Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 29, 2021


ADA Philips sat at his desk, and opened up one of the files that were waiting for him. He had spent the morning in court, prosecuting the organizers of that Ayesha religious cult for fraud. On the legal level, it was cut and dry. On other levels, it wasn't: the NYPD had closed down an organization that called itself a church, and had over 15,000 members. Forensic examination of the books of the "church," when they found them, showed however, that the men who called themselves "Absko " and "Alamini" had enriched themselves, to a total of about 3 million dollars. All that aside, what Justin thought about was not the legal issues. His witness had been undercover in the cult for about 6 months. Detective Marcus Simms: yes, that was his name. Preparing him for trial, questioning him... it brought him back to the days when he met bob. He smiled. Normally, Justin was not attracted to men of color, but the tight body, the green eyes, the demeanor of Detective Simms got to him. He could feel his dick hardening, unexpectedly. He enjoyed that feeling and reached down to help it. It got to the point where HE needed help. He buzzed the squad room.

"Hey, is Officer Michaels' back from patrol? ADA Philips wants to speak to him." "I'm sorry Mr. Philips. The car may have been caught in traffic. He and his partner should have been back, but no one's seen him yet. "SHIT" thought Justin. He recovered. "Ok, could you please ask him to see me as soon as possible when he gets back." "Will do Sir. Can I help you with anything else?" As he heard the question, Justin also heard a knock on his open door. He looked up and saw Detective Simms standing there. "No, that's quite alright. Just make sure he knows I called."

He put down the phone and stood up. He didn't think about whether his hard on showed or not. He didn't care. But.. was the Detective looking at it? "ADA Philips? You know who I am. I just wanted to come by to thank you for your work today. It was a rough six months and I'm glad it's over." "Detective Simms! It's a pleasure to meet you out of the courtroom. Would you have a seat?" "You sure it's ok Sir? You look pretty busy." "It's fine. Nothing that can't wait. I'm Justin. Can I call you Marcus?" "Yes sir. That's absolutely fine." Justin liked the way this was going. He hadn't done anything to provoke being called Sir, and Marcus had used it twice. Hmmm. "I imagine it must have been rough. Three months of being groomed and then... being turned into a sex slave to those two." Marcus grinned a bit shyly. "Honestly, Sir, it wasn't that bad. They treated me well, until it was time to, well.. perform. " Now Justin smiled. "You convinced them, I guess. There was no suspicion. Seems that when we raided the place, no one suspected." He looked more closely at Marcus: the marks from the slave collar still showed on his neck. As he thought about the young man, he couldn't really blam Absko and Alamini for enslaving him. Marcus' body was tight, lightly muscled. "You were a tennis player, if I remember, Marcus?" Marcus smiled. "Still am, Sir, when the job lets me." "I see.." He put down his pencil. "You know, my folks left me a fair amount of money, and I have a country place. We have a court. I'm not sure that I could put up much resistance to someone who played varsity, but if I could reward you with a trip there this weekend. You could join my partner and I. He's not a player either, but we'd see if someone in the area could give you a match. " Marcus smiled. "I'd like that Sir. And thank you for slipping in that your partner is a 'he'. As a gay man, I'm always glad to stop the games of 'is he or isn't he'" Justin smiled. "Did you think I was gay?" Now, Marcus smiled. "Sir, you wear a lot of white shirts, and they don't hide the tats all that well." "I know. That's intentional" "Well, every gay man knows what some of those tats mean. I kinda guessed from the first prep meeting we had. " He paused. "If you close the door, I'll show you them without the shirt." Marcus blushed. "Uh, is that ok, Sir? I mean, I'd like to see them but..." "CLOSE THE DOOR." "yes sir." Marcus realized that he was feeling something for Justin that was not just admiration for his legal skills. Justin got up, took off his coat and tie, and then opened his shirt. "WOW. When I was a kid, I read "The Illustrated Man." I feel like..." "That book is the inspiration for this, Marcus. " Justin puffed out his chest. He pointed to a tattoo of a man in chains. "Know what that means?" "It means you're a DOM Sir. I figured that out." He paused and said, very softly "I'm a sub Sir." "Yeah, I figured that out from the first Sir." He saw Marcus licking his lips. "Ok, so here's what'll happen. I'll call you in a couple days. We'll make the arrangements. You, my partner, and I , we'll all go up together." Just then, there was another knock on the door. "Sir, it's bob." Marcus smiled. "Another appointment?" "You could say that." "This weekend then, Sir." "This weekend it is." As Marcus left, he smiled at bob. "Good afternoon officer.... Michaels." He looked at the name tag. "ADA Philips and I were just debriefing the cult case." bob didn't smile. "ADA Philips is a very busy man I see. Nice to have met you." As marcus left and bob came in, Justin scowled. "Close the door bitch. Why do you think you're here?" "So I can take care of what that one couldn't?" Justin laughed. "Trust me. He could've. And he wanted to. I waited for you. NOW GET YOUR ASS UNDER THE DESK AND YOUR MOUTH OPENED AND GET TO WORK." He unzipped his pants. "I'm not sure I'm in the mood," bob replied. "Like you have any choice bitch. You want the smaller cage?" bob gulped. "No Sir. "GET UNDER MY FUCKING DESK." In less that five minutes, you could hear the slurping sound as bob went down on Justin's cock. It wasn't the first time he had been summoned to do this: Justin was horny during work a lot. If bob were around, his job was to take care of it. It didn't change Justin's sexual appetite for when they got home: there were many nights when, after "afternoon delight," Justin took bob's ass, after tying him and using one or more toys. As bob sucked him, Justin thought of the possibilities with bob and marcus. He smiled. As he shot into bob, he said "Time for a shave tonight, boy. If you get home before me, make sure you get the instruments out, and you're stripped down." "Yes sir," was all bob could say, as he cleaned the jizz off his mouth.

bob did get home before Justin did. As he drove, he kept on thinking about that guy - marcus - who had been in Sir Justin's office that day. He was hot in a smooth, almost swimmer kind of way. bob didn't want to give up Justin - no way - but he began to fantasize: if Dragon were back and they could get him and marcus to go to the country house... two guys getting fucked, by two guys who had fucked bob - GOD that would be HOT. He tried to push it out of his mind. Of course, the entire precinct knew about the case, and how marcus had been the sex bitch of those two guys, but... did that mean he LIKED bottoming? He LOOKED like he did, but... if people didn't know, they wouldn't know how submissive bob was. He just didn't know.

When he got into the house, bob did what Sir Justin had told him to do. He stripped, and put on a pair of black athletic tights - those were Sir Justin's instructions from the morning. Then he made sure the restraints were all up on the bed, and he pulled out one of his least favorite gags- the penis gag. He checked for the clippers, the shears, and also the razor. Sir Justin used all of them to shave him, it all depended on his mood. bob was worried about one thing: Sir Justin would have to uncage him to shave his pubes, and thoughts about Justin, marcus, and himself, were getting him aroused. If he came without permission, there could be trouble, especially if he unloaded during the shaving. He sat on the bed, waiting for Sir Justin. That's what his DOM had told him to do. He heard the door slam. He stood up with his hands laced behind his back.

"Evening Sir. Is everything the way you want it?" "Not yet, bottom. Pick up that gag and lock it in your mouth. TIGHT. I gotta change." "Yes sir." bob was hoping that Sir Justin would change in front of him: he loved seeing his DOM naked. Maybe it wasn't gonna happen, but by the time bob had gagged himself, all Sir Justin had done is take off his shirt. "Let me check that gag. See if it's tight enough." bob assumed the submissive position again, as Sir Justin stepped behind him, and checked. "Not bad. You're getting better at this." His hand slipped down and began toying with bob's left nipple. He whispered. "Know what I love about ya muffin? I love how, when I paddle your pecs, they flex. Almost like you're trying to impress me. " He squeezed bob's nipple hard. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" bob was already helpless. He knew it. "Lay down. Let me get those restraints on you." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." As Sir Justin locked bob up, he smiled. "Know what I haven't tried on you yet, bitch? A guillotine sleeper. Know what that is?" bob did. He shook his head yes, and he felt more blood go to his cock. DAMN. If Sir Justin knew how to do that hold... Dragon had done it to him once. He came in his shorts when it was happening. After bob was strapped down, Sir Justin went back to doffing his clothes. He was wearing a dark blue pair of athletic briefs, and his bulge was huge: even after bob had blown him that day. bob had no idea what he was gonna do first. Then, Sir Justin bent down, and ran his stubble across bob's midsection: right above where his cock was struggling in his cage. "MMMMMMMMMMMMGMGNGMGMFFFFFNGF:GNGFNFNFNF" He had never done that before, and it was making bob nuts. Then his hands when back up to bob's pecs. "I'm gonna have these measured, stud. Get a paddle custom made for your nips. ONLY yours." He bent down and began licking, then chewing each of them, as bob writhed, trying desperately to find a way to cum. "Remember that great nipple bar hank had? I wonder. Just wonder.." Sir Justin's fingers circled bob's right nipple. He would never get a piercing by choice, but... he didn't have any choice about his body anymore. It belonged to Sir Justin. He knew that. SIr Justin picked up the shearer, and he held it to bob's right pit. The pits were the worst for bob, because he was so ticklish. And it was hard enough when Sir Justin used the razor, but the shearer... tickled. He sighed a sigh of relief when it was over. Sir Justin cleaned the head and then got to work on his torso. There wasn't much there, and it was over fast. Then... he saw the key, and Sir Justin smiling. "Maybe I'll wait on this... Maybe... I'll make marcus do it this weekend. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" there was a look of fear in bob's eyes. Master Justin was going to let a newbie shave his COCK? OH SHIT. "Ha ha. Nah, This is MY job. But you and marcus are gonna get to know each other REAL well, muffin. REAL well. " Sir Justin unlocked the cage, and bob's cock, trapped and stimulated since that afternoon, popped out in front of him, like a soldier. "Look at this! LOOK AT THIS! Someone is excited." Sir Justin began stroking bob's cock. "You excited about the thought of me fucking you in front of marcus, bitch boy? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?" bob didn't answer, and he felt Sir Justin's hand tighten on his balls. "ANSWER ME FUCKTOI." bob felt waves of conflict. No, he didn't feel excited about getting fucked in front of marcus: but the thought of seeing marcus fucked, or getting fucked himself. He tried. He tried VERY VERY hard, not to shoot. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG" he couldn't hold it. His jizz started flying across the room. "OH SHIT I'M IN TROUBLE" he thought, and he saw the look on Sir Justin's face. Sir Justin had no trouble in finding reasons to punish him, and now... he had just given him one. "Ok, bitch. Way too messy to shave you now. We'll see what happens this weekend. For now though..." He reached over and got the six inch dildo. He shoved it into bob's ass. Then he cleaned up his pubes, before he locked his cock up again. There was a clip at the end of the dildo, attached to a short chain. Sir Justin attached it to bob's cage. "And I got a longer one. It'll attach right to your nipple clamps. HA HA. OH, this is gonna be a fun weekend."

And then the weekend was here. Sir Justin had given bob instructions on what to pack. Some polo shirts, some gym clothes, jeans, khakis for going out, and two dress shirts: one blue, one pink. bob didn't have to work patrol on Friday afternoon thanks to Sir Justin pulling some strings. Sir Justin left work a little early, and when he got home, bob knew the drill. His hands were cuffed in front of him, and when he got into the back of the car (Sir Justin was driving today), he had to wear the hood. Sir Justin put headphones on to cover his ears, and a blindfold on. All bob could feel was movement. This was better than when Sir Justin made him ride in the trunk, but it was still.. challenging. bob's mind started to float. Sir Justin had said he was gonna get fucked the whole weekend, and it was starting. The dildo was in him, and attached to his cage. From the front of the car, Sir Justin would turn on the dildo every now and then, and the vibrations went up bob's chute. GOD he wanted to cum. Badly.

He felt the car stop, and then, he felt a body in the car. He didn't know if marcus was hooded the way he was (he was). He only felt the warmth in the car, and if the car hit a bump, marcus fell into him, and it got bob even more excited. Every time he felt the vibrator go off, he wondered if marcus had one in his ass (he didn't), or if he were caged (he was). bob didn't know if he fell asleep, or if he just went into some kind of strange state, but they were stopping. He felt Sir Justin's strong hand on his arm, pulling him out of the car. The blindfold went off, then the headphones. It was dark enough so that his eyes didn't hurt too much. Sir Justin pulled the hood off, and then bob saw marcus there: wearing a tennis type polo shirt that hugged his body, and very tight chinos. He looked like an absolute preppy. When Sir Justin pulled off marcus' sensory deprivation toys, bob got a better look at him. "THOSE EYES. DAMN, those eyes." "Let's go boys. Got to get the party started."

And the party DID start. It seemed that all of Sir Justin's staff were there, to get ready for the newbie. At the start though, it was only Sir Justin. The two of them - bob and marcus - were tied in chairs, back to back, and gagged. Sir Justin also had a double collar: one for each of them, that kept their heads in place. The gags were jocks that the subs had used that week, held in place by strong , tight , duct tape. Sir Justin showed them the nipple clamps, with the long chain. He showed them both the scissor he used to cut small holes over each of their nips.

"I'm gonna let the two of you torture each other." He smiled. "Each of these clamps is long enough to attach to one of both of your nipples. Then, if bitch boy bob pulls, sub marcus is gonna hurt. On the other hand, if sub marcus pulls...." They were both moaning already from the clamps, which were nasty. "Let's see who begs for mercy first. OH that's right.. You can't beg. Ha ha. I'll just have to see who gives up." bob tried to end it fast, by pulling hard. He heard the high pitched "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" come out of marcus, but the way he was tied, he couldn't pull that hard. It wasn't enough to defeat marcus, who pulled back. bob was somewhat used to nipple torture from Sir Justin, but it was also a regular part of marcus' diet as a sex slave.

Sir Justin just stood there, smiling. "who's gonna be alpha bitch this weekend, and who's gonna be beta. I got time. I got LOTS of time. " The two of them were submissive, but competitive, and the pulling went on for a good long time . Then, bob felt a wave of adrenaline and he pulled so hard, and held the pull. marcus stopped fighting back. Sir Justin walked to a position in front of him. "Had enough sub marcus? You give up?" he hesitated, but marcus shook his head yes. Sir Justin laughed. "CONGRATULATONS BOBBY . You're about to become the filling in a sandwich. Hahahahahahahaha."

Sir Justin untied them, and led them to the bedroom. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Get undressed." marcus looked at bob. "Is he like this all the time?" bob laughed. "He's just getting started." "FUCK. This is nothing like being with the cult." "You're in a new cult now, marcus. You just better know that." "ALRIGHT, enough talking. bob. Get this gag in marcus, then strap him to the bed, face down." "yes sir." bob put a bandana gag in marcus' mouth. Sir Justin used them when he wanted more sound. "C'mon marcus. Don't cause trouble." marcus sighed, and got on the bed. bob was inexperienced, but he remembered how Sir Justin bound him, and he did the best he could. Sir Justin applauded. "NICE, bobby. We may make you versatile yet." Then he laughed. "Nah, I don't think so. Now LOOK at that beautiful ass. You want it?" bob hesitated. He didn't know what the right answer was. Then Sir Justin took off his cage, and bob's cock jumped out. "It's because of his ass, and your cock Sir." "We don't know the last time marcus has been fucked, and it doesn't matter. What do you do first?" "Uh, loosen him up Sir?" "GOOD. With what?" "Uh, my fingers and spit Sir?" "WELL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR." "yes sir." bob was trembling. He wanted to do well enough so that he wasn't fucked by marcus. He wet one finger and began pushing into marcus. He heard the young man whimpering. "HARDER. FASTER. You're gonna have to get three fingers in there before he's open enough to take you, bitch." "yes sir. Sorry I'm doing it wrong Sir." As he got into a rhythm, and marcus moaned, pushing his ass back, bob got into it: he would NEVER top someone like Sir Justin or Dragon: they were just way too masculine for him - but a sweet thing like marcus.... His cock began to become engorged thinking of it. "Take him bitch. Get on top of him, and FUCK HIM." bob closed his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time his cock had been in someone's ass. As he slid in, and marcus yelped, he felt a knotted bandana gag going into his mouth. "ON TOP OF HIM. FLAT. DRIVE IT HOME BITCH" Then bob felt Sir Justin on top of him. He had pulled out the vibrator and now, he was inside bob. Every time he pushed his cock in further, bob's cock went further into marcus. "An industrial piledriver. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Sir Justin laughed. marcus was trying to push his ass up to take more of bob's cock, and it was hard to do that with all the weight. bob made it a little easier because he was pushing back to get Sir Justin. Sir Justin had also collared him during the sex, and was pulling his head back. He was nibbling bob's ear, whispering "you're my alpha bitch boy. Remember that. I expect you to behave accordingly." ",mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Being called "alpha bitch" set off bob. He began cumming into marcus' ass. Sir Justin laughed. "Oh, it's always so much fucking fun seeing two subs have sex. SO. MUCH. FUN.." Then the DOM in the room had his alpha. More cum, this time filling bob. "Let's get him untied, bitch boy. I want you both cleaned up for dinner. Use the sub shower, the two of you at the same time. " Sir Justin smiled. "I want you to have some fun in there, and I've got the camera on." "What does he mean?" marcus asked. "I'll show you. He probably has more jizz to shoot. " When they got in the shower, bob told marcus "Ok, get yourself wet. All over. I'm gonna soap you up. You're gonna do the same to me. Nice and slow. " marcus smiled. The weekend was looking better and better. And it felt better when bob took him and shoved his tongue into marcus' mouth. DAMN IT FELT GOOD. bob was not used to feeling what a top felt, and he was feeling it now, and he was getting... hard again. "I wanna fuck you again so bad marcus. SO BAD. That'd get us in trouble. " "Maybe after dinner, alpha bob?" marcus smiled. "We can suggest it. DOM Justin usually has a plan." He did. But the thought of watching them fuck again.... Now HE was getting hard. Dinner, then the wrestling ring.. Hmmm"

Like what you read ? Let me know. We'll revisit these boys. Remember: Sir Justin promised bob he'd be fucked the whole weekend. And I forgot to tell you: the walnut fucker is fully operational... Tune in.

Next: Chapter 8

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