Robin Gets Cat Scratch Fever

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 8, 2020


Robing Gets Cat Scrath Fever Chapter Three By Evan Andrews

The following story is a work of fan fiction. All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. The story depicts males in sexual situations, mostly with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

The story is set in the New Teen Titans era, shortly before Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing in a continuity long since superseded.

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Chapter Three: It Does a Villainess Good

Catwoman's lair was typical. A combination of improvised luxury and whatever her theme was this week. You expected her to have cats, but she had done herself proud this time and produced a temple to the Egyptian cat-goddess, Bast. Catwoman herself was lounging on a chaise like Cleopatra on her barge when the Siamese twins escorted Robin in. She regarded her captive contentedly as they brought the hard-dicked sidekick to her. A step away from the villainess they left the turned-on teen hero and stepped back to join their brother henchmen standing guard around the room. Catwoman sat up and stared at the hunky young man in his how very revealing trunks.

"Ah, you have got one impressive case of cat-scratch fever, I see. I swear I can feel the heat radiating off you. Are your balls full, my Boy Toy Wonder? Is your hot cum desperate to make a break for it? I hope so, because it's time for your mistress to have her afternoon pick me up."

Without waiting for a reply, she grabbed Robin's now iron-hard cock and pulled him the last step or so towards her. She ran one gloved hand (she always wore gloves he recalled) up and down his shaft while the other cupped his balls. His cock leapt, and the balls jiggled in his scrotum.

"Someone looks ready, willing, and able to do Catwoman's bidding," she purred.

Robin could only stare as she stroked his sex, but the stare communicated how utterly in control she was of every facet of his physical and emotional being.

"Blue, is my milk ready?"

"Yes, Mistress," the henchman said silkily, with an alluring accent, "It is."

"Hold it ready."

Blue raised a shallow, white alabaster libations vessel full not quite to the brim with milk, and Catwoman began to pump Robin's cock in earnest.

"You see, Boy Toy Wonder," she said as her prey started to pant in increasing excitement, "What I want from you is stewing in those magnificent balls right now. Your job for the foreseeable future is to sweeten my saucer of milk with your potent man-cream."

"Uh!" Robin moaned as his balls clammered to be allowed to loose their load, "Yes! Please, Mistress!"

"Spread your legs," she commanded, and he let his feet slide another foot apart.

Her other hand snaked in under Robin's balls, and two fingers started teasing his now-clean hole.

"Ohhh!" he squealed as the fingers pressed past the guardian muscle and sank inside him.

It was like the enema nozzle but alive and possessed of a singular purpose. She wasn't trying to fill him. She was instead searching for something, and when she found it they all knew.

"Fuck!" Robin cried as she located his prostate and started massaging the secretive gland, "Oh yeah, fuck me! Fuck me now!" he begged.

Each flick of Catwoman's finger over his love nut shot a bolt of 'Oh my fucking god' straight to Robin's brain, and his cock was leaking pre-cum double-time.

"We can't be wasting any of your delicious man-milk, Boy Wonder, so you be sure to tell Mistress when you're ready to cum. Understand?"

Robin had been ready to cum for what seemed like ages, but he knew exactly what Catwoman meant and nodded. He stood stiff as a board, as she brought him right up to the edge, and then he felt a tell-tale tingle run up his urethra.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming," he screamed.

Catwoman pointed the head of Robin's cock at the shallow white vessel and teased his frenulum with her thumb. The sidekick's body jerked, and his cock spat four jets of hot fuck-goo into the vessel, enriching the libation. He shuddered as his shaft dribbled out some final drops of sperm, and then exhaustion overtook his body. He would have collapsed in a heap except that the Siamese twins were back at his sides, catching him under the arms and lowering him to kneel before his mistress and new owner. She gently stroked her sperm donor's cheek, noting the stubble with a smile, and then took the vessel from Russian Blue. Genteelly she sniffed at it and then took a dainty sip.

"Oh, yes, delicious," she crooned, licking her lips, "Adding you to my stable was well worth the effort."

As she lay back on her chaise and languidly enjoyed her fortified milk, the twins pulled Robin to his feet again. They guided him several paces back and then stopped. The Boy Wonder had been so intent-—first on being milked and finger-fucked and then on Catwoman's obvious pleasure as she sipped at the drink containing his jizz—-that he hadn't noticed that two other men had been brought into the lair. One now stood on either side of him. He could feel that they were half a head to a head taller than himself, and a glance showed they both wore the same gear he did--easy access drawers as some comedian had once called them—-and they both sported stiff dicks. Only after Robin had stared the pair of erections, did he look up at the men's faces. Faces he recognized, men he knew.

The Green Arrow, in dark green milking trunks, stood to his right side; Aquaman, in black, stood to the left. Perspiration had wet their hair through and made their naked skin glisten. Their mouths framed by iconic golden beards, hung open, and they panted as he had before his milking. They had the same mark on their left pecs that Robin did, three raking scratches. Maybe it was his imagination, but Robin swore he could smell the pre-cum that glistened on their rigid cocks.

"How sweet. All three of my boys together," Catwoman purred, "You two have joined us in good time. Robin just added his "something extra" to my milk, now you get to make my meal complete."

Without even a prod from the henchmen, the two blond heroes stepped forward. Eagerness to serve the villainess burned in their eyes.

"Blue," Catwoman said, "My main dish."

Russian Blue held up a dish of something fishy and fileted.

"Green Arrow, milk my sea-stud."

To Robin's astonishment, the Emerald Archer fell to his knees and took charge of Aquaman's body. As Catwoman had done with him, Batman's sometimes-ally sometimes-rival wrapped one paw around Aquaman's cock and snaked a couple of fingers up the sea lord's apparently well-trained man-pussy.

"Mmmm!" Aquaman groaned as he began to thrust back on the Arrow's penetrating fingers and then forward into his teasing hand.

Green Arrow leaned forward and rested his head on Aquaman's thigh.

"Come on, get with it, bro," he whispered to the man he was milking, "Mistress is waiting. Can't keep mistress waiting."

"Oh, yeah, I'm so close," Aquaman moaned, "Rub me right there! Right there! Just like that!"

Robin couldn't tell if Green Arrow was going to town on his fellow hero's prostate or on the sensitive skin just below the cock-head in front—probably both. In the end, of course, it didn't matter. A look of blissful inevitability wrote itself across Aquaman's face, and he sighed, "I'm cumming!"

Green Arrow aimed the now pulsating shaft at Catwoman's dish and made sure that every morsel on the plate got sauced with at least a dribble of Aquaman's hot cream.

"Very good," Catwoman said as Aquaman's orgasmic shudders subsided, "I like nothing so well as creamed herring—-especially man-creamed herring. You can step back now."

The two super-studs took their places on either side of Robin again, and all three watched, entranced, as Catwoman relished the dish and the drink flavored with Aquaman and Robin's cum. Robin at one point managed to sneak a concerned look at Green Arrow. The vigilante, the only one of them that hadn't cum yet, was still hard as fuck, still oozing pre-cum like a dripping faucet.

"Don't worry, my Boy Toy Wonder," Catwoman laughed, "The Green Arrow knows his time is approaching. I always like a sauce for my dessert. And as reward for being so good you can help Aquaman when it comes time to milk him."

And he did. After Catwoman was done with the herring, Russian Blue brought out her dish of milk custard. Kneeling, Robin took Green Arrow's hefty shaft in hand while Aquaman's fingers dove for the vigilante's prostate. It took less than three minutes before the Emerald Archer, too, blew his wad, drizzling his thick white seed on top of Catwoman's delicate dessert.

"Mmm," she said as she ran a finger through and savored Green Arrow's man-sauce, "Just what the doctor ordered. You three can look forward to spicing up my meals often; I promise you that."

Catwoman slowly savored her sweet, her trio of super-cum-cows watching raptly. As she had with her "enhanced" milk and her "creamed" herring, she made a show of playing with Green Arrow's sperm as she ate. Finally done, she stood up and approached the sex-addled trio. Slowly, patiently, she ran her gloved hands over their all-but-naked bodies, leaving a trail of jizz slime. Purring, she stroked Aquaman's beard and then twirled Green Arrow's mustaches. Robin's stubble she'd already felt. After that she ran her hand back down their bodies and under the waistband of their milking trunks.

"Hmm. Siamese One, tell the groomers that before these three come to me again, I want them entirely hairless below the neck. Smooth as silk. As for the beards... Trim up Aquaman's face fuzz, but the hair on his head is a good attractive length. Green Arrow really does look best with that goatee and mustache, so just keep him trimmed. The hair on his head is good too, something a girl can dig her fingers into. As for my Boy-Toy Wonder..." she pondered, "I know he's usually clean-shaven, but I think he'll look better with just a bit of stubble. The fashion magazine touch. Tell Persian to take care of that specifically. And his head of curly black hair is perfect as it is."

"Now, before they take you away I want you to join me in a toast," she said to the super trio.

She took the libations cup from Russian Blue and lifted it to Green Arrow's lips.

"Take a sip," she said, and he did, holding the rich white milk in his mouth to savor the taste. Apparently he liked it because Robin watched a look of incredible fulfillment write itself across his face as he tasted the salty tang of Robin's young vital sperm.

"Olly likes it," Robin thought.

"Now you, Aquaman." The sea lord took his sip, and his face likewise displayed an almost obscene satisfaction. In fact the two were so tuned on by the taste of ball-juice that their cocks began to rise again. Catwoman ignored this as she held the cup up for Robin.

"You too, my sweet boy. Taste your seed."

Robin took a sip and marveled. He had tasted his cum before--what boy hadn't?--and he hadn't been impressed. Served this way, though, the taste was incredible. Shaken to the roots of his sexuality, he looked Catwoman in her eyes, his own burning with submissive awe.

"Thank you, Mistress," he said.

"Of course," she said, smiling, "Blue, stay with me. The rest of you take these three back to the Stable. Dose them well, cage their meat, and make them stew."

Next: Chapter 4

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