Rodlike Adventures

Published on Oct 27, 1996


Author Rodlike

Melbourne, Australia 1996

Comments appreciated


Another Rodlike Adventure


You guessed it was another hot day already being 28 degrees and it was only 8.30 a m

I was finishing breakfast when there was a knock on the door, and on opening it to my amazement Steven was standing there, you see he had rang me last Thursday to say he had to go to a BBQ lunch this coming Saturday at his parent's place up the bush therefore he wouldn't see me even if it was a hot day.

"What the hell you doing here?" I asked.

"Its been declared a total fire ban day. I received a phone call just as I was about to leave to catch the train telling me the day had been cancelled so I decided to come over and surprise you, also to see if another trip to the beach was possible?"

[ silly question ] [ heart attack stuff ]

Moving aside to let him in, then giving him a large glass of chilled fruit juice while I prepared some food to take with us, I suggested to him as he was dressed in his usual tight jeans and as we are both about the same size around the waist.

"You will be more comfortable if you put a pair of my loose fitting shorts on to travel there and back."

"O K." he agreed.

While he was shedding his jeans I added.

"You will be more freer if you leave your under daks off too."

Condescending to my added suggestion he did this revealing his tightly muscled rear end, so when he was free of his own garments and had pulled up the shorts he turned around to face me displaying his raging tent pole nearly breaking the seems in my shorts, and as I was three parts up myself from just looking at his bare arse I immediately went the other part to join him creating a full tent of my own.

In seconds the shorts, my sweat pants with the rest of our attire was scattered on the floor and we vigorously wrestling, kissing and cuddling on my bed.

This lasted quite awhile until it became obvious we were getting close to blowing our loads, and we hadn't even placed our hands or mouths near each others blood pounding solid growths as we just dry fucked until Steven suggested with a cheeky grin on his face.

"We should wait until we are sprawled out on our towels in the sun."

Retorting to his idea I informed him.

"It will be impossible for me to drive there in this state of arousal... the trip down will be intolerable for you also... what with your missile wanting to eject out of the shorts you will probably starch them anyway."

Receiving a big smile and a nod of agreement from him we went about rectifying our amorous condition.

On moving to a 69 kneeling position above Steven I found the lovely purple head of his great cock had shed its foreskin and was very moist with his pre cum enticing my tongue and mouth to it, so I moved down to commence my administrations on my second love [ guess my first love ].

Steven and I positioned ourselves so he could take my now tighten spheres because of being so close to releasing my milk, in his mouth first before licking his way up the under side of my length until he reached my dome, then he submerge on it with his warm mouth. With just a few bobs of his head I couldn't hold back any longer, so as not to choke him with the amount and force of my load I jerked it out of his mouth and exploded all over his chest as I gasped out.


This resulted in Steven who was purring like a cat to instantly extract his meaty sausage out of my mouth because the feeling of my hot lot shooting onto him was too much for him as his own thick cream he had been holding back waiting for me to unload began to ooze out of his gleaming taper and drip down onto his twitching tight stomach muscles as he mumbled.

"This feels so good."

"G-e-e-e-e-e z."

"This is the tops."

The thing that surprised me was that the only help he needed was the flexing of the muscles at the base of his imposing shaft to keep small lobs of his seed dripping for what seemed like minutes of mutual bliss.

While having a cup of coffee after we had cleaned ourselves we debated the merits of still going to the beach as the temperature was rising very quickly, but we decided it was worth a try, so after packing the car and removing the roof we set off

We chatted about various subjects on the way until we were nearly half way and I had stopped at a red light Steven said.

"Look at this."

Glancing at him he was pointing to his cock standing upright in my shorts immediately causing my dick to rise also, putting me in quite a dilemma on what to do, but using all my will power I concentrated on my driving not his basket and managed to get us there safely.

As there were only a couple of cars there this early I parked in a position that shielded us from the strong North Wind also to give us some privacy.

After unpacking and we had oiled our bodies we laid back on the rug to soaked up the sun, and in no time at all Steven as usual was proudly cocked causing me to join him in a similar state.

Not being able to resist this allurement I moved down on him and put him to sleep moaning with pleasure with my mouth gently massaging his proud out growth until he was gently snoring, then laid back myself and nodded off.

On awaking I found Steven had attracted a visitor who was going flat chat on him while jerking himself off, and by the look on Steven's face I could see the guy was hurting him, you see his nob is super sensitive when his foreskin is drawn back that is why he appreciates the way I lick and tongue his tapered apex when exposed, but being the nice guy he is, he suffered in silence until the visitor got his rocks off.

Needing to stretch our muscles excluding our love ones especially Steven's that needed recuperating after the ordeal it had just been through we went for a stroll along the shore noticing a lot more people had arrived, and as on other occasions most of them were looking at Steven who was still at half strength, and at me with envy for having such a handsome well hung companion.

On returning to our cosy retreat for a beer and some food it wasn't long before we both nodded off again.

Hearing some noise we both woke up with a start to find we had two voyeurs with cock stands openly perving on Steven's [ will it ever go down ] glowing hunk of meat, and looking myself I rose to the occasion also so I whispered to him.

"Should we ask them to join us?"

"Yes, why not?"

I then sat up and beckon them over.

Not needing any encouragement they joined us on the rug resulting in the following chain reactions of communal delights.

Straight away one of our visitors plunged down on Steven's jolly roger completely engulfing it to Steven's pleasure and my amazement. When his seducer starting to deep throat him he signalled me to kneel by his head and straight away he had my throbbing shaft in his expert mouth and went about the task of milking me dry.

His actions didn't need much effort on his part because the second guy had found my rear hole with one of his well saliva lubricated fingers and was fucking me very slowly with it while he jacked himself.

As a result of the double sexual attack on me Steven was tasting my passion sooner than he had expected causing him to have a sudden earth shattering denotation himself.

On experiencing Steven's orgasm his reliever of stress gave himself a couple of quick jerks on his blow pipe and unloaded his booty causing my invigorator to fire his lot up my back..

With thanks all around our horny visitors left and we had settled down to rejuvenate it soon became apparent that we were getting a little sun burnt so we decided to pack up and head for home.

Steven so as not to stain my shorts with his oily and sweaty body reclined the seat in the car with a towel underneath him and settled back nude to have a doze on the trip back.

By the time we had travelled a few kilometres I glanced a look at him and I don't know whether it was the car motion, the sun shining through the open roof or his fitness but he had another waving upright wand reaching up to his belly button as he slept, so when I stopped at the first red light I covered his core with part of the towel so it wouldn't embarrass us at any traffic lights or intersections if we had to stop with others there also.

With our arrival back in town and as I had a spare pair of Speedos in my sports bag I took him to the sporting complex where I'm a member for a swim, sauna and spa. After I had stopped outside the complex and woke him up I told him of my idea and he liked it, he quickly donned the Speedos but not having much success at concealment so he had to put the shorts back on so as to be respectable to enter the establishment.

When we had locked our belongings up we proceeded out on to the concourse and strolled slowly around the pool to the deep end I noticed a lot of young and not so young chics sneaking sly looks at his great body and its prominent accruement [ if they only knew he wasn't interested in females ], and as I have already stated the togs couldn't diminish to any great degree.

With our swim completed we adjourned to sauna and then the spa, but when it was about time to get out he asked.

"Lets talk some bull shit so as to take my mind off my under water problem... then I might be able to get out with some respectability."

I then began to waffled on until he said.

"I have everything under control."

After making a quick move we were under the showers in the change room where there were snide glances at Steven either out envy or jealously, who defying any logic had himself under restrain.

On arrival at my pad we enjoyed a cold beer and a sandwich before we got into bed with buffeting fats and cuddled one another to sleep for a few hours, after which we went out for a meal and then visited a couple of Gay Bars then headed for our respective homes completely sated and exhausted after another energy and sap sucking day.

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