Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 9, 2021


"C'mon you lead assed bitch, MOVE" Justin was dragging bob into the BDSM club. They were meeting Cam and hank, because according to Cam, he had some information, and he thought it might be best to talk about it over drinks. bob wondered if he were going to get a drink. He had one of the gags he hated most in his mouth: a big cloth one with a large knot tied in the center, that Justin had made from cutting one of his old jock straps into strips. It didn't shut bob up completely, but it kept his lips separate, and it was a little painful. So were the VERY tight jeans he was wearing and the dark red polo shirt that felt like it was cutting off his circulation. The lock collar, and the right arm band, finished his ensemble. Except for the ropes tying his wrists behind him. He was pissed. The day had started bad when he read that Dragon was retiring and moving from the US. FUCK. Would he ever see his first DOM again?

Cam and hank were already there. Cam kept hank gagged nearly always, and the bar was no exception. Cam had tied him too, and had put him in a tight gray oxford shirt, three buttons opened. You could see the imprint of the tie bar through his shirt. hank's gag was a typical black penis gag. Cam liked them: he felt that they meant that hank was always ready to suck his cock. The moans hank made when Cam would pull the tit bar, always made Cam harder and shoot more.

Justin and Cam had hit it off, and there was real glee when they saw each other. Justin teased. "So he hasn't escaped yet?" hank looked down as Cam answered. "Nah, he's not gonna either. Whatever else you can say, he knows he surrendered, and he honors that - RIGHT BITCH?" hank shook his head yes. He was thinking that bob looked VERY hot that night, and if he had the chance, he'd rip his ass opened, but... he didn't. He was a sub. Cam owned him. He bottomed. He sure couldn't top with the cage Cam had on him.

"Ha ha. Good for you. This one..." Justin reached up for bob's left nipple and began toying with it through the shirt, producing a loud "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" from bob - still has a bit of a top streak in him. " He squeezed bob's nip tighter. "I tested it with marcus, and he topped like he were born to it. THAT's something I gotta get rid of. " "Any ideas?" Cam smiled. "Some. Not gonna repeat them where the cunt can hear." bob felt Justin's hand on his ass. "Let's just say there's gonna be LOT more in this boy in the future than there has been." "Take pictures," Cam laughed. "So, Cam, seriously, what's the thing you wanted to talk about?" "Well.... seems that one of the clients that hank had a few weeks ago, is a guy who does fashion - shirts and casual pants - for muscular guys. He wanted to have hank work as a model. It was all going well, until..." Justin interrupted. "The tit bar. No one wants to admit that only gay guys buy this stuff, and then they say that the tit bar would upset straight customers." "BINGO" said Cam. "Even offering to take the bar out wasn't enough. "People could see the holes...." Cam began to laugh. "Oh, if they saw the REAL holes." "I know, right," Cam answered. "But... when we were talking to the guy, I took the liberty of showing him bob's photo, since I know you haven't pierced him yet." "No. I haven't. I was thinking about it for next week." THAT was news to bob. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he protested and got his crotch smacked. "SHUT UP SUB BOY. I WANT YOU PIERCED YOU GET PIERCED!" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." The response was softer. "So, I've got the designer's information, maybe you wanna call him and set something up for your boy?" "I'm thinking about it. " He pushed bob's bound wrists up higher behind him. "You know, I'm really thinking that bob's time as a police officer are limited. I need someone at the house when I'm not there, and the though of having this bottom STUD as a houseboy, is really fucking hot."

He paused. "You know, it's so fucking hot to me, that we're gonna have to say goodnight. I need to pound a blond ass . I'll let ya know what happens." As they left, Cam turned to hank. "Pounding an ass sounds like a good thing, only I think I'd prefer a dark one. AFTER he lubes me good. Let's go fuckboi."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Justin didn't take the gag off of bob when he got him home. He didn't even take off the shirt. He tied bob's wrists to the bed, and he just played with his nipples until bob was almost crying. "I gotta put something into this bedroom bobby. Some kinda neck restraint. Keep ya from moving your fuckin head around so much. Then..." he smiled. "Gonna make it much easier for me to scruff you REAL good." bob was hoping that tonight was gonna be a night when his cock was released, but that didn't seem to be in the cards. His ankles wound up on Justin's shoulders, and he got fucked, deeply. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " was all he could get out. He was trying to beg Justin for more. He breathed a sigh of relief. At least piercing was off the table for a little while. After Justin shot a huge load into bob, he smiled, tracing his fingers over bob's chest. "Don't know if I'd need to keep someone on staff to guard ya. Still have to figure these things out. " He dropped his voice. "But officer Robert Michaels is gonna retire real soon."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Robert wore a blue oxford shirt and a necktie to work the next day. Even though the collar was snug, he kept the shirt buttoned up tight, all the way up. After Sir Justin had fucked him the night before, he had scruffed him within an inch of his life. The mark on his neck made Justin laugh the next morning. "DAMN, I lost control good looking. Too bad about that," and pissed off bob. It was moments like this when he regretted surrendering to Justin: even the good, thorough fuckings, and his mastery of bob's nipples, weren't enough. "Gimme a kiss you hot mess of submissiveness." Justin had ordered when bob was getting ready for his early shift. "Yes sir. " bob tried to pull away, but Justin wasn't having that. He shoved his tongue down his throat, and stayed down there for a while. He stared into bob's eyes. "You are SO FUCKING HOT. DAMN if Dragon doesn't regret not taking you with him." He squeezed bob's ass through his khakis, which only made bob want the cage off more. "I'm gonna call that designer today. We'll see what happens." "Yes sir," bob smiled. The thought of modeling fashion kinda turned him on. His chest on magazines, in catalogues.. It would make Justin jealous and...." bob got out of the house and into his car as fast as he could. He was getting truly rigid. He smiled. He thought Sir Justin might feel something for him other than.... lust, or animal attraction. bob stopped at one of the delis along the way. He had left without eating breakfast and he thought he'd pick something up, maybe get a coffee, and then head out. He saw two guys in the back of the deli: their backs were turned to him, so he didn't see their faces. He got his stuff, and then went to the cashier. That's when it happened. He felt the gun pointed at his ribs. "Make a sound, and you and your bud there, have both breathed your last." "I understand. No problems from me. My wallet's in my back pocket." "Ha ha. Boy are you in for a surprise. COP" "FUCK" thought bob. "He knows. That's not good." He felt the guy reaching into his pocket. "Where the fuck are your cuffs, blondie?" "They're in my car. I didn't take them with me." "Let's go. You keep em behind you." His friend was in the store, keeping a gun on the cashier. "Listen , just tell me what you want, and.." "I GOT WHAT I WANT. GET ME THE FUCKING CUFFS." bob reached into the car. The cuffs were on the seat, his gun was in the glove compartment: no chance of going for it. "Let's get back to the store." When they were back, bob's wrists were cuffed behind him. His captors turned to the cashier. "You count to 50. Then you can call whomever you want." He laughed. "Maybe even the police." They shoved bob to the back entrance of the store, and into their car. "Listen, you're making a mistake.." "SHUT UP. " The guy laughed. "I know a shitload about you michaels, and I know threatening you with a gag'll only make you harder. But... " bob smelled the sweet chemically smell as the handkerchief pressed down on his face. CHLOROFORM! He was out in less than a minute.

When he woke up again, bob was naked. His ankles were chained to the floor, and his legs spread. His wrists were shackled directly to a wall, and there was a heavy metal collar around his neck, attached to a chain in the wall. He was also gagged, and he saw the roll of silver duct tape on the floor.

He was groggy. It took him some time to clear his head but... he knew this room. He had been in here before. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This was Justin's playroom. What the..." He heard two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. Peter and Grant entered the room. They were smiling. "As pretty as ever. How's our boy?" Grant came over and flicked a nipple. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "BASTARD" bob was thinking. The way they started playing with him made it clear: Justin was NOT behind this. "I wonder, Grant, should we take his cage off?" Peter smiled. "We don't have a key?" "Yeah, I know, but we got these." He held out a huge set of metal cutters. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " bob tried to struggle. It was useless. He couldn't move a muscle. "And you know, if my hand slipped, well.. .many of our customers aren't really interested in whether or not their bitches have testicles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHH" Customers? no testicles? What the.... "Lemme explain what's happening to you, bitch..." Peter spoke as he picked up a set of nipple clamps. "Your man never let us have one try with you. Well... that's gonna change. BIG TIME. For the next 48 hours. And then...." He smiled. "After that, we'll probably have had our fill of you - and you of us HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and we'll see how much you're worth to Sir Justin, because.... It better be more than you bring at auction." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHH" Now what Grant was doing was making sense. It looked like he was setting up a camera for a video or something. "We're going live in just about ten minutes , bobcunt. And you know, the guys in the mid east: they have a thing for blonds. Just one thing. They like their boys gelded. So.... " If I slipped with those cutters, no one would care." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" bob screamed from the thought of the cutters, and the clamps that had just been put on him. "Let's get moving Grant. Sooner we finish the presentation, more time we have with this boy." "AND WE'RE LIVE" Peter intoned. "Afternoon everyone. Your favorite boy merchants have something really special for you today. Meet bob." He pointed to bob, who did the WORST thing he could have done, which was squirm and struggle. Bidders started entering numbers right away. "bob is gonna stay on the market for two days and then... well, high bidder wins him. How you get him, is up to you. Some info, he's not a virgin.... and he's gonna be LESS of a virgin over the next two days. He's well trained in submission, and his hot spots are his nipples, the insides of his thighs and his neck. Rumor has it that he's a superb cocksucker and... fact, not fiction.. if you want to use him every now and then to fuck one of your other slaves, he's able to do that too. " "Peter, I see people are intrigued. Bidding is starting. " "EXCELLENT. We'll give you another chance to bid in about 12 hours. For now, consider it. I suspect... we may cross 500k on this fine specimen. How often do you get a built blond cop - OH, I forgot to tell you, he's a cop - on the market. Send your questions. We'll try to answer them." "NICELY DONE," Grant said to Peter. "Look how well he wears those clamps. Keep em handy. For now though...." "Spit roast?" "I don't think so." He looked at bob, and grabbed his chin. "You're gonna bite any cock that goes in your mouth aren't you bitch?" bob didn't answer. He just looked at Peter with hate. "That's what I thought. Time to stretch this boys boundaries. Wonder how hard it's gonna be for both of us to get in there." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Should we tell Justin yet?" "Let's wait until we've had a go at that ass." bob struggled as they took him down, but the two of them were too much, especially with the constant pulling of the nipple clamps. They strapped him down on the mat he had laid on so often, and then.... "Probably should lube him." "Yeah, good point. " Both guys took a big fingerful of lube, and pushed it into bob. Then.. he looked in horror as they both took a leg, spread him out, and both cocks went in. Neither one individually was as big as Justin but the two. "FUCK. He felt like he was being ripped apart. Peter shot into him first. It seemed to be almost a nasty jizz. Grant was next. it was thicker and didn't go as far in him. They each shot their last lashing over bob's body. "Time?" "Time." Peter pulled out his phone. He punched in Justin's phone number. Justin was already pissed: bob was supposed to be back at the precinct by 1, and he wanted a blow job. From bob, not marcus. "WHAT FUCKHEAD?" he shot into the phone, when he saw Peter's number. "Hey bossman. Wanna see what we've got?" He panned over bob's body. "WHAT THE... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY BITCH?" "Fucking the shit outta him before we sell him." "FUCK. I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU. " "No you won't boss. Cause if you do.... when you find bob - if you find him." He pulled out the clippers. "You might see less of him than you thought." Justin tried to calm himself down. "What do you want?" "It's very simple, boss. bob is on the slave market right now. 47 hours, 30 minutes. We'll give you two hours to match the offer and add a buck to it. " He laughed. "Because we're gentlemen. If you do, you get him back. If you don't.... take one last look." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph," bob was pleading into the phone. "Oh by the way boss, you were right to keep him. His ass is FUCKING HOT." "YOU SCREWED MY PROPERTY?????" "We did. And we're gonna do it again. A lot. 47 hours? Geez , I imagine we can get at least ten fucks into him." "BASTARDS. " "Don't send anyone to try to get in, boss. We designed the security system, remember? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA. Just wait. We'll give you periodic updates. Wanna say goodnight to bob?" "BOB. HANG IN THERE BUD. I'LL GET YOU." Then the phone went dead. "We'll see about that. Time to put him back up on the wall." They took off the clamps, and re-chained bob. "Let's get some sleep. He's not going anywhere." He wasn't. Justin got off the phone. He couldn't do anything for a while, and he was furious. With nothing else to do... he buzzed marcus. "GET YOUR SWEET BLACK ASS IN HERE BITCH, AND BE READY TO DO MORE THAN SUCK." And somewhere in the mid east, Dragon smiled, and punched in a bid for 250,000.

Next: Chapter 10

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