Rodger and the Apprentice

By Bill Jonners

Published on Mar 29, 2020


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This story is completely fictional.

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Chapter 2

"Hello handsome!" Mark was smiling and carrying an overnight bag.

"Well, I have to say you look very different in casual clothes. Even more gorgeous!" Rodger grinned at Mark. "Please come in."

Mark stepped inside the house, waited until Rodger had closed the door and then said, "I am not taking another step until I get a kiss."

Rodger took the twenty-year old in his arms and went in for a kiss. Mark dropped his bag and put an arm around Rodger as they exchanged a long passionate kiss.

"That was a nice welcome," smiled Mark. "Have you missed me?"

"Yes, it's been over eight hours since I saw you." Rodger gave Mark a quick peck on the lips. "Come and sit down. Tell me about your day."

"Let me give you this bottle of wine first." Mark bent down and took a wrapped bottle from his bag. "I hope it's okay. I don't know much about wine," he said as he gave it to Rodger.

"A Cabernet Sauvignon from South Africa," Rodger said as he looked at the label. "That will go well with the haggis and the chicken."

"We're having haggis?" Mark looked surprised.

"Only a small amount," replied Rodger. "I've prepared Chicken Balmoral, which is chicken breast stuffed with haggis, wrapped in smoked bacon and served with a creamy peppercorn sauce."

"Sounds good. Can't wait to try it," responded Mark. "Any dessert this time?"

"Yes - lemon cheesecake. I hope you like it," Rodger replied.

Mark smacked his lips. "I'm sure I will."

Rodger smiled, put the bottle in the kitchen and then led Mark into the living room. "Did your flatmates tease you about being a dirty stop-out?"

Mark nodded. "They wanted to know who I had been shagging and why I went off without coming home to shower and change first."

"What did you say to that?" Rodger asked.

"I just said I fell in love with one of my customers." Mark grinned and stuck his tongue out.

Rodger laughed. "That must have shocked them."

"Yes, but I don't think they believed me until I said I was going to spend tonight with you," said Mark.

Rodger smiled and then he froze with his mouth open. "You fell...?" he finally managed to say.

"Don't panic! I wasn't being serious," Mark said. "Although I think I could fall in love with you quite easily."

Rodger started breathing again and decided to joke about it. "Well, I am quite loveable. Most people think I must be boring because I'm an accountant but I have my moments."

"Don't put yourself down! I wouldn't be here if I didn't like you a lot," said Mark. "It might have started off as a physical attraction but I really enjoyed your company last night." He winked and added, "And the sex was out of this world."

Rodger smiled and pulled Mark closer for a hug. "You're crazy but I like you a lot."

"I got that impression this morning when you asked to see me again," said Mark. "You can't imagine how happy and relieved that made me."

"Why relieved?" Rodger asked.

"I feared you might have second thoughts about me when you woke up this morning. You were a bit concerned about the age gap last night," explained Mark.

"You told me the age gap didn't matter," retorted Rodger. "And did you really think I was having second thoughts when we were making love in bed this morning and then again in the shower?"

Mark shook his head. "By that time I knew you liked me, or at least liked having sex with me. However I wasn't sure that it was going to be more than a one-night stand. It came as a relief when you asked to see me again."

Rodger wrapped his arms around Mark and kissed him hard. Then he looked into Mark's eyes and said, "I would like you to be my boyfriend. I want to see you regularly."

Tears came to Mark's eyes but he smiled and said, "I'd like that too."

"Good!" Rodger gave Mark a quick kiss and then took his hand. "Come to the kitchen with me and we can carry on chatting while I cook."

"I didn't know you were an accountant," Mark said as he watched Rodger put the chicken dish in the oven. "Tell me more about yourself."

"Not a lot to tell really," said Rodger. "I was born in Glasgow. My parents and my sister still live there. I think I always knew that I was gay but I didn't have my first sexual experience until I was at university. My only serious relationship lasted ten years and that ended almost four years ago. I was celibate from then until I met you."

"That's sad. Four years is a long time," said Mark. "I'll try to make sure you rarely go more than four days without sex in future."

Rodger laughed. "That's very kind of you. What about you?"

"I was an only child," Mark began. "I was born and brought up in Inverness. My father still lives there but Mum was killed in a car accident when I was twelve."

"Oh, that must have been tough," Rodger said, giving Mark a quick hug.

"It was," said Mark. He paused for a moment and then went on. "I was seventeen when I started doing stuff with another guy - a friend from school. It was just handjobs for a while but then I started sucking him off. He only occasionally sucked me but he always pulled off before I came."

"That was a bit selfish," remarked Rodger.

"Yes, well... He went crazy when I suggested fucking," said Mark. "Said that was queer. That led to a big argument and we fell out. Then rumours went around school about me being gay and I eventually came out. I said, `Yes, I'm gay. So what?' Most of my classmates accepted me but a few made nasty comments from time to time. Fortunately Dad was fine when I told him that I was gay and he gave me the support I needed to carry on."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Rodger. "It can't have been easy time for you."

Mark shrugged. "I survived. Then I met a nice guy at college and we played around for almost a year before he decided to move to London. I didn't want to leave Dad at that point and I got a job in a shop. There's not a lot of job opportunities in Inverness. Dad could see I wasn't happy and pushed me to look for a more satisfying job. And I ended up here, training to become a heating engineer. I'm enjoying it."

"I'm pleased," smiled Rodger. "Are your flatmates gay?"

"Yes. They are a couple," replied Mark. "I was staying with an old lady when I first moved down here and then I met them at the Rusty Nail. Do you know that gay bar?"

"I've heard of it but I haven't been inside," Rodger replied.

Mark nodded. "Well, they were looking for someone to rent their spare room. They are both in their thirties and they're nice guys."

"Do you ever have threesomes?" Rodger winked and smiled.

Mark laughed. "No, never! That's not my scene. I just want one man at a time. Someone to love and be loved by."

"That's something we have in common," said Rodger. "Pour the wine while I dish up the food."

The conversation continued long into the evening. It was almost eleven when Mark yawned and said, "Isn't it time for bed? I want to get naked with you."

"I've been thinking that for the last half hour," smiled Rodger. "Fancy showering with me?"

"Oh yeah! I've never shared a shower before," answered Mark.

Naturally the shower involved lots of touching and caressing and both guys were rock-hard when the action moved into the bedroom. They kissed and moved into a sixty-nine position without words being said. Two guys slurped on two dripping cocks.

When Rodger turned his attention to Mark's butt, the younger guy relaxed and opened up for him. "I never knew having my bumhole played with could feel so good," said Mark. He squirmed and moaned. When the tongue had poked at his hole for several minutes, Mark said, "Stop or you'll make me cum. Allow me to pleasure you in the same way."

Rodger moved onto his front and spread his legs to allow access. Having just come from the shower, he knew that he was as clean as could be but he wondered how Mark, who had never rimmed anyone before, would react to his slightly hairy arse crack. He soon discovered that Mark had no reservations and it wasn't long before Rodger was the one moaning with pleasure. When Mark lifted his head and asked if he was doing it right, Rodger said, "Oh yes. You're driving me crazy! But I don't want to cum with your tongue in my arse. Come up here and give me a kiss."

The two men - one almost twice the age of the other - came together in a passionate embrace. Their tongues fought as they kissed, both of them enjoying the intimacy they had shared.

Mark gasped and then smiled at Rodger when they broke apart. "For a man who was celibate for almost four years, you're an incredible lover."

"You're not so bad for a youngster," grinned Rodger.

Mark planted a quick kiss on Rodger's lips. "I'm torn between wanting to swallow your cum and have you fuck me. What do you want to do?"

"You could have both," said Rodger. "I could fuck you and then pull out in time to shoot in your mouth."

"Wow! That sounds like a great idea. Where's the KY?" Mark lay on his back and pulled his legs back.

Rodger smiled and reached for the tube of KY jelly. "You make me feel like a young stud again."

"You are a stud, regardless of your age," responded Mark. "Definitely the hottest guy I've met."

"Flatterer!" Rodger warmed the jelly in his fingers and then coated the entrance to Mark's love-hole.

Mark winced for a moment when Rodger's middle finger entered him but then he said, "I like having you inside me. I like you touching me."

Rodger smiled. "I struggle to keep my hands off you because you are so good-looking."

"Well, don't struggle! You can touch me anywhere, any time," responded Mark. "Ooh, that feels good." Rodger was now finger-fucking him.

Soon Rodger had graduated to using two fingers and Mark was leaking a lot of pre-cum. Mark moaned a few times and then cried, "Give me your cock and make me cum! I'm so close."

Rodger greased his own throbbing cock and then moved closer. Mark winced when the thick cock penetrated him but then sighed with pleasure as it slowly went deeper. Once he was fully inside, Rodger kissed Mark and then began slow in and out movements. His thrusts gradually became longer and faster until he was really pounding into Mark.

"Yes! Oh yes! You're going to make me cum!" cried Mark. He began to whimper and then he gasped as he began to shoot off.

Rodger felt the splashes of cum hitting his body while he continued to fuck Mark. He was already very turned on and knowing that he had made Mark cum took him over the edge. "I'm cumming too, baby," he cried as he erupted.

The pair laying smiling, Rodger's cock still inside Mark's arse, for some moments after they had finished. "I don't know if all older guys make the best lovers but you are amazing," said Mark.

Rodger laughed and gave Mark's lips a quick peck. "You make me very horny and I want to give you pleasure too." Then he sighed as his softening cock slipped out.

"You give me lots of pleasure!" Mark pushed Rodger onto his back and then proceeded to lick his own cum from the older man's hairy chest and stomach. Then he moved lower and took Rodger's cock into his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Rodger asked.

Mark sucked and licked the cock for a few moments more before replying. "I was cleaning your lovely cock," he said as he returned to lie beside Rodger. "Now you don't have to leave me and go to the bathroom to clean up."

"You're daft but I love you." Rodger smiled and gave Mark another kiss.

"You love me?" Mark asked when they parted.

"That just slipped out but I think I do," said Rodger. "Am I mad? We've only known each other for two days."

Mark smiled. "I must have the same madness," he said and pulled Rodger closer.

They had a long, sensual love-making session the following morning and then had brunch rather than breakfast and lunch. "I've got a seminar in Edinburgh for most of this week," Rodger told Mark when they had finished eating. "Can we get together on Friday evening?"

"That's such a long time to wait but yes, Friday is fine," replied Mark. "Will you be able to phone me from Edinburgh?"

"Definitely! I'll phone every evening," smiled Rodger.

By Thursday evening, both of them were eagerly looking forward to getting together again. "Would it be okay if I come straight from work? I'll bring a bag with other clothes with me," Mark asked.

"Of course, it's okay," said Rodger. "Don't bring too many clothes though. I like seeing you naked."

Mark laughed. "Naughty man! Can't wait to see you!"

Mark almost jumped into Rodger's arms when he opened the door. "Hey, calm down! Take that dirty uniform off before you pounce on me," smiled Rodger.

"Yes, boss." Mark grinned and didn't stop at his uniform. He quickly stripped off every item of clothing and then stood with an erection in front of Rodger. "Is this better?" he asked with a smile."

Rodger hardly got the words "Much better" out before Mark had his arms and one leg wrapped around him. Then they shared a long passionate kiss.

"Have you missed me?" smiled Rodger. "Let me help you shower." He took Mark's hand, let him to the bathroom and turned on the shower. "In you get. Would you like me to wash your back?"

"Yes, please," replied Mark.

Rodger hurriedly undressed and squeezed into the shower beside Mark. He didn't just wash Mark's back though. He washed his front and then knelt down to lick and suck the younger man's throbbing cock.

"Oh! You're going to make me cum," cried Mark. That encouraged Rodger to work harder. He caressed Mark's bum and toyed with his balls. Moments later Mark gasped and began spunking off.

Rodger greedily swallowed every drop and then licked the cock clean. When he stood to hug and kiss Mark, he said, "I hope that will satisfy you until we make love in bed later."

"It might but don't you want me to suck you off now?" said Mark.

"I can wait," answered Rodger. "I'll feed you a big load later."

"I'm looking forward to that already," smiled Mark.

The pair spent the rest of the evening in bathrobes, occasionally touching each other as they chatted. "Nearly forgot. My flatmates...landlords....whatever they are, want to meet you," Mark told Rodger when they were preparing for bed.

"Why?" asked Rodger.

"I guess they want to check you out," replied Mark. When Rodger raised an eyebrow, Mark laughed. "No, not in that way! I think they want to be sure you are a nice guy and not just using me for your sexual pleasure."

Rodger rolled his eyes. "Like substitute parents?"

Mark laughed. "Yeah, you could be right. I said I'd bring you to see them on Sunday. Is that okay with you?"

"I suppose so. I don't want the inquisition hanging over me for too long,' said Rodger. Then he pulled Mark into his arms and they kissed. Then he pulled Mark onto the bed. "I want to make love to you now."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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