Rocks Off

By Buffsy

Published on Apr 2, 1998



WARNING. This is a fiction story about gay men. Don't read on if you don't enjoy this sort of thing, or if it is illegal in your country. Do not read on if you are likely to be caught with your trousers down, unless of course the person has a camera, it would be nice to see pictures of people enjoying my ramblings :-)

Comments, suggestions, flaming welcome (I don't get enough emails :-))

-- Getting your "Rocks" Off by Buffsy.

I had heard about College Initiations before I started at University, and although I had always enjoyed reading the stories I never really believed them. I also never realised they also happen in UK universities. But now I have my own story to tell and although it isn't as worse as some I have read I think you may enjoy it, surprisingly I did, and still am enjoying it.

I'll tell you a little bit about myself before I launch into the story. My name is Jake, I am 18 years old and I have just started on a Computing Degree. I'm well built, like to keep myself fit, and enjoy a variety of sports.

I got involved with the University Abseiling Team. There were only two new members, a guy called Simon and I. The thrill I get from jumping off a high building and abseiling down it, is only bettered by sex, and only good sex at that. I have been abseiling since I was 11, and it wasn't long before the Team Leader decided we should spend a weekend in the Lake District Abseiling down some high cliffs they have there. The area we were going to is only about 30 miles away from the University and the ride there was pretty quick. We set up the tents at the bottom of a high cliff, as we would be spending two nights here.

Once we had all got settled in and decided who was sleeping in which tent, I ended up with simon, the other newcomer, about 8 of the other guys wandered over and asked if we fancied a little abseiling before bed. We both did and so we quickly grabbed our things and started off on the hours walk up to the top of the cliff.

The view was greeted with when we arrived was amazing, you could see for miles, and you clearly see the other guys scuttling around the camp below. We set up the ropes we would need to abseil down, and once that was all done, we started putting on our harnesses. ALl 10 of us were harnessed up and ready for to start our way down, when suddenly the other guys jumped on me and Jake and held us down.

"Tough luck boys, its time for your initiation," said one of the older guys. The laugh that followed it sounded cruel, yet the smirk on his face showed they didn't mean anything nasty. They started off by removing mine and Simon's harnesses. Simon was struggling badly, but I knew that it wasn't worth the energy, I couldn't win against four of them, and I didn't want to waste my energy for the trip down.

They then started stripping us, my jeans, t-shirt, shoes, socks and boxers were all removed and I was held down butt-naked. They did the same to Simon, and as soon as they had stripped us both, they threw our clothes over the cliff and jumped over it, leaving us with nothing but our hard hats and our harnesses. I scramled to my feet and looked over the cliff, I just saw them reach the bottom and I could hear them shouting the other guys. Now I have never been ashamed of my body, and infact flaunting it like this isn't something I really mind, but I groaned, they would all be waiting for us at bottom of the cliff.

I turned back to Simon, he was sat up with his hard hat covering his "equipment", and he was looking at the ground, I could see tears dripping from his face. I went over to him and sat next to him.

"Why you crying Simon, they're not going to see anything they haven't seen before". This didn't seem to help, so I put my arms around him instead and pulled him to me. He put his arms around me and buried his head in my chest, as he did so the hard hat fell away and I realised what he was hiding. His dick and balls, although well in proportion with his good looking body has been shaved and just above his dick where the letters LGB in bright red, pen I think.

I decided to risk upsetting him, and when he had stop crying a little, I asked him about he. He sat up sharply, you should have seen his face, bright red hardly describes it.

"It was another initiation," he explained to me. And then with a shaky voice he said, "It was for the LGB, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisex Group. They did it last night, the pen is permanent, so I wasn't able to wash it off."

I just smiled at him and pulling him to me, I kissed him. He immediately brightened up, and then he almost dived on me, his tongue halfway down my throat, by the way he kissed I knew I had a virgin on my hands. It took me all my energy, not to mention willpower, to push him off me.

"Come on Babe," I said to him, "lets get this over with, and then we get back into our tent and get down to some serious tongue wrestling."

We both put our harnesses on, the strap at the back went right up my ass crack, and I suddenly found myself sprouting a boner. Simon was laughing at this, so I pushed him to the ground and sucked on his dick till he was sprouting one aswell. I stopped, smiled to him, and then leaped over the cliff, closely followed by Simon.

The cat-calls and wolf whistles from down below echoed up to us, but neither of us cared now. Half way down I stopped, turned away from the cliff, and let my bladder go. The guys below were covered in piss, before they realised what was happening and when they started running away from the cliff I stopped pissing, dropped a little futher and pushed myself over to where Simon was hanging. I grabbed hold of his legs and pulled his dick towards my mouth and I started sucking his dick, trying to finish off what I started earlier. Within minutes he shot his load into my mouth, pulled out, dropped down to my level, and we cuddled, hanging halfway down a cliff with both of us naked, but we didn't care. We had found love and we both knew it. We suddenly heard a lot of clapping from down below, and we both looked down. All the other members of the team had regrouped at the bottom of the cliff, they must have seen me sucking Simon, and now they were all stood there clapping.

We lowered ourselves to the ground, and ignoring the "Go for its" and the "Don't start an avalanche!" we headed into our tent.

I said earlier that only good sex can better the thrill of jumping off a cliff. I was wrong, good sex mixed with jumping off a cliff is like nothing on earth, and over that weekend me and Simon caught up on everything he had been missing out of.

Buffsy: --------------------------

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