Robert's Revelations

Published on Aug 24, 2024


Robert's Revelations Chapter 12

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

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Chapter Twelve – Sauce for the Gander

On Wednesday I missed lunch and my stomach growled all afternoon. But it was so worth it. Neil and Stephen agree, and we're all grateful to David, Tony and Ollie for making it happen.

Just to recap. I wanted revenge for the events described in the last chapter. Neil (Gorman) had suffered quite a lot of anxiety expecting Billy to “have them shorts off you in the gym, get you naked when the girls are going through!” Stephen (Lloyd) had had the memorable experience of being held down, naked below the waist, in front of girls, while Karen gave him an erection.

David and Tony wanted revenge on my behalf, they were loyal friends now, and it turns out that Ollie (Newton) is a friend of Stephen's who was more than happy to team up for vengeance. Neil was invited because, well, why not?

The last lesson before lunch was gym. After it we all changed back into school uniform and headed off to lunch. Well, that's what normally happened but not this time. Just as the end of lesson bell rang and everyone started filing out David and Tony each grabbed one of Billy's arms. He tried to shout but Tony slapped his free hand over Billy's mouth, silencing him.

Billy could see me, Neil and Stephen in front of him, amongst others. He didn't see Ollie creep up behind him so had no idea who suddenly blindfolded him with one of those black masks night shift workers use to sleep in the day. He was pushed into the corner and Stephen, Ollie, Neil and I stood in front of them to block the view, apparently checking something in a book. Mr Matthews, the sports teacher, glanced at us with zero curiosity and headed off for his lunch.

Once Mr Matthews was gone Tony said “It's just us now. I'm going to move my hand. It won't do you any good to shout but we don't want to listen to it so if you do we'll gag you. If you don't want that keep quiet, okay?” He moved his hand.

“What the hell is this?” demanded Billy, furiously but quietly.

“Payback time” David told him. “You picked on my friend on Monday. That was a big mistake. This is revenge for him and a few other people. Otherwise known as karma. You know none of those people touched you, they were standing in front of you. Maybe some of them are still here, maybe not. You'll never know. Now it's time for walkies.”

One door from the changing room led to a hallway with access to the gym and the outside. Billy was dragged towards the other one, which led to an area behind the stage in the school hall so the changing rooms could be used for drama as well as sport. I got ahead of them, opened the door and glanced out. Alice Coleman (Tony's 'girlfriend') gave me a thumbs-up from outside the girls' room, I nodded to her and then the others and held the door wide open as Billy was dragged through it.

We followed silently as Billy was dragged to the door to the girls' room and then through it, Alice holding it open just as I had. Inside the room Susan Walters (David's 'girlfriend') waited silently with about a dozen other girls. The ones who hung around with Billy's gang weren't there; I assumed these were the girls who'd complained about him leching and were here for some payback of their own.

I knew what to do, I'd been briefed. I pulled Billy's tie off, then started undoing his shirt. “What are you doing? Get off me you poof!” he demanded.

“How do you know it's a boy?” asked David, shocking him. “Carry on, anonymous person.” I did, removing his shirt and using his tie to tie his hands behind an upright on the combined bench and clothes hooks assembly behind him.

“Excellent” said David. “Now, I've heard on good authority that he's not a poofter but never mind. Let's debag the non-poofter and see if he gets hard for us.” I held Billy's ankles so he couldn't kick as Stephen removed his shoes, socks, and trousers, leaving him standing in just his tatty old blue y-fronts.

“Well I'm not sure if those count as shorts,” mused David, “but what the hell. Let's have them shorts off you in the changing room, get you naked when the girls are passing through, as you nearly said once.” Neil rushed forwards to pull them down and off.

“Girls?” asked Billy nervously.

The girls, who had been silent until now, burst out in giggles, wolf-whistles and comments. “Hi Billy” , “Nice to see you Billy” , “Now we're leching at you” , “Nice dick Billy” , “But it's soft, don't you like us?” , “Isn't this fun!”

Now Billy knew there were multiple girls looking at him but he didn't know how many, or who. He blushed bright red and struggled to free his hands, but couldn't. “Come on” he pleaded. “This is too much!”

“It's no worse than what you did to at least two other people” David pointed out. “Speaking of which, anybody want to volunteer to be Karen today?” Strangely enough, no-one did. But it turned out to be unnecessary. He knew that girls were 'checking him out' sexually, that triggered his libido and soon he got an erection, very much against his will if the way he squirmed and struggled and shook his head despairingly was anything to go by. He wasn't the only one. I had to discretely adjust myself and I noticed David and Tony doing the same. Oh boy, this was hot, hot, HOT!! Billy the bully, blind, bound, naked and helpless. Anybody could touch him any way they wanted and he'd never know who. Sadly we had standards (and witnesses!) so couldn't actually do it. Luckily everyone else was too focused on Billy to notice us metaphorically drooling.

“Now I ought to make you do what you made someone else do on Monday but I'd have to untie you for that and I don't want to. What to do?” wondered David. He pulled a three inch wide soft-bristled paint brush out from inside his shirt. “Ah, problem solved. 'Karen' has volunteered to do it for you. Isn't that nice of her?”

I'm not sure 'nice' was quite the right word, and I doubt if Billy thought so either but David was on a mission to give us a show. Neil and Stephen looked slightly bored, no-one else was! I wondered if I dared risk ten minutes alone in a toilet cubicle. Risky, but otherwise four o'clock was going to be a long time coming.

We all watched, fascinated, as David set to work, teasing and stimulating Billy's erection with the soft brush, paying particular attention to the head and the bit just behind it. After a while Billy started squirming afresh. He shook his head hopelessly. “No,” he moaned. He even whined like a dog a couple of times. He really didn't want to 'shoot his load' in front of an anonymous audience of people he knew but couldn't identify. But his body had other ideas and he wasn't getting a choice.

After another minute or so Billy moaned aloud, as if he was in actual pain, and started ejaculating. The girls squealed with delight as his sperm shot out and splattered on the floor in front of him. I was tempted to join them but managed not to. By now I was feeling so excited it was all I could do not to whip it out and add to the mess on the floor but I resisted that temptation as well somehow. I had a feeling I might be in a bad way later if I didn't get some relief.

David had not actually physically touched Billy sexually, and no-one was likely to suspect what they had no reason to suspect. Nevertheless, as 'belt and braces' perhaps, Susan rushed up to him, locked her lips on his, and gave him what certainly looked like a passionate kiss. “Thank you, that was marvellous” she breathed, loud enough to be heard, soft enough that hopefully Billy wouldn't recognise her voice.

Tony whispered something to David and disappeared as Alice passed Susan some paper towels which she used to clean Billy's shrivelling dick, then the floor. Then she went to the single toilet in it's little room by the PE teachers' office and flushed away the evidence.

Tony came back from wherever he'd been and started gesturing for everyone to leave which they did, including Ollie, Stephen and Neil. When just the four of us were left David addressed Billy. “You just got what you asked for when you picked on Rob Symes on Monday and Stephen Lloyd the other week. Don't ask if either of them are here; I won't tell you. I could leave you here for the next class of girls to find but I'm going to let you go now and then we're all quits, okay? Oh, and don't assume it was a girl that played with you, you don't know that and you enjoyed it either way so think about that before you call other people poofters. All right?”

“Quits?” spluttered Billy. “Quits my arse! You are so going to pay for this!”

“Oh, you'd like to stay for the next class would you? Third year hockey on Wednesday afternoon I think. You'll be a nice surprise for them.”

“Okay, okay, you win. I won't try to beat you up and I won't go after your little pets either. Happy now? Just let me go and we'll say no more about it.”

Tony led me to the door as David untied the tie. Then we went out into the area behind the stage as David dropped the tie and chased after us. “Up here” urged Tony, climbing a short flight of stairs to the wings of the stage. Then he led us into about a six foot gap between the set at the back of the stage and the back wall behind it. All our school bags were already there, Tony must have retrieved them earlier. “We'll be safe here for a bit. No-one comes up here at lunch time.”

“Safe for what?” I asked naively.

“Well I can't speak for you but my guess is we all need some relief after watching that performance” said David. We were all keeping our voices down so as not to be heard by anyone behind, or in front of, the stage. “There isn't time to do anything really interesting but we can stand in a circle and get off watching each other get off. Easy and safe because we'll hear anyone coming up the steps.”

David threw a couple of paper towels on the floor, unzipped his fly and pulled his erection out. Tony followed suit and then I did the same. Watching these two pleasuring themselves made me even more horny than I already was. I assume the effect was the same for the others. Anyway it didn't take long for any of us and soon the paper between us was sodden with all our ejaculate.

David got another paper towel and used it to pick up the ones on the floor without getting the mess on his hands. He went off cautiously towards the changing room to get rid of it. When he came back he said “It's okay, Billy's long gone.”

“But he may be watching the entrance to see who comes out” Tony pointed out. “Let's go the other way.” We went through the wings and looked out at the hall, which was luckily empty. We quickly walked off the stage, down the steps and out into the foyer.

We had various different classes the first period after lunch. To my surprise Susan came up to me at break and said “Come with me.” She led me over to where David and Tony were talking. I generally left them alone in school, not wanting to become a nuisance.

“We have a problem” said Susan, bluntly. “Billy just asked me if I know my so-called boyfriend is gay. I told him not to be silly, I'd heard rumours about lunchtime but that doesn't mean you're gay. He said maybe not but he can prove it and he's warning me because he can prove it and soon everyone will know. He sounded like he meant it and you saw how much he hated what happened at lunch.”

“He's shit stirring” said David, dismissively. “Did he show you any proof? Or tell you what it is? That's because there isn't any. If there was he'd use it, not tell someone who will warn me. He hated what happened but he asked for it when he did it to other people. Now what's he going to do? Beat me up at playtime? If he thought he could do that he'd be doing it. So he makes up rumours and tries to damage my relationship. Let him. No-one will believe him, especially after he tried it with Stephen Lloyd. Anyway, what 'proof' could he possibly have?”

“Well I hope you're right” said Susan. “He sounded pretty confident to me.”

“It's just bluff” said David confidently. “And if it isn't it's not your problem. You can be as shocked as anyone, and really upset. But it won't come to that.”

He seemed to be right as Billy kept a low profile and no 'proof' was forthcoming that day, Thursday or even Friday. We went home for the weekend sure we'd heard the last of it.

Chapter 13 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 13

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