Rocket Power

By Ang Avatar

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Rocket Power. Those belong to Nickelodeon this story is purely for fun and not meant for profit. Contains sexual situations between 2 10 year old boys if this offends you don't read the story.

A Fireside Chat

It was about 1:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday when Rey Rocket picked up the phone.

"Hello high Ms. Dullard it's Ray Rocket. I wanted to talk to you about Sam."

"Sam? Oh what did he do did he break something?"

"No Ms. Dullard he's not in trouble. Actually I'm calling because I think it's time you have a talk with him about sex. You see I found him and Otto sucking on each other's penises the other day."

"What oh my god he is in so much trouble"

"No Ms. Dullard it's not a bad thing it's natural for boys their age to experiment. It's probably a good thing it's just the boys are probably confused about their feelings and they need a little guidance I think a birds and the bees talk would do them some good. I'm going to talk with Otto tonight. "

"I guess you right I better have the talk with Sam. Thanks for calling Ray."

"No problem well good luck."

"You too."

It was 7:00 pm. Ray had just finished up the dishes and had asked Otto to join him in the living room. Ray walked over to the couch where Otto was sitting.

"So Remundo what do you feel like doing. How bout we watch that video of us tearing up the mountain last winter?"

"Actually Otto I wanted to speak with you."

"Reggie did it I swear!"

"Relax you're not in trouble. I was thinking more along the lines of a father son talk."

"Oh sure what do you want to talk about."

"Well I saw some of what you and Sam where doing the other day."

"Dad I can explain!"

"Relax you're not in trouble it's natural for a boy your age to experiment like that. You're getting to an age where your sexual interests are awakening. I just want to make sure you have all the right information."

"This is probably a very confusing time. Let me just explain a few things to you then you can ask questions. First I'm sure you've had an erection by now that is when your penis gets hard. It's completely natural and often happens without your control when you are around a pretty girl. Second what you did with Sam is completely natural. Having someone suck on your penis or stroking your penis yourself gives you great feelings of pleasure and can often relieve stress. And I want to assure you that it is completely natural and you are allowed to do it."

Ray cleared his throught and got ready to talk about the birds and the bees

"Son I think it's time you know about where babies come from. You see when a man and a woman love each other very much they have sex. The man takes his erect penis and slides it inside the woman's vagina. This act gives both the man and the woman unbelievable pleasures. When the man reaches climax or the point in which the ultimate pleasure is experienced a fluid called seamen shoots out of his penis and into the woman. I don't know if you are able to shoot this fluid yet. It is a white sticky substance. Anyway this fluid fertilizes an egg inside the woman and over a 9 month period the baby continues to grow inside of her until the baby is finally born. Any questions?"

Otto just sat there with an amazed look on his face.

"Wow I had no idea making a baby was so complicated. Dad is it possible for a man to love another man?"

"Yes son it's called being gay. You think you might love Sam?

"I think I do I mean it's more than just trying to please each other between us I feel a connection with him."

Otto looked at his dad with shame in his eyes.

"Otto you don't ever have to be ashamed about sharing your true feelings with me I will love you and support you weather you are gay or straight."

"Thanks dad that really means a lot. Just one more question is it possible for 2 guys to have sex like a guy and a girl?"

"Yes Otto one guy shoves his erect penis up the other guys butt. It involves a little bit of pain for the penetrated but it is still very pleasurable."

"Hey dad thanks."

"It's my pleasure son."

"Oh Saaaaam his mother called from outside the bathroom door."

"Ill be out in a minute mom."

"Ok just come see me when you're done dear."

Sam stepped out of the shower and started drying himself off. "I wonder what she wants he thought". Sam finished drying himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He thought about going to his room to get some underwear but decided to see what his mom wanted first. He walked down the stairs with the towel securely wrapped around his waist. He saw his mom sitting on the couch and walked over to her.

"So mom what did you want?"

"Sit down son don't worry you're not in trouble but I think it's time that we had a little mother son talk. "

Sam hopped up on the couch next to his mother.

"You see Sam there comes a time in a boy's life where he starts to have certain feelings." Sam realizing what this conversation was going to be about blushed.

"Now there is no need to be embarrassed about talking about it happens to everyone. Now as I was saying these feelings are sexual. You will probably start to get boners and you will probably if you already haven't start touching and pulling on your penis to make it feel good."

At these words Sam's faced turned so red it literally looked like a tomato.

"I know your embarrassed honey but this is important. When you're around a girl you like you will probably get a stirring feeling in your genitals and you might get a boner. This is perfectly natural. Your friends will probably start having these feelings to. In fact you will probably discover some very pleasurable acts with your friends. Eventually you'll see that sucking on each other's pensies brings great pleasure. Eventually with a girlfriend you'll discover the ultimate pleasure act sex. Now besides being pleasureful this act is also how babies are made. When a man and a woman love each other very much and want to please each other they have sex. They both get naked and the man sticks his erect penis inside the woman's vagina. The man pumps in and out until he reaches his climax at which point he feels the ultimate pleasure and also releases a fluid called seamen into the woman that can get her pregnant. Pregnant means there is a baby growing inside her and 9 months later it comes out. But you probably don't have to worry about that for a few more years I bet you can't even shoot semen yet. So that's about it you have any questions?"

Sam looked at his mother nervously.

"Yes actually is it possible for a man to love another man?"

Sam's mother looked Sam strait in the eye

"Yes son it is its called being gay."

"And is it possible to have sex with a man like you would with a woman?"

"Yes one man puts his penis into the other mans butt."

"To tell you the truth mom I have feelings for Otto Rocket. I think I love him. I don't know if that wrong and if I'm sick but I love him!"

"No Sam don't ever think that you're sick you're just different but I will always love you no matter what your choices are in life."

Sam looked up at his mother with that warm thank you look.

"Thanks mom"

"I'm glad I could help sweetie."

With that Sam got up from the couch and went upstairs to go call Otto.

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