Robert's Revelations

Published on Jun 22, 2024


Robert's Revelation Chapter 3

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

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Chapter Three – Plus ca change

Note: “The Professionals is a late 70s TV show about CI5, a fictional organisation halfway between the army and police that tackles dastardly plots of various kinds. William Bodie (ex army) and Ray Doyle (ex cop) are two operatives who usually work together.

We sat down in the living room, David and Tony side by side on the sofa while I took an armchair (all green leather Chesterfield, naturally). “Anything on telly then?” asked Tony.

David pulled the Radio Times out of a magazine rack and looked. “The Professionals is on ITV at nine. We like that, don't we? I'm not sure which you like most, Bodie or his three litre Capri. Everything else is crap, as usual.”

“Why can't I like both? Anyway it's not even half past seven so what now?”

“Let's just relax and do nothing for a while. God it's warm in here tonight. It's these West facing windows, I'd go up and close the curtains in your room if I was you, Rob, I already did mine. Otherwise you'll cook later.”

I took his advice, and couldn't resist a peek into David's room on my way back. It was a good size but looked much like any boy's room. It even had a Kim Wilde poster, to throw Mum and Dad off the scent perhaps. Or maybe he just liked her music, I do. Only unusual thing was the 4'6” bed, I wondered how he wangled that but it must be useful.

When I got back downstairs I found that David and Tony had removed their shoes, socks and shirts and were sitting around just wearing jeans. David saw me staring. “Join us?” he urged. “There's no-one else here. Go on, Rob, live a little!” A faint little alarm went off in my brain; surely I'd heard those words before somewhere. But I was hot so I pulled off my sweatshirt, sat down and removed my shoes and socks.

“I'm still hot” complained Tony. (“Always” commented David, looking sideways at him.) “Can we lose the jeans, since we're all boys together?”

“I will if you will” David replied. “You too Rob, Don't be the prude all alone.” The alarm got louder, the sense of deja-vu stronger. I just knew they were up to something, but I found I wanted to know what. Still nervous, I suddenly became excited enough to just 'go for it' anyway. I unfastened my trousers, and rapidly, before I had time to let the nervous side win and change my mind, I pulled them down and off and sat there in my blue briefs. Looking at the others sat there in their soccer shorts. I'd been had!

David stood up. “Wait a sec” he said. “Let me just check something here...” I'm not stupid. The deja-vu was overwhelming and I knew exactly what he was going to do. And I couldn't understand why but I was paralysed with.... I don't even know what. Not fear. Anticipation maybe? Curiosity? A weird urge to surrender and lose control (and thus responsibility and culpability)? Anyway I just sat there as he now walked over. “Let me just...”

David bent down and picked up my trousers and shirt. “Gotcha!” he grinned. “Now you're at my mercy again!” He sat back down, holding my clothes and grinning fiendishly.

I played along with the reconstruction. “What do you want then?” I squeaked, feeling very nervous again.

The old feline smile returned. “Come on Robbie. You know what I want. There's only one thing left that I could want. The trick is old, the day is new, I'm holding something borrowed so give me something blue!”

I did know, of course, it was totally predictable. What was less explicable was my strong desire to give it to him. Not to be naked in front of him as such but to be forced to strip for him and Tony was a massive thrill somehow. But I couldn't show it. I looked around. “I don't have a choice, do I?”

“Well, I left you your shoes” he replied. “So if you'd prefer to walk home in your underwear...... But I don't want you sitting there in your skivvies, it's too much of a tease. All or nothing, I'm afraid.”

I decided I'd shown enough reluctance and moved my hands to my waistband. And then I didn't have to fake it, I really was nervous and reluctant. The fantasy of forced stripping was exciting. The memory of when I was alone with David on Tuesday was confusing but I had a tendency to remember it in the moments between sleep and waking and then find myself awake far too early, my hand down the front of my pyjama bottoms. But the reality was terrifying, even though I wanted it.

Now, Robbie, please” said David in a cold commanding tone. Feeling like I really didn't have a choice I pushed my briefs down and stepped out of them. David had his hand out so I picked them up and handed them over. “Good boy. Hands by your sides now please. Let's have a look at you.”

I stood there as their eyes roamed all over my body. “So much for not making me do anything I don't want to” I muttered, embarrassed.

David looked me straight in the eye. “What I said is 'I may push you a bit but I won't make you do anything you really don't want to.' Not things you're pretending you don't want to, like pretending you don't have another set of clothes upstairs you could use or pretending you never said 'I don't want to' because you think I wouldn't listen. You're having fun, Robbie, and I'm helping you with your inhibitions. Kid yourself if you want to if it adds to the thrill for you but you don't fool me.”

Busted! Except I hadn't been consciously pretending, I really hadn't thought of those things. Perhaps my subconscious was giving a helping hand. I felt even more embarrassed to be standing naked in front of two attractive gay boys dressed only in shorts who believed I was doing it for the thrill.

When David stopped talking he stared intently straight at my groin for several seconds as I took in what he'd said. And that's when the tell-tale tingly feeling started, just as it had on Tuesday, and I felt myself starting to grow.

The others watched, amused, as my rapidly growing erection proved David right. “I said you were having fun didn't I?” he grinned. The grin morphed into his trademark feline smile. “Imagine if Billy Price and his gang could see you now.”

There really wasn't any serious bullying at our school, no real violence anyway. But Billy was the nearest we had: Any boy he thought was weak or 'sissy' would get pushed around, insulted and threatened by him and his acolytes. Most had the sense to keep out of his way. The week before we'd been changing for gym when Neil Gorman had got a bit too close. Billy shoved him away. “Watch out, gormless! Or I'll have them shorts off you in the gym, get you naked when the girls are going through!” He didn't do it of course, it would have caused too much trouble, he just wanted to unsettle Neil and make him nervous. It unsettled me too.

“Oh please” said Tony. “Who wants to imagine that idiot and his divvy friends?”

“I do” replied David. “Robbie does too, but he won't admit it even to himself. Imagine we're not here. Imagine we're back behind the science block. Imagine Billy and his mates stripped Robbie naked for a laugh in front of some girls. We'd like to help him, of course we would, but what can we do? We're outnumbered so we just watch. What do you think Billy would make him do to get his clothes back? Especially if he got hard on his own, what idea might that give him?”

My dick was so hard it was aching, desperate to be touched. I just instinctively knew exactly what Billy would demand. The thought of having to give in to him was just..... intense. “No” I protested half-heartedly.

“Yes” insisted David. “Don't lie to me Robbie, but more important don't lie to yourself. I'm pretty sure you wanted this Tuesday if the look on your face was anything to go by and I'm even more sure you want it now. You're starting to 'leak' and we need to do something about it before you drip on the carpet so let's go out in the garden. Or you can get dressed and go home. Do you want to go home?”

“No” I said instantly without even thinking. “That is, I mean I can't get there now anyway.”

“Just 'no' will do. You don't need an excuse. Let's go outside and watch the performance.” He got up and opened one of the glass doors.

I was nervous about going outside but there was a high wall around the garden, the house behind me, and no properties overlooking us. If anyone climbed on the church roof we might have a problem but that wasn't likely. It was warm in the evening sunshine and the grass felt good under my feet.

“Okay, picture the scene” said David. “We're standing on the grass behind the science block. Billy's gang and some of the rough girls from our year are staring at you. They're all happy because Billy's just told you you're not getting dressed until you 'come' for them and they know you've got no choice. Okay, maestro, take it away!”

My face burned with embarrassment at my mixed feelings. I absolutely wanted this. I knew I wanted it. David knew I wanted it too, it seemed he could read my mind. Perhaps a raging hard-on oozing pre-cum was a bit of a clue? But who wants to do that in front of other people? What kind of pervert is actually thrilled at being forced to do that? The sort that needs to postpone thinking and just get on with it before he gets 'blue balls' my brain replied urgently. I reached for my erection and grabbed it.

“Wait” said David. Now what? “Lie on your back on the grass, we'll see better that way.” I lay down as directed and David and Tony knelt close by. “Now imagine it's Helen and Suzie and Karen and Pamela kneeling here. Billy and his mates are stood a few feet away, watching and laughing. They think it's hysterical you got hard when they stripped you and they're getting a real kick out of making you wank for the girls. But we know that it's really Billy you're wanking for don't we? Thank God he's too stupid to guess! Okay then, showtime!”

By now I was desperate. Introspection could wait, I just wanted, needed, to come. I started pumping away, trying to think of girls, but they didn't appear. My mind alternated between the reality of David and Tony watching, and the fantasy image of Billy and his mates' sadistic leering faces.

It didn't take long before the pressure started building, my dick turned to stone in my hand and then I blasted out one of the best, most intense, orgasms I'd ever had. It seemed to go on for ages, splattering onto my chest and stomach, and it left me feeling drained, shaky and weak. And I knew I'd done it in front of David and Tony. And I knew in my gut that they wouldn't have forced me if I'd refused, therefore I'd done it by choice. And I couldn't forget that at the critical moment I'd been 'seeing' Billy Price's triumphant, contemptuous face leering at me. And I wondered what the fuck was wrong with me and I wanted to cry but managed not to.

David looked at my face and became serious and concerned. “Tony, can you do me a favour? Go into the kitchen and get a roll of kitchen paper and the swing top bin. No rush, put the kettle on while you're in there I could do with another coffee.”

When Tony had gone inside David said “Are you okay? Shit, I broke my own resolution and pushed you too hard, didn't I? Sorry, I really wanted to help you not break you but I forgot how new and scary all this is for you. I knew you were fragile and I really hope I haven't damaged you some more 'cos you're not a toy, but I'm a bloody idiot who gets carried away sometimes.”

“It's alright” I managed, even though it really wasn't. “It's like you said, I was only pretending I didn't want to. I was scared, but I wanted it and you knew that. And you didn't control what I was thinking about. So whatever kind of sick pervert I am it.... it comes from me not you.”

“Fuck! I really am an idiot! I'm so sorry! What can I say? Look, there's nothing wrong with playing games and there's nothing wrong with fantasies, even transgressive ones. You're not accountable to Mary Whitehouse for what's in your own head. Just because you have a fantasy doesn't mean you want it for real. Loads of women have rape fantasies. Do you think they want to be raped? Really? Of course not, that's one of the worst things that can happen to them. The fantasy is just a metaphor.”

“So you think I was... what? Making a metaphor for something else?”

“How the hell do I know? I'm not Dr Freud and I don't know what you were thinking. All I'm saying is enjoy your fantasies, don't take them too seriously.”

“That's right” said Tony, emerging from the living room with the requested items. I tore off some paper and started to clean myself up. “You should see us being 'The Professionals'! I do a mean Bodie impression if I do say so myself. I get 'Ray Doyle' squealing like a stuck pig! Martin Shaw [the actor who played Doyle] would kill us both if he knew!”

“Shut up Tony, you're not helping” admonished David, embarrassed, but he couldn't help grinning.

Neither could I. “Actually, he is. Bodie and Doyle, eh? I never knew CI5 stood for cheeky iconoclasts from the fifth year.” I tore off another sheet and blew my nose loudly. “Come on, let's go back inside.”

“Iconoclasts, eh?” mused David. “That's a big word for a Friday night but I like it. Okay, let's go in.”

Chapter 4 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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