Rodger and the Apprentice

By Bill Jonners

Published on Mar 21, 2020


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Rodger was getting fed up waiting for the engineer to arrive. He had taken the afternoon off work to have his gas heating boiler serviced. He'd been told the guy would come sometime between 1pm and 5pm and it was now after four. He paced up and down, unable to settle.

"Finally!" he said out loud when the doorbell rang.

Rodger opened the door to find a tall smiling man in his fifties holding an ID badge out towards. "I'm Peter. You booked a service," he said.

"Yes, come in," Rodger responded. That was when he saw the smiling face of a young man wearing a baggy version of the same uniform.

"You don't mind if my apprentice - Mark - tags along, do you?" Peter asked.

"Not at all," replied Rodger, giving a smile to the younger man. He noticed the blond crew-cut hair and the earring in Mark's left ear and guessed he was about nineteen or twenty.

Rodger watched from a distance as Peter carried out the various checks while explaining why and what he was doing to his apprentice. Once or twice Mark looked towards Rodger and Rodger couldn't help wondering what Mark looked like under his baggy clothes.

"We'll check your radiators now," said Peter. "Can you show us where they are? Mark will do this part."

Rodger led the pair to the radiators in the living room, dining room, hall and downstairs toilet before taking them upstairs to the bedrooms and the main bathroom. His eyes were drawn to Mark's rear whenever he bent over to check the radiator fittings. Rodger was sure Mark caught him looking more than once.

"That's us finished, apart from the paperwork," Peter said eventually. Rodger let him go downstairs first and held a hand out, indicating that Mark should go next.

As they passed a small statuette of Michelango's David on the upstairs hall window sill, Mark turned to Rodger and said, "My aunt has one of those. Have you been to Florence too?"

Rodger found himself blushing slightly. "Yes, I bought it when I went to Florence last year."

"Nice!" Mark said and then winked at Rodger.

Rodger countersigned the report for Peter and then said goodbye to them. As he closed the door, he said to himself, "That young guy was cute but it was a bit embarrassing when he winked at me because of that silly statue. He probably guessed that I'm gay and thought I was a stupid old man."

A phone call from his sister disrupted Rodger's thoughts and they chatted for a while about her recent trip to Lanzarote, the tv show `Outlander' and various other topics. He was checking his emails afterwards when the doorbell rang. He rarely received uninvited callers so he wondered who it could be.

Rodger opened the door to find young Mark standing in front of him. "Hi. I've lost my phone and I think I might have left it here," said Mark. "The last time I remember seeing it was while you were signing something for Peter."

"Yes,, I suppose you can come in and look," Rodger responded. He let Mark step inside and then closed the door. "We'd better go to the kitchen as that's where we did the paperwork."

Mark followed Rodger and they looked around the kitchen. "Is this it?" Rodger said as he picked a mobile phone from a stool under the breakfast bar. "Why would you put it there?"

Mark gave an embarrassed shrug and Rodger stared at him. Then Mark said in a soft voice, "I wanted an excuse to come back and see you."

Rodger raised an eyebrow. "You wanted to see me again?"

"Yeah, I think you're hot...and you seemed to be checking me out earlier, so..." Mark stopped.

"You're joking! I'm old enough to be your father," retorted Rodger.

"Maybe just. You're...what, early thirties?" asked Mark.

"I'm thirty-nine," replied Rodger.

"Well, I'm twenty. You might technically be old enough to be my father but that doesn't worry me," Mark said with a smile. "You're pretty fit for an old man of thirty-nine and I like you."

"Thanks!" Rodger laughed. "I think you're cute but you can't seriously be interested in me."

Mark stepped closer and put his hands on Rodger's hips. "I've never flirted with a customer before but there's something about you. I want to get to know you."

"I'm nothing special. A young guy like you could have anyone," Rodger began. "Someone better looking, closer to your own age..."

Mark shook his head. "No. I have dated a couple of guys my own age and there was never any spark. I want someone older, a bit taller, more muscular. Someone like you."

Rodger gulped. "Could this cute young guy be serious?" he wondered.

"Can we chat for a while?" Mark asked.

"Don't you have to get home?" Rodger responded.

"No. I share a flat with two other guys and we usually eat at different times. Please?" Mark made puppy-dog eyes at the older man.

Rodger smiled. "I suppose you could join me for dinner. I have a beef casserole in the oven and there's more than enough for two."

"Great!" Mark grinned. "Could I possibly have a shower and maybe borrow a bathrobe? I'm a bit grubby after a day at work."

"Yes, I suppose that would be okay," replied Rodger. "You know where the bathroom is." Mark took off his heavy work jacket and the pair moved upstairs towards the bathroom. "I'll get you a fresh towel and that bathrobe," said Rodger.

Mark had stripped to the waist and showed a smooth, nicely-developed chest when Rodger entered the bathroom moments later. "Here's the towel and a clean bathrobe. It's the bathrobe I use when I go away on holiday so it's a bit shorter than my usual one. It should be okay on you."

"Thanks. I won't be long." Mark gave Rodger a huge smile.

"Am I being stupid?" Rodger asked himself as he walked downstairs. He wasn't in the habit of taking chances, which could explain why he'd been single for almost four years. Then he shrugged. "It probably won't lead anywhere but it will be nice to have some company here for a change."

Rodger was watching the evening news on tv when Mark entered the living room. He could smell the vanilla scent of his favourite shower gel before he looked over at the young blond. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Mark. The short-sleeved bathrobe was tied in way that left an expanse of his torso on view and it only covered half of his thighs. "You're gorgeous," he said without thinking.

"You're not bad yourself," grinned Mark.

Rodger felt a little foolish but he stood up. "Take a seat and I'll get us a drink. Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes." He was half way out of the door before he turned and asked, "What would you like to drink? Beer, wine..."

"A beer would be lovely," replied Mark.

Rodger opened two bottles of beer and took a few deep breaths before returning to the living-room. "Here you go," he said as he gave one bottle to Mark.

"Thanks," said Mark. He waited until Rodger was sitting before raising the bottle. "Here's to friendship. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Rodger said, still feeling a bit cautious about Mark.

Mark took a swig of beer and then smiled at Rodger. "Don't look so worried. I'm not going to pounce on you."

That made Rodger smile. "If you did, I could probably fight you off successfully."

"I bet you could." Mark grinned and added, "I guess you go to the gym a lot."

Rodger nodded. "Twice a week usually. I'm stuck in an office most of the time so I feel I need to exercise. What about you? Are you enjoying being an apprentice heating engineer?"

"Yeah. I spent several weeks at college learning the theory but it's good to be doing the practical work now," replied Mark. "And It's good working with Peter."

"If you're looking for an older man, why not Peter?" Rodger asked with a smile.

Mark laughed. "He's a bit too old. Plus I don't think his wife would approve."

"And what do you do when you're not working?" asked Rodger.

"Hmm, nothing much. I like to swim. I have a couple of pints with the lads I share the flat with at the weekends. Occasionally I'll visit one of the gay clubs in Glasgow," Mark replied.

"I'm not really keen on the club scene," said Rodger. "I, erm..." He stopped when Mark crossed his legs and he got a glimpse of pink testicles. Looking back into Mark's face, he went on. "I enjoy swimming too but haven't been to the pool in ages."

"Maybe we could go together sometime," suggested Mark. He licked his lips and added. "I'd like to see you in a pair of tight speedos."

Rodger swallowed and stood up. "I'll just check on dinner." He had just reached the kitchen when he heard footsteps behind him.

"The food smells good. Anything I can do to help?" smiled Mark.

"No, you're fine. Just take a seat." Rodger nodded towards the small table set for two people. "We'll eat here rather than in the dining room.

Mark watched as Rodger took a huge casserole dish from the oven and then serve generous portions on two plates. "I cooked some potatoes in the casserole so this should be okay," Rodger said as he put a plate in front of the younger man.

"It looks and smells wonderful," said Mark. He took a mouthful, chewed and nodded. "This is delicious. I love a man who can cook," he said after swallowing.

Rodger smiled and started eating. He always felt a bit nervous when he heard the L word so he said nothing.

A few minutes passed before Mark spoke again. "How come a good-looking man who can cook food like this is single?"

Rodger gave a weak smile and shrugged. "I guess I have avoided other guys since my last relationship ended. My boyfriend went off with a younger guy and I didn't feel good about myself for a while. Then I got into the habit of doing things alone."

"That's a shame. You seem like a really nice guy," said Mark. He paused for a moment and then went on. "You said earlier that you went to Florence last year. That must have been fun."

"Yes, I loved it," smiled Rodger. He went on to talk about what he had seen and about some of the meals he had eaten. Mark enjoyed seeing him so animated. Rodger ended with, "But of course it would have been even better if I'd had someone with me to share the experience."

"It sounds amazing." Mark reached out and put a hand on top of Rodger's hand. "I wish I had been with you."

Richard gulped and pulled his hand away. "Yes, well...maybe you will go there one day."

"I went to Barcelona last year," said Mark. "My mates spent most of the time on the gay beaches at Sitges but I preferred Barcelona - seeing the beautiful buildings and learning something about the culture. Have you been there, Rodger?"

"Yes, I have," smiled Rodger. "It was about ten years ago though so I'd love to go back and see the progress on Gaudi's cathedral."

"La Sagrada Familia - isn't it fantastic?" Mark started talking about his visit there and Rodger soon forgot about the age gap. The pair shared reminisces about the cathedral and Barcelona over the food and another beer.

Their plates had been empty for over thirty minutes before Rodger said, "Sorry. I didn't make a dessert but I have some cake if you wish something else."

"Thanks but that was enough for me." Mark stood help. "Let me help with the washing up."

When they returned to the living room, Rodger said, "I have really enjoyed your company but I suppose you have to be going soon. It's Friday night after all."

"I'm not in a hurry to leave," Mark said as he sat down next to Rodger. "Tell me what you like doing in bed?"

"What?" Rodger's eyes opened wide.

Mark giggled. "Don't be shy. I'm versatile but mainly a bottom."

"I'm mainly a top but I'm happy to bottom occasionally," said Rodger.

"Then we may be a perfect match," smiled Mark. Rodger grunted. Mark took hold of Rodger's hand and continued. "And from our chat over dinner we seem to enjoy the same sort of things outside of bed. Would you consider dating me?"

Rodger looked into Mark's eyes and knew that he was serious. He squeezed Mark's hand and said softly, "I think I'd like that."

Mark smiled and leaned closer. Then the two came together and kissed. Then they kissed a second time. Soon Mark was in Rodger's lap with his arms around the man's neck and the kissing continued. Rodger's hands were on Mark's thighs and on his back, and the small bathrobe came loose.

"Let me get rid of this," Mark said as he stood up. He pulled the bathrobe off and stood naked in front of Rodger. "Do you like my body?" he asked.

Rodger licked his lips as he looked at the handsome young man. He had seen him topless in the bathroom but now he could take his time and admire the pecs topped by perky nipples that he long to suck and chew and the six-pack. He liked the smooth shapely legs but of course his eyes were drawn to Mark's erect cock. It was uncut and about 15 cm (6 inches) long and stood proudly over a pair of hairless balls. The dark blond pubic hair was neatly trimmed.

"Absolutely gorgeous. Better than Michelangelo's David," smiled Rodger.

Mark grinned and used both hands to pull Rodger to his feet. "Then take me to your bedroom and make love to me. I want you now."

Rodger smiled, lifted Mark and then carried him upstairs and onto his bed. Mark got to his knees and said, "Let me help you undress."

"Mmm, yeah. I like a man with a hairy chest," Mark said when he gazed at Rodger's lightly-haired chest.

"I'm relieved. I've always had a thing for smooth chests," said Rodger.

"Wow! I like that," Mark said and then licked his lips when he saw Rodger's erect cock. Like Mark, Rodger's cock was uncut. However his was longer (20 cm/8 inches) and thicker.

Rodger looked down at himself. "I wasn't expecting anyone to see me like this. I could do with a trim."

"I'll help you do that later if you like but I want to taste that big juicy cock now," said Mark.

"And I want to taste yours," Rodger said as he climbed onto the bed. They kissed and moved into a sixty-nine position.

Rodger soon discovered that Mark was a very talented cocksucker while realising just how much he had missed being intimate with another guy. He sucked and licked every part of Mark's cock and balls. He teased the cockhead with the tip of his tongue and he brought a gasp from Mark when he deep-throated him.

"I'm going to cum!" Mark cried and then moments later he filled Rodger's mouth with almost-sweet creamy spunk. Rodger savoured the taste before swallowing every drop and then licking the cock clean.

Mark, who had let go of Rodger's cock while cumming, was about to take the cock back into his mouth when he was stopped. "Let's rest a bit before continuing. We're not in a hurry," said Rodger. The pair lay side by side and kissed. "You have the most delicious cum," Rodger told Mark.

"Thanks," smiled Mark. "I want to taste yours...although part of me wants to receive it up my arse."

"If you stay the night, you can have both," said Rodger.

"Can I stay? I'd love that." Mark moved closer to Rodger and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I know I was taking a chance coming on to you earlier but I've had a really lovely evening and now it seems I'm going to have a lovely night too."

"I'm glad you did what you did because I'd never have made the first move," smiled Rodger. "I would just have had a wank thinking about how cute you were and then cursed myself for being too old for you."

"You're not too old for me! Don't ever say that," Mark said firmly. Rodger was a bit taken aback but before he could speak Mark smiled and added, "Nice to know that you found me attractive in that ugly uniform and might have had a wank thinking about me."

"Having you actually in my bed is like a dream but I promise to try and forget the age difference," smiled Rodger. "I didn't think about it after we started chatting about Barcelona." He looked Mark up and down. "Seeing you naked, I just think - Wow! How lucky am I to have such a cute guy in my bed?"

Mark laughed. "I think I'm the lucky one. You're friendly, intelligent, a good cook and very sexy."

Rodger pulled Mark on top of him, hugged him tightly and kissed him. Then he moved his hands down to cup Mark's buttocks. "I think it's time for me to explore more of your body."

"Help yourself," responded Mark.

Rodger rolled over so that he was on top and then knelt astride Mark's body. He caressed the smooth chest and pinched the nipples, bringing an "ouch" and then a smile from Mark. Moving between Mark's legs, Rodger caressed the smooth thighs and then flipped Mark over so that he was lying face down. He caressed and the squeezed the firm buttocks before parting them to gaze at the pink pucker. Rodger ran a finger up and down the crevice, noting the very fine ring of soft blond hair around the tiny entrance. "I'm guessing you've been fucked before," he said.

"Yes, but not in over six months. You'll need to go slowly," replied Mark.

Rodger bent down and planted kisses on each buttock. "I would never do anything to hurt you," he said. "But why the lack of action for such a sexy young guy?"

Mark smiled up at Rodger. "Despite what it may have seemed like earlier, I don't make a habit of chatting up guys. I'm also very fussy."

"I'm flattered that you liked me enough to come back alone and chat me up," said Rodger. He winked at Mark and added, "And doubly flattered that you asked for a shower so that you could show off your body to me." He gave the buttocks two more kisses as Mark laughed.

"I was acting a bit slutty, wasn't I? I can hardly believe I did that," said Mark.

"I'm not complaining," Rodger said before diving between Mark's arse cheeks to lick the crack. Several long slow licks were followed by short flicks at the tight hole, with Mark moaning softly in appreciation.

Mark arched his back and groaned when Rodger's pointed tongue started probing his hole. "Jeez, that feels amazing," he said. "Oh...oh...fuck!"

Rodger came up for breath. "You like that, eh?"

"Nobody has ever done that to me before," said Mark. "I love it!"

Rodger smiled and then tongued Mark some more. After a few minutes, he wet a finger and slid that into Mark's arsehole. The finger explored, found Mark's prostate and then began fucking.

Mark started moaning louder. "That feels good but I can't wait to have your cock inside me."

"Move onto your back again. I want to see your handsome face when I make love to you," said Rodger.

When Mark was on his back, Rodger saw that the younger man was leaking lots of pre-cum. He quickly took the cock into his mouth and sucked it clean. "I love your sweet clear juice," he told Mark. Then he stretched over, opened the drawer in the bedside cabinet and took out a tube of KY jelly. He smiled shyly and said, "I only have this because I occasionally use a dildo on myself."

"I'm glad you have it," smiled Mark. "I don't think I could take a cock as big as yours without plenty of lube." He pulled his legs back and opened up for Rodger.

Rodger squirted some jelly onto his fingers. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you're properly prepared. I want this to be enjoyable for both of us." He cautiously slid two fingers into Mark's hole and then finger-fucked him.

Mark smiled up at Rodger and blew him a kiss. Pre-cum oozed from his cock as the man made him even hornier than he already was. He winced slightly when a third finger was introduced but then opened his legs wider to let Rodger know he was happy to surrender to him.

"I think you're ready." Rodger eased his fingers out and then greased up his throbbing cock.

Mark held his legs back as Rodger inched closer. He smiled when Rodger's cockhead pressed for entry and then pushed back. He whimpered when the thick cock burst through his sphincter but said, "I'm fine" when Rodger paused.

Rodger resumed the pressure and then then sighed when his thick 20 cm (8 inch) cock was buried deep inside Mark. "How does it feel to you? he asked.

"I've never been so stuffed before but it feels great," replied Mark. "Just give me a minute."

Rodger smiled down at the young blond. "You really are gorgeous. I'd be happy to stay like this all evening."

Mark laughed. "No, mister. I want you to fuck me and make me cum. Get moving!"

"Yes, boss!" Rodger pulled back until only the head of his cock was still inside and then slowly pushed in again. He did this again but slightly quicker. Mark moaned softly with a smile on his face as Rodger's thrusts gradually speeded up.

Pre-cum dribbled from Mark's piss-slit as his prostate was pounded. He wrapped his legs around Rodger and pushed back against every thrust. Sometimes Rodger would slow down for a while, to Mark's frustration, but then he would start pounding faster again.

"Fuck! I'm going to cum!" Mark cried. A second later he started spunking off hands-free. His cum landed on Rodger's chin and then his chest while his arse muscles clenched and unclenched around Rodger's cock.

This took Rodger over the edge. "I'm cumming too!" he cried and sent volley after volley of hot cum deep inside Mark's arse.

When Rodger finally finished, he collapsed on top of Mark and held him tightly. "That was fantastic. I've never enjoyed sex so much before," he whispered into Mark's ear.

"I've never cum without touching my cock before," whispered Mark. "You're amazing."

Rodger laughed. "No. You're amazing. You turn me on so much."

"Shut up and kiss me," smiled Mark.

"I'm going to be teased rotten for staying out all night, especially when I didn't even go home to get changed after work," Mark said as he prepared to leave the following morning.

"I'm sorry about that," smiled Rodger. "I hope you don't regret staying over."

"Definitely not!" Mark said. He smiled and said, "I loved what we did last night and then again before breakfast this morning."

Rodger smiled. "Good! I did too." He paused and then added, "When can I see you again?"

"Would this evening be too soon? I'll bring a bottle of wine if you will cook dinner," said Mark.

"I'd love that." Rodger kissed Mark.

"Can I stay for Sunday breakfast?" Mark looked up hopefully at the taller man.

Rodger laughed. "I suppose so...and maybe lunch too?"

"If you don't mind," grinned Mark. "But I will go back to the flat afterwards. I don't want you to get fed up with me."

"I can't see that happening soon. Now you'd better get off or I'll drag you back into bed." Rodger patted Mark's bum.

"That is so tempting!" Mark gave Rodger a quick kiss and then opened the door.

Rodger couldn't help smiling as he watched Mark walk away. "I'll need to cook something a bit special for dinner," he thought.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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