Rodlike Adventures

Published on Oct 27, 1996


Author Rodlike

Melbourne, Australia 1996

Comments appreciated


Another Rodlike Adventure

Not a Big Mac this time


It was around noon and I was about to have a beer while I made a sandwich when the phone rang and a voice on the other end said .

" Hi, do you recognise my voice ? "

" No ... I don't " I answered .

" I'm the guy who delivered your Big Macs the other night " the other end replied .

" Yes ... I remember " .

" I have the afternoon off ... is it all right if I call round to watch a video ? " .

" Yes ... see you then " I replied as my cock strained against my nylon bike shorts .

Not because I had produced a large stain of pre cum on my shorts but the pain they were causing and wanting to produce a good display for him I changed into silk boxers and loose fitting shorts .

On opening the door after he had knocked I let him in quickly as my cock stand grew harder just looking at him and watching his basket enlarging as he took his eyes away from mine and looked at my display, and if you haven't read the other account of my meeting with him I will describe him again, he is around 5' 8'' with a dark brown crew cut atop his pleasant face and sparkling deep blue eyes above his wiry body

With our silent greeting and inspection over I said .

" Hi . I'm Ron " .

" Jeff " he mumbled .

" Pick a video out ... there are five to choose from while I get us a beer " .

He did this without saying a word so I got the impression he was nervous and I would have to proceed slowly .

Handing him a can and motioning him to sit down on the lounge I started the machine then sat next to him and while doing this I noticed him looking at my tent .

By the time the movie was half way through he was getting edgy and I could see why as he jeans now had a stain on the spot where his nob was moulded so I thought it was time to make a move .

" Are you comfortable ? " I asked .

" Yes thanks " he huskily muttered .

" Move closer ... I can help you relax more " I suggested .

As I had my arm along the top of the couch I clasped it around his shoulders and drew him against me while he shuffled his lower torso to meet mine and at the same time I softly coached .

" Don't be nervous ... this is not your first time is it ? " .

" Not really ... I have a friend ... we have been getting off together since high school " .

Then after a long pause he went on to explain .

" You see both our cocks are around the same size and we know they are not exactly man size ... so I'm embarrassed " .

" Don't be... size is of no real importance " .

As I finished this last sentence my mouth closed on his while I began to palm his inner thighs .

What seemed like hours of petting allowing the heat of the occasion to build slowly but when it did our pleasuring became more vigourous what with deep throating our tongues, nipping lips, gentle bites on nose tips then when coming up for a breath we took turns on nibbling ear lobes then flicking our tongues in them all the time palming hands over the other's man hood .

We were both heavily stained now with copious amounts of pre cum, and I don't know whether he could smell my musk but he was reeking with his, turning me on even further so I got up then pulled him to his feet and led him to the bedroom .

After removing his T shirt and my own we were able to heighten one an other's arousal by erecting the other's nipples firstly using our finger tips then light nibbles as we thrusted our entrapped love gear against each other until he began to tremble so I eased him down on the side of the bed then sat beside him and allowed him to cool a little by just massaging his neck and shoulders .

" Please ... don't keep me in suspense any longer " he begged adding .

" I need to blow ... please help me " .

Not wanting to miss his climax I knelt down in front of him and undid the flaps of his jeans and laid them apart so I could release his truculence out of his jockey shorts with my teeth and as it appeared he fired over my head in continual bursts as he flexed his stomach muscles moaning .

" Fuck ..Fuck " .

Then as the final spurt erupted he yelled .

" F-U-C-K " .

While his spurts were flying I helped him by lapping my tongue oven his tight balls while roving my hands over his thighs until he was completely empty were upon he collapsed back on the bed panting with me joining him .

On regaining his breath he stated .

" Jeeeez ... that was some thing ... hope I can bring you off with as much pleasure " .

" You don't have to worry about that ... you see your effort was all I needed I have creamed my shorts " .

This was said while we got the rest of our clothes off but as he left his underwear on I did also then we nestled down to cuddle and kissed our thanks as we dozed off to sleep .

About half an hour later I awoke and looking down past his wash board stomach I found that while he was sleeping for some reason he had slide his briefs off so I was able to have an in in-depth look at his upright cock that is about 5.5 " in length with a nice set of now slack balls surrounded by silky although extremely curly pubes .

This sight soon had me drooling so I began his awakening with my tongue starting at his inner thighs as he had his legs spread eagle then proceeded very slowly upwards savouring his manly aroma until I had just my lips on his dome but as I was about to slide them over he woke with a start and sat straight up moving out of my reach exclaiming .

" CHIT ... where am I ? " .

Realising were he was he lent down so we could kiss another welcome to each other but before we did he said .

" I'm sorry about startling you " .

My reply was silent as I began to devour his mouth starting on another journey of joy . Realising he was completely nude he removed his mouth from mine and said .

" Now you know why I said I'm embarrassed " .

" Forget it " I replied .

To prove I meant what I said I engulfed his total lance and gripped it hard at the base while using my finger tips to tickle his now contracted jewels until very soon I was tasting his pre cum leaking into my throat so to prolong our love session I withdrew .

" Thanks ... that felt beautiful " he uttered then after a few quiet thoughts he asked .

" Can I now see what has been giving me constant hard ons since the other night when I first saw your tent ? " .

" Take your pleasure " was my reply .

Lying back with my arms and legs spread out and my pole pointing up to the ceiling expanding the silk fabric to the limit he palmed his hand across my dome until I began again to stain them with my pre juice and as his suspense became too much for him he quickly found the fly and had his first look at my contribution to mankind then his mouth zoomed in on it .

Apparently not being an expert at cock sucking I reached for one of his legs and pulled him around to the 69 position so as to enable myself to take him again and as I began to give him expert head to my delight he was a quick learner but to my sorrow he couldn't hold on so in seconds I was tasting copious amounts of man juice flowing out of his cock causing me to fill his throat with mine .

Quickly swinging him around we were able to taste our own cream in the other's mouths as we kissed our thanks .

Coming down off our highs he broke the silence by saying .

" That was marvellous ... to be truthful that was the first time I have sampled love juice ... you see my buddy and I have only kissed and cuddled while jerking each other off ... we have never thought about going down on one an other ... I don't no why ... but I sure want to taste him now to see if he has the same flavour as you " .

" That was quite a speech ... I like your honesty " I stated then seeing he was beginning to bar up again I added .

" Come on that's enough said ... get back in position so we can have a more lasting pleasure session " .

What seemed like an eternity of bliss we finally climaxed together down the other's throats then after a shower and we were having a celebration beer I said to him .

" Do you think your friend would be interested in watching a video also ? " .

" I don't know ... he is very secretive but I'll ask him especially after I tell him about today ... we will have to wait and see " .

" Suits me ... but what a pity if he is not interested " I stated .

As I finished saying this our cans were empty so with a hug and a kiss he got up to leave saying .

" I'll catch you late and let you know " .

" See you " I happily said knowing at least he would return many more times .

Next: Chapter 7: Day of Astonishment

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