
Published on Aug 23, 1993



"I guess this is kind of awkward for both of us," I said. "Doesn't have to be," he responded. "I'm an easygoing guy. I don't suspect you'll find me difficult to get along with." I resumed my unpacking and tried not to be obvious in my deep interest in man who was to be my roommate for the next eight days. Maybe tent-mate was a better term. We had been thrown together on an Amazon River expedition because of some last minute confusion on the part of the travel agency. The packaged tour promised private accommodations but plainly failed to deliver. Instead of sleeping in a tent of my own I would be bunking with a total stranger whose cot was scarcely two feet away from mine. And what a stranger! His name was Rod Slavinski and he was a gay man's fantasy come to life. At least this gay man's fantasy. He embodies everything I prefer physically in one neat, rightly packed twenty-eight year old package. A bit over six feet in height, maybe 175 very well- distributed pounds over a lean frame. Naturally musculature quite the opposite from the over-developed apes you see at the gym. A handsome face, nothing like movie star looks but compelling in its own right. A pair of the most piercing blue eyes I'd ever seen plus a shock of sandy brown hair that fell carelessly over his forehead and always seemed to be a little tousled. Then there was the dazzling smile and the row of white teeth that showed in his frequent smiles. Those smiles, incidentally, were made to be even more dazzling because of his deeply tanned face. I image this sounds like I'm gushing and I suppose I am. It's just not ever day you meet a man like this. At least not if you're like me and live in a tiny jerkwater. "What prompted you to make this trip?" he asked. "I'm a high school science teacher. I thought it would be sort of a research thing, you know. How about you?" "A ski instructor in Colorado." The irresistible smile and, "I don't expect to do much professional researching. Not much snow in the jungle." I got a little weak in the knees when he changed clothes and I saw him standing in his bikini briefs. I always thought bikinis belonged on the beach and not under your clothing. But this man's body did them justice. More than justice. Except maybe that what he put inside them was straining them to the limit. When I caught sight of that very healthy pouch of 100% prime male meat I had to plop my ass down on the cot. There was a stirring inside my khaki walking shorts, and I force myself to look away. Maybe it was a good thing that he didn't stay like that very long. My tantalizing view quickly vanished as he tugged on a pair of shorts almost exactly like mine. That was followed by socks and boots and a white tank top that really emphasized his modestly developed pectoral muscles and tiny nipples plainly outlined underneath the thin cotton material. He hastily ran a brush through his hair which did little to neaten things. Damn! Was my dick ever going to stop growing?! "How about a walk before chow? The guide said it's safe as long as we stay on the marked trails and don't get very far from the river." "Sure. Sounds great." Fortunately, the majesty of the noisy jungle distracted me, and my erection went away. I followed Rod down a twisting path, keeping my eyes on his plump buttocks hugged by the khaki shorts. Overhead, monkeys screeched and leaped from tree to tree and we spotted an occasional brightly-colored macaw. Rod stopped at a spot overlooking the Amazon and we sat for a few minutes as the river picked up the last rays of the late afternoon sun. "A little awe-inspiring, isn't it? Almost a religious sort of experience." That was hardly the sort of observation I would have expected from a ski instructor. "Yes, it is." Rod was sitting so close to me that I could smell his slightly sweaty body, a scent that was mixed with something reminiscent of limes. He had an amazing amount of body heat, and that was something else I could enjoy. The combination made for a pure, unadulterated sex odor. It seemed perfect for our primitive surroundings, and you can be sure I started getting another hard- on. But before I had a chance to venture making a fool of myself, Rod stood and suggest we get back to camp. He looked at his watch. "I told the tour guide we'd be back before dark, and I think we'll have just about enough time if we leave now." I followed obediently. Probably even meekly. But I didn't care. This guy could've told me to jump into a pool full of piranhas and I would've. Okay. That's an exaggeration. But I was willing to follow him most anywhere. He was what I thought was awe- inspiring. We retired shortly after our get-acquainted dinner. I had wanted to take advantage of the outdoor shower before bedtime, but we were instructed to grease up with insect repellent which was supposed to work for those bugs who managed to get inside our mosquito nets. That was when things started to happen. "How about helping me out with this stud?" Rod asked. He had stripped down to his briefs again and was holding out a tube of the insect repellent. "On my back. I'll return the favor." "Uh, sure." My hand was shaking as I poured the oil on it and touched it to his back. As I mentioned before, he had a lot of body heat, and the oil almost seemed to melt as I rubbed it into his smooth skin. I looked low on his back, to the band of his briefs where I saw a scattering of light brown hairs leading into the cleft of those delicious buttocks. It was all I could do to keep from shoving my greasy fingers inside those underpants and give his butt a good squeeze. Something told me to keep to stay cool. "That's fine. Thanks." He turned around and took the tube from me, squeezing a fair amount in his palm. I couldn't help looking because it appeared that that tantalizing lump in briefs had grown. Considerably. Maybe, I decided, hopefully he wouldn't be as resistant to a little fun after all. But how to find out? "Turn around." I obeyed and shivered when I felt his hand on my skin. His touch was sure and strong and felt good even though the smell of the repellent was far from pleasant. I was sorry he did his job so quickly and efficiently because I didn't want him to take his hand away. "Thanks." "Tell me something," he said. Anything, I thought. "What?" I asked. "How come you're shaking? Your hands were trembling when you were rubbing my back, and you were shivering when I touched you." The smile. "I don't mean to flatter myself, but I've been told I have a very smooth touch." "Oh, you do, Rod. I don't know. Maybe I'm just excited about spending my first night in the jungle." "I see." Of course, the truth was I was about to fall apart with the notion of having this heavenly hunk so close by all thorough the night. And that's what had me so nervous and was what was making my aching cock harden again. I know that this is beginning to sound like some sort of interminable hero worship, but I can't help it. If you'd been in my position, you'd know what I mean. And you'd also be on the horns of a very provocative dilemma. I was just beginning to calm down a little and climb into bed (or should I say "climb into cot"?) for some much-needed sleep when Rod did something that didn't help. He pulled down his briefs and indulged in a long, luxurious stretch before bedding down for the long night ahead. Damn, if I didn't see exactly what I had hoped would be hanging between his lightly fleeced legs. It was the most perfectly proportioned penis I'd ever seen with a perfectly proportioned set of balls swinging underneath. Rod's rod (as it were) was even unscathed by the surgeon's knife and had a pale brownish head that peeked out from the protective foreskin. It wasn't one of those Godzilla-sized weinies either. A healthy 6+ inches of average thickness surmounted by a vee of pubic hair that trailed down from the other vee on the man's chest and nipples. That was all I needed. My prick sprang to full attention inside my jockey shorts. I didn't have any damned choice. "You don't mind if I sleep in the raw, do you?" Do little boys like trips to the candy store? "Not at all." He stretched again. "Want to join me?" Was I hearing things? Had there been a mild hallucinogenic in the monkey meat I'd choked down for dinner? Was I still in Iowa about to have a wet dream? "I think you know," he answered in a low whisper. To make his point, he reach out and groped my hard-on through my jockey shorts. "Ohmigod!" "Relax, buddy. I'm not going to force you to do anything that goes against your nature." "Rod, I ..." "It was rough on me my first time too. But I promise I'll be gentle." I was literally speechless. "Just relax," he said again. Looks like I'm getting some kind of response here. Don't you think?" Silence. Complete, deadly stony silence. My only response was to get even harder erection. Especially when he reached inside the waistband of my shorts and massaged the tip of my sensitive, very swollen penis. "Feels good, doesn't it?" He probed further and grabbed the full length of my meat. This time I managed a sigh. "I thought you'd like this. Here. Put your hand on me." I went light-headed as I barely touched his velvety dick, now about half erect and growing fast. He put his hand on mine and made me squeeze his cock. I was rewarded with a moan of joy. "Ah, yes. Now my balls. Pull on my balls, buddy. That's it. That's good. You're a fast learner alright." I stood fondling his magnificent genitals as he pulled my briefs down and threw them aside. He drew away from me just as I was skinning back his prepuce and dropped to his knees. His hot wet mouth quickly closed over my hard-on and he sucked it almost voraciously. It was a loud sound that seemed louder because the jungle had suddenly gone to sleep with no more screeching monkeys and squawking macaws. His lips made loud slurping noises as he deep-throated me and fondled my shrinking balls. I finally found my tongue and I knew exactly where I wanted to put it. "Lie back on your cot, Rod." This time it was he who obeyed. "Okay." "That's good." He stretched out on his back, his full erection reaching for the top of the tent. My lips quickly wrapped around it as I drew it into the back of my mouth. My sucking wasn't as noisy as his, maybe because I've had more experience. Or maybe not. "Feels great, buddy," he whispered, now aware of the silence. I continued happily, giving him the best blow job I could muster. He seemed more than content. "It's funny. I never pegged you for a cocksucker." I looked up just long enough to say, "Likewise." The stiff price went right back down my throat. "Ever since I saw you I've been trying to figure out a way to find out if you were into guys," I don't' believe this, I thought, probing his sticky cockslit with my tongue. "When we were sitting by the river this afternoon, I could hardly keep from putting my hand on your knee. Or maybe someplace higher." Now I really don't believe it, I decided. "Let's rearrange things and put the cots together. There's no point in your mouth- watering erection spending time in your hand when it could be down my throat."

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