Rock Hard

Published on Apr 1, 1997



Organization: Kryptonian Mind Institute

Story disclaimer - Work of Fiction

For those unable to think for themselves, this story contains graphic descriptions of sex between young men. If this offends you don't read it.

Rock Hard

Whenever the dinner conversation turns to school days, the inevitable always happens. You become the brunt of all ribbing the second its found you went to a private school from the "State school" clan around the table, but when you tell them it was an all-boys catholic school the innuendo runs wild. The Perry Mason's in the group deduce that if you didn't have a girlfriend or date when you went to school, then you had to be gay, it was pure and simple. The fact that is was true for me, made such ribbing all the more poignant. But I hardly think that going to an all-boys college full of virile young lads brimming with hormones, and a libido that craved for release means everyone is going to turn out gay, or encourage gay behaviour, far from it - though I, personally, wished that were the case. I was Adam in the Garden of Eden surrounded by the forbidden fruit of men; forever wishing to taste its succulent nectar but eternally fearful of the wrath of the Father should I ever be tempted to do so. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't, not that I didn't want to try. But I had incredible self-control for a while at least.

In the meantime, life went on in the Garden of Eden where my own private purgatory continued to burn me. Until then, I had been content with the temptation afforded by sidelong glances at the guys in the showers after sport when I knew no one was watching; scalded when I privately enjoyed the occasional goosing while complaining bitterly for appearances sake; and blistered by the voyeuristic thrill of watching Dunbar, Parsons, and Riordan jerking off together down in the bush area just behind the gym. Bryan Parsons was the resident gay guy of the class who would always get an erection, wasn't shy about displaying it, and would always rub it against you if he got the chance. Being the token gay, he was allowed to get away with such things as no one took him seriously. Everyone was expected to brush him off, while everyone laughed when you became the brunt of his libido lust.

To make matters worse, Bryan's friend in the early days was Phillip Rock. "Rocky" was my own devil advocate whose ongoing "joke" was to tell me how much he wanted my body while clinging to me in a passionate hug, whenever we passed in the halls or met in the common room. He had jet black hair and brown eyes that you wanted to swim in. He was of slim athletic build, and a gorgeous bulge in his shorts that showed up amply during his tennis games. But nothing serious ever become of our little foreplay; much to my regret, as he was a spunk whom I really wanted to get it off with.

It was just his thing, and I wasn't the only one he did it to either; it was another of those games that he and Bryan played with the rest of us "macho straight studs". Even way back in Year Seven and Eight I remember he used to rub passionately up against Bryan Parsons in the changeroom whenever we were getting changed for PE. Sure it was just hormones running wild, but seeing two guys in their jocks hugging and moaning in ecstatic joy as their cotton encased dicks thrust against each other always gave me a boner that I'd have to hide before it was discovered. Bry and Phil went to scouts together so they knew each other really well, if you know what I mean. Here I was in my "Garden" playing out the role of the straight guy; a role which threatened to crumble at the foundations whenever I saw Phil and Bry together.

Everyday day after class, and probably at least twice during PE days, I would rush home, strip out of my uniform and lie back to stroke my hardened member while images of Bry and Phil lustfully tantalised my fantasies. It got to the stage where I would watch those two wherever they went: walking in the corridor, sitting in class, playing footy on the oval, or having a game of basketball. My voyeuristic lusting was always rewarded by a hand on the groin, a pat on the bum, a squeeze, a goosing, and occasionally a show of hard meat through their pants as they spent the day with each other. They had become an obsession for me, and subject material for my fantasies.

The ultimate was one day in Science class when Bry must have been particularly horny, as Bry rubbed their hardon under the table. I was sitting at the table across from them and had a clear view of what they were doing. Bry had got a good rhythm going when he reached across and gave Phil's package a squeeze. Phil returned the favour and discovered just how excited Bry was. Feeling the hard cock of his friend must have sent Phil over the edge. A slight sheen of sweat appeared on his face, as his heart started to beat faster while watching his friend jerk off in a crowded classroom, while the teacher instructed out the front. The outline of Bry's hardened member was clearly visible to both Phil and myself. It slid down the leg of his pants as his hand moved up and down it. As Bry continued to stroke it, some cum oozed out of the tip forming a wet patch through his pants. Bry then put his hand down his pants to fondle himself and wipe off the excess juices oozed out of his dick. He pulled his hand out and looked for a moment at the clear liquid on his finger. I thought he was going to lick it up on the spot, but instead he brought his hand up to his nose and inhaled deeply. I guess Phil must have read my thoughts as he grabbed the anointed hand, brought it to his own face, opened his mouth and brought it down over the finger loaded with cum juice. He sucked up and down on the finger, sucking up all trace of the precum love juice from his friend's finger. From my vantage point, I could imagine Phil swirling his tongue around Bry's finger as if his was Bry's very own hardened member and not a digital substitute. Bry continued to finger-fuck his mates mouth with one hand while stroking himself with the other.

I couldn't believe this was happened with the teacher out the front. Admittedly we were up the back of the class, but generally this was the first place the teacher looked for trouble. Yet, here were two dudes having simulated sex with each other for anyone to watch. Phil had now dropped his pen and was down on the floor, under the desk, on the pretext of looking for it. He had managed to crawl between Bry's legs and his fingers were lightly rubbing up and down across bulge in his school pants. I could see the look of ecstasy on bryan's face as his friend continued to lightly running his fingers over his hard dick. I could also see that Phil was really into it as well since his own cock had tented out the tight confines of his own pants. I couldn't believe this was happening in class. Everyone else seemed oblivious to this erotic activity happening before my very eyes.

Bry started to breathe heavier as Phil continued playing and he had to stifle more than one sob of joy as Phil hit the right spots to turn him on. Then it happened. Phil actually zipped down Bryan's pants revealing the red boxers that Bry was fond of. His cock, encased in the red fabric, sprung out to form a large red tent in front of Bryan's pants. "Oh Phil, unnnhh man, don't do me here. We'll be nabbed big-time if we're caught." Bryan spoke the words, but the words had no meaning behind them. He said no, but he really meant "Go for it!" For Phil it was all the sign he wanted. He had the gun primed and ready to shoot, and he wanted it to happen now. Slowly pulled the tent apart to reveal the object of his lust. I tried not to breathe too heavily and give myself away, but the sight popped my own boner to full mast as well. Bryan's cock now jerked of its own accord to Phil's touch. A fountain of clear nectar streamed down the now pumping member. It was now time to give Bryan his release. Moist lips wrapped themselves around and down the head of the throbbing phallus as they made a quickened journey up and down that hard shaft. At the same time Phil and brought his own cock out and was jerking frantically with his free hand as his other held Bryan's dick firmly in place for his waiting mouth.

The excitement of the situation combined with the oral talents of Phillip, had Bryan shooting to a climactic explosion in no time. Phil's bobbing head on Bry's trembling rod made him eager to get off, and he started bucking his hips so that his cock was thrusting in and out of his friend's hungry mouth. It was a hat-trick of cum spurting all at once. Phil felt a flood of hot juice spurt into his mouth and flow out of one side and down his cheek. This set Phil off whose other hand was working lightening speed on his own penis. Sticky love juice shot out and over Bryan's legs. The sight of all this sent my own boner spurting, without my even touching it. The sensation welled up inside me and I shot my load in my pants, involuntarily thrusting for maximum contact of my tight pants as I came. I continued until my climax, and not just my ejaculation, was over. By this time Phil had cleaned himself and Bry up, retrieved his pen and had returned to his seat. Both of them had smiles of a cat who had ate the canary. It was then I noticed their eyes on me, and the huge wet spot that spread across my lap from my ejaculation. Their smiles turned to huge grins. In that moment, we were partners in crime. The serpents of the garden had tempted me with their forbidden fruit and now I knew I had to swallow them whole. Just as long as I could get out of class without someone noticing my cum-stained pants. But there was safety in numbers, since Bry and Phil were in the same boat. The mere thought of that was getting me as hard as a Rock - and he was, too. But that's another story.

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