Robin Gets Cat Scratch Fever

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jun 20, 2020


Robing Gets Cat Scrath Fever Chapter Five By Evan Andrews

The following story is a work of fan fiction. All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. The story depicts males in sexual situations, mostly with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

The story is set in the New Teen Titans era, shortly before Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing in a continuity long since superseded.

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Chapter Five: Life as a Super-Slave

Both Catwoman and her henchmen were true to their word. Robin didn't really appreciate that until after he had been rescued, after Catwoman's aphrodisiac and conditioning drugs were purged from his system. At the time, even though his brain recorded everything, there was no way for Robin to recall precise details about what had happened or had been said to him even a quarter of an hour before. It wasn't until much later that he remembered.

Scene one: Tasty Morsels

The three drug-addled heroes, now dedicated cum-cows and fuck-slaves, found themselves at Catwoman's constant beck and call. She brought them out morning, noon, and night--not to mention for the occasional high tea and midnight snack, and when they arrived in her temple they were ready and eager to spurt their loads for her. And they did more than just provide her their heroic cream. When she was bored and wanted a show, she had them milk each other. Both the blonds had had practice at this, but Robin soon caught up with his fellows, becoming just as proficient in manipulating a man's body to bring him off in dramatic fashion as any diaryman. It didn't take many days for Robin to accept that he didn't enjoy just being milked, but that he also enjoyed milking whichever man Catwoman told him to, driving that cum-cow's body towards release and reading the hints to told him that a grunting spurting orgasm was about to happen.

At one meal, things were simple if different. Catwoman called on Green Arrow to enrich his mistress' milk with his own thick cream. Aquaman and Robin worked the Emerald Archer to boiling point before letting him cum.

"Such a load," Catwoman smiled as Arrow's balls let loose fusillade after fusillade of potent super-sperm.

She took the archer's still-hard member in her gloved hand and used it as a swizzle-stick before taking a sip of her milk.

"It's practically half-and-half," she purred as drops of white liquid fell from Green Arrow's tumescent meat, "My favorite."

Robin performed next, and the two blond studs coaxed a similarly large load out of his young balls; the villainess' drug regime was having its desired effect on the enslaved testes, driving them into working overtime.

"Ah," Catwoman moaned as she tasted the dish that now glistened with Robin's sperm, "I somehow knew that my Robin's boy-sauce would be the perfect thing to go with chicken."

Finally she had them milk Aquaman. His salty cream mixed with the caramel sauce on her ice cream.

"Mmm. I do so love sea-salt caramel," she teased.

The trio of cum-cows all but preened in response to her praise, but not every meal followed the same pattern.

Scene Two: Tres Leches

At another meal things were entirely different.

"Boys," Catwoman said, "Put on a show for me."

The three hero slaves looked at one another blankly for a second, and then Green Arrow grabbed Robin and forced an intense kiss on the teen stud. Aquaman joined in, and the three kissed and groped and rubbed against each other until their cocks were stiff as oak and weeping pre-cum like an artesian well. Robin didn't know how they ended up on the floor, but they did, automatically forming a triangular daisy chain of cock-sucking. Robin was lustily slurping away on Arrow's length while Aquaman guzzled Boy Wonder cock. The feeling astounded Robin, and the knowledge that Arrow was sucking Aquaman's fat cock at the same time just increased the intensity of the eroticism.

"Oh sweet Poseidon," Aquaman cried out, "I'm going to cum..."


The three sex-slave heroes let the hard dicks fall from their mouths and stared at Catwoman.

"I didn't give any of you permission to cum," she chided, "You've got to put on more of a show than that to satisfy me. Aquaman, Green Arrow, I want to watch you spit roast my sexy Robin boy. I want to see your big dicks filling his mouth and ass, fucking him like a pig whore. Got it?"

They got it, and they did. Robin rolled over onto his hands and knees and made ready for the assault. The henchmen had prepared him for this, but he'd never imagined he'd ever be called on to service his sexy fellow slaves. Green Arrow claimed the Boy Wonder's ass and sank his rod into Robin while the teen practically inhaled Aquaman's sperm-spiggot. Anal and throat muscles worked over the sodomizing man-meat as the three moved in an age-old dance.

"Enough!" Catwoman commanded as Green Arrow showed signs of getting close to blowing his load.

"You two on your backs," she told the randy blonds, "Press your asses together and entwine your legs."

Arrow and Aquaman did, and in short order Robin found himself confronted with the sight of their mighty dicks side by side, jutting up into the air.

"Sit on it, Robin," the villainess said as though she were asking him to nothing, "Ride that meat until you're almost ready to cum. I think you know the drill," she smiled, "Or at least you will in a few moments."

Robin perched over his companions and slowly squatted down. He felt the fat mass of their combined cockheads and for a moment panicked.

"I can't do it," he cried, "They're too big."

"You can do it, boy, and you will," she chided.

Suddenly the Siamese twins were alongside Robin, pushing down on his shoulders.

"Fuck!" the Boy Wonder cried as he called on all his training and forced his ass to relax.

The two fuck-plums pushed inside him, and the long shafts followed, inch by massive inch.

"Argh!" Robin screamed, "So much, so... too big."

"Take it, fuck boy," Siamese One whispered to him.

"Yeah," the henchman's twin said, "You've almost got it all."

The last few inches slowly joined their fellows, and Robin felt his ass make contact with the blonds' shaved crotches.

"Fuck yeah," Aquaman moaned.

"Do it, Robin," Green Arrow barked, his voice thickened with lust, "Ride our fucking dicks!"

Starting small, the Boy Wonder rocked back and forth on the phallic mass inside him, but eventually he tried moving his ass up and down, letting more and more sex-slave cock fuck him.

"Ugh ugh ugh ugh."

Tears streaked Robin's face as he let his ass pig out on more dick than he'd ever experienced in his life.

"Fuck yeah!" Green Arrow roared, "Fucking fuck me, boy! God!" and with that the Emerald Archer began thrusting into Robin's ass himself, not just penetrating hot boy-hole but also fucking his rod against Aquaman's own firm shaft.

Aquaman, not as world-wise as the archer, got the hint and soon the blond studs had established a rhythm that matched Robin's desperate fuck-boy squats.

"Oh god oh god oh god," Robin finally cried out, "I'm going to cum. Have to cum! Please, mistress, please! Let me cum!"

"Up! All three of you. And stand here."

The slaves scrambled to their feet and found that Russian Blue was ready for them with the white libations vessel half-filled with milk. Grabbing their cocks, the three flogged their meat, taking careful aim at the vessel. Aquaman stiffened first and let out a squeal that Robin was sure was being echoed in the sea lord's telepathic wavelength. Gobs of white man-cream hit the surface of the milk and set up waves that hit the rim and echoed back. Green Arrow was next. His cockhead pulsed and a deluge of thick sperm fired into the world.

"You too, Robin," Catwoman husked, "Shoot that hot Boy Toy Wonder load!"

The Boy Wonder's body, for a moment, stood on the brink, and then pulses of passion wracked his muscles. His boy balls pulled up tight and his shaft swelled as it spat out gob after gob of the white-gold his testes had been churning out. Henchmen caught the sex slaves before they could collapse, and helped keep them standing. They watched as Catwoman sniffed at the contents of her vessel before taking a sip.

"Ah!" she purred "I wondered what your tres leches would taste like. I can see I must make this a regular part of my diet."

As she nursed the obscene libation, the henchmen led the three hero slaves away.

"Stable time, cum studs," Sphinx told them with an evil smile in his voice, "And after Robin's little show I think we may need to get some of the other boys and try something new."

Scene Three: Heaps of Henchmen

In the stables, the henchmen took superb pleasure in keeping the heroes fit and pretty, but more importantly they took pleasure in fucking their superhero sex-slave charges hard and often. If it took deep dicking to keep their mistress' cum-cows at peak production, they were fine with that. Not only did they get their rocks off, they also got to deal a little revenge on the superhero community at large by raping three of that fraternity. It never got old for any of the captives either because Catwoman, in addition to the seven henchmen Robin had met she proved to have even more eager and willing servants, all with big dicks and full balls. Cornish Rex, Scottish Fold, Tabby, Ocicat, Burmese, Himalayan, Maine Coon--even Ragdoll all stopped by to take turns at enjoying the fine muscular bodies that had been taken in order to supply the man-cream for Catwoman's mealtimes. At any other time, Robin might have wondered just why Catwoman needed so many henchmen, but under the influence of the drugs and the fucking brainwashing he was just glad to have so many dicks to service. Usually, the sex scenes were like the first, all three of the slaves being fucked simultaneously in one big orgy, but occasionally they'd be taken away to the henchmen's quarters and used either privately in their personal chambers, or semi-privately in the common lounge.

Today they were enjoying a semi-private orgy. Aquaman was lying flat on his stomach on a bed taking a particularly vicious fuck from Sphinx. The muscular black henchman had started gentle, fucking him doggie style, but now he was close to nutting and was slamming into his aqua-bitch's guts, causing them both to bounce up and down on the bed and the springs to squeak in a fuck-chorus. It seemed for all the world that Sphinx was trying to ass-slam the sea king through the mattress into the concrete beneath—-and possibly through that half-way to China.

Green Arrow was lying on his back on a rotating table, offering his holes and his hands to service as many of the dozen cocks that surrounded him as was physically possible. Since more small-fry crooks had come into contact with Green Arrow over the years than with Aquaman, he was the preferred man-whore for a good revenge fucking. Already the archer's hard body and handsome face were streaked with at least a half dozen loads from the over-eager among the henchmen.

Robin himself was kneeling on the easy chair. Maine Coon's long fat dick anchored his body in place as the Boy Wonder rode the shaft up and down.

"Yes!" the teen sex-slave cried, "Fill my ass with that hot cock!"

The bearded, long-haired henchman had no problem with granting Robin's request. Maine was built for the gods, and he had an easy-going attitude that made fucking him different from fucking almost every other man in the place. He didn't have an angry agenda, and he wasn't desperate to cum. (Of course not. With a body like that, Robin reasoned, Maine could get willing partners, male and female, anywhere, anytime. They probably lined up and took numbers.) No, Maine just liked to fuck. He was good for as long as the man he was breeding still wanted it, and to the henchman Robin looked like he could go taking cock for hours. Two more henchmen had thoughtfully taken positions on either side of the sexy sidekick's body, ready to relieve Maine if he needed it. Until then, though, they were adding their two cents to the proceedings. Tabby, with his mop of hair and soft beard, was french-kissing Robin hard, and the equally long-haired Arab henchman, Angora, was kissing and licking Robin's upper body from throat to nipples.

"Oh!" Robin moaned as they teased and used him, but this lot had discipline and despite how crazy they were driving him, they kept him from actually cumming as he bounced on Maine's cock.

But all good things must come to an end, and Maine finally flooded the teen sex-slave's bowels with his north-woods load. Almost instantly, Tabby and Angora whisked the Boy Wonder away, and in no time at all they had him on his back on a hassock, taking turns breeding his tight cum-lubed ass. Maine joined them and presented his dripping cock for Robin to lick clean.

"What is best in life?" The thought wandered through Robin's mind as he licked the spermy staff. That was easy. Cock. And more cock. And did we mention cock?

Scene Four: A New Use for a Mouth

The trio of cum-cows were in the Grooming Room. They had been brought in early (though they didn't know that) so that the groomers, Persian and Turkish Van, could introduce Robin to a new skill.

"Boy-Toy Wonder," Persian said, "I've had enough of eating your ass and getting nothing out of it."

"But I thought..." Robin started, but Persian smacked him.

"Shut the fuck up. Today YOU are going to learn all about eating ass."

"You two," Persian said, pointing at Aquaman and Green Arrow, "Bend over the massage table. Feet apart."

As they did, Turkish Van guided Robin into place behind the hot blond fuck-slaves and pushed him to his knees.

"Like what you see?" he asked.

Robin did, and his cock in its chastity cage tried to engorge. Instead it met the usual resistance and settled for staying tumescent.

"See how cum is leaking from their holes?" Robin did. "That's going to make this easier for you. Choose one and lick his ass-crack."

Robin chose Aquaman and stuck his face into the sea lord's crease. His tongue snaked out and made contact with the stream of white goo escaping the hero's well-exercised pucker. A half dozen henchmen had just put the sex-slaves' bodies through their fucking paces and their ejaculatory evidence was pungent and obvious. The taste struck Robin's mind, and he began lapping the crack in earnest.

"Yeah!" Aquaman moaned, "Mmm!"

"Slut," Van said affectionately as he ran his hand through Aquaman's blond locks, "He just can't get enough."

One skill at a time, Robin learned the gentle art of eating ass, and in the end he was literally tongue-fucking the desperate sea king.

"Fuck!" Aquaman screamed, "It's too good! I don't care if I do have a cock-cage on, if you don't stop him now I'm going to cum!"

"Good, Aquaman. We'll make sure to reward you for your honesty."

Persian pulled Robin out of Aquaman's ass and forced his face into Green Arrow's crevice.

"About time," the Emerald Archer griped; then he moaned, "Yeah, work me over like you did Chicken of the Sea there!"

Green Arrow was a difficult personality, both to read and to deal with. Robin knew this from years of watching him spar with Batman, so he wasn't surprised that Green Arrow was getting personal.

"Yeah, you are pretty damned good, Robin Boy," he moaned, "You may fool others, but I don't doubt that Batman broke you in to all this years ago. If not that then you're just one hell of a natural whore."

Robin's hackles rose over the jibe about him and Batman. The cheap tabloids had implied this for ages, ever since puberty when the Boy Wonder started to look more like a Young Man Wonder. Well, he didn't have to put up with this here and now, and happily, as a rim slave, he was in the driver's seat. He pulled back and spat at the blinking sphincter.

"What?!" Green Arrow demanded, "Don't stop! Eat my ass!"

Van, who had figured out what was going on, held Persian back. "I know what he's doing. Let the boy work this out."

Green Arrow wriggled his ass, which Robin had to admit was delectable, and thrust back, trying to find the Boy Wonder's talented tongue. Instead he got a smack on the ass from Van.

"Ouch!" the archer cried, "What the...?"

"Who gave you permission to move?" Van demanded, "And while we're on it, who gave you permission to tell Robin what to do? Are you the master here? Or are you just another ass-slave?"

Green Arrow saw which way the wind was blowing and knew that if he wanted Robin to finish the job he needed to get submissive pronto.

"I'm just an ass-slave, sir," the archer whined, "A pathetic cum-cow. But please, sir, can the Boy Wonder finish eating my ass?"

"After your manners, why should he?"

"Please, sir! Please, Robin! I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I'll never say anything like that ever again."

"I'll hold you to that, Arrow," Robin said, and with that he went back to teasing the archer's sphincter.

A reservoir of hot man-juice was holed up in Green Arrow's butt, and he groaned as Robin worked it out of his guts, one tongue-load at a time.

"Oh, fuck," the vigilante cried, "Oh sweet Baby Jesus, thank you! It's so good!"

Robin licked away happily until he could sense that the archer was about to release. Green Arrow just wasn't as good a slave as Aquaman, though, and he didn't warn the henchmen attending them.

Robin pulled back for a second time and said, "He's ready to shoot, sir."

"Of course he is," Persian said, disgusted at the archer's conniving ways, "Well, you've done good work, Robin. Next fuck session, you might get the chance to do more with your mouth than suck cock."

The groomers kept the cock-cages on their charges all through the grooming and showering. After Green Arrow's pathetic disobedience it made no sense to take a chance of the mistress facing empty balls. One fuck-up had gotten them fixed. Who knew what the punishment for a second lapse might be?

Scene Five: What Pussy Cat Wants

One rare day Russian Blue had the afternoon off. Some of the other henchmen might be jealous about his proximity to the throne, as it were, but it took a lot of work and a lot of attention to detail to do the job Catwoman expected to the degree she demanded it be done. In fact, he'd once offered to let a complaining Birman take over the office. Once Birman had figured out what the job actually entailed, though, he'd backed off fast, begging Russian Blue on his hands and knees to take it back. Today the svelte Russian stud had slipped away to the Stable for a rare chance to get his own rocks off. Catwoman found him a couple of hours later in the henchmen's lounge, splayed back in a papasan, his legs spread wide while the three super slaves, naked but cock-caged, surrounded him lapping away at the base of his shaft, his balls, and his perineum. None of them were actually sucking the svelte Slavic henchman's cock, and yet they were within moments of bringing him off.

"Bast! Look at them go," Catwoman gasped.

"They're very good, mistress," Russian Blue told her, "I've cum once already, and now they've gotten me close to orgasm number two. Sometime you should let them show you how skilled their tongues are."

"Are they really that good?" she demanded, "I hadn't even thought about using them as actual sex-slaves."

"You have milk on the brain, Mistress, no insult intended. Oh fuck! Here! Watch!" he sighed, and with that his cock erupted and painted the slaves' happy faces with thick sperm.

"Perfect," Catwoman said as the slaves licked each other's faces clean of man-cream, "Put them away for now. I need to think about this."

Whatever thinking she did she didn't take long at it. That night the cum-cows, hard and ready to be milked as usual, found that Catwoman, instead of being dressed like an Egyptian goddess, wore some sort of Betty Page cat-girl inspired lingerie. She pointed to the floor in front of her and said, "Kneel."

They fell to their knees and looked up at the woman who was the center of their world (since she was the only person who could authorize an orgasm for them).

"Show me what you can do with those tongues, boys."

Catwoman leaned back into a hammock seat and spread her legs. Though no hierarchy had been established among the cum-cow slaves, Aquaman dove into the Vee made by her legs and started working on the villainess' woman parts. Apparently the sea king had learned something from his liaisons with Meara of Atlantis because he went right for the money and had Catwoman moaning theatrically in moments. When she got tired of him, Green Arrow took over, showing his mistress some of the oral tricks he'd used to make Black Canary scream. Finally Robin, a pussy-eating virgin, was given his chance. He bumbled (cunt was different from cock), but between his blond co-slaves' suggestions and Catwoman's tender but demanding recommendations, he made her proud.

"Oh, Bast! Robin, I knew you had it in you!"

After putting on solo shows, the slaves combined powers and started assaulting her with all three talented tongues at once. "Bast yes! You boys are good! So good! Mistress is cumming!" She screamed inarticulately and bucked in the seat.

Buoyed by the praise, the blonds redoubled their efforts while Robin sat back on his haunches. He looked confused.

"Damn it, Robin," Green Arrow hissed, "Didn't the Batman teach you anything about women? Hello? Multiple orgasms? Get the fuck down here and help us bring her off again!"

"Be kind," Catwoman said magnanimously, "This is new for my Boy-Toy Wonder, and after all we do have all night to play."

Robin's cock twitched at that. Whenever the cock-cage was absent his shaft expected to shoot a load, but what if she kept them tonguing her all night? What then? Catwoman read the concern on his face—-on all their faces since Robin was not the only with a cock that was demanding satisfaction.

"Who knows, boys. I may want a little pick me up from time to time, and then there's breakfast to look forward to. Oh, Bast, I'm cumming again!"

Later the slaves were allowed to dose up another cup of tres leches for their mistress.

Scene Six: Cum Slave is a State of Mind

Resisting brainwashing was something Batman had prepared his sidekick for years earlier, but neither one of them had ever imagined Robin would be facing anything as lengthy and as all-consuming as he was now experiencing in Catwoman's clutches. It took less time than Robin could have imagined for him to find himself a totally submissive sex-slave, and Green Arrow and Aquaman were right there with him in that regard. They were all three cum-cows and pussy-lickers for their mistress and total butt- and suck-whores, not to mention ass-eaters, to her cadre of horny henchmen. With no sense of time, of cause and effect, or of consequences, they settled into the routine laid out for them. Cum and get fucked, get fucked and cum. There was no yesterday, no tomorrow; there as only right now, giving up their manly seed and their hot holes. And that was enough--until it was over.

Next: Chapter 6

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