Rodlike Adventures

Published on Oct 27, 1996


Author Rodlike

Melbourne, Australia 1996

Comments appreciated


Another Rodlike Adventure

Gay Story based on a BBS question?


A couple of months ago I purchased a modem for my computer and with it I was given your service number so I went about checking the perfect match area where upon entering my statistics, then leaving messages to the guys that had the highest % I sat back and waited for any replies .

By the end of the week I thought all my birthdays had come at once because there was a private message for me from _____ asking if he could contact me by phone, as he wanted to talk and he didn't want to use the computer just for in case someone might identify him .

I checked his credentials and couldn't wait to leave my phone number for him, so when the phone rang the next afternoon and on answering it a nervous voice said .

" Hi ... this is _____ here."

" Hello ... how are you?" I answered .

" All right ... can we talk?" he asked .

" Yeah why not what would like to chat about?" I inquired . .

" Its not a very long story ... you see I'm twenty two. I have been with a number of females including one about thirty ... they didn't thrill me at all .... so I'm sure I'm gay but haven't had any experience in that area ... that is why I used the BBS hoping it might help me with my problem."

" That was a good idea ... but why me? I'm four years older than you ... don't get me wrong I'm delighted that you did," I asked.

" Because you are my idea of the perfect match for me ... the computer agreed with me with 93%," he quickly retorted.

" I can see why now ... I opened up a file on everybody listed and I have just brought yours up on screen ... we are almost identical in all ways but one ... your uncut," I informed him.

" Does that matter ? " he asked sounding sorrowful .

" Does it matter ... It certainly doesn't. I haven't got a foreskin to toy with so I enjoy anyone that has one. Does that answer your question ? " I told him .

" Yes it does " he said pausing for quite a length of time then asked .

" Do you think we could meet sometime ? "

" Why not ? " I quickly said .

" I'm in my third year at uni ... both my parents work and they don't get home of a night till after six ... I could meet you after classes are over. The prefix of your phone number is the same as mine so we either live in the same suburb or the next so it shouldn't cause any difficulty "

These statements came out at intervals showing how edgy he was .

" What about tomorrow .... is that all right with you ? " I questioned .

" You bet " he now happily replied .

Silence for a few seconds then he asked .

" I don't know whether you heard me gasp or not ... I have just creamed my fist talking to you "

" Your last words were all I needed ... to finish myself off " he stated .

" Fuck ... I have just unloaded also ... what with talking to you, looking at your statistics on the screen and thinking about tomorrow "

We then made the arrangements for our first meeting before hanging up .

Sitting in the car two side streets away as previously arranged toying with half a fat waiting for him when this guy came around the corner I snapped to full attention nearly and almost filled my under daks .

The only thing saving me was this couldn't possibly be the one I was waiting for I told myself, he was too perfect, but when this guy reached my car he opened the door and jumped in .

Before I go on, let me explain why I didn't think he was my perfect match, I class myself as average to good looking with an average build and I'm 5' 7" tall exactly as his profile read on the computer, but he either didn't realise how great looking he was or he deliberately put himself down .

He was a couple of inches taller than me and much broader across the shoulders tapering down to his narrow waist that was securing his jeans, and were giving a good definition of his basket at the top of what looked like muscular legs, so after he had shut the door he smiled, which highlighted his sparking blue eyes in the boyish handsome sun tanned face surrounded by his sun bleached medium length blonde hair, and said .

" Hi, I'm ______ ... but my real name is Dale "

" I'm Ron " I stammered .

" What's the matter with you ... you sound different ? " he asked .

" Its just I didn't think I would ever have the opportunity to meet anybody so perfect in every way as you ... let alone get the chance to enjoy a sexual encounter with ... you took my breath away as well as causing this "

" Can we get going ? " " My boner is killing me in these jeans " he asked .

So with nothing more said and trying not to break the speed limit we where soon safely locked in my pad .

" Sit down ... would you like a coke or orange juice ? " I invited .

" A coke will do fine thanks " he stated .

When I had given him his drink I joined him on the lounge asking .

" Well now we have met would you like to start by watching a video ? "

" Can we just let nature take its course ... just be ourselves without any outside help " he replied .

So I placed my hand behind his neck and gently pulled his head towards my waiting mouth and probed his open with my tongue, thus began the start of Dale's introduction to gaydom and by the way his passionate mouth received mine I knew he was going to be a very fast learner with me being an eager tutor .

As I ran my fingers through his soft shiny hair and massaged his neck we took turns at exploring our inner mouths as Dale sigh with pleasure, so knowing how close I was to exploding myself, I knew he must be the same with the ardent response I was receiving from him, so I didn't dare touch his genitals .

All of a sudden he pulled his mouth away from mine as he twisted and jerked gasping out

" Oh ! Oh ! Oh! Oh! Oh! "

That was all I needed to cause me to call out .

" F-U-C-K ! ! ! "

" I'm cumming too "

While regaining our breath we kissed until Dale broke away again saying " I'm sorry about that ... I couldn't hold off any longer "

" There is nothing to be sorry about ... I should be the one to apologise ... I'm a lot more experienced than you ... but your really such a great looking and sexy guy ... I couldn't control myself either "

A long pause took place while what I had said sunk in, so when he started to nod his head in agreement I said .

" On a lot of occasions its a good idea to unload your first lot quickly ... it prolongs your next session making it a lot more enjoyable ... which when your ready I will endeavour to show you "

" I have never thought about getting off a second time so soon "

" I usually jack off before I go to sleep ... and again when I wake up ... this will be a new experience for me ... I can't wait "

His statement concluded as our mouths meet again .

While we continued to devour each other I slowly moved my hand down his body and on reaching his crotch not surprisingly, I found he had another cock stand being held tight in his jeans which I grazed my palm over causing him to sigh with heighten pleasure, so when they became louder and quicker I removed my hand so he would cool down a little .

On doing this Dale placed his hand on my hard on and as it had escaped out of my jockeys it was standing straight up he had my entire length to play with, which surprisingly he did expertly from the outside of my sweat pants until I was getting close to blowing again so I moved his hand away .

" Come on stand up ... so I can strip you " I ordered standing up myself

" I don't know ... after discovering your size I feel embarrassed "

" When in the past I have showered after sport with the other guys I thought I was well endowed ... you have changed my mind "

" Don't let that worry you ... size doesn't matter "

I told him as I started to remove his sweat shirt, and when this was done this section of his body didn't let down his smashing good looks but only enhanced them as his chest was finely muscled and had a light covering of darker blonde soft hair that was also starting to show again at his slim waist line, so after taking in all these added features I bent down and removed his joggers and socks .

Now with only two articles of apparel left I began unzipping him and slipped his jeans down, so when he had stepped out of them he stood there with his stork rock hard trapped lying to his right side defining his very average length, and a rather large spherical mound beneath in his bikini briefs which I left on .

" Can I undress you now ? " Dale asked .

" Go ahead but just down to my jockeys "

He proved how hot he was, as he almost tore all my garments apart as he ripped them off .

" Come on ... we'll lie on the bed " I said .

I put my arm around him and lead the way to the bedroom and laid him on his back, then laid down beside him and began to kiss and lightly rove my hand over his muscular chest that produced soft moans of delight from him .

" Please stop. You have me on the brink again I don't want to cum again just yet ... I want to see and play with your cock you have got pressed against my thigh "

He requested as he withdrew his mouth from mine, so getting no resistance from me he rolled me onto my back, then slowly went about achieving his aim by firstly fondling me from the outside of my jockeys for quite awhile, prolonging his pleasure and mine until I begged .

" If you don't get these off you will miss seeing me erupt ... I almost there with your caring but tentative administrations ... also looking at your twitching shaft trying to escape your bikini "

He immediately obeyed my request and eased them over my erection then exclaimed .


" What a lovely cock you've got ... especially your crown "

In seconds he began to caress it, and that was all I needed to shoot straight up in the air calling out "-F-U-C-K-"

As I did he groped his own shaft out of his bikini and pumped his own juice onto my stomach with the only thing I could hear was his gasping as he continued milking both cocks so with his actions and my first look at his love gear I continued to ooze all over his fist while he kept spilling on me .

Lying back resting with an arm around each other Dale broke the silence by stating .

" As you can see I'm not circumcised ... I have never been able to get my foreskin back over my nob to see what dome looks like "

" Well if you want I can help you ... it will take a few weeks " I told him .

" How ? "

" I have got what they call a vacuum pump I can lend you ... you will have to use it in the morning and at night for about fifteen minutes at a time for the first week then gradually building up to thirty minutes at a time ... Are you prepared to do that ? "

" What will it do ? " he asked .

" There is no guarantees ... in most cases you can increase your length by up to 25% the same with your thickness ... also you will find that your foreskin will slowly begin to stretch ... especially with a lot of help from me "

" When this is completed you could get plenty of part time work modelling in the nude the increase will set off your great body and your handsome looks " I stated .

" Gee ... it sounds like its to good to be true but I'm willing to give it a go ... can I start now ? "

" Not yet " I answered as my mouth moved towards his as I restarted his indoctrination .

This time I nibbled on his lips in between deep throating him with my tongue before chewing the tip of his nose and ear lobes, so when I paused for a moment he showed me how much he was enjoying my seduction, also proving once again he was going to be a fast and adept learner by copying every thing I had done to him .

Wanting to prove what a great teacher I was, I broke away from his sweet mouth and knelt up in front of him and began to palm my hands all over his muscle rippling chest until his nipples became erect, then I replaced my hands with my mouth and gobbled .

While I was doing this with his help we got his bikini briefs right off, so I had no restrictions to his core of delight which I was now fondling .

It wasn't long before his rigid rod was pulsating in one of my hands as the other one was massaging his inner thighs and his large compacted spheres, so not wanting to miss the taste of his sap I moved my mouth on to his enclosed extremity, then began another withdrawal of his juice .

In seconds he was spuming into my throat as he heaved and bucked calling out .


" I'm must be in paradise "

After I had drained him and he was lying back panting he said .

" Phew ... that was beyond all my jerk offs sessions thinking what a head job would be like " he exclaimed .

" That your first time ? "

" Yes ... I promise you I will always remember you for today " He replied

Then after a long pause he half stuttered .

" I - have - never - been - down - on - anyone - before. This is will be my first opportunity to experience it ... you want me to ... don't you ? "

" I love you it ... but only if your sure you want to " I answered not wanting to push him to quickly .

" Does this prove my lust for you ? "

He replied pointing to his flag pole that hadn't collapse one inch as he rose up and knelt between my thighs, so with nothing more said he gingerly placed his moist mouth on my purple helmet and started my extraction which didn't take long as he really had me turned on .

When I felt my juice start its trip up my cock tube I quickly extracted my cannon from his mouth and shot up my stomach as I thought it might be too much to expect him to take in his mouth at his first attempt shouting .


" Now you have had your introduction to male sex ... you must have enjoyed it as much as me ... is that right ? " I asked when able .

" Doesn't this prove it ? " pointing to his still upstanding member .

" Well now is a good enough time to start the enhancement of your joy stick while you have an iron bar " I informed him adding .

" Just wait a moment until I get pen and paper, a tape measure and the pump "

With the tape in hand I began to take his dimensions, and I don't know whether it was my looking or the feel of his lance that gave me another cock stand but never the less I carried on with my task finding he was approximately 5.5 " in length and 1.25" in diameter which I noted down then went on to instruct him in how to use the pump .

" Here I'll put some cream on your shaft so it will make it easier for the tube to slip over "

" I think we can skip the milking bit I don't think you could get any more blood into it now the way its twitching ... come on slide the machine over your branch and hold it and start pumping the bulb "

Minutes ticked by and the increase became noticeable as he passed the 6 " barrier to his amazement, but just before the time was up he exclaimed .

" Gee ... look at this ... its the first time I have ever seen it "

On looking I could see his slit began to emerge ever so slightly which was too much for me, so I placed my creamy hand on my out growth then added my own cream to my fist .

On deflating the pump he was amazed he had retained the 6" so I told to him .

" Don't be disappointed when you find you go back to the original size after you have gone down and inflate again ... it will take a few weeks before the maximum will be obtained and retained ... you will have to keep at it "

" If that's the case ... I know now how to fill in some of my lunch time " he replied laughing .

" That won't be necessary twice a day is all you need "

With that said, we both got dressed and Dale departed with both my promise [quite unnecessary] to pick him up tomorrow after uni and my vacuum pump .

For the next fortnight I had a constant hard on all day waiting for his classes to be over, and for Dale to be lying on my bed with a tent in the various underwear he would wear for my pleasure, anything from Y fronts to G strings and Bikini briefs

On the Friday of the second week he was taking his time stripping so I questioned .

" What's the matter ... aren't you horny today ? "

" Now we have become good friends and lovers ... I want to tease you a bit ... go out of the room until I call you back in " he answered .

To please us both I did as he requested and while I was waiting I got all my gear off before he call " Come in now "

I was ready to get down to business, but not ready for the exotic shock waiting for me, here he was lying there with a whiter than white Jock Strap on that was producing a huge banana shaped mound caused by his now noticeable increased size jammed between his large balls that drew my mouth like a magnet .

In a flash I was kneeling on the floor with my mouth hungrily chewing on the stretched ribs of the Jock covering his length before I gobbled on the outside of his encaged orbs until he began to tremble and squirm and I knew he was about to add to the already wet material my mouth's juices and his pre juice had made so with a mighty heave and yelling .

" I'M CUMMING ! ! ! "

" I'M CUMMING ! ! "

" I'M C-U-M-M-I-N-G ! "

In a second I was again tasting his hot cream as he saturated his jock .

Allowing him to regain his composure I slowly stood up, and when he saw my quivering pole he wrapped his hot mouth on it and slipped his lips just over my nob and began see sawing over it .

All of a sudden I felt the thrill of my impending flow so I tried to withdraw yelling to him .

" DALE "

" LET GO ! "


" -F-U-C-K-"

Dale only gripped harder not allowing me to do so, resulting in him having his first taste of manly juice .

" Well ... At last you know " I said .

" I should have discovered the bitter sweet taste long ago ... but that's is neither here nor there now ".. anyway on the lighter side look what its done to me " he honestly said .

He then began laughing displaying his appendage that he had released out the top of the waist band and was jammed straight up his stomach, and to my surprise his long tapered head had shed about half of his foreskin .

" I think its time for me to help the vacuum pump to complete its task " I said .

" What task ... I know its doing a good job " he inquired .

" I'm going to try and expose you nob completely ... I want to lap my tongue all over it ... how do you feel about that ? " I asked

" It sounds good to me ... go for it " he happily agreed .

" It might hurt a little at the start ... I can assure you I will take it easy ... it will be worthwhile in the long run " I told him adding .

" My friend Steven who is a couple of years older than you found out "

Kneeling down once again I placed my mouth just on the section that was showing and after producing an excessive amount of saliva I began to probe my tongue under the stubborn skin forcing these juices under .

When this was done I tighten my lips on the outside of his foreskin and started to slide it forward then back achieving a small amount of success but before I could reach 100 % result he exclaimed spilling into my mouth .

" SHIT ! "

" That hurts ... but keep going "

" I'M C-O-M-M I-N-G A-G-A-I-N ! ! "

" I'M - - C-U-M-I-N-G ! "

Then after he had completely unloaded I stood up with my wand waving so Dale swung up and sat on the side of the bed saying, " That was really mind blowing ... now I want to confirmed the taste ... also to return the favour "

In no time with his mouth bobbing over my cupola he was soon sampling my nucleus again . Sitting back now with Dale having orange juice and myself having a beer he asked .

" Do you think its time to remeasure my shank... I'm sure it has increased substantially "

" No ... give it a couple of more weeks to make sure the increase is permanent ... it took Steven about four to five weeks to achieve his desired results " I disagreed with .

" What was his aim ? " he asked .

" His main problem was his 7" plus ramrod had a slight bend to the right ... he wanted to straighten it out "

" Secondly he had the same condition as you with his foreskin ... thankfully for both of us the vacuum pump with a lot of enjoyable help from me rectified the latter ... also it did tend to straighten his javelin ... so hang in there for a bit longer " I answered his question .

Half way through this final period I obtained our mutual aim as I was applying more pressure each time I was going about my pleasurable task it was on the Thursday and I was using my thumb and first finger as well as my lips on the unyielding skin when Dale softly screamed .

" Fucking hell "

With this his tapered apex finally shed his foreskin revealing his glowing purple crowning glory that was beginning to expel his appreciation of my administrations .

I immediately stood up to get an overall view of his missile with his exposed pinnacle continually spurting as he flexed his stomach muscles panting .

That was all I need with just a couple of rubs on my tool to add my lot to his in his light brown pubes, then I laid down beside him and gently kissed him .

" What is Steven like ? "

Dale asked while we were regaining our strength .

" He is a great guy ... with a similar build to you but a bit taller ... he has jet black hair that he wears short on top and long at the back ... he is also very affectionate ... you will find this out when you meet him " I filled him in .

" When am I going to meet him ? " another question .

" Your not ready let "

" I still have got a lot more to teach you ... I want you to have plenty of expertise when we have a threesome ... now come on lets continue with your tutoring ... I'm horny again thinking about it "

Back in each other's arms standing up this time we where exchanging passionate kisses while running our hands all over one another's bodies before I broke away from his hungry mouth and began a tour down his tightly muscled body briefly stopping at his chest to harden his nipples, then down to his core of joy .

Before giving it my full attention I tongued his inner thighs and pubic area as he sighed and moaned with pleasure, but when I moved my mouth to his large now compacted spheres I could only lap them .

As he continued to utter sounds of delight I thought it was time to acquaint one of my fingers to his rear orifice, so without ceasing my actions I reached over to the conveniently place jar of lubricant and after scooping an abundant amount of gel I placed it on the required area and began his prelude to anul sex by using my palm of the other hand to circumnavigate his tight buns .

In no time they started to twitch so I moved my mouth onto his slippery peak and still with a little difficulty I eased his covering off and begun to gobble, and at the same time I used my finger to probe his rear crater and to my surprise it slipped all the way home as he bucked and blew down my throat calling out .

" GEEZZ ... that feels great "

" I still have a lot to learn " he stated on regaining his breath .

" There is not a great deal more I can teach you ... tomorrow we will experiment with dildos after that you will just have to let nature take its course ... in the mean time let me see how much you have learnt "

I said pointing to my blood engorged stake, so immediately he attacked my hanging orbs taking each in turn and rolling them around in his warm moist mouth before he engulfed my bulbous head and began another evacuation of my love juice .

Wanting to prove he was going to be a great seducer he stopped when he felt and sensed I was nearing my climax so as to tease and heighten my desire until I heaved out .

" For fuck sake ... come on Dale ... I can't stand it any longer "

Not wanting to offend me he increased the speed of his actions resulting in him having another plentiful sample of my admiration of him .

Next day after Dale had got into the car and we had our customary fondle of each other's genitalia he was rather quite .

" What's up ? " I asked him .

" I'm all right ... the only thing that has been worrying me all day is if the dildo will hurt "

" Trust me " I assured .

With nothing more said in no time we where slowly kissing as we stripped inside my pad, but when our passions became almost unbearable with raging cock stands and tighten nuts I led Dale to the bed saying

" You haven't experienced a 69 position yet ... lets try that first so you can loosen up ... O K "

" What ever you say " he wistfully muttered .

As Dale's boner points up towards his chin and mine straight out I got him to lie on his back with me kneeling over the top of him from behind his head so as to make it easier and more comfortable for us to give maximum pleasure to each other .

As we adjusted to our positions and began another trip of fulfillment performing various tasks on each other with Dale following my lead to some extent .

I gobbled on his enclosed summit for awhile, then lapped up and down his lance before doing the same to his globes and all the time I was using one of my hands to glance over his inner thighs and pubes before slowly making my way up his spear, and this time again using excessive mouth juice I denuded his pinnacle and to enjoy his purple taper .

While I was delighting myself pleasuring Dale he withdrew his mouth from my organ and let it slip across his parted lips with his tongue protruding until his nose would divide my rocks which he found drove me crazy when he nuzzled them before he returned his attention back to my throbbing stake and began in earnest, the same as I was doing to him on the withdrawal of our juices .

As Dale's legs started to shudder he sped up his bobbing on me, so I knew he was near, thus causing an instant rush from me, then from him as we savoured each other's outbursts as we both continued to drain one another .

Lying back with an arm around each other and lightly petting our breath back he paused and stated in a gasping soft voice .

" I think I'm ready now "

I could see he was also as his cock stand hadn't deflated one bit .

" If you say so ... kneel up as that will be the best position for you ... remember relax ... you have already experienced the feel of my finger ... ok " I instructed .

Having prepared before hand I reached for the lubricant and the small dildo on the bedside table and after lubricating it and my first finger, I placed a large amount of it on and around his pinkie, and with a circular motion of the palms of my hands over his buns I gradually worked my way towards his aperture all the time feeling his muscles relaxing .

Upon arriving at it I gently probed my finger in and began to finger fuck him, so when he had got over this intrusion he sighed .

" That feels great "

When I thought he was relaxed enough, with almost sleight of hand I withdrew my finger and began the entry of the dildo and as it has a very long taper and is only about an 1" in diameter it wasn't long before I had it all the way in, then I went about pleasuring him .

" FUCK ! "

" It feels even better than your finger ... I don't know what I was worrying about "

" I'm nearly there again "

He muttered between sighs of joy and relief as I increased this artificial fucking .

He made certain he was by starting to strop himself, so you can imagine my state of mind, here I had an Adonis kneeling in front of me with a dildo in his sculptured arse I was using to screw him with while he was jerking off .

I only needed a few strokes of my own shank to explode over his rear end, where upon Dale receiving the sensation of my hot sap on him, it was the final thing he needed to start to unload his own emulsion onto the towel beneath him .

" Well ... what's next ... am I now ready to meet Steven ? "

He asked as we where drying each other after showering .

" Not yet ... that dildo you have just taken is only small ... do you think you could take this ? "

I answered pulling a 8 " rather thick one out of the drawer .

" I wouldn't think so " he said shaking his head .

" Well your final lesson is about to begin ... you see these they are called butt plugs ... what you have to do is start with the smallest one "

" You insert it in your rear hole all the way home then sit on it until your butt becomes accustomed to it being there then you progress to the next size "

" Do this at every opportunity and you will soon be ready ... then Steven can take your cherry " was my final instruction .

" Why Steven ? " he questioned adding

" I want it to be you "

" I wish it could be me also... at this stage of your development my helmet even if by chance I could penetrate you ... it would hurt you too much " I lamented .

" But didn't you tell me Steven had a big weapon ? "

" Yes that's right ... there is a difference between him and me his crest is long and tapered like yours ... he should be able to slide in without much trouble making your initiation more comfortable ... and hopefully joyous "

" If you say so ... you haven't bull shitted to me so far " he said laughing .

" Well take these now and practice as much as possible ... we will see in a week's time "

I stated giving him the plugs, so after we kissed he departed once again to do his home work .

During the following week we had our daily tryst doing all the usual things including the use of the small dildo on alternate days on each other as we gobbled one another to mutual culmination's in the 69 position as Dale like that way best, so by Friday it was time to find out how successful all his exercises had been .

With his previous dimensions and the tape measure on hand we brought each other to an over heated state then took a breather to find out the results

To the amazement of both of us, he had increased his length to a good 6.5 " and the diameter by .25 " to 1.4 " which now made him the complete perfect male and the envy of most men .

When this amazing task was done I asked .

" Are you happy with the results ? "

A passionate kiss was his answer, so on breaking our embrace I asked .

" Are you ready to try the large dildo now ? "

" I think so " he reluctantly said .

" There is just one another thing I haven't told you yet ... it vibrates ... it will enhance the sensation "

We then adjourned to the bed in anticipation .

After getting Dale to lie on his back with his legs apart and bent up, I anointed his cleft and then proceeded to introduce the instrument he had been practicing for asking .

" Are you relaxing ? " I asked .

" Yes I'm ready "

So I began to ease the long taper into his waiting brim .

" FUCK ! "

" I don't know whether its pain or pleasure I'm feeling ... keep going "

After continual gentle probing it slipped all the way home, so I let it rest for awhile so he could get adjusted to the sensation of being fulfilled before I began to stroke, so when he started moaning his delight I lengthen the action causing his lament to become louder, but when I turned the vibrations on he shoved his legs up on to my shoulders heaving and screaming .

" F-U-C-K-I-N-G H-E-L-L ! ! ! "

" I'M C-U-M-M-I-N-G ! ! "


Squirting up and all over his stomach with a force and quantity he had not produced before he continued to heave and shuddered to release his all, so on witnessing his exposition I gave myself a jerk and deposited a massive lot myself also adding to his pleasure as the combination of our milk began to trickle towards into his soft curly pubes .

What seemed like an eternity and Dale had recovered I said .

" That was the best performances I have ever seen ... if you can repeat a similar one ... Steven he will go over the moon "

" I have never experienced a sensation like that in my life " he said still breathing hard adding .

" I will never be able to thank you enough for all you have done for me "

" No need for any thanks ... its been a great pleasure for me ... you are now ready to meet Steven " was my reply adding .

" Tell your parents your staying over at a uni friend's place next Friday night "

" Why do I have to stay at a friends place ? " he asked .

" You must have lost some of your brain go with your last cumming ... I'm your uni chum you will be staying with " I had to tell him .

" I can arrange that without any trouble "

" Right ... I will arrange to pick Steven up after work ... you can walk around here as this will save time " I said then I queried ..

" Can you imagine what it will be like waking up next Saturday morning lying between us with a raging fat ? "

" I'm not thinking straight ... does this answer your question ? "

He asked thrusting his enlarged man hood standing at full attention at me .

" Yes ... before we go any further there is one thing you haven't done yet " I stated .

" What's that ? "he inquired .


" OK " he said smiling .

" GEE ... I'm sorry about that "

He apologised as he had lost his lot in my cheeks as he was going about entering me .

" Never mind you have got a week to control yourself "

" I should be all right by then ... can I gobble you off now to make up for it ? " he apologised .

" Go for your life "

He then went down on his knees and began his want and mine while he juggled my compacted balls, resulting in him savouring my hot seed in no time, much to my delight .

" That again was great ... thanks ... now lets get cleaned up then I'll call Steven ... you can listen on the extension ... I mean the phone " I said laughing .

" Hi ... how you doing ? " " Hope your sitting down "

" Great ... especially hearing your voice " Steven answered then asked .

" Any way ... what sort of shock have you got in store for me this time ? "

" I suppose I should have told you earlier but I wanted everything to be right ... when I introduce you to Dale" I confessed .

" Who's Dale? " he queried .

" Dale is a uni student I have introduced to our way of life ... if you want I will pick you up after work next Friday night ... ok ... After introducing you to Dale ... if you don't nearly blow in your pants when you see him ... your not the guy I think you are " I said the after a few moments added.

" I'm not telling you any more so as to keep you in suspense ... I'm hanging up now so you won't drag any more information out of me ... see you then "

" OK ? "

" That's all right with me ... just one other thing I'll have to jack off ... I have an enormous hard on ... knowing you never to be wrong and what you are telling me is waiting ... I can't wait till Friday "

" FUCK ! ! ! "

" I have just creamed my fist "

" Hoped you enjoyed it " " See you then " I stated then hung up .

" I can't go home with this ... just hearing his voice is a turn on "

" I will have to get of again before I leave " Dale stated .

" Come on I'll help you ? "

" I'd like that " he replied .

I moved to his side and while we devoured each other's mouths I rubbed my stake against his thigh and at the same time my hands were busy caressing his body while he jacked himself until he gave a jerk as he fired across the room silently as he used his other hand on the back of my neck to pull my mouth hard against his .

The week went surprising quick with our daily obliging responses, the high light being Dale's ability to control his explosions as he screwed me .

We experimented in various positions finding the best was with me lying on my back with my knees up giving Dale easy entry so he could go about exhilarating both of us with me adding to my own pleasure by gently stropping myself, until Dale began to tremble as he speed up bring about his climax and always gasping out things like .

" Fuck this is so great "

" I'm cumming "

When I would feel his hot juice begin to fill me it was all I needed to spume up my stomach generally heaving out words like

" I'm joining you "

" Fuck "

" Here I go "

After we were spent Dale would collapse on top of me and while we kissed our gratitude he would move his body in a circular motion smearing my thick balm between us as we waited for his ramrod to deflate before he would extract it, which thank goodness seemed to take ages .

Towards the end of the week this changed, because Dale to muffle our screams of delight, and enhance our climaxes he would when he was just about ready to unload bend down and savage my mouth, also we had the added feeling of my fruit mingling in his fine chest hair, once again proving his natural talents that no tutor could teach him much to our mutual desires for each other.

" Hi ... how you doing ? " Steven asked getting in the car after leaving work .

" Great ... what about you ? "

" Pretty good except for a sore wrist ... I have been wanking all week thinking about this Dale ... hope he lives up to my expectations " Steven stated laughing .

" I know you have a great imagination ... but even you couldn't dream up what your about to meet ... lets talk about other subjects so I can concentrate on driving "

I requested, so after a chit chat about things in general I was turning into the drive way .

" FUCKING HELL ! ! ! "

" As always your right again ... I have never seen a more perfectly built and good looking guy in my life ... its got to be him ! " Steven exclaimed .

I had to silently agree with him because Dale was dressed in a pale yellow singlet and although he was wearing loose fitting shorts I knew he had put a jock on because of the shape of his more than obvious basket as he stood leaning side on against the wall with the sun shining on him showing his taut body high lighting his blonde hair more than ever .

" Come on Steven get out ... so I can lock up the car and introduce you "

" All right ... I have got over the delicious shock now " Steven said .

" Dale this is Steven " " Steven this is Dale "

" HI " they both said .

I instinctively knew Steven had taken Dale's breath away also, because he doesn't think he is as perfect a specimen as he is .

" Lets get upstairs before we make a spectacle of ourselves ... I don't know about you guys " but I'm on the verge of explosion " I stated .

With nothing more said in seconds we were locked in my pad and were welcoming each other with passionate kisses .

" Can you help me get these off ? " Steven asked me .

You see he wears the tightest jeans possible and when he is barred up he has trouble unzipping himself without doing damage, so without hesitation I went about my happy task as he held his weapon hard against his stomach I managed using both hands to get his zip down and slide his jeans over his firm buns and let them drop.

Steven being the nice guy he is always tries to surprise me in different ways for my enjoyment, but today he capped off anything he has done before, here he was standing there just wearing in contrast a pair of silk boxer shorts with a cock stand that if possible Steven's infatuation with Dale had caused it to increase in size making a marquee out of them .


Dale breathed out as Steven bent over to untie his joggers displaying his sculptured arse as his boxer's tighten over it .

" Come on you guys get your gear off "Steven ordered .

I responded by moving over to Dale and began to strip him down to his jock while Steven went about doing the same to me but starting with my joggers .

When these exciting tasks were slowly completed the three of us were standing there with our joy sticks straining our underwear before the both of them moved over to me and jammed their cocks against my thighs as they straddled my legs and began to abrade as our mouths meet .

As we exchanged various erotic gestures such as chewing ear lobes, nibbling on noses and flickering our tongues over closed eyes they realised my genitals were being left unattended so they began to take turns at molesting my javelin and hanging orbs and as my hands were free I started to palm them over their necks and backs until Dale screamed out as his juice spilled through his jock onto my thigh .

" FUCK ! "

" I have spoiled it "

" BULL SHIT ! ... you have "

Steven yelled out, and as his length had escaped out through the fly in his shorts I receive the full blast as he fire onto my other thigh resulting in me shooting straight across the room .

" Gee that was different " I said as the two of them collapsed onto the lounge .

" I don't know about you two ... but it was a first time for me getting off like that " Dale stated .

" For us too " Steven spoke for both of us .

" What about a beer to cool down and rest ... before we get down to some serious loving " I suggested .

" Great idea ... apart from being thirsty just looking at your bulge hiding in that sexy enclosure and my imagination working over time ... I'm fattening up again ... I'm going to drink it quick " Steven declared to Dale .

After we all had a can in hand I sat opposite them and watched them get to know one another better as they began to explore their bodies and their man hoods .

Soon I was in the same state of arousal as they were, especially when they drew back each other's foreskin and took their first taste of one another's tapered pinnacles, and at the same time they continued to acquaint themselves with each other's spheres that were nestled on the lounge, so when I noticed both pair compacting I thought it was time to join in as I was sure the both of them were near boiling point again .

I stood up and approached them and to my surprise they went into gentle combat to see who was going to engulf me with Steven winning, so Dale not being a poor loser went back down on Steven, also I think he wanted to give his missile a rest so as not to again be the first one to cum .

In no time I was going to solve Dale's dilemma if I didn't extract my stave from Steven's expert experienced mouth, and by the way he had increased his speed I took this as an indication Dale was bring him to the brink also, so I called a cessation of action and put my hands out to them and on taking theirs in mine I led the way to the bedroom .

Thank goodness I had the forbearance when I purchased my pad to buy a king size bed, because as we hit the bed we immediately went into a wrestling match rolling over and grabbing gentle nibbles of what ever we could get our mouths on as we jockeyed to give and receive maximum fruition of our sexual romp until Steven and myself introduce Dale to the triangular position .

I gave Dale the opportunity to again gobble Steven while I had my mouth filled with his with Steven slipping his moistened lips to and fro over the ridge of my helmet which he new thrilled me.

With these administrations on each other I lead the way by stopping with them doing the same .

" Why did you stop ? " Steven inquired .

" Because your in for the surprise of your life " I answered adding

" Your about to take Dale's cherry "


" OK - OK "I said adding

" But one thing ... take it easy ... he has only had dildos and butt plugs in his portal "


" Another bloody surprise ... but knowing you ... why haven't you been there ? " he asked .

" That's a silly question ... don't you remember the first time you took me ... the pain you went through when my crown almost split you in half ... my chance will come when you have got Dale accustomed to a real thing pumping into him ... here is some cream "

" Lets get the show on the road ... you can see his pinkie is twitching in anticipation "

After saying this the main event began .

Although Dale was keen his over eagerness had made him very uptight, so while we watched Steven lubricated his spear Dale seemed to relax a little and I nearly unloaded, as it doesn't matter how many times I have seen and also done it to him its a turn on for me when Steven's tapered head emerges from his foreskin which he was doing now so as not to cause himself any pain on the virgin entry .

After getting Dale to lie on his back with his knees bent and his legs spread apart, I began to apply generous amounts of cream around his inner cleft before entering one of my fingers, and when it was comfortably inserted I introduced a second and started to finger fuck him until he was moaning with delight and his cock was springing up and down, and looking at Steven's his was flicking as well .

" Come on Steven ... Dale is ready now ... but as I said before take it easy we all want his initiation to be as joyful for both of you ... I will get my exultation being a voyeur "

I instructed as I withdrew my fingers, and as Steven moved into position I approached Dale's mouth and before I began passionately kissing him I coached him to relax and enjoy his new found sexuality by saying .

" You have practiced with the other appliances ... You have just nearly got off with the help of my fingers ... relax and you will be over the moon in no time "

Then our mouths meet .

Watching out the corner of my eye I could see Steven, being the great guy he is was obeying my instructions as he was entering very slowly, and by the way Dale was vigorously responding to my mouth he was feeling some pain .

When Steven was eventually all the way home he let Dale get accustomed to his long length inside him for a few seconds before he started to hump and almost instantly Dale pulled his mouth away from me screaming .

" FUCKING HELL ! ! ! "

" FUCKING HELL ! ! ! "

He then bucked and quickly placed his legs up on Steven's shoulders, so after awhile his exclamations changed to cries of pleasure and as Steven continued to just slowly pump he got a message across to me, and in an instant I was straddling Dale's head from behind so he could use his mouth to slither over my zenith and silence his thrilling screams, also allowing Steven and I to grabbed the opportunity to muffle our pleasure kissing .

Skillfully Steven increased his action resulting in Dale following suit on me, and as Steven was now using long strokes and pushing all the way home I could hear his balls slapping Dale's rear end and I don't know whether it was that or Dale's bucking that had me on the brink that I had to use all my self control so as not to be the first to blow my lot, but when Steven started broke our passionate kissing and started yelling .

" I'M C-U-M-M-I-N-G ! ! ! ."

" I'M CUMMING ! ! ! "

" F-U-C-K ! ! ! "

This caused Dale to grab his own stork and give it a couple of jerks that enabled him to spray my chest with his abundance causing me to spume down his throat after which we all collapsed panting .

" You were great ... thanks for being so patient and gentle "

Dale said to Steven when he was able to speak .

" Thanks ... you say ... I'm the one that should be doing the thanking ... it was my first time at breaking a virginity ... you have got the cutest arse I seen "

" I must apologise for being so quick to finish ... I couldn't help it "

" Your tightness plus looking at the ferocity of the job you were performing on Ron ... the occasion was too much for me ... I we will rectify that later " Steven told him .

" Come on lets have a celebration drink ... then I ring up for some pizzas to be delivered ... or would like to go to the pub for a feed ? " I asked .

" I think we should do the latter ... if you haven't noticed I haven't gone down yet ... I think I need a rest " Steven put in .

" I'm the same only with a difference ... if we are going to the pub I'll have to blow again ... I don't want to embarrass myself trying to hide a cock stand in the pub " Dale informed us .

" Stand up ... its my turn to have my daily taste of you " I ordered .

He quickly obeyed and at the same time Steven couldn't resist the sight of Dale's butt, so he stood up also, and after placing his lance vertically between his cheeks he began to slide up and down and started to lightly bite his ears before Dale reached around so their mouths could make contact as I began his relief so by the time I was sampling my daily vitamins he was crying out his pleasure .

" Your so good to me "

" - OH - OH - "


I was just as horny as the other two, so when Steven started to call out



" I'M CUMMING ! ! ! "

" O-H F-U-C-K ! ! ! "

As he must have fired up Dale's back it was all I required to give myself a quick rub to join them yelling .


" The shower is waiting and so is the pub "

I said when we had come back to earth .

After spending a couple of hours in the pub eating drinking and playing pool we where back at my place as much on heat as we were when the late afternoon had started .

We had joked about the hard ons we all had developed on the short walk home saying they where only piss horns we had, and you don't have to be told, this was completely wrong .

" Come on you guys I need my beauty sleep ... but I craving for my supper before hand ...get your gear off " I told them .

Moments later the three of us were standing in our birthday suits with one outstanding difference, roaring erections which by the strength exhibited sleep was a long way off .

Once again we were sharing mouths as we grazed and fondled all the various parts of each other's anatomy until surprisingly Dale took the lead by saying .

" I need a hot arse to screw "

" So do I " I said .

" It has to be you Steven ... I don't think Dale is quite ready for me yet "

" That's ok with me ... I'm still getting over the thrill I had taking Dale ... your going to be the lucky one this time " Steven said to me .

" What about me ? " Dale asked .

" Where has your brains gone ... did you leave them behind at the pub ? " Steven said laughing .

" If you can't work it out for yourself this is what you do ... when Ron is aboard me you mount him ... then with a little trial and error you will both develop a rhythm "

" Come on ... I can't wait much longer " Steven instructed

Then the insertions began .

With Steven lying face down on the bed and me with my spear well lubricated I slid easily all the way into him and waited for Dale to slide into me, and while we were waiting Steven whispered to me .

" I will never tire of this great feeling your cock gives me when inside ... especially your balls against mine "

" GEE ! ! ! "

" I'm almost cumming already ... what with your warm cavity ... the feel of Dale's lance spearing me... his session isn't going to take long " I stated to no one in particular .

What saved the day was it took longer than we had thought to achieve the coordination we required, but when we did, it was heaven .

Very soon Dale as he increased his speed and at the same time lengthen his stroke ramming all the way home in me he started screaming .

" OH FUCK ! ! ! "


" HERE I COME ! ! ! "

With the feeling of his hot sap pouring into me I bit down on Steven's neck so as to muffle my own scream of delight as I emptied my lot into him, after which I collapsed down on his back as Dale did the same on me .

Soon Dale rolled off me and I had done the same we both realised Steven must be frustrated, so without any prompting Dale immediately submerged on Steven's man hood and went flat chat on him while I caressed his neck and shoulders as we devoured each other's mouths, so when Steven placed his hand behind my head and pulled my mouth hard against his, I knew Dale was about to nearly choke .



Dale exclaimed laughing afterwards .

" We better have another shower and get some rest ... we have half of tomorrow to fill in ... In more ways than one "I suggested laughing also .

Dried now we all climbed into bed and although we hadn't plan it Dale was in between us so Steven and I straddling each of his thighs, with one of our arms around him while Dale spread his arms around us as we kissed each other good night .

Next morning with the sun streaming in the window Steven and I woke around the same time and after passionate kisses to welcome each other to a new day we concentrated on bring Dale back to the land of the living by lapping our tongues up each side of his face and taking turns at probing our tongues into his slightly open mouth, but when I placed my thumb and first finger on the foreskin of his morning rise and drew it back exposing his glowing zenith he startled awake yelling .

" FUCKING HELL ! ! ! "

Firing about two feet up in the air, then when he could speak again the first thing he said was .


Then laughed out loud .

Next: Chapter 5: Morning Sunrise

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