Rodney's Rod

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jun 9, 2005



Rodney's Rod By

I was sitting in the health club's sauna late one night when Rodney came in and sat across from me. He seemed to be about my age, late 40s. I hadn't seen him before and as we were the only two in the sauna it seemed obligatory to introduce ourselves.

"Hi, I'm Rodney," he said as he extended his hand. I clasped it and replied:

"I'm Jack. Glad to meet you. Haven't seen you here before."

"I'm here on vacation," he said. Our eyes alternated between each other's faces and crotches, normal for that environment.

"I'm glad to see that we're both uncut," he added, eyes rising to meet mine again. I'd noticed that Rodney was, as the expression goes, "verrrrry uncircumcised," with a long thick foreskin that completely masked the outline of the glans and ended in a thick pucker. Rodney was dirty blond, both on top and his pubic bush, so I knew he didn't bleach or dye his hair.

"Yeah, most guys are cut these days," I sighed. "How did you escape getting cut?"

"My parents didn't want me cut. My mother told me that my father and the doctor almost got into a fistfight over it. The doc said I had way too much foreskin, and that I'd have trouble with it later if it wasn't trimmed back. My father told him he was full of shit, that his foreskin was the same way and that he'd never had any trouble. The doc said he'd better cut it anyway, just to be sure, and my dad replied that if he did, he'd break his arms and his legs. Anyway, I came home from the hospital with my foreskin, and that was that. How did you avoid getting clipped?"

"I didn't," was my reply. "That foreskin you see isn't the one I was born with. I hated being cut, and I had plastic surgery to graft skin onto the end of my prick."

"Oh, that's why it's reddish at the end, and there seems to be a scar right behind the head," Rod said, understanding dawning for him. "I'd wondered about that. It does look unusual."

"Yeah, the plastic surgeon grafted skin from my scrotum to cover the head. That's why it looks funny. The scrotal skin doesn't match the shaft-skin. That's why my scrotum's tighter than yours. That's where he got the extra skin." At this point the door to the sauna opened and Charlie, the owner, stuck his head in to say:

"Hello, guys. You're the only ones in the club, and I'm gonna lock up. Don't hurry to leave, `cause I've got a couple of hours of paperwork to do in the office." He closed the door and left us alone. I'd known him for several years, and had found that he was always easy-going.

"I'm not in a hurry," Rodney said. "Since I'm on vacation I don't have to get up early."

"I don't work tomorrow, so I can stay up late too," I said.

"Does the new skin work okay for you?" Rodney asked. "I mean, does it skin back and all that?" His eyes were again focused between my legs.

"Oh, yes, no problem skinning it back. It works fine," I replied. "The new hood isn't as sensitive as the original foreskin, though, but the head's gotten more sensitive now that it's got a cover to keep it moist." Rodney came over to sit next to me to get a closer look.

"You've got a nice bulge at the end," he commented. "I bet you've got a nice head under that skin. Can I see?" His fingers reached out to clasp my prick around the hooded glans even before I could reply.

"Go ahead. My prick loves attention." I felt the pressure of his fingers closing around my foreskin, pushing it back slightly.

"It seems pretty tight," he said as my soft shaft collapsed, frustrating his efforts to uncap my helmet.

"It's hard to skin it back that way when it's soft because there's no resistance. You either have to use two hands or wait until it gets hard, and then you'll be able to slide the foreskin back easily."

"It's getting hard already," he said. "You're right about your cock loving attention." My penis was swelling in his fingers, and I reached into his lap to clasp his.

"I guess we'd better get to know each other," I said as I wrapped my fingers around his worm, squeezing gently to produce erection. The response was immediate, and I felt his shaft beginning to swell as I continued squeezing rhythmically. Mine was almost fully hard by now, and Rodney was squeezing the glans gently and rhythmically too.

"Man, you've got a really nice head on it," he commented. "I can see the outline even through that thick skin." He began easing my foreskin back slowly. "There, it's sliding back nice and easy now." I felt Rodney's penis becoming very stiff between my fingers, and felt the swelling head through the thick hood.

"You've got a lot of foreskin," I said. "Most of your prick seems to be foreskin." Rodney laughed and replied:

"You're right. If the doctor had cut off my foreskin, I wouldn't have had much dick left. Even now that I'm an adult, I've only got five inches. Yours is six, I think." As he spoke, I began jiggling his long foreskin back and forth over the small glans I could feel through its thickness. Rodney now had my foreskin back most of the way.

"It's a good thing you didn't get cut, then. You wouldn't have had much left," I said. I began pushing his long thick hood back down his shaft, and now the tip of his blood-red head appeared as the pucker pouted. I saw that the lips of his small slit had parted as a drop of clear fluid pushed its way through them.

"Yeah, you've got six inches, and that's with the skin back," he remarked as he pushed my foreskin back behind the rim, snapping it down into the deep groove behind it. It was becoming very hot in the sauna, and I commented on this to him:

"Want to get out of here? It's getting hot, and the lounge would be more comfortable."

"Okay, let's do that," he replied. We got up and I led him to the lounge.

"See, here there are lots of couches, each with a table next to it, and a roll of paper towels on each table," I pointed out.

"There's a couple of bottles of lube on each table too," he remarked. "This must be the place for jacking off."

"Yes it is," I agreed. "That's what the big screen TV is for. They play tapes on that during evening hours. Charlie must have turned it off."

"I don't care if the TV's turned off, Jack. I'm turned on being with you," he said, gazing into my eyes as he gently pulled my foreskin forward, stretching it beyond the end of the head. I pulled him down onto a couch beside me and grasped his penis, pushing the thick hood back all the way to reveal the head.

"You've got a perfect bell-shaped head on yours," I commented. "It's got a really nice ridge, and it's so red."

"It's very sensitive," he whispered as I slowly stroked his foreskin in my fist, gently urging it up over the bell head and back down."

"Yeah, I'd noticed that guys with red heads seem to be more sensitive than guys with purple heads," I said.

"Yours is purple," he murmured as he bent down to examine it closely. "It's sort of pinkish purple around the hole, and gets dark purple back toward the rim. That hole looks like a teardrop, all pouty." He gently wiped the tip of his forefinger across my orifice, spreading the lips. A drop of clear fluid had appeared at the end of his bell, parting the lips of his tight slit.

"You've got a small slit," I observed. "Does that make it hard to pee or shoot?"

"Not at all. That just means my pee comes out with a lot of pressure. When I shoot, it goes halfway across the room. How about you?"

"I guess I pee normally, and when I come, I usually just dribble," I answered. He cupped my balls with his other hand.

"Your balls are tight. I guess that's because they took the skin from there for the graft."

"You got it," I affirmed. "Before the surgery, my balls were as loose as yours." Now I cupped his balls, adding to his rising excitement.

"Just watch, Jack. Mine are going to get as tight as yours now that I'm hot." He was right, as I could feel the contraction of the thick skin, with its layer of cremaster muscle, contract in my hand.

"You think you'll come before I do?" I asked. "With that sensitive tip, you should be blasting off any second." Rodney's face was flushed from excitement, his eyes blazing, as I slowly pumped his foreskin up and down, baring and covering the red glans that was now seeping fluid steadily.

"I think I will, Jack. Just keep stroking me like that, but don't touch the head with your fingers. It's too sensitive."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful, Rod. I've done a couple of pricks like yours and I know if I touched the head directly you'd jump." I kept stroking his penis gently, not wanting to drive him into orgasm too quickly, as then it would be all over for him. In turn, Rodney stroked mine slowly, so that I wouldn't risk coming before he did.

"That skin's there for a reason," he commented. "Making that skin slide up and down the head really sends me." I dragged his foreskin all the way back, so that the pink inner lining came into view, reversed behind the ridge of his bell-shaped glans.

That's a tremendous foreskin you've got," I said. "You've got more foreskin than I do, and your prick's smaller than mine. Your prick's almost all foreskin."

"That's another reason my father didn't want my skin cut off. He said if they removed the skin I'd have almost nothing left."

"I'm glad they didn't remove yours," I comforted him. "I like it that way. I like the way it looks, and I like the way it feels. I can feel how warm it is, with all that blood making your prick swell."

"Yours feels warm too," he said. "Can I touch the head with my fingertips? Not too sensitive, are you?"

"Go ahead, but just make sure your fingers are lubricated. I don't get much lube naturally, the way you do."

"Which lube you want me to use?" he asked. "They've got Astroglide and Albolene on this table."

"Use the Astro," I said. "It's easy to wash off, and it gives a warm feeling in the head. Ever use it yourself?"

"No, never did. With all the lube I leak, I never had to use any." Rodney squirted a couple of drops of Astro onto the front dome of my swollen helmet, spreading it all over its surface with my foreskin, and the sensations immediately became much smoother.

"Put some on your tip," I urged. "Tell me if it does anything for you." Rodney squirted a couple of drops into the pucker of his foreskin as I brought it up over the head, and when I pulled his foreskin down the lubricant spread in an even film over the red bell, producing a heavy sigh from him.

"Oh, man, that does feel warm. It makes the head and the inside of my skin feel so warm, so erotic." I massaged the lubricant into his bell-shaped glans, making it blend with the natural lubricant seeping from his slit.

"Now let's see what this does," I said as I pulled his foreskin all the way down, leaned over, and blew on his exposed red glans. Rodney shuddered, and then exhaled heavily.

"That sent a thrill all through my body," he said as I resumed stroking his foreskin in long slow strokes.

"Let's try something else," I said, and pulled his foreskin all the way down again. "You've got a thick gee-string. Does it make the head dip down when I pull back hard?"

"I think it will," he replied, and I exerted more traction, stretching his gee-string and making the red head dip down towards his feet. I heard him sigh deeply, and then I blew on it again, making him shudder.

"That gave you a hot thrill, didn't it?" I asked.

"Oh, that was really deep. When you pulled my skin back that way, you made the head tingle, and when you blew on it I almost came."

"Want me to make you come that way? If I keep your foreskin peeled back, I'll be able to see you shoot your load, and it won't get trapped in the foreskin."

"Oh, yeah, Jack. Do it that way. When I jerk off, if I keep the skin forward it feels great but the spoog just dribbles out of the skin. If I want to see it shoot, I have to skin back. It feels great either way, though." I began a slow stroke, bumping his flaring red corona with the thick ring of foreskin, and on the back-stroke I pulled down hard to make the glans dip while I blew on it. I felt the tension in his body increase, and knew that despite my slow, deliberate pace, he was close to the brink.

"Just relax, Rodney, and let me take you to the edge," I said as I continued bumping his flaring rim and then pulling his foreskin down to make the entire head dip while I blew on it. I saw the glossy wet head becoming deeper red as it became more congested with blood, until Rodney's fists clenched and he let out a howl of pure joy.

A long thin stream of white cream jetted from his thin slit, arcing into the air before landing about eight feet in front of us. Rodney howled again, his cry echoing around the large room, as his hips bucked and another jet shot from his straining tip to land near the first. His hot hard prick throbbed in my hand as I swept the thick foreskin all the way up his glans and quickly brought it down again to clear the hole as it sprayed another discharge. Rodney was gasping and grunting, caught up in the throes of his orgasm, mindlessly thrusting his prick up into my encircling fist as the climax shook his body.

Now I skinned him back again, making the head dip, as another long but less powerful jet spurted from his tip. The next eruption was weaker, although he kept moaning helplessly, and the next was a dribble, devoid of pressure, that ran down his glans, shaft, and over my encircling fingers. Rodney kept shivering as his orgasm played itself out, and then collapsed against me. Then I noticed that he'd let go of my penis just before he'd become totally engrossed in his orgasm.

I held him to me, and we sat quietly for several minutes as he stared at the floor where he'd shot his copious load. Finally he spoke, and the words came in a rush:

"Oh, Jack, that was super. That was so hot! I know my cock's pretty sensitive, but when you blew on the head, and then you pulled the skin down hard and blew on it, I went over the top. I just couldn't hold back. I couldn't help myself. I just unloaded all over the place. Thanks for a super come." I hugged him more tightly and said:

"That's fine, Rodney. I'm glad you really let go and drained yourself. I enjoyed watching and feeling you come right in my hand. I felt every throb of your prick, and saw the cream shoot out of your slit."

"That come really had me going, Jack. I didn't know where I was."

"How did it feel when the cream was shooting up your tube? Did it feel like hot lava? It does for me."

"It felt like the come was boiling up inside my cock," he replied. "That's what it feels like when I have a really hot come."

"I know what you mean, Rodney. I don't come the same way every time, either. Sometimes it just dribbles out, and other times when I'm really hot it burns when it shoots up my prick. So that was a hot one for you, huh?" He looked at me tenderly and replied:

"That was the best come any guy ever gave me, Jack. I mean that.

"I'm glad it was so good for you," I said. "I'm glad I had a chance to do it to you and watch it happen. Just watching almost pushed me over the edge too. If you hadn't let go of my prick I might have been shooting right with you."

"I'm glad you didn't come right then, Jack. I want to stroke your cock and watch you come right in my hand."

"Okay, Rodney, I'd love for you to do that for me. Think you're up to it right now, or do you want to rest a few more minutes?" I felt his hand close around my bare-headed penis, feeling for the foreskin, and when he got a good grip on it I felt the delicious sliding sensation as he brought it up to cover my glans. He pulled way from me and said:

"I'm up to it right now. I want to pump your skin up and down until I feel your cock jerk in my hand. I want to watch your cream shoot out, or dribble out, whatever, just so you feel the same thing I did." I lay back on my elbows on the couch.

"Okay, do it to me. Don't worry where it shoots or dribbles. The couch is plastic, and the floor's tile. We can clean it up after." His tightly encircling fingers began to move faster, sending messages of joy into my hot hard prick, and I felt the tension building in my body.

"Want me to blow on yours the way you did mine? Want me to pull the skin back to make your head dip?"

"You can blow on it but you won't be able to make the head dip."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Just look under the head. I don't have a gee-string the way you do. The doctor cut it off when he circumcised me." Rodney looked at the underside of my penis as he drew the foreskin down and muttered:

"Man, I'm so glad I was never circumcised. That bastard really cut you."

"Well, it still won't stop me from coming. When you pull back hard, it won't make the head dip, but you'll give me a tingle all around the head because you'll be stretching the nerve endings in the skin." Rodney pumped my foreskin as I had his, bumping my rim and then pulling down hard. Each stroke built up my sensations, and I felt the tension building in my body.

"How does that feel, Jack? Is it getting to you?" he asked as his other hand cupped my balls.

"Oh, yeah," I murmured. "You're getting to me now."

"Your tip's getting darker," he observed. "I can feel it's getting harder through the skin, too. I know mine gets that way when I'm close."

"Yeah, I remember," I said. "Even with your thick foreskin, I felt the head get hard when you got close," Rodney's fingers kept working on my prick, pumping the foreskin rhythmically and heightening my sensations.

"Can I keep your skin back when you shoot?" he asked. "I really enjoy seeing the naked head shoot its load."

"Yeah, just bump my rim with the foreskin," I replied. "Don't expect to see it shoot, though. I told you I just dribble these days." Rodney's stroke changed, drawing my foreskin all the way back, and now he was bringing it up just far enough to bump and compress the nerve endings in my corona.

"Man, that's a big head you've got, now that it's all swollen hard. It's so big and purple..." His voice trailed off.

`You're really doin' it to me," I murmured as my excitement mounted.

"You said the head wasn't as sensitive as mine," he commented. "Can I touch it, stroke it?"

"Yeah, but put a lot of Astroglide on it," I whispered. Rodney changed his grip, holding my foreskin back tightly with his left hand while he poured the lubricant over my engorged helmet, and then began working it in with his fingertips. His fingertips produced sharp sensations as they slid over the many nerve endings, cushioned only by a thin film of Astroglide, and I began gasping and moaning.

"That's really doin' it for ya," he said. "Your eyes just closed." I couldn't reply, as all of my attention was focused on my swollen helmet and the sharp sensations that stabbed deeply into my nerve endings.

"HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!" I moaned as I felt the sensations build up until my corona was tingling as his fingertips swept around it. I was helpless in his hands, and he knew it. I felt his thumb swipe across the lips of my pouting orifice and then down the broad upper surface of my glans as his other fingertips caressed my tingling rim, and then I exploded.

HAAAAAH!" I cried out as the mind-numbing shock of orgasm wracked my body. My cock-root contacted, sending a thick stream of hot lava burning its way up my urethra, and my fists clenched.

I cried out again as another hot spasm shook me, and I felt another heavy stream of burning semen shooting up my tube. I cried out helplessly as the third shock went through my system, leaving me floating in the limbo of orgasm.

Several more contractions gripped my lower regions and each one was accompanied by a gush of cream that poured from the end of my straining prick. Finally, the last weak convulsion squeezed my insides and I became still, with my breathing slowing to normal.

"You really came," he said as he hugged me to him.

"Thanks to you," I replied. "I guess we really turn each other on, don't we?"

"Yes we do. I can't wait to do it again."

"Well, then let's shower and go to my place," I suggested. "I don't live too far from here, and we'll have lots of privacy."

"Good idea," he said as we rose and headed for the showers.

The end

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