Roberto the Mechanic Stud

By Chicos Todos

Published on Dec 28, 2012


Hi readers! Thanks for joining me in Danny and Roberto's romantic adventures. Before getting to the action, I just wanna say one thing:

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� 2012 ChicosTodos. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

If you are a minor, or if it is illegal for you to read material containing sexual activity between male adults, please refrain from reading any further.

Things were extremely busy at the auto shop on this snowing Monday evening. There were the drop-in customers new to the neighbourhood, having just moved into the crop of freshly-built townhouses all over the suburb. There were the regulars who delayed switching to winter tires until the first snow storm, which came yesterday. And then there were all the cars with dented bumpers and doors, due to that very same force of nature.

All of this was great for business, of course, which was the way Fred the office manager saw it, but bad for fatigue and sanity, the way Roberto the head technician saw it. He was so tired from the seemingly endless lists of clients and tasks, and from overseeing the four other mechanics, that he contemplated skipping the gym tomorrow morning to sleep in an extra hour.

The mechanic had just finished spending three painstaking hours hammering out a series of dents on the bumper of a Mercedes sedan, and was stretching out his tight shoulders, when Fred walked into the garage.

"Buddy, Ms. Yeung is here."

Roberto dropped his arms and spun around to face his business partner. "Shit, it's six-thirty already??"

"Yeah, and we're running behind..."

"Yeah, Fred, I know..." Roberto turned back to the Mercedes and got ready to drive it back out to Mrs. Milhouse.

"Uh, Rob?"

"What?" He pulled open the driver's door.

"She wants to talk to you," Fred said. Roberto paused. He'd sort of prepared for this possibility, after all that had happened between him and Danny over a week ago. He knew there were several ways this could play out, depending on how much Danny told his mother.

Walking up to the front desk, the mechanic saw a wary-looking Ms. Yeung standing by herself. Around her, the waiting room was filled with people hoping for a drop-in appointment. Fred and another employee fielded questions in person and on the phone.

"Hi, Ms. Yeung. You wanted to talk?"

"Yes. Can we go outside?"

"Sure." Ms. Yeung turned and opened the front door. They walked outside and rounded the corner to the side of the building.

"Roberto, you know I trust you with my car. You're a hardworking, smart guy. You know I've referred your shop to all my friends," Ms. Yeung said calmly.

"Yes, thank you."

"But, I don't know if I can trust you around my son." The mother's stare was unyielding.

"You have nothing to worry about, Ms. Yeung. We're just buds." Roberto shuffled his feet.

"My son is still a boy. He'll deny it all he wants, but he hasn't seen very much yet. I can't have you..." Ms. Yeung hesitated. Finally, she asked, "What do you want with my son?"

"Like I said, Ms. Yeung, we're just friends. Danny's a cool guy..." Ms. Yeung took a deep breath before Roberto finished. "...and we just want to get to know each other."

There was a pause. Then, Danny's mother let it out.

"I've seen how those women look at you, Roberto. They come into the shop and they should be ashamed. Married women, and they come in with no bras, and their helium voices...and what do you do?" Dramatic pause. "You smile and play the game." Ms. Yeung shook her head. "Danny isn't one of them, Roberto. You can't play him."

"Look, Ms. Yeung, I dunno what you're talking about, but with all due respect, Danny's a young man and he can make his own decisions," he said, starting to walk away. "Is your car out in the front?" he asked, not turning his back. She didn't answer, just followed him to the parking lot at the front of the shop.

When the mechanic saw the sky blue Civic, he took out the key, Danny's key. The key the boy left behind after giving him one of the best blowjobs he'd ever gotten.

"Where did you get that key??" Ms. Yeung demanded.

Roberto closed his eyes and cursed under his breath.

"Yes, Roberto, fuck me hard..."

Danny pressed the buzzing vibrator onto his anus. With his other hand, he jacked off his five-incher furiously.

"Make me your bitch, Roberto..." He fantasized that the mechanic had him pinned down on the back seat of his Civic, his face pressed against the cloth fabric. The massive nine-inch cock he saw, and touched, and tasted over a week ago was now drilling into him like a machine, with strokes long and deep. He was getting fucked in his family car. How maddeningly erotic.

Although his face down, ass up position on the bed would say otherwise, Danny was an anal virgin. Rubbing his cherry red vibrator around his hole was the most action he ever got in the back. That was because a year ago, after he'd heard about his gay friends' hookup stories, he was afraid of the pain of bottoming. But, also, he'd been waiting for the right guy to do it with. And now, now that it seemed like Danny had found the right guy, he started entertaining the idea of going all the way.

"Yes, fuck me hard, Roberto! Make me beg for your cum!" Danny whined. With a firm touch, he guided the vibrator all over his hairless perineum and balls, while he brought his other hand to his mouth and spat in it. Reaching down to his turgid dick, he closed his lubricated fist around the shaft and stroked hard. In the filthy scene he was constructing in his head, the mechanic's sweaty, pungent, heavy body was crushing him from above, while his dripping monster cock pistoned deep inside his rectum. The boy was getting close.

"ROBERTO!!" he screamed as he stabbed the vibrator into his asshole. Hot ropes of cum shot out of his piss slit and splashed on the white towel he'd laid over the bed. He flashed back to his cum tasting session in the Civic, how he just kept sucking and licking even when Roberto went soft. Suddenly, the scene flipped: he imagined the mechanic doing it to him instead, sucking him dry even when he begged for mercy...

That made Danny cum a second time, the orgasm so hard his knees buckled, bringing his lifted pelvis down onto the towel-covered bed. His dick and stomach were smushed with cooling cum. With two fingers, the boy reached down and dipped into the pool of semen soaking into the white towel. He brought his fingertips to his lips. Slowly, he inserted his digits into his mouth.

Roberto tasted saltier than him.

"Danny!" It was his mother.

"What??" Danny yelled back, annoyed. He quickly got up and tried to clean himself.

"Come downstairs. I need to talk to you."

The boy wondered what all the fuss was about. As he pulled his pajama pants up around his perky, hairless butt, it hit him:

"She talked with Roberto!"

He totally forgot today was when the Civic's tires were scheduled for rotation. Flustered, he felt like he was going to be judged for the sinful actions he did in the car that night.

"Can you explain to me how the mechanic got your key?" his mother asked once he entered the kitchen. She stood with one hand on her hip, the car key on the kitchen table. Danny prepared to recite the story he'd rehearsed.

"Remember I told you I got really drunk partying with Richie a week ago? Well, we ran into Roberto downtown, and he offered to drive me home because he didn't think it was safe for me to drive. Then when we pulled up to the house, I started getting sick so I just rushed out the car and came in and threw up in the toilet. And then, and then I just felt so sick that I just went upstairs and passed out." Finishing the story, Danny forced himself to look at his mother straight in the eye.

She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing that her son's story matched Roberto's almost exactly, down to Danny feeling sick and running into the house, forgetting his key in the process. "So why did you lie to me? You told me you lost your key that night!"

"Because I didn't want to go through this, mom! I knew you'd think Roberto did something bad to me..." He sat down at a kitchen chair and hung his head. Whew! His mother seemed to have bought it.

"Danny, he's not good for you. I don't mind you dating another boy..."

"I'm not a boy!"

"I don't mind you dating, Danny, but not Roberto. He's a player, a seducer..."

"How do you know??" her son asked, exasperated.

"I know! I just know, Danny. I know men like him, and I don't want you near men like him. Do you hear me?" His mother stood right in front of him. Danny looked away. "Do you hear me?"

"Fine, mom, whatever, ruin my life," Danny muttered, getting up.

"Stay away from him, Danny. I will find another mechanic if I must. I will speak ill of him to all my friends," his mother threatened. Her son knew there was no point in arguing on. He started up the stairs when he mom continued, "I hope you're going to your room to change into shovelling clothes."

Danny stopped and turned around. His mother pointed towards the window, where he could see snow falling steadily outside. The boy groaned and stomped to his room.

No, Danny wasn't ready to give up just yet. But he realized he had to act quickly if he wanted to see Roberto again. He picked up the phone and dialed Richie's number.

A week or so later, almost midnight on a Friday, Roberto was closing up the auto shop by himself. It'd been another long day, and tomorrow's schedule looks about the same. One of his full-timers offered to open the shop with Fred tomorrow, so at least he could sleep in a bit and go to the gym before work.

His cell phone rang. He looked at the caller display and sighed. After another two rings, the mechanic sighed again and picked up.

"Hey Chad."

"Wow, the mechanic stud picks up!"

`What's up, Chad?" the mechanic asked wearily.

"Wanna come over?"

"...sorry, Chad. I'm still at the shop. I've been here since eight this morning and I really need some sleep."

"Not willing to help a friend out now, Robbie? How many times did I stumble into work late because you wanted a late-night fuck?"

"I many times?" The mechanic stepped into the washroom and unzipped.

Chad was caught off guard. "Twice....but the point is, we're friends, and friends help each other out. So help me out, Robbie. You like helping me out, don't ya?"

A thick stream of piss shot from Roberto's flaccid dick and splattered into the toilet bowl.

"I"m sorry, man. It's been crazy here today and I'm really tired. I promise I'll make it up to you." The mechanic scratched his itchy, growing pubes. He shaved it and his chest for Chad's birthday a few weeks ago; the executive liked his fuck buddy shaved.

"Are you going to fuck that boy?" Chad asked flatly. Roberto's hand jumped and pushed his cock, spraying piss outside the toilet bowl.


"I saw you with a boy, Robbie, at my birthday. Short, skinny." Chad took a breath. "Younger."

The piss stream slowed to a dribble. "Listen, Chad, we talked about this. No strings, we keep it fun, we don't ask about the other guys. And we end it when one of us wants to."

"And are we ending it?" Chad asked immediately. Roberto sighed, shook his dick a few times, then stuffed it back into his briefs.

"No, Chad, we are not ending it. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine. Call me." Chad hung up abruptly.

Roberto shook his head and washed his hands. He stared at the mirror for a while, wondering what he was doing. The tap water kept running.

Then the front door buzzer sounded and he jumped. Wondering who the heck it could be, he grabbed a screwdriver on his way out of the washroom.

But it wasn't a robber waiting for Roberto at the front desk. It was Danny in his puffy winter jacket.

"What are you doing here?" the mechanic asked, surprised.

"I was hoping you didn't go home yet." Roberto could see the nerves and excitement in Danny's face.

"You just caught me. I was about to head out."

"You told me sometimes you leave this late. So I took a chance." Roberto didn't know what was going on, but he did know that he wanted to walk up to the boy, the boy who's been appearing more and more often in his mind, and kiss him.

This time, Danny kissed back, thrusting his tongue into Roberto's open mouth and sucking his lips. The mechanic thought about unzipping the young man's jacket, but decided to knead his buttocks instead. Danny moaned his approval, dueling with Roberto's tongue.

"You still haven't answered my question," Roberto said after ending the long kiss.

Danny felt like he was on a big adventure. "I wanted to give you my phone number."

"That's it?" Roberto asked, grinning. Danny bit his lower lip.

"I had to do it before my mom stopped me from seeing you. She already did, but...I had to do it before she switched mechanics and talked shit about you."

Roberto was surprised Ms. Yeung was ready to do all that to prevent him from seeing her son. "Did you get in trouble?"

"No, not yet."

"Did she see you come out?"

"I snuck out. She's an early sleeper." Roberto was finding out this boy wasn't so innocent after all. He smirked.

"What are you gonna tell her about tonight?"

"Well, first I'm sending Richie a text. We're at his house playing video games and I'm sleeping overnight," Danny said, winking. Roberto laughed. He took out his cell phone and Danny did the same. They silently exchanged numbers in the dimly lit waiting room.

"So, you weren't planning on going home tonight," Roberto said, raising his eyebrows. Danny blushed; the mechanic realized he missed seeing that.

"So, you talked with my mom last week," Danny retorted.

"Yeah...I always knew she was a tough lady, but man...she laid it down."

"She doesn't know what she's talking about. And she can't control who I like." At this, Danny glanced up at the tall, strapping mechanic. Roberto chuckled; it'd been a long time since someone interested him beyond the physical. And if he was honest, he was more than interested in Danny. He was fascinated by him.

"Are you hungry, Danny?" the mechanic asked, resting his hand on his favourite spot: Danny's hips.

"Sure." He wasn't really, but any excuse to spend more time with Roberto worked for him.

"I know this great diner. Follow me."

The 50s-style diner, open 24 hours, served food that would never be found in Roberto's strict meal plan. He'd been really good during the holidays, though, and decided to start his cheat day with Danny at 1am on Saturday.

Danny thought he wasn't hungry, but when his all-day breakfast arrived he gorged it down in several minutes. Roberto teased that he could remember another time when Danny devoured something so hungrily. The boy choked in response and shifted on the turquoise vinyl bench seat.

Conversation flowed easily during the late-night meal. Roberto was tired, and ordered a coffee along with his food, but he felt energized talking and joking with Danny. In his mind, he started working out what to say to convince Danny to stay the night, should he back out at the last minute.

If he only knew that Danny would've said yes to basically anything the mechanic suggested. He felt, for the first time in his life, that he was taking a stand for himself and taking a risk to do what he really wanted.

He had a boyfriend before, Liam. He was two years older than Danny, and Caucasian. Liam pursued him in school and was very nice, very accommodating, and loyal. He wasn't bad-looking. They dated for six months. Then Danny got bored.

But this...was this love?

That was one of the many questions Danny didn't dare to ask.

"Ready to go, sexy?" Roberto asked after paying for the bill. Danny would've fought to split it, but the mechanic had paid it already while the boy went to the washroom.

"Yeah," Danny replied, smiling.

"Where to?" the mechanic asked. Danny giggled, then looked up shyly at Roberto.

Soon they went to their cars and headed for the mechanic's apartment.

Roberto lived in a modest one-bedroom that was sparsely decorated but clean. It was also cluttered in the exact same way as the auto shop: stuff everywhere, but organized. There was workout equipment that Danny had never seen before, and a pretty nice home theater set. The kitchen looked like it got a fair bit of use. Roberto offered the boy a drink and he chose orange juice; he downed that quickly.

The tour around the apartment didn't take very long, and soon Danny found himself staring at Roberto's king-sized bed, conveniently the last stop.

"You okay, Danny? Do you need anything?" Roberto asked, standing right behind him. The boy shook his head.

"You okay with this?" the mechanic continued, smoothing his hands over Danny's chest.

"Um hmm," the boy nodded. The muscular hunk reached for the button and zipper on Danny's jeans and unfastened both in seconds. Leaning down to plant a kiss on the boy's neck, he slipped his hands under the waistband of the tighty whities he found and shed both layers of clothing off in one push.

Danny grimaced as his rapidly-stiffening cock bent down with the pulled briefs. In the next moment, though, Roberto's solid hands wrapped around his shaft and hairless balls. He felt the mechanic bite down on his neck and he gasped.

"You got me off so good last time..." Roberto breathed as he fondled Danny's genitals. The boy pressed his hands to his chest and started playing with his hard nips. He felt the hand around his balls let go and circle around his thigh. It squeezed his buttock, and then it slid into his crack. Danny shot up on tiptoe.

"Are you a virgin, Danny?" Roberto asked, a whisper in the boy's ear. When Danny didn't answer, Roberto pressed a finger into his anus.

"Ah!" Danny jumped away from Roberto. That answered his question. Danny stood there, a bit embarrassed. To alleviate the tension, the mechanic thought he'd strip off his clothes.

It worked. Danny's eyes went wide as he was reintroduced to the mechanic's chiselled physique, now accented with dark hair. Every muscle, every defined contour...the boy looked like he was ready to get down on his knees and worship Roberto. That made the mechanic hard, fast.

"Take off your shirt and get on the bed," he ordered. Danny did as told and laid down on Roberto's firm bed.

"Open your legs and lift them up," he commanded. Danny did as told, exposed his virginal asshole to the top. He was shivering. "Are you cold, Danny?" Roberto asked, slowly walking towards the bed with that light swagger of his. Danny shook his head and squeezed his eyes and sphincter shut tightly.

"Just relax, baby," the mechanic soothed, his mighty cock pointing up at the ceiling with a slight bend to the right. Precum seeped out and dripped onto the hardwood floor. Roberto crawled into bed and Danny gripped the back of his thighs a little tighter.

With his face inches from his prize, Roberto marvelled at the bud, completely hairless, for a few seconds. Then he licked it.

Danny squealed and let go of his legs. The mechanic grabbed the back of the boy's thighs and buried his face in Danny's crack, tasting everything the boy had to offer.

The boy was in ecstasy. Even when he went down there himself with his cherry red vibrator, it was never like this...the sensations coming from Roberto's tongue bath drove the boy crazy. The licks, the sucks, the bites, the kisses to his anus, his perineum, up his balls and then back down to his anus, they had him squealing again and again, arms alternatively tensed in the air and whipping on the bed, his long bangs flipping wildly.

"You like that, baby?" Roberto asked, flustered, coming up for air.

"Oh Roberto, omigod...FUCK!" The mechanic resumed his assault, giving Danny a few more rounds of his oral tricks before concentrating on thrusting his tongue past the sphincter ring. The boy whimpered as he slowly felt the stretching, then whined when the mechanic's hands wrapped around his cock and balls again.

"Grab the lube and condom, baby, in the drawer," Roberto said, pointing at the nightstand while moving up to Danny's already-erect dick. He couldn't wait to swallow all five inches of it. Danny got the supplies and handed them to the mechanic, who popped open the lube bottle and drenched his fingers with the cool gel.

"Ready, sexy?" he asked, glancing at Danny, his triceps flexing as he shifted his crouching body. The boy swallowed and nodded.

With his index finger, Roberto penetrated Danny's ass. At the same time, his mouth wolfed down the boy's dick, which was surrounded with a dusting of downy pubes.

"EEEE!!" Danny hit the whistle register, his back jolting off the bed. Roberto pressed the boy's firm tummy back down with his other hand. "Roberto, gently, please!" he begged. The mechanic hummed around the dick and softly pulled out his finger. Then, gently, as he continued to lick and suck Danny off, he penetrated the anus again.

After a few minutes of fingering and masterful sucking, Danny was beginning to calm down and enjoy Roberto's experienced attentions. He loved seeing the mechanic's free arm flex as it groped his stomach, slid up his sides, and pinched his nipples. Soon, he grabbed the arm and slid the fingers into his mouth, mirroring the sucking he felt.

The anticipation was sweet torture for Roberto. On one hand, he just wanted to rip into the most delicious little twink he'd ever laid eyes on and fuck the living shit out of Danny. But, on the other hand, he was enjoying this foreplay greatly, exhilarated at first by the boy's electric reactions, then by the boy's latent (or not-so-latent) sluttiness.

When he felt that his index was sliding into Danny's asshole freely, Roberto added his middle finger. Danny whimpered and tightened again, until the mechanic told him to relax and breathe. Pretty soon, Roberto was able to slide in his ring finger as well, loosening up Danny's rectum for the long, wide girth waiting impatiently between his legs. Meanwhile, Danny was busy licking and sucking on Roberto's fingers as they moved in and out of the boy's mouth.

Not long after, Roberto popped off the boy's dick and announced, "I'm gonna fuck you now." He released both hands from where they were and grabbed the condom.

"I wanna suck you first," Danny muttered, rolling to sit upright. He grabbed the mechanic's leaking, steel-hard cock in both hands.

Roberto almost shot right there. And when Danny wrapped his hungry mouth around his tool, he knew he had to stop the boy or he would blow. So he grabbed the head of soft brown hair and pulled it away from his groin, then flipped Danny onto his back. With fast, practiced motions, he drizzled lubricant all over his penis and Danny's hole. When everything was slicked up and ready to go, he placed the boy's thighs on his broad shoulders, took a split second to aim, then plunged his immense, unsheathed member through Danny's sphincter, not realizing he forgot the condom until he was already inside the boy.

The boy screamed, his vocal cords turning raw. Danny really wanted the older, hairier, much more muscular man, but his smooth bubble butt was also virgin tight. He couldn't stifle another scream as Roberto's swollen, lubricated cock invaded deeper past his clenching sphincter.

The mechanic waited a few moments, kneeling over Danny's cream-toned body. Sweat began to form on the boy's fair skin. The urge to ram into Danny full-bore was strong, but Roberto kept it in check.

A drop of sweat fell from the mechanic's chin and landed on Danny's bottom lip. The boy opened his eyes and looked up at Roberto's face: flushed, simmering. Licking the salty drop from his lip, Danny gazed hungrily at the impossibly ripped torso above him. He took in the thick black fur, matted with perspiration, as it spread from the center of his meaty pecs, down through his tight eight-pack, and further down, down where it thickened into a moist, unruly crown around Roberto's slowly plunging cock. Danny felt an urge to touch, to grasp Roberto. He reached up and pressed his palms into the mechanic's solid chest, spreading his fingers through the dripping forest of hair.

When his fingers brushed Roberto's fat, pointy nipples, the mechanic growled and pushed deeper with a start. Danny yelped.

"Sorry," Roberto said, looking straight at Danny. He started to pull out.

"No!" Danny said, gripping Roberto's chest harder. He wondered how much more dick there was to take. "I'm okay. I want it." They've both been waiting for weeks for this moment. Danny wasn't about to ruin it after all those nights fantasizing alone. He also knew Roberto was trying very hard to be patient.

"Okay." Roberto waited a few seconds, then slowly went deeper, watching Danny's face for any sign of pain. "You're doing great," he affirmed, sliding his left hand down the boy's cheek.

"How does it feel?" Danny asked, tensing slightly from the building pressure and fullness.

"So good," Roberto breathed. Danny had the perfect view of the mechanic's jaw-dropping torso to distract him from the growing stab of pain in his ass. But finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Ahh!" he groaned with a frown, shutting his eyes tightly. He hadn't measured Roberto yet; the older man looked as big as the cocks Danny beat off to in straight porn clips online. When the mechanic saw the boy's grimace, he stopped pushing deeper. His cock was more than halfway in, maybe two-thirds. Not bad for a virgin ass.

"Can you stay like that?" Danny asked quietly.

"Sure..." the mechanic whispered. The boy felt guilty. They stayed relatively still for a few moments.

"I'm sorry, " Danny said, looking down, ashamed.

"Danny, you're doing great. It feels great." Roberto adjusted his position. "Can I fuck you? This deep?" The boy looked at Roberto for a while, scared but curious. With brows furrowed, he nodded.

"I'll be gentle," Roberto said, pulling out a few inches. When he pushed his rigid shaft deeper back in, the boy panted. He gripped Roberto's thick forearms and held on.

"Oh Danny..." the mechanic moaned, lost in the hot bliss of the boy's vise-like hole. He'd fucked countless asses before, but virgin ass was always the best.

Danny wanted to keep pleasing Roberto, despite the discomfort that came with his first anal. He tried squeezing his sphincter while Roberto was pulling out; this made the mechanic stop and stare at Danny. His lips parted and his eyes turned hard with lust. The boy whimpered.

Roberto wrapped the bottom's legs around his waist and lowered his hot, wet body onto Danny's. He grabbed the back of the boy's head, a handful of brown hair pulled tightly, and thrusted deeper. It made Danny scream, as he felt the mechanic's erect dick jab a sensitive spot deep inside his rectum. It felt like a massive jolt of electricity ran through him.

"Do you want to stop?" Roberto muttered beside the boy's ear. He really didn't want to, but he didn't want to scare Danny away. The mechanic waited several seconds for a response. When there was none, Roberto resumed fucking.

As Roberto's shaft bored into him again and again, this time to the hilt, Danny got loud. The mechanic's balls were slapping against the boy's ass cheeks, wet and loud. It hurt Danny, like hot iron driven up his anal canal, until the cock hit his prostate, where it felt ached and tickled. He gritted his teeth and tried to concentrate on the pungent smell of the mechanic's body, a mix of spicy musk and faint deodorant. Wrapping his arms around Roberto's neck now, his legs around the buttocks, the boy squeezed his sphincter again.

"Fuck! You feel so good!" Roberto exclaimed, unable to hold back his desire anymore. He pounded into Danny's quivering hole with maximum force. His thrusts were merciless, pushing the boy hard against the bed, battering the boy's prostate gland repeatedly. Danny screamed helplessly with each savage stab, his voice wavering between a full-bodied cry and a falsetto squeak. The only word he could form was the first syllable of the mechanic's name; he wasn't sure if he wanted the brawny top to stop, or to fuck harder.

Roberto was driven mad with need. He buried his face in the nape of Danny's neck, biting the soft flesh he found there. Then he moved up so he could press his open lips hard and sloppy against Danny's. In the heat of the moment, the mechanic wanted to claim the boy, make Danny his soft little bitch, to be used whenever, wherever, however.

After several seconds, Danny turned his head away from Roberto and broke the crushing kiss, gasping for air. The fucking Roberto was giving started to feel good...painfully good. He crossed his legs tighter around the mechanic's firm buttocks, digging his heels in. This man, this virile stud of a man, had entered his deepest, darkest spot, plundering him for his own gratification. Danny wanted to keep giving, to keep opening up. Deep down, he wanted Roberto never to leave.

"Please don't..." Danny moaned.

"What??" Roberto grunted, stopping his pelvic thrusts. He clenched his jaw and stared at Danny.

"Please don't leave me," Danny's green eyes shone for a brief moment.

Roberto was speechless. He kissed Danny and pushed back into his gripping rectum, gentler at first, but soon hard and fast and deep like before. The bed bounced and shook as the mechanic fucked the boy with all he had.

Not long after, with Danny wailing on and on to the relentless pounding, Roberto felt his balls tighten. "I'm gonna cum!" Roberto yelled.

"Cum on my face!" Danny demanded. Too late; Roberto slammed deep into the boy's core and unloaded his semen, his entire body gripped by the wild high. Colours danced in front of his eyes, and he started feeling lightheaded, as his cock pulsed geysers of thick, hot cum into Danny's sore hole. All he could feel was obliterating release, an orgasm so intense, it blocked out all awareness of anything else.

When the mechanic came back down to Earth, Danny was staring wide-eyed at him from below, panting hard. After a long moment, Roberto laid his hands on Danny's body and drew his palms down the panting, burning torso underneath him. The boy's cock was still steel-hard.

"I wanna taste it," Danny said, looking at the mechanic. Roberto hesitated; as he learned last time, the boy was vicious when it came to cleaning cock. It was a spiky mix of pain and pleasure, though there was no doubt that he liked watching Danny slurp up every last drop of cum he could find.

The mechanic pulled out quickly, making Danny squeal, then crawled up and pointed the half-hard, cum-coated dick at the boy's face. Danny seized it at once with his mouth, jaw stretched wide to accommodate the girth.

"AH! Shit!" Roberto's body fell forward; he held onto the headboard to stop the fall. He cringed as Danny's tongue circled around the cockhead. "Easy, easy...AH!"

"Mmm..." This was always Danny's favourite part: rolling the deflating penis around his tongue; pressing the cockhead up against the roof of his mouth and hearing Roberto cry out in anguish and delight; and the taste of cum, Roberto's cum, so salty, bitter, so raw and slimy and smelly, mixed with the aroma of his lubed asshole. Danny's eyes rolled back as he swallowed his liquid prize, while Roberto's sinewy body jerked and convulsed above.

"Danny, that's enough..." The mechanic started pulling out of the boy's mouth. Danny's hands shot up and gripped Roberto's buttocks.

"Just a bit more," the boy said, his mouth half-filled with cock. He deep throated Roberto eagerly.

"AHH! Easy!" How could Roberto love and hate this torture at the same time?

As he continued to nurse the mechanic's softening dick, now slowly and gently, Danny began to feel how sore his ass was. But he didn't mind it too much; after all, he had a spent cock in his mouth that needed attending to. It needed to be sucked dry of its cum.

Danny kept working on the dick while Roberto spasmed periodically, his flushed skin cooling as he knelt over the boy, hands clenching on the headboard. Danny was lost in his own little world, eyes closed, his mouth and tongue slurping and swallowing.

"You're a greedy little bastard," Roberto hissed, taking short breaths between the tickles and shocks on his sensitive glans. In response, Danny bit down softly and spit the cock out.

"Ow!" Roberto yelled.

"I'm done with it now," Danny said, wearing a devilish grin on his cum-streaked lips.

"I'm gonna fuck you hard next time for that," Roberto said, playfully slapping the boy's face with his limp penis. Danny chuckled and grabbed the soft dick, then stroked it lovingly.

"Roberto?" Danny asked after a while.


"Was that good?"

"Fuck yeah. That was amazing." The mechanic stroked the boy's brown hair. He knew he had a second round in him, possibly a third.

"Was I...was I good?" Danny asked, looking down.

"Oh yeah," Roberto replied, leaning down and pressing his hulking body on Danny's lithe frame. He kissed the boy and reached down to his still-hard cock. "You're a pro. A natural cock whore."

"Don't call me that," Danny said, frowning and turning his face away. Roberto chuckled and kissed him again. Then he tightened his grip on Danny's dick and started stroking. The boy closed his eyes and moaned.

"You're a cum whore. A filthy little cum whore," Roberto continued, moving his lips down Danny's slim torso, licking and nibbling all the way. "And you love cock. You're a nasty little slutboy."

"Roberto, stop it!" Danny's voice was whiny, shameful.

"What? I like you like that," Roberto said matter-of-factly. He tongued the boy's ball sac while looking at Danny.

" you?" The boy asked quietly.

"Umm hmm," Roberto affirmed, taking the boy's shaft into his mouth. Danny moaned like a whore then.

Hope you enjoyed! Part 4 will take me a bit longer to get ready, due to family and social commitments; hopefully it'll be up in a week. If you have any comments or feedback to give, I'd love to hear them at Please be nice!

Next: Chapter 4

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