Roberto the Mechanic Stud

By Chicos Todos

Published on Jan 7, 2013


Hi readers! Thanks for joining me in Danny and Roberto's romantic adventures. Before getting to the action, I just wanna say one thing:

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© 2012 ChicosTodos. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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The naked mechanic stayed sitting in his bed. Three words were branded on his mind, refusing to fade away.

I loved you. Not "I love you". I loved you.

Danny left. Roberto wasn't the one who left this time; his bitch, his French-Chinese twink, his source of endless pleasure, his young, abiding, generous, passionate lover. His.

He was no longer his.

Roberto got up and walked out of the bedroom. The first thing that caught his eye was the protein shake on the kitchen counter. Then the plate of fruit beside the shake.

Danny was just here. He had him, here, his fingers wrapped around the plastic cup of the protein shake, his teeth biting into a piece of apple, his blush always easy to tease out, his tight, hairless ass always willing.

The mechanic touched a slice of apple, tracing his fingertip around its freshly cut edge. And then it hit him: all that was left was cold, hard fruit. Danny was gone.

The tears came.

Danny cried all his tears for Roberto the following week. On the eighth day, when he woke up, he made a decision.

He wasn't going to be a victim. And he was going to learn from this.

It was the last semester before graduation. Some of his classmates slacked off in the home stretch, having already landed jobs or long ago calculated that they would pass even if they failed everything from this point on. Not Danny: he worked hard. He did all his readings and assignments, avoided procrastinating, joined the creative writing and Francophone clubs on campus, and started tutoring high-school English and French. He bought an agenda and filled it with colour-coded tasks, deadlines, appointments, and meetings, planning his day down to the half-hour if needed. There was simply no room for horrible nightmares; his agenda clearly showed he was fully booked.

Danny made a point to meet and hang out with as many new people as possible, sometimes meeting three different groups in the same night after class. It didn't matter that, often, what they did or said didn't really interest Danny; he needed to be around people, needed to be anywhere but in his bedroom, where he could stop and remember.

The new social settings also gave him ample opportunities to employ lessons learned. Like putting up walls. Holding back. Keeping secrets. Never depending on anyone. And lying. He told every person he met that he had a boyfriend: older, an electrician, and yes, things were going fabulously. He faked nice very well; it got him a few job interviews.

With every passing day, in that moment right after he shut off the morning alarm, Danny understood more and more why Roberto did what he did.

There were no nice guys out there. Or, at least, nice guys worth a second glance. Liam was nice; it wasn't enough. And love, the burning question that he fed, the brave admission that earned him a ticket to personal hell? It was a stupid word, a mushy sentiment that equalled weakness. He was sure that's what Roberto thought of it: count on lust, never love. Just fuck; don't give a fuck.

He felt like he finally understood the mechanic now, so well. They shared kisses, bodies, and bodily fluids, but under the skin, they were continents apart, reading completely different books. Roberto taught Danny so many things, but no lesson was as valuable as the dark, cruel underside of affection. He studied it well.

Most of his friends were impressed with this studious, multitasking Danny, no doubt the result of a new year's resolution, they thought. But the people closest to him were worried.

His mother thought that he was overextending himself; Danny reminded her that she'd always encouraged him to get better grades and meet new people. Meanwhile, Richie had never seen his best friend like this. He'd been there when Danny was at his lowest, bawling his eyes out and sinking into a brief spell of depression over his grandfather's death or getting a C on a project he worked really hard on, but cool, guarded, goddamn superficial Danny? It confounded Richie.

Danny's best friend had asked what happened between him and Roberto; Danny replied that they weren't on the same page. Richie then asked how Danny was feeling; his best friend shrugged and said he learned his lesson. From then on, Danny repeatedly denied that there was anything wrong.

Richie was at a loss. He was also dating Trevor, Mr. Blond Mohawk who was a tattoo artist, so the two best friends drifted apart. Too busy trying to keep busy to care, Danny focused on the future, as in distancing himself from everything that had happened since the day his mother sent him to get the oil changed.

Time moved on; winter gave way to spring. The young man graduated with honours, also making the Dean's List. He landed a junior copywriting job at a telecommunications company; he would start a month from graduation. That made his mother happy.

The snow was melting; sleeves and hemlines were disappearing. Danny called Richie back and began to party like never before; it was now Richie's turn to start declining nights out drinking and clubbing; he preferred quieter settings with Trevor now. Danny went to every bar, every club, every establishment on the gay strip, with new friends or just by himself. He said hi to everybody, including the employees and patrons at the bathhouse.

Five months since Danny walked out of Roberto's apartment, walked out of his life, and the mechanic was still an insomniac.

Soon after Danny had left, Roberto took a month off and visited Portugal. The last time he was there, he was ten years old. Everything looked and felt different on this visit; buildings and spaces seemed much smaller; the restaurants and parks he remembered were no longer there; his extended family, who were all happy to see him, looked so much older. During his stay, his parents tried again to get him to move back home. He left after four days.

Through it all, despite being an ocean away, Roberto couldn't stop thinking of Danny. He'd called and texted him several times since he last saw the young man, but perhaps unsurprisingly, Danny never responded.

He was the last person the mechanic had sex with. Nick approached Roberto several times, offering to stay late at work; Steven still tried to chat him up every day he went to the gym. Roberto paid them neither attention nor interest. He saw them as dirty mistakes that he couldn't erase, filth and shame he had to face day in, day out as consequences for his actions, as punishment for hurting Danny.

He didn't go looking for fresh ass; the hunt had lost its appeal. He didn't go out with Fred or the few friends he had either. Instead, after work, he got groceries at the supermarket, turned on the cooking channel when he got home, and got down to business. He was always a good cook; preparing food allowed his mind to focus and calm down. For an hour a day, he didn't wonder "what if?", he didn't think "I wish..." That happened later, when the dish was finished and Roberto stared at it, alone. At least Fred and the other mechanics appreciated his tasty leftovers.

On a Saturday evening in May, Roberto had to go downtown, to get some Indian spices and dried vegetables for his latest recipe. Right before he entered the specialty mart off a busy intersection, he recognized someone coming out of the tattoo parlour next door. It was Richie.

Roberto instantly called his name. Danny's best friend turned around; he was with a tall, slim guy with a blond mohawk. The young man's eyes went wide.

"How are you, Richie?" Roberto asked, trying hard to keep his urgency in check.

"I'm good." The young man was stunned that the mechanic was standing in front of him. Roberto was unshaven and looked a little skinnier. Richie wanted to find out what happened five months ago, but he also wanted to protect his best friend from the man who changed him so completely. "How've you been?"

The mechanic looked lost for a moment.

"It's been rough..." Roberto finally replied, running his hand through his short, ungelled hair. He looked at the young man. "Can we talk?"

Richie looked up at Trevor. "Are you gonna be okay?" the tattoo artist asked.

"Yeah. He's a friend of mine and Danny. We're just gonna catch up."

Trevor shot a look at the mechanic, then arched his eyebrow. "Okay. Call me when you're done; I'll be at home."

"Thanks, Richie,," Roberto said as Trevor walked away. Richie nodded. They went to a coffee shop nearby and awkwardly waited for their orders in silence. Then they found an empty table and sat down, facing each other.

"So..." Roberto started.

"What happened between you and Danny?" Richie asked at the same time. The mechanic took a deep breath.

"I was seeing other people. We never had a talk about what we were doing."


"Danny found out. He was upset. And...he left before I could talk to him."

"He was in love with you."

"I know," Roberto said. "I know." There was a pause.

"I should've handled things better," he said and swallowed his coffee. Richie stayed silent. The mechanic pressed on. "How is he?"

Danny's best friend took a sip of tea, staring at the mechanic.

"I called and texted him..." Roberto began. Richie closed his eyes.

"He's changed, he's completely changed. He's always out with new, random people. He knows everyone in the village." Richie shook his head. "Now he's going out all the time, while I just wanna stay in and chill with Trevor."

"Is he doing good?" Roberto asked, frowning. The young man in front of him sighed.

"I don't know. He doesn't really tell me anything anymore." He looked out the window, eyes wandering through the transient crowd on the street. "We talk, but not like we used to."

They were quiet for a moment. Richie avoided the mechanic's stare.

Roberto cleared his throat. "I need to see him. I need to talk to him. Can you help me?" he asked, leaning forward. Richie's gaze returned to him.

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"But I love him," the mechanic said, opening his palms.

The young man's mouth popped open.

"I...I need to make things right. I need to try. I can't go another day wondering what I should've done..." The mechanic was shocked and embarrassed that tears were forming in his eyes. "Please, I need to see him," he said, the pleading look on his face dissolving Richie's resolve.

"I'll tell him you want to talk to him," the young man said, trying to keep a stoic face.

"No, Richie, I need to see him now." He was lucky enough to bump into Richie today; he wasn't going to leave the rest of it to chance now. Roberto squeezed the young man's hand.

"But I don't know where he is..."

"Can you call him?" the mechanic asked. Richie exhaled and looked away. He'd been so sure before that he wasn't going to let Roberto near his best friend again. But the mechanic didn't turn Danny's world upside-down by accident; sitting in front of him now, with his warm touch, smouldering eyes, and heavy words, Richie found it harder and harder to say no.

So he got his cell phone from his pocket. He prayed that the mechanic won't make things worse.

"RICHIIIIEEE!" Danny hollered on the third ring.

"Hey Danny. Where are you right now?"

"I'm in the village with Terry...and Rose...and their friends! Omigod! You called at the perfect time...who has better songs: Britney or Rihanna? GUYS!" Danny exclaimed away from the phone. "I have my best friend Richie on the phone RIGHT NOW...He's gonna break the tie!"

"Where are you guys going to?" Richie asked, rolling his eyes.

"Huh, what? He said Britney!" Richie heard cheers and boos. Danny was laughing. Then there was some scratching and shuffling over the line.

"Hello? Richie? Honestly, Britney? What has she done in the last year..." some unknown, belligerent voice began.

"Sorry, can you give the phone back to Danny?" Richie asked, annoyed. More scratching on the line.

"Richie, I miss yoooou!" Danny whined drunkenly.

"I miss you too. So where are you going?"

"YOU COMING OUT??" Danny exclaimed. His best friend grimaced and looked at Roberto.

The mechanic just wanted to grab the phone and hear the voice that echoed in his head every night.

"Yeah. Trevor wants to go out too."

"UHH FINALLY! Why do boyfriends have to take my friends away? Huh Terry? Omigod I can't wait to introduce you to everyone at the bathhouse! Richie?" Danny asked, then burped. "Are you guys open?"

"The bathhouse? You're going to the bathhouse?" Richie asked incredulously. Roberto's eyes widened.

"Yeah! It's half off tonight for students and seniors cos it's Marty's birthday...and he gives me a discount so it's basically free! YEAH COME!"

"Uh, okay...I'll see you soon," Richie said, ready to hang up.

"WAIT RICHIE! I wanna ask you something."


Danny was silent for a few seconds. Then, in a low voice, he asked, "Do you think I'll ever find someone like Roberto again?"

Richie looked at the mechanic, who was getting up from the chair. "I hope so," he replied as Roberto leaned down, hugged him tightly, and whispered, "Thank you."

The mechanic barged into the men's spa and kept his clothes on. It'd been a year or so since he was last here; two guys, one twink and one daddy, were licking his dick like a lollipop. He saw a few familiar faces in the dark hallways; the mechanic gruffly nodded hi and walked on, checking the showers, the theatre room, and passing by the pitch-dark maze-like dungeon room, where he prayed Danny was not at. Then he entered the big sauna, which had several sections.

Within seconds, Roberto regretted not taking his clothes off; the humid heat made him sweat profusely. Wafts of steam obscured his vision, showing only groping hands and faces sucking cocks up close. It was a busy night.

He heard a laugh and knew it was Danny's. Following the sound urgently, he turned a corner and saw the object of his waking dreams on his knees, giving a blowjob to an older, hairy man lying back on a bench.

Roberto walked right up to Danny and tore him away from the languid body he was pleasuring. Their eyes met. As soon as the young man realized who just grabbed him, he wrung his arm free and bolted.

"Danny!" the mechanic yelled, giving chase through the hazy, sweltering sauna. A foot came out of nowhere and tripped him; he landed on his forearms and knees, yowling in pain. "Danny! Come back!" He got up and hopped in pain for a few steps, then pushed open the sauna door and sped down the hallway.

"Excuse me, what's going on??" an employee with a cleaning cart asked, grabbing Roberto's arm. "Oh, it's you, Roberto," he said when he got a closer look.

"Oh, Ian! Young guy, mixed Asian, uh, skinny...he's wearing tighty whities?"

Ian looked at Roberto's fully dressed form and frowned. "He went towards the dungeon room."

"Shit," he muttered.

"Roberto, is everything..."

"Yeah, I'm just going to get my boyfriend. He hates the dark. Thanks, Ian!"

Roberto navigated the corridors and soon found the rubber curtains that led to the dungeon room. He brushed the curtains aside and yelled Danny's name in the complete darkness. Immediately he heard shuffling and astonished gasps; he headed towards the commotion, bumping into elbows and backs on the way.

A few blind turns later, his outstretched hands hit a wall. He stood frustrated for a moment, then grabbed his cell phone and turned on the screen.

Naked men, some kneeling, others bent over, cursed and hollered as he shone the lit screen all around. The mechanic saw Danny's back for a brief moment before he slipped behind a nook. Dashing that way with his phone light up front, he rounded the corner and found the young man with his back against the wall. They were in a small stall-like space.

"Don't come closer!" he screamed. Danny was now facing two of his greatest fears: darkness and the mechanic. He wanted to go home.

"Danny, please..." Roberto took a step.

"Don't!" he squeaked.

They stood a few feet from each other. The phone cast a dim, ghoulish glow over Danny's shuddering figure. When the light shut off, Roberto pressed the screen to relight it.

`Shut it off!" Danny commanded. Roberto did as told. The they stood silently in the pitch blackness.

After a long moment, the mechanic asked, "Can I talk to you?"

Danny didn't reply. Roberto waited a bit more, then stepped forward.

"Stay back!" Danny screamed, flattening further against the wall.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..."


"Please!" Roberto implored. He was losing his mind. He finally, finally got Danny in front of him, but it felt like the young man was forever out of his reach.

"I'm sorry, Danny. Please..." Uncontrollable sobs wracked his breathing, interrupting the crucial words he needed to say.

"I'm sor-ry...I hurt you. I...I shouldn't have..."

He hung his head as warm tears fell on the floor.

"I'm so-sor-ry..." He wiped his face furiously. "Can you...can you forgive me-e?" he begged.

Still, silence.

"Tell me...what to do. I-I'll do anything, me another chance...oh Danny..."

Roberto burst into tears. Was this it? Was this the best he could do? He felt so desperate that he couldn't think straight. So his emotions took over.

"I love you..." he blubbered.

And then...

And then he felt arms embracing his torso. He hugged back, fast and hard.

"Dan-ny...oh Danny! I-I love you!" he choked in the dark.

With that, all of Danny's walls came tumbling down. Painful sobs spilled forth. It was useless: he'd tried to run away from the man he loved, but Roberto was everywhere: in his dreams, in every Japanese car he saw on the road, in every glance Richie exchanged with Trevor, in every moment driving from one group of acquaintances to another. He hated Roberto because even though he left the mechanic that Sunday morning, the mechanic never left his mind. He still remembered every kiss, every muscle, every push of his cock inside. He still remembered how he tasted.

Now the mechanic has finally caught up with him, and said the words he'd stopped hoping for since that day. It was over; Danny was back at square one: ready and willing to open up and give all he had to Roberto.

"Please don't hurt me again..." the young man sobbed, gripping Roberto's wide, solid back. "Please don't..."

"Never," the mechanic replied.

Danny opened his eyes. Bright sunlight streamed in from the window. He yawned, then turned to check the time on his phone. It was around eight in the morning. Sunday.

It felt a bit like déjà vu. The young man's thoughts clouded over briefly. And then Roberto snorted and coughed behind him.

"Danny?" He awoke with a start, sitting up. His lover turned around and looked at him. It wasn't a dream; Danny was really back, in his bed. The mechanic blinked and rubbed his eyes.

"You okay?" Danny asked. Roberto gazed at the young man's slender, fair-skinned body, clad in white briefs. Then he looked at his lover's face.

"I dreamt this wasn't real," he replied. "I dreamt I woke up and you were gone."

Danny reached up and stroked the mechanic's chest, the firm, bulging, hairy pecs he masturbated to while they were apart. Roberto closed his eyes and sighed.

After their episode at the bathhouse last night, they had a long talk at Roberto's apartment, about the past and the future. Roberto apologized, asked for forgiveness and another chance; Danny made it clear he wanted them to be monogamous boyfriends. They would try. Then, for the first time, they fell asleep without having sex.

The mechanic leaned down and kissed Danny on the forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," he replied, circling his arms around Roberto's neck. The bigger man moved on top of Danny's body. They were both hard.

"I dreamt about you every day," the younger man said.

"What were they about?"

"Sex. Then it turned into a nightmare."

"Guess I better work on my technique," Roberto offered, rotating his pelvis. They shared a chuckle.

"You kept me up. I couldn't sleep." the mechanic admitted after a while, playing with Danny's shortened bangs.

"Sorry. Go back to sleep." The younger man furrowed his brows.

"No, I mean, when you were gone," Roberto said. They returned to quiet thought.

Danny broke the silence. "I wanna be with you, Roberto."

"I want that too," Roberto affirmed, kissing his lover. Then he confessed, "...I've never done this before."

"It's easy. Just don't cheat!" Danny offered, smirking. The mechanic cocked his head and began to tickle his lover. Danny yelped in surrender.

"No, but seriously..." he said, his smile fading.

"I haven't had sex with anyone since that night," Roberto said, his forehead resting on Danny's.

"Really?" the younger man exclaimed.

"Slut," Roberto teased.

"You're the one to talk!" At Danny's accusation, the mechanic flipped his lover onto his stomach and pressed his weight down on Danny's back. The younger man laughed and flailed his limbs.

"What's wrong, Danny? I thought you liked it from the back," Roberto breathed into Danny's ear while tickling his sides.

"STOP! know I like it every way with you..." The mechanic stopped his antics and stared at his lover. Lust lit up in both of their eyes.

In a second, they were kissing each other, kicking off their underwear, hungry for each other's tongue and lips after months of separation. Their hands didn't know what to touch first: cheeks, neck, nipples, abs, or dick. So they flew everywhere, manic, greedy, possessive. Amidst the heated commotion, Danny pressed his palms against Roberto's pecs and pushed the bigger man down onto the bed. He then proceeded to lick and bite his way down the mechanic's rippling torso, sucking on the thick treasure trail that coated his eight-pack.

"Oh fuck YEAH, Danny!" Roberto moaned helplessly, curling his toes as his lover got closer and closer to his lengthening prick. The younger man hissed salaciously when he reached the base of the mechanic's shaft, surrounded by a thick, untrimmed bush of black hair.

"Did you miss my lips?" he asked, kissing the insides of Roberto's sturdy, furry thighs. The older man threw his head back against the pillow in frustration.

"Fuck, Danny, just suck it!" he demanded.

"You have to ask nicely," his lover teased, tonguing his hairy balls.

"Argh...please suck my cock!" Roberto yelled. Danny stopped fooling around and dove down on the longest, thickest dick he ever did see. When the back of his throat pressed against Roberto's cockhead, the mechanic had to clench hard to stop himself from ejaculating. His lover's flicking tongue and sucking mouth felt too good to be true; he was close to the edge.

"Oh God Danny I'm gonna cum!" he exclaimed. His lover sucked harder and faster, driving him over the edge. Roberto clawed the bedsheets as he unleashed volley after volley of hot, slick, flying semen in Danny's starving mouth. "OH FUCK! OH FU...DANNY!" The young man kept sucking.

Danny was delirious. No longer did he have to try to remember how Roberto tasted like; it was splashing plentifully right into his mouth. He sucked and sucked at the glans while his muscular stud twitched and writhed below him.

"Oh baby, oh Danny, please AH!" With the cumshots slowing down to a slow oozing, Danny released Roberto's swollen dick with a pop and smiled proudly at the mechanic. His older lover grabbed the back of his head and pressed their lips together for a cum-flavoured kiss.

"Ready for round two?" Roberto asked with a horny grin. Danny squealed as he was flipped onto his back, and he squealed some more when his lover crouched between his legs and started rimming.

"Ah! I missed your tongue Roberto!"

The mechanic backed away and asked, "Is that all you missed?" He started fondling Danny's cock and balls.

"I missed you so bad...OHH!" The younger man grabbed Roberto's hair as the wicked tongue resumed its plundering.

It took several minutes for the mechanic to loosen up his lover; he gave Danny an exquisite blowjob while stretching him out with his fingers.

"Just give it to me, Roberto," the younger man whined, taking three fingers with ease.

"You been pounded loose by other cocks now?" the mechanic challenged, spreading lube on his slightly bent, nine-inch shaft.

"My ass was always yours. Make me yours," Danny pleaded. Roberto growled at the task.

"Ready, baby?" he asked, placing the younger man's legs on his shoulders.

"Yeah, just thrust it in. I can take it," Danny replied, biting his lower lip.

Roberto did just that. He slammed all nine inches inside with one big push; Danny shrieked but took it all. When the mechanic paused, watching his lover's clenched face, Danny grabbed the bigger man's hips and implored, "Fuck me."

The mechanic went into overdrive. Danny held on tight to Roberto's meaty buttocks as the powerful top pounded his open hole, wailing breathlessly. Meanwhile, his fervent lover grunted and laboured. His sweat dripped onto Danny's creamy skin.

The bed squeaked and bounded. Roberto gave one last hard thrust inside Danny's rectum, then pulled out and lifted his lover's smooth, compact body, reorienting him onto his hands and knees. But Danny's mouth was hungry again.

"Wait, I wanna taste it!" the younger man blurted. Roberto raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"You hungry for your lubed asshole?" he sneered, crawling around to Danny's face. He fed his throbbing prick to his lover's impatient mouth.

"Mmm hmm..." Danny affirmed, first sucking around the crown, then deep throating the girthy cock. The taste of lube and precum mixed together was nasty...and addictive. Roberto cursed and drilled his shaft deeper down his lover's throat; on the third thrust, Danny gagged.

"Sorry, baby," Roberto apologized, taking his gooey cock out and bending down to give his lover a soft kiss. He stroked Danny's cheek, then crawled back to the young man's ass.

"Wait! I'm not done with it yet!" Danny complained.

"Well, I'm not done fucking your ass either!" Roberto retorted, giving Danny's perky little ass a good slap and more lube before thrusting himself back in. Danny squeaked, then pushed back onto the mechanic's veiny pelvis. His lover fucked him with long, slow strokes, aiming at slightly different angles each time to further stimulate the panting bottom. Then he let Danny fuck himself on the massive cock, as he took a little break and smoothed his hands over his lover's moist back, reached under and wrapped his palm around Danny's glans. The young man sang the mechanic's name in wavering pitch.

When he was ready, Roberto steadied Danny's delectable bum, climbed onto the bed, bent over the younger man's back, pressed his palms on the mattress, and gave the bottom a fast, feral dicking. His hairy balls smacked wetly against Danny's crack.

Danny began one long, rising moan. When he ran out of breath, he broke into a series of falling, agonized sighs. "Roberto..AHH! You're gonna make me CUM AH!"

"Cum for me, yeah!" Roberto grunted, biting his lover's neck and left ear.

"Omigod ROBERTO! AHH!!" The younger man screamed his release, firing long threads of fresh cum onto the bed sheets. His clenching sphincter milked Roberto's dick ruthlessly. The mechanic kept impaling his hole, making Danny whimper from the hypersensitive stimulation as his cumshots went down to a dribble.

"You want me to cum on your face?" Roberto demanded, still fucking hard.

"Umm hmm," Danny moaned with eyes closed, his face resting on the sticky sheets as he came down from his orgasm.

"Take it. Take my cum," the mechanic muttered, pulling out of his lover as his cock started leaking cum. He brought the cockhead to Danny's face just in time: the first blast fired off, a rope of viscous liquid streaking from his lover's mouth, to his nose, to his shut eyelid, all the way up to his hair. Subsequent blasts covered Danny's content face with messy lines of goo. The young man kept his mouth open, his eyes shut, and whipped his tongue all around, trying to lick up every drop. He ran his hands up and down the sweat-soaked fur on the mechanic's brawny pecs and sculpted core.

Roberto sat back and enjoyed the view of his handiwork: Danny's cum-glazed visage. Then he jammed his deflating dick into his lover's waiting mouth and endured the torturous bliss that was Danny's favourite pastime: cleaning cock. He wiped off the semen from his lover's eyelids as best he could, then collapsed forward onto the pillows, groaning and hissing as the younger man kept working on his spent dick below.

After a while, he asked wearily, "Aren't your jaws tired, baby?"

"Umm...cock's so good though," Danny replied, giving Roberto a few final sucks.

"I'm glad you like it," the mechanic sighed. Danny hesitantly released his soft member, wrapped his hand around it and stroked gently.

"I'm covered in cum, Roberto," he groaned, not wanting to move his head.

"You like that."

"In my mouth, not all over my face," he whined.

"Picky eater," Roberto teased, moving his body to face Danny. He began to sweep the cum on his lover's skin into his mouth. The younger man swallowed it obediently.

Danny ate all of his cum and sucked Roberto's fingers clean. That made the mechanic smile. "Good boy," he said, patting his lover's soft head of hair.

"I'm not a boy," Danny grumbled.

"You're my boy." Roberto corrected, kissing his lover's nose.

They jumped into the shower right after. Under the hot water, they washed each other's body quietly.

The graduate and the mechanic found their way back together, now wiser, more committed, and with more understanding than before. Many challenges still lay ahead: approval from Danny's parents; discovering and dealing with each other's flaws and issues; temptation.

They would try.

Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed the start of Danny and Roberto's relationship. More to a while lol. Comments and feedback are welcomed at :)

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