Robin Man

Published on Dec 29, 2022




All costumed characters except for Rook are

copywrite DC Comics

Kyle woke up slowly, feeling the sensation of Dick Greyson's powerful body at his back, holding him in his arms. He shifted slightly and saw Roy Harper sprawled on a nearby chair, naked and dozing. His cock hung flacid down to the chair, nestled in a small tangle of red hair. Kyle moved and Dick moved with him, clinging to the boy in sleep. Gently, Kyle utangled himself from his boyfriend and went to the bathroom to clean up. He showered and shaved, then did a few minites of ti chi to loosen up his strong young body.

Kyle ran his hands over his muscular torso, checking himself out. He would be seventeen in a few days, and his rock-hard body was as perfectly proportioned as he could get it. Hours and hours in the gym, more hours running over rooftops and alleyways with Robin and Batman had made him tough and strong. He gloried in the sensation of his perfect young form, and his cock rose hard and straight, as Kyle got excited by his own bronzed body. He explored himself, then squatted and ran a finger up his fuckhole, slipping first one then two then three fingers up himself. He knew that having sex with the two beautiful young guys still asleep in the bedroom would stretch him more, but he wanted to get ready for them or anyone else that had him.

He still winced at how tight he had been when he was raped by the gang, and then later by Catman's enourmous manhood. He frowned, and his brows came together. Catman was in New York, he had heard from some of the street contacts he was trying to build up as a crime fighter. He had to settle this one way or the other; he wanted revenge for what the costumed criminal had done to him, and Batman and Robin. He remembered Catman burying his enourmous cock into Batman's ass, raping the Caped Crusader over and over until both of them had cum. In another place, it might have been pretty hot to watch, but Catman was into a lot of pain. His cock was huge and thick; Rook shuddered as he fingered his still-tight young ass, remembering the huge thing sliding into his guts, tearing him open again and again as Catman pounded into him. Suddenly a wave of heat swept over Kyle and his cock started to shoot streams of cum onto the mirror. He kept plunging the fingers into his ass as he shot and clenched his jaw to keep from waking the other guys.

Kyle staggered to his feet, his cock still spurting into his hand, and he cleaned off the mirror. He dried himself, then slipped into his costume. It was a skintight black unitard, short sleeved, with black leather gloves and boots, and a black Kevlar jacket. He clipped on his utility belt and did a run-through of the things he kept there and in the pockets that studded the jacket. He brushed his hair and was in front of the mirror, adjusting the adhesive mask, when Dick Greyson walked in. He patted Kyles firm ass and back, then leaned over to kiss him good morning. Rook got his mask adjusted and returned the favor, then left the bathroom for his buddy. He walked out and saw Roy still asleep, his tall strong body carelessly draped, utterly at peace. He was a pretty aggressive lover, liking to take Kyle or Dick in the ass first before he let them do him. Rook looked at the long soft cock the boy hero had, and he wanted it pretty badly himself. But first things first.

There were no scheduled meeetings, and most of the Titans were gone except for themselves. They were free to patrol as they wanted or just stay around and relax, but none of them did that for long. They were just too bursting with energy. So Rook went out to the landing and took a powered raft across the harbor to New York, landing and then taking to the rooftops with a boost from his line thrower and a quick acrobatic flip of his agile body.

Rook ran across the rooftops, dodging pidgeons and sunbathers alike. He got a couple whistles from two women and even one from a cute young man he caught sunbathing in the nude. He just gave a smile and dropped to the next building, having more things than sex on his mind for once.

He finally wound up in a seedy dive called The Scab, back from the waterfront and looking like it belonged under the ocean instead. The place went quiet when the costumed teenager entered; a few bruised knuckles and broken arms had taught the people here you didn't mess with anyone brave enough to wear black tights on the streets in the daytime. Rook moved through the silent patrons of The Scab, meeting their eyes with a determined gaze. Finally he slung a chair around and sat in it backwards, his arms propped up on the back. "So, Roman m'man, where is Catman?" he whispered.

The huge young man at the table slowly sat his mug down, sloshing dark ale on the table. He glowered at the costumed youth, and lowered his head. He had at least a full head on the kid and the advantage of almost 100 pounds of pure muscle. Last time Rook was in here, they had talked. He never DID see how the kid broke his wrist. Now, he looked down, then looked back up, thinking how good it would be to take his fist and drive it right in the kids mouth, wipe that smile right off his pretty face. Yeh, and maybe then hold his pretty ass down and have some fun with him, hear the boy yell and scream as his huge uncut cock plowed the boy's virgin ass. He didn't have his nickname for nothing, and this was prim-o BOY right here. Yeh that would be OK. The Roman shifted in his seat, his cock huge and hard under the table, watching the handsome young man with undisquised lust.

"Come on man, or do we have to have another talk, huh? Tell me where Catman is, and take your eyes off my ass before I make you swallow your right arm up to the elbow."

The Roman fought down the impulse to just try and rape the boy right here and now. Should be a law, kids running around dressed like that. Drive an honest man to do things he might not normally think about. At least that was the reason he got off the last time he raped some pretty young stud like this. Never work against these superheros, though. Like it or not, he had had his ass handed to him the first time he fought Rook, and the second and third times.

The Roman took a swig of his stale ale. "Catman, he's that huge guy what got away in Gotham? Angel Pier, his usual place. He's trying to put a gang together, something big. Really big." The Roman sat back, satisfied. Maybe, maybe, YES! Rook nodded, and turned to walk away. The Roman swallowed hard when he got a good look at the pretty kid's firm ass, the spandex molding itself so he could see the cleft of the kids buns. Nice tight buns. The Roman got up and hobbled to the bathroom on his broken ankle, his cock practically smoldering in his pants.

Rook smiled tightly, satisfied, and walked out of The Scab. He fired off his grapple gun and let it pull him up off the street until he could somersault up and stand on a flagpole, then leap off to the nearest building roof. Several stories below, The Roman watched him leave from the bathroom window and played with himself vigerously as the kid's lithe body performed it's gymnatics. The Roman smiled to himself and bided his time, then went over to a pay phone to make a very important call....

Rook took a shortcut to the waterfront and Angel Pier, one of the prime landing grounds for Golden Triangle herion coming out of the former Soviet Union these days. The cops had not quite caught on to it, but Nightwing and he had broke up a big operation here last month, and all the guys had ties to the Motherland. New routes opened up as fast as the heroes or the cops closed them with the new international cooperation between the various Republics and other nations. Rook pearched on a gargoyle and watched the procession of longshoremen and ship's officers around and between various warehouses. Catman seemed to like warehouses, especially abandoned ones. Huntress had run into him a few months ago and she had trailed Catman back to someplace very similar to where he and Robin had first met him. Catman's standard MO seemed to be to use them as a base, and that would be his downfall tonight.

Rook felt the salt air and the reek of New York harbor hit against him. His stomach rumbled with nausea and he laid back a minute on the roof, wishing he could tell Nightwing or Speedy or anyone else about this, but this was something he had to resolve for himself. He felt the lingering feel of his ass where his fingers had stretched it earlier that morning, like when Speedy's thick manhood had finished with him. God, he was one hung stud, almost as big as Batman had been. Rook shuddered as he remembered his all-too- infrequent sessions with the Dark Knight as the huge man fucked him. Embraced by those cabled arms and plowed by that huge penis! He got hot just thinking about it, the sinewy rippling strength from Batman as the Caped Crusader had embraced him, enveloping them both in his huge cloak and then his kisses following, then the entrance of his huge manhood into Kyle's tight ass. Rook shook himself and looked down to see his cock huge against his leg, painfully visible in the one-peice black bodysuit he wore. The young man swore under his breath and did a few minutes of meditation to calm himself down. He felt his cock shrink right up against his balls, held in place by the pouch in his costume, and sighed. After tonight, he would need a good place to unwind.

Rook watched the activity of the area all day, marking carefully who went where and what was stored in which place. Gradually a pattern began to emerge. Some kind of smuggling obviously, but he could not figure out what they were running. Something pretty heavy, probably weapons of some sort. Night started to fall, a hazy muggy summer night in New York City. Light from everywhere, but the dock area stayed in shadow until a long car pulled up alongside the warehouse Rook was perched on, and disgorged three men with Uzi's. And Catman, his huge muscles rolling under the leather and kevlar costume he wore. Like a black tiger he padded silently to the door and punched in the code key. Rook memorized the tones carefully, confident he could reproduce it. The benifits of having perfect pitch. The door slid open and Catman walked in. Just as the guards started in, Rook pounced on them. Two were taken out immediatly with flying crescent kicks to the head, while the other fell with a sigh after Rook slung a heavy lead disc into the man's temple. Three guards, two seconds, no noise.

Or almost no noise. Catman had senses like his namesake, and he heard the almost silent crack of leather boot on bone, and the softer thud of human bodies. Falling bodies was a sound he had grown to love in recent years.... He spun and hid at once, then saw the trim figure slip through the doorway. Costumed crimefighter. He bared his fanged teeth...pretty, young, well built athletic kid. Good for a night's pleasure. The Roman's tip had been good; he would have to be generous and let the young hawk have the remains of Rook when he was through with him.

He waited, the tension causing his cock to swell as he watched the boy quietly pick his way through the shadows. He moved with such grace, such power that Catman thought it was a shame he had to die. Maybe if he could be broken, he could become part of his harem. No, seldom if ever could you break the spirit of these crime fighters, though if he could have worked on Robin and Kestrel longer, he was sure he could have made those two hot teens into perfect slaves, ready to service him. How he hungered for Batman again, knowing that chance might never come again. He would have to satisfy himself with the young tights-clad stud coming closer, closer to him.

All at once, Rook FELT the presence behind him, and whirled around just as Catman's slashing claws took out the crate that had been behind his head a microsecond before. Training and instinct took over at once: Rook whirled backward and lept for the nearest stack of boxes but Catman was far too fast for him. Catman grabbed Rook's ankle and dragged him back down. Rook aimed a powerful kick downward, and caught the huge man on the side of the face. Catman grunted but did not release him. Rook's heart pounded -- he was no match for Catman in a straight punch'em-up fight, and Catman knew that. He didn't have Nightwing's experience. Rook aimed another kick that missed altogether then threw a flash pellet in Catman's face. Blazing white light lit the whole warehouse, and Catman yowled and clawed at his eyes. Rook opened his eyes and saw the huge man turn away. He lept down and aimed a rigid knifehand blow at the man's kidneys, but Catman turned and grapped his wrist. Not blind! Rook's heart lept up into his mouth as he struggled and finally punched the huge man three, four, five times right in the gut, his gloved fist hitting like a hammer. It was like hitting stone as the flat muscles rippled under his assault. Catman hissed his laughter and backhanded the boy hero, keeping a hold on his wrist, which he was slowly crushing. Catman backhanded the teen again and again until the blood ran from Rook's lip. He backhanded the boy once more and let go, and Rook fell in a heap at his feet. He grabbed the boy's arms and hauled him up, then dashed him to the ground again. Black spots danced in front of Rook's eyes and he felt himself being turned over on his belly. He tried weakly to kick backward, fight back somehow but his body would not obey him. Catman slammed down on top of him and there was only darkness.

When Rook came to he was in pain; a good thing he decided - it meant he was still alive. He opened his eyes. He was tied between two support pillars of the warehouse, spread eagled and naked. His firm young body gleamed in the dim light of the warehouse, sweat beading in droplets across his smooth chest, running in little rivulets among the rippled muscles of his flat stomach to trickle into the blonde bush between his legs. His young soft cock swung freely against his balls. He tested his bonds slowly, straining to see if there was any weakness whatsoever. Steely muscles stood out in sharp relief all over his young body and he strained, showing off his perfect definition.

Catman watched the youth from the shadows, feeling waves of hot lust pass over him as he watched the young man's struggles. He stepped forward and Rook tensed up, waiting for another beating. Catman purred low in his throat as he circled the teenager, getting a good look at the kids broad back, his rounded firmly muscled ass and the glimpse of dangling cock and balls from the rear, along with the sweet little fuckhole he would be paying special attention to.

Catman stepped up to the tied boy and slid his hand down over Rook's hard sweat-slicked torso as the kid struggled, his muscles bunching in erotic patterns all over his 5'9" frame. Catman moved his hand down the youths flanks then around the curve of his hairless ass. The teen gasped when Catman slid a couple fingers up his pucker, then moved on. Rook could not resist him any more. Catman adjusted the limp teen's body, and slid his horse cock between the boy acrobat's legs. Rook trembled as the hot hard peice of meat slipped back and forth between his sweat covered thighs and Catman purred in pleasure, rocking the pretty young man back and forth to stimulate his cock. It throbbed and oozed more pre-cum over the kid's thighs, makeing it more enjoyable for both of them.

Catman stood behind Rook and forced the boy to look at the huge member slipping between those sweet thighs. Rook looked down between his legs and shuddered at the sight of the thick uncut meat moving back and forth slowly. He felt the heat against his thighs, the thickness. Batman had been hurt by that huge piece of manmeat; it had felt like it had almost torn him in two.

Rook felt his cock getting hard now, rising up under the man's stimulation as Catman began to carress his tightly-muscled chest and slip fingertips over the brown circles of his nipples. They grew hard, very hard and the stimulation was itself enough to almost drive him over the edge and start cumming. He twisted in Catman's strong embrace, trying to get him to stop, whispering at him to stop. Catman chuckled low in his throat and glided his hands down the teens powerful body, sliding over the firm sweat-slicked flesh. He felt the kid's rock-hard ribs and the flat stomach, tracing the 'six-pack' of muscles there over and over, still pumping his enourmous meat between the teenager's muscular thighs.

Rook gasped as Catman's leather gloved hands wrapped around his hard cock and began to manipulate his balls and flick over the straining velvet cockhead. Rook struggled some more, then felt Catman groan and crush Rook to his body. Rook looked down. It looked like Catman's massive penis emerged from his own body, and the sight was powerfully erotic to the young superhero. Catman's uncut meat trembled as it stuck straight out seemingly from Rook's body and began to throb. Rook felt the rush of cum through it as it began to spurt cum, throwing it a good distance several times, then slowing to finally run hot mancum down the teenaged boy's smooth silky legs. Rook trembled a bit at the feel of the hot thick cum falling in ropes across his legs and thighs. Then Catman pulled his cock back through Rooks legs and Rook felt the hot trail of the massive still erupting cockhead as it slid across the firm flesh of his buttocks and the back of his legs. Catman slid the cockhead around the boy's sweet ass, slicking it with his cum, and slipped two fingers up the teen's lubricated pucker. Rook gasped and tried to resist, but Catman was far too strong for him. He relaxed and let the man finger fuck him in the ass. "Gooood," purred Catman. "You're learning you cannot resist me. Good. It'll be a lot easier for you, then."

Rook shuddered at the thought of that monster cock invading him again, and tried to put it out of his mind. He tried the ropes again, and they still held fast. Catman carressed the bulging muscles of his young body, feeling them tense and release, feeling the young hero's strength. A good firm young body that was immmensly pleasing to him. He bent down behind Rook and began to wash the boy with his rasping tounge, finally he beginning to ream the sweet unwilling youth's red fuckhole. He slid his tounge as far as he could, tasting the well-cleaned hole as Rook jerked and struggled to get Catman's tounge away from his pucker. He came around in front and cleaned the boy's thigh's off, then slid his tounge over the teen's still-erect cock. Rook moaned as the supervillians tounge began to stimulate him again, swirling around his cockhead. Rook struggled some more, then relaxed. He was wearing himself out fighting the ropes and Catman at the same time. He relxed and began to move his hips, fucking Catman's face.

Catman felt the boy respond then move with him, and be began to really go down on the willing boy, stimulating him to new heights. Rook felt the man's tounge wash over his stiff manhood, swirling around and around until he jsut could not hold back any longer. With a cry, Rook thrust his hips forward and started to cum.

Catman drank the teen's spunk and then raised up, licked his way up the young man's hard chest until he came to his handsome face. He touched the boy's lips with his again and again, smearing them with the teen's own cum, then he kissed the young superhero, pushing his tounge into the willing open mouth and letting the kid taste his own body, his own cum. Rook gratefully sucked Catman's rasping tounge, loosing himself in the man's deep kissing. He pressed himself as best he could against Catman's hugely muscled body, feeling the firm delicious heat of another man's body against his. With his eyes closed, he could almost imagine it was Batman, come to rescue him and take him back to the Batcave for a good sexual workout.

Catman felt the kid give in to him and it drove him wild: he had to take the kid now! His cock was still hard and he began to loosen the boy hero's tight hole with his fingers, fingerfucking the youth until Rook groaned and opened up to him, relaxing more. The boy was almost limp against the ropes, conquered at last. Catman hugged the young man's hard body from behind and began to loosen up the willing boy again, his fingers hitting the kid's prostate over and over until Rook strained against the ropes in his pleasure, his young cock hard as a rock once more.

Catman gradually began to enter the boy, feeling the resistance of the young blonde's body to him until he slid through the powerful ring of muscle at Rook's ass and slid deep into the handsome teen. Rook gasped as the huge hot invader entered him, penetrating him deeply. Rook began to rock back and forth, his fuckhole stretched to the breaking point as he gave himself over the the most intense assfuck he had ever known, fucking himself on Catman's massive meat. Catman felt the superhero's willingness and drove his cock as deep as it could go into the struggling boy's ass, letting the boy move back and forth and stimulate them both. Rook distantly felt his own young cock start to jerk and shoot cum as he moved back and forth on the huge tool up his tight pucker, then waves of weariness swept over him; he had finally gotten off, and still had Catman's huge cock to deal with. The monster still plowed him and he felt suspended in air as the huge man fucked him. He relaxed as utterly as he could, willing his burning, aching ass to accept the huge man, make it easy on both of them. His hard young body was like a rag doll as Catman howled in his pleasure and unloaded his cum in the teenaged hero's ass. It was far too much for Rook and the remaining cum slid in warm rivers down the teen's legs. Catman kept fucking the youth's lubed asshole, howling again as he came some more, then backed away as his cock finally got soft.

He wiped the limp young man off, then washed and dried him until Rook's firm perfectly proportioned body shone in the light. Catman kissed the boy, taking the helpless teenager in a long kiss and embrace that Rook threw himself into, pressing his half-hard penis against the man's trunks. "Fuck me again, " He whispered when Catman pulled away, "Please do it again, I got to have you again, man."

"In time, you will again beg for my cock up that pretty pale ass of yours, but I have other business now." Catman turned and left, leaving Rook tied to the warehouse pillars. Once the villian was gone, Rook finally managed to slip one hand free. He fell at once; he could not support his own weight, and then he managed to free himself totally. He crawled to where his costume was stored and broke out the mini medical kit from his utility belt. He doctored himself as best he could, taping his cuts and bruises, and making sure his asshole was cooled down by soothing cream. He relaxed against the crates there, and dozed for a little while, too tired to care anymore.

It was full night when he woke up, and he felt no one was there still. Rook struggled to his feet, and slid his costume over his abused young body, feeling the skintight fabric conform to every hard muscle on his tightly-built frame. He was slipping on his jacket when he heard the doors open. Rook's heart pounded as he replaced his mask and slipped back into the shadows, determined to hide. He slowed his heartrate and breathing, then waited.

A howl of frustration tore the air when Catman saw his hard-bodied prize had escaped, and he began to tear the warehouse apart searching for Rook. Rook could hear several other men in the place searching for him, about six of them. He was not concerned about them, only about Catman. Rook crept up on a stack of crates as quietly as he could and waited. Catman passed through a second later, nose twitching as he searched for the scent of Young Man. He grinned just as Rook came off the crates high above him and slammed into the small of Catman's back like a black-clad rocket. Catman gave out a muffled whuff and Rook quickly bound his hands and feet with nylon ties. Quickly the young superhero went through the rest of the warehouse, confident again in his skills. His martial arts prowess dispatched the six gunmen within a few minutes, and he had them all tied when he used his belt cellular to call the police and then Nightwing.

Dick was frantic: he had been searching for Rook for hours, and he came quickly. The two costumed teens left as the first police cars pulled up, and Rook wept against Nightwings' shoulder when he told him what had happened, his cheeks burning with the humiliation of it, and the excitement it had caused him. Nightwing held his boyfriend close. He could understand revenge, and the price you had to pay, eventually. Rook had paid his, more than enough. Nightwing drew the sobbing teen down to the roof, and sat up against a chimmneystack as Rook cried himself out. Nightwing rocked the young man a bit, tears trickling down his own masked face to see his lover face such pain, physical and emotional, and he could do nothing but let the youth heal on his own. Rook HAD defeated Catman, so Nightwing felt the young man would be alright eventually and stand on his own two feet. But for now Rook was satisfied to cling to his mentor and lover, feeling the warmth of Nightwing's body, his gloved hand on the back of Rooks head smoothing his hair down. Nightwing's lips brushed his. "I love you," Rook whispered and fell into a deep dreamless sleep, cradled in Nightwing's strong arms.

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