Robotic Balls

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 12, 2023


After a couple of months with his new cybernetic testicles, Sean noticed that he was less energized than before. He went back to the paperwork he was given when he was discharged from the medical facility, and saw that there was a note to go back every two months to get his new balls recharged. There wasn't any problem if he didn't, but the devices would slowly spin down as they lost charge. Sean really had gotten used to them, so he wasted no time setting up an appointment. To his surprise, the location was the military entrance center and not the medical center. On the phone they explained this was to allow guys to easily get recharged after they left the service, and Sean agreed that was a good idea. He made an appointment for the next day.

Sean arrived at the entrance center, and followed the instructions to an office in the basement underneath the recruit processing center. Even though it was a basement office, the everything was newly renovated and it was actually nicer than most offices on base. He went inside, and recognized one of the nurses from his initial procedure. The male nurse welcomed him, and brought him back to one of the recharging rooms.

The room looked kinda like a dentist's office. It was pretty sparse, and had a chair that looked a lot like a dentist's chair, but was a little bit wider and instead of the wash-your-mouth thing there was a clear plexiglass movable arm of some kind with lots of wires and tubes on it. The chair also had some restraints, and there was a flat-screen video monitor on the wall. The nurse showed him into the room, and asked him to strip and sit on the chair. The nurse then turned around and started to collect some material from a nearby cabinet. Sean eagerly complied and in no time his furry muscular body was settled on the chair.

The nurse turned his attention to Sean. He began by strapping Sean into the chair. Then he wiped down Sean's cock and balls, and did a very thorough job of applying iodine under the flange of Sean's dick and carefully inspected the small scars from Sean's earlier procedure. The nurse then set up what looked like a small IV bag next to the chair, and inserted the IV needle into Sean's sack just below were it met up with Sean's body, and started the IV on a slow drip. The nurse then swung the plexiglass arm into position between Sean's legs and moved it slowly up towards Sean's crotch. Sean noticed that the arm actually had two main pieces that were connected with a hinge, and that it looked like there were electrodes embedded into the plastic.

The nurse moved the arm up into Sean's crotch, then stopped and applied some conductive lube to the arm's electrodes. He then moved the plastic all the way up into Sean and slipped one of the pieces under Sean's sack, and carefully arranged Sean's cybernetic testicles into indentations in the plexiglass. Once Sean's nuts were in position, the nurse closed the top piece locking Sean's scrotum in place. The nurse then backed off the arm slightly so that Sean's sack was stretched taught. Then the nurse operated a slide on the side of the arm, which forced two needles through the plastic and into Sean's sack. Sean felt two pinpricks, then a strange feeling of relief as the needles engaged his synthetic testicles. At the same time Sean's cock slowly began to get erect as the testicles came back to life.

The nurse then turned on the monitor, gave Sean the remote control and access to an arrangement of porn, and said he'd be back in an hour or so when the recharging process was complete. Sean started to flip through the porn channels, settling on a hot video of two guys making it on a military base.

Meanwhile in the processing center upstairs a new batch of eight recruits was just entering the medical section. The recruits were all told to strip naked, and the drill sergeants got them lined up balls-to-but for the medical personnel. The recruits passed from one station to the next, getting their blood pressure taken, blood tests drawn, eyes checked, and bodies measured, all assembly-line style. At the last station, the recruits lined up and one by one went through a device that looked a lot like an airport security metal and explosives detector. The detector had plexiglass gates that controlled entry and egress, and the entry gate was open.

Brian was the first recruit reached what looked like the detector and stepped inside. There were foot outlines in the middle of the machine, and Brian arranged himself so he was standing right on the outlines. They were kind of far apart, and that made Brian spread his legs a bit. As soon as he was in position, the entry gate closed and the machine came to life.

Brian was surprised as extensions came out from either side of the detector and locked in place around his waist and arms, securing his body in position. His hands and body from the waist to his lower thighs was encased by the extensions, and now he was pretty much unable to move. Brian then felt the extension develop some suction which pulled his cock into some kind of socket. At the same time, he felt cold metal probes move over the firm surface of his butt cheeks finding their way to settle around his anus. When the probes finished moving in his ass, he felt some cold metal clamp down on the base of his cock. This kinda freaked Brian out, but none of the guys behind him could see what was happening inside the sealed metal around his midsection.

The machine then made a beeping sound, then emitted a slow tone. Brian could feel small shocks tentatively probing his body from the probes in his ass and the metal around the base of his cock, and after a few seconds the shocks organized somehow. The machine made another beep, then emitted a high urgent tone. With this new tone, Brian felt the suction on his cock increase to the point where it felt like it would suck his balls through his cock. Then suddenly he felt a lightening-bolt surge through his midsection and felt a huge load ripped from his balls and sucked out through his cock into the machine. It was technically an orgasm, but happened so quickly he hardly recognized what happened to him. Almost as quickly as it had begun, the machine disengaged from Brian's body, folded back up, and left him standing naked as before. The machine emitted a final beep, opened the egress gate, and the sergeant yelled at Brian to get moving along. The machine clicked as it replaced consumable plastic components and sterilized itself, then opened the gate for the next recruit. The recruits were processed by the machine at a rate of one every ten minutes.

In the room below, Sean had been enjoying gentle electro charging of his testicles. Suddenly the chair's equipment beeped, and Sean could see the hoses connected to his testicles flex, then felt a gentle surge spread out though his body. The equipment beeped again, the hoses stopped their flexing, and Sean got back to watching the video on the screen. Sean noticed that the beeps were coming at intervals of about ten minutes or so. After the eighth injection, the nurse re-entered the room and announced the recharging was complete, but that he'd test Sean to see if everything was still in working order.

By this point Sean's erect cock had coated his abs with a good amount of precum. The nurse wiped Sean off with an alcohol towelette, then reached over and flipped a switch on the chair. Sean smiled as the electrical pulses in his sack increased and spread to his cock, quickly bringing him the rest of the way to a huge ropy orgasm, just as he watched a guy ejaculate on the big screen in front of him. Satisfied that Sean was fully charged and in good working order, the nurse removed the tubes from Sean's scrotum, released his nuts from the Plexiglas holding device, and released the chair restraints. The nurse then carefully wiped off Sean's crotch, and made sure that the needle marks weren't bleeding at all. Sean looked in great shape, and the nurse smiled as he told Sean as much, and to be sure to schedule his next charging appointment in a month or so. Sean dressed, left the processing center, and got back to his day of drills with a very big spring back in his step.

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