Robert's Revelations

Published on Jun 29, 2024


Robert's Revelations Chapter 4

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

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Chapter Four – Conversation

Note: The trip to the 'Tech' is essentially a true story. The sexism is hard to believe these days but it really happened. About all I changed is the names.

We went back in to the relative safety and comfort of the living room and I picked up my clothes from where David had dropped them. I pulled my briefs and jeans back on and felt better. Still confused but now more curious than miserable. David gave me a concerned look but didn't say anything about it.

After a few moments thought he said “I've got a magazine article that I think might help you. I'll give it to you later, don't let me forget. Now, who wants coffee?”

“Have you got a real drink?” I asked.

“Not a big drinker at sixteen are you? You hardly seem the type.”

“No. Glass of wine at Christmas and birthdays that's about it. But Mum and Dad always want one when they're stressed and it seems to help so I thought I might try it.”

He went and looked in a cabinet. “Well, I suppose one won't hurt you. All that seems to be open is whiskey, gin and sherry. That any good?”

“Can I try a G&T then?”

He poured gin into a tumbler, added a small bottle of Schweppes tonic, threw the bottle in the bin, handed me the drink and headed for the kitchen with the bin and paper. “I'll make you a coffee for after” he said. Tony followed him, leaving me alone with my drink. To be honest I didn't like it, but I hate waste and I thought it might help so forced it down and did start to feel more relaxed, though I can't say if that's cause and effect or not.

The others came back with mugs of coffee and we sat around drinking it.

“Funny you picked on Billy Price to put in your fantasy scenario” mused Tony. “Do you think he might be a bit 'confused' in that direction as well?”

“No, I don't” replied David. “It's just the sort of thing he'd do. But he'd do it for laughs, not lust. He likes girls. A bit too much by all accounts, Susan told me they all complain about him leching. He makes it a bit too obvious what he wants apparently.”

“Maybe he's 'protesting too much' though. It's not just the sort of thing he would do, it's the exact thing he did do. Remember Stephen Lloyd? Did you hear about that?”

“Hear about it? I was there, remember? So Billy called him a few names and tried to start some stupid rumour which never got going? So what?”

“Excuse me,” I asked, “but what are you talking about?” I knew Stephen, though not well, and I hadn't heard of any trouble between him and Billy.

“Remember the outing to the tech?” asked David.

“Well I heard about it but I didn't go” I said. The school had organised a trip to the Technical College for those fifth years who might be interested in more vocational qualifications. It offered courses in construction, car mechanics, technology etc. (mainly for boys) or secretarial skills, hairdressing etc. (for girls). “I'm doing science 'A' levels at school so there was no point.”

“So is Dave” said Tony. “But it was a day out for him and I may be doing a HND in computers so we both went. I reckon computers are going to really take off soon. It won't be Space Invader games on Vic 20s and ZX Spectrums for much longer, I'm telling you, and I want to be in on it.”

“Yeah, maybe” said David. “Anyway, Stephen wanted to check out an accountancy course. They split us up by sex. The boys got all the techy stuff, mechanics, plumbing and all and the girls got hairdressing and such like. Turns out accounting goes with secretarial under business studies so Stephen had to go round with the girls. Billy kept saying he wanted to do hairdressing, calling him Stephanie, saying he must be a poofter, crap like that. I'd pay money to see him say that to my barber, he's ex army, but it's just rubbish.”

“Yeah, but I meant the other part of the story” explained Tony.

David looked blank. “What other part?”

“Ah, you haven't heard it then. That explains it. Well, you know Billy, he just wouldn't let it go and called Stephen Stephanie once too often when Stephen really wasn't in the mood. I can't remember exactly what Stephen said but it was something like stupidity starts to get really tedious after you've heard it five hundred times even from a retard like half-Price so why doesn't he just shut the hell up before we all die of boredom. A load of people heard him and they all laughed. I don't know where he got half-Price from, maybe he thought of it himself, but Billy was really pissed off. Especially when other people started calling him that.

“Well, Billy wanted revenge and when one of his mates called him half-Price and said Stephanie put him in his place he says we'll see who's stupid and who's being put in place, he's going to debag the poofter and see if he gets hard for the boys. Even Billy's not that stupid, I think it was just an excuse to pick on him.

“So, they wait until lunch time and grab Stephen when he's coming out of the main block toilets. You know there's that one classroom opposite the toilets, it's the only one on the ground floor, so they drag him in there and close the blinds so no-one can see in. Then the boys hold him down and Billy strips him completely naked from the waist down and they're all staring at his cock to see if he's going to get hard but he doesn't of course. No-one really thought he would.

“Then Jason's looking out the window, pulling the slats apart on the blind, and he sees Helen and them, the same four you said outside just now so I thought maybe that gave you the idea, walking past so he went and got them. I suppose if they can't get a laugh proving he's gay they can get one showing him to girls with his pants off. So he's really embarrassed, girls looking at him like that, and Karen says she'll get him hard if Billy wants to see it that much and she did, too, so now he's even more embarrassed and so is Billy because now his mates are asking him if he likes it and saying maybe he's the poofter and don't drop the soap in the showers and stuff.

“Now Billy can't pick on Stephen any more 'cos if he says anything his mates say does he want to see his cock some more so he leaves him alone. So I wondered if maybe he really does like cock, and maybe you heard about what happened and that's why you made up that stuff outside. But I was wrong, wasn't I?”

David laughed. “Yeah, you were. I hadn't heard any of that before. But I still don't think it's real. So far as I know it's only you and me, and maybe Rob who like boys and we don't advertise, it would be suicide. If Billy was really gay there's no way he'd go around stripping boys; he'd be too scared of giving himself away. He's just a bully, and not too bright.”

“Yeah, you're probably right. I hadn't thought of it like that. His mates are just winding him up with that homo stuff. They don't believe it and they'd put him in hospital if he proved them right and he wouldn't risk that.”

So much for Billy's tastes, but I was even more confused about my own. The story of Stephen's debagging had given me a hard-on just hearing it. I'd discretely adjusted myself so the others didn't notice but it was there. And I didn't know why. Stephen was just an average looking lad; if I was into boys there were more attractive ones. David, for instance, or even Ollie Newton, to say nothing of Martin Baxter and Russell Keating. Those four could make nuns break their vows I reckon.

So then if it's not Stephen is it Billy? He's no oil painting either but do I have some perverse desire to be victimised? Consciously, no, I don't think so. But who are you kidding Rob? I was massively embarrassed on Tuesday but undeniably excited. And I just blew a load thinking about Billy. David says it's a metaphor but what if it's not?

Now I was really starting to get pissed off. With Billy for being the bullying a-hole that he is. With myself for having weird perverted fantasies involving him that I didn't understand. But most of all with David. Who asked him to awaken this... this... whatever the fuck it is? Did I ask him to? No, I did not! Perhaps he means well. And if he meant well on Tuesday perhaps the pope is an atheist! By what right does he do this to me? And why, for fuck's sake, do I feel affection, and gratitude for his concern instead of the dislike and resentment that I should. I thought a love/hate relationship was a contradiction until now.

Not that I love David of course, God forbid. And I can't hate him either. Do you ever feel like beating yourself up? I pushed my thoughts aside and ignored them, trying to just look mildly amused by the story. Little did I realise that that was the emotional equivalent of glueing the valve down on a pressure cooker. It works really well. Until, suddenly, it doesn't.

Chapter 5 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 5

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