock.

"That's it, Pete, you have such a nice cock, lovely and hot and long, it's made for sucking – let me see you jerk yourself off watching the guy in the DVD, I'm loving watching you play with your cock, let me see you cum, fuck it makes me so horny ..."

And then it was my turn to start shooting cum all over the place, I was cumming even harder than the night before, saturating myself. It was the best cum I could remember having. It lasted about a minute, much longer than normal, and Rog was watching me intently every step of the way.

I lay back exhausted, breathing hard, recovering. When I opened my eyes, Rog was gone. I really hoped he hadn't felt awkward after all we'd said and done and just disappeared. I didn't feel awkward in the slightest, I had enjoyed every minute and had no regrets. My life had changed direction, and I wasn't about to stop at just this.

To my relief Rog walked in from the kitchen a minute later, two beers in hand, his cock limp but still coated with his vast cum.

We clinked bottles. "Cheers", he said, "Here's to more fun like that in the very near future !"

"I'll certainly drink to that, Rog"

The very next day I put an ad in Craigslist. Rog was off to a conference for the week and my appetite had been so whetted that I was craving some more action like that. I was looking for a jerk-off buddy, very simply.

Within 12 hours I'd received no less than 12 responses, all with pictures. Whittling down based on picture, age, and what they said in their message, there was one clear winner. Spenser was 24, a year older than me, slim, reserved, educated, and was looking for "just a normal guy to watch porn DVDs and masturbate with". I got in touch and invited him for a beer that same evening.

I was overjoyed when he accepted, but nervous too.

That night he walked in to the bar and I liked what I saw. Casual, you could tell he was just a normal guy. He was a bit reserved but loosened up after a few beers. When he got up to go to the toilet, I noticed a few girls watching him – not surprising, he had a really well-defined butt and a well-pronounced crotch.

When he sat back down at the table he surprised me by placing his hand on my cock under the table and saying, "Let's finish our beers, go back to your place, and have some fun playing with our cocks and watching porn. I'm horny ..."

Sounded good to me.

Back at the house, Spenser asked if we could watch a movie he'd brought. I asked him what it was about.

"I hope this doesn't put you off, Pete, but it's mainly just guys jerking off together, usually two, sometimes three or four, occasionally large groups".

I thought about that and said, "That sounds like my kind of thing, Spenser, I'm just going to get some beer, make yourself comfortable".

When I got back, the DVD was in the player and Spenser was sitting there absolutely naked, his cock half-hard. Even half-hard, I could tell he was very well hung.

He stood up and surprised me yet again, by pulling off first my T-shirt, then my jeans to leave me completely naked.

"Mmmm..", he said, "Nice body, lovely cock"

We sat down and he started the movie. Great ! Young guys, no hairy bears, just jerking off together.

He asked if I'd done this before. I told him all about my experience with Rog, leaving out the "Rog DVD" part, and that it had been my first and only time, but that I'd loved every minute of it.

"You", I said ?

"This is my fifth time. First time I did it as a dare from a room-mate and found, like you, that it really turned me on. I'm into girls, no two ways about it, but I just love jerking off naked with guys, watching guys playing with their cocks and cumming, and being watched".

"You have a REALY big cock, Spenser, it's very hot", I said, watching him slowly playing with it.

"Thanks Pete", he said and laid his hand on my thigh. Wow, electric tingles all the way to my cock ...

I was enjoying the DVD, we were now watching one scene with four guys, all naked and really talking dirty. "You like this, watch the next scene", Spenser grinned.

The next scene was a long one, about 10 minutes, three guys all jerking off, some amazingly good close-ups, but it ended with two of the guys shooting their massive loads all over the third guy's face.

"Wow", I said, "that was really hot, his face was covered in cum"

I was so turned on my by this situation. Just a few nights ago I'd barely even thought about jerking off with a guy, and here I was, in my 2nd session, naked and hard in front of another guy, watching porn (this time very close to gay porn), and watching him play with his cock. I needed to calm down a bit, I was shaking again. So I asked Spenser if we could take a break. He was fine with that and I went to my bedroom for a few minutes.

Next: Chapter 2

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