Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 23, 2021


It was bob's first day back "on the beat" as it were. His ass was sore: the thorough reaming he had gotten the day before from Sir Justin, and also Dragon, had done that. It wasn't helped by Sir Justin's latest trick. That morning, before bob had gotten dressed, Sir Justin made him bend over. bob felt a dildo getting shoved into his ass. It wasn't a very big one, more like a butt plug even, but sore as he was. He whined. That got a SMACK across his ass from Sir Justin. "STOP COMPLAINING BITCH COP. " He snickered. "I can't tell you how many parolees I know, who'd give up a finger to tap a cop's ass, and I can tell them exactly where to find a HOT one - one well used, and ready to receive. My only requirement is that I be there to watch." bob began to sweat. He didn't think Justin was joking. Would he do that? "yes sir. It belongs to you. Whatever you want. I won't complain anymore." "GOOD. After tonight, you'll be certain of that. Now..." he heard Sir Justin snicker as he yanked bob to a standing position. "The dildo I put in you has a little special feature." Sir Justin picked up his phone and touched a button. bob jumped when the shot of electricity went through his rectum. "It has a limited range: no more than about 200 yards, but today...." Sir Justin cracked a wicked smile. "If I'm anywhere near your black and white, you're gonna know it. Now get ready. " "yes sir. I'll be dressed in a minute." bob had his uniform at the precinct, and he'd change in the locker there. For now, he put on the tight fitting light blue short sleeve button shirt Sir Justin had pulled out, then the black jock, and then the tight white pants. He wondered how many comments he was gonna get for the pants or the jock. Again, he began to sweat. "You need one accessory cunt. THIS." Sir Justin slipped a lock pendant over his neck. bob began to protest, but thought better of it. "I know you can't wear jewelry on your shift, but you'll wear it to work, and when you're done, you'll put it back on." He smiled "And don't forget." He hit the button and bob felt another jolt.

bob was partnered with a more senior police officer, a guy named Tony Chavez, who had done this for over ten years. Tony was single, handsome, and talked a blue streak about his romantic successes. The past weekend, apparently he and his girl Louise had watched three porn movies and had copied what they saw. "You ever do that Michaels? Act out porn movies at home?" bob had fantasized about the movies, but Dragon and Sir Justin hadn't used porn yet - as far as he knew, the both came up with their scenes out of their heads, and they were certainly more creative than the ones he had seen. "Nah. Haven't needed it. NNNNNG" A shot had just gone through the dildo. "You ok Michaels? You're acting like you just got a needle." "I'm good. Just pulled something this weekend at the gym. If I move the wrong way, I know it. " He pulled out his cell phone. There was a text from Sir Justin. "Ha ha ha. GOTCHA. "

bob felt the jolts three more times that day, the last of them came when his shift was over, and he was changing. The text that time said. "Get your ass into my office. NOW. " bob texted back. "yes sir." As he walked to the ADA's offices, bob forgot he had the lock necklace on. He wondered why people were staring at him as he headed to Sir Justin, and as he knocked on the door, he realized it. "OH SHIT," he thought. "Just what I need. More questions."

"About time you got your bonny ass in here, sub boi." "yes sir. Sorry Sir. I didn't want to be rude to..." "UNDER THE DESK. MY COCK IS OUT AND IT NEEDS TENDING. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO." bob began to redden. At the office? "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? YOU FORGET WHAT YOU ARE, COCKSUCKER?" "No Sir. Sorry." bob gulped, and dove for under the desk. He found the bulb of Sir Justin's cock, and began licking it. Then he took it all, swallowing the whole cock. He heard Sir Justin's contented moans. "That's right bitch. Stimulate me. Make me want that ass of yours even more." bob felt another shot to his ass. It surprised him and his head moved even further up Justin's cock. "Don't make me shoot boy. I'm warning you. I'm fucking that ass tonight, and I want all the juice I've got." He pulled his cock out. "Great job rookie. Now let's get moving. Time to go home. " "Yes sir," bob wondered if anyone could ask any other questions if they saw him leaving with Sir Justin. He wondered what his DOM's reputation was around the office. If he got the chance, he'd find out.

"We're gonna go for a run when we get home, bobby. Time for you to get some exercise, and another one of my games: pursuit." "Pursuit Sir?" "Yeah, we're gonna go out to that park. I'm gonna give you a five minute head start. Five mile run. I'm gonna track you down and bring you back like some wild animal. It's gonna be HOT." bob couldn't deny that. His dick filled his cage already and the thought of being hunted down... DAMN. "So, you know what's gonna happen soon, bobby? You're gonna decide that police work is not for you" "HUH? Sir, what're you talking about? I love my job." "Interrupt me again bitch, and tomorrow you'll wear a full sized dildo all day." "Sorry Sir." "My plan is that, eventually, you're gonna be a stay at home sub. I've got plenty to support us both. We don't need your money. You'll take care of the house, get to go to the gym, a whole lotta shit. I just don't like you being around other guys. Especially that Chavez. " Justin laughed. "If that man could hold down a snake, he'd fuck it. I'm surprised he didn't find your dildo today." "I didn't undress in front of him Sir." Justin laughed again. "You think he didn't know what any of your jumps in the car were? Chavez has been around the block." He paused. "Let me put it another way. Two questions. First, who do you think got you paired with him? Second, someone had to teach me about those dildos. Three guesses." He saw the look on bob's face, and had to stop the car, he was laughing so hard.

"Pull the toy outta your ass. Then get in the shorts. You probably need a cap. It's still warm. No shirt. " They were back home, and Justin was getting them ready for their run. "Should I keep the lock collar Sir?" "Hmmm. Good question. I think probably not. Give it to me. If I catch you, I'll make you wear it." "IF I catch you/him" they were each thinking. "Dragon told me that you weren't a very fast runner, boy" Sir Justin said to bob as they got to the park. "I'm not slow Sir, but he's just in such good shape. " bob suddenly realized he had goofted. "I haven't seen you run, but you're in great shape Sir. I'm sure you're a good runner. " "Ha ha. I'll give you an 8 minute head start for that. They were at the cross country track. "Time starts NOW..." Sir Justin set off his timer, and bob took off. The adrenaline was strong, and bob went out fast. He had had to break 8 minutes for a mile when he was at academy, and he had: in fact, he had run under 7 minutes, but that was a while ago, and he had been training. How fast could he go now? bob had just passed the one mile mark, when Sir Justin took off. This was gonna be GREAT. He was thinking. Sir Justin regularly ran a 6 minute mile, and could repeat them. He had a kick too. He'd get closer and closer, and probably bring down bob in the last mile. He knew bob was competitive and he'd begin to pump. "Nice and sweaty. Just the way I like his blond ass. This is gonna be GREAT" Sir Justin thought, as he took off.

bob felt safe for the first three miles. As he went into the fourth mile and looked behind him... FUCK. He could see Justin. He was motoring. bob, on the other hand, felt like his legs were dying. He was breathing hard, sweat was flying all over the place. He looked back again and Sir Justin was getting closer. SHIT. He passed the four miles mark. ONE MORE MILE. Could he hold on. Another look back. "LOOK FORWARD BOTTOM" he heard Sir Justin yell, and saw him begin a kick. "OH SHIT, I'M TOAST. FUCKING SWEATY TOAST." There was no gas left in bob's tank. He tried to move his legs, it wasn't happening. He felt Sir Justin's hand on his neck at just about 4 and a half miles. "GOT YA HANDSOME. Keep running. Gonna finish the five, but now you know... you're mine." Panting, bob got out. "yes sir..." and noticed that Sir Justin had tempered his pace so they were moving together. At least he wasn't gonna mortify him THAT way. "Couples finish races together. That's how it works. C'mon slowpoke." He felt a hand smack him on the shoulder blade. For some reason, bob felt, well, like something romantic had happened. Sir Justin was slowing down, for him. And he said something about couples. Were they a couple? Something fluttered, and it wasn't his cock.

As they finished the track, Sir Justin moved bob over to the grass on the edge. He grabbed him and threw bob down on the ground. No one was around, but people came through here all the time. He saw Justin's face looking down at him, and felt his hands pinning down his wrists. "Such a fucking hottie. I wish I had brought the walnut fucker with me. Make you submit again. But I got other plans." He got up, and pulled up bob. "Ok, studbottom. Loser wears the collar. "yes sir." bob bent his head down to make it easier for Justin. Then he put his hands behind his back to walk back home. If no one was around, he felt Justin's hand on his ass. "That race made me so fucking horny, bitchboi. You are gonna HURT." "you're not the only one who's horny" bob thought. And he realized he liked hurting when Sir Justin was the one who did the hurting.

Justin had gotten to work pretty quickly when they got back home. He had bob take off the sweaty shorts, but not the jock or the cap. First, he grabbed the duct tape, and slapped four big strips across bob's mouth. That was AFTER he shoved one of his running socks in bob's mouth. Then, he picked up a wooden dowel he had brought in from the car. bob thought he was gonna use it to beat him, but no... it was long enough so that, when he tied bob's ankles to it, he was spread open pretty far. Then he gathered bob's wrists, tied them together, and hooked the ropes over the headboard. "DAMN that's a hot pic Maybe it should be in the precinct newsletter this week." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." he wouldn't do that? bob thought. "An anonymous picture of a hot rookie cop doing bondage... now THAT might lose you your job, wouldn't it?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" bob was shaking his head no, begging. He wanted to scream for Sir Justin not to do that, as his DOM took more photos.

"Am I a good DOM or not?" Sir Justin grinned. "I have another present for my bitch." He produced two clothespins. "I KNOW how much you love these.." He began running them over bob's nipples as bob began to whine. He knew what was coming: he thought the clothespins bit harder than the nipple clamps did. He tried to scream, but the sock, with Sir Justin's body odor on it, and the tape, kept him more than quiet. Every time Sir Justin flicked the pins, bob wanted to scream some more. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Then when Justin moved his finger to bob's tender ass.... bob tried to pitch his hips forward, trying to cum, desperate for release. All he felt was his cock bumping up against the cage, and Justin's finger going in further. "Good thing you're nice and wet from sweat, bobby. Cause I'm gonna FUCK YOU HARD." Justin slowly removed his finger, and then... bob felt the cock penetrating him. Sir Justin was taking more time today. He moved in SLOWLY, and paused a few times. He tightened his own glutes, so bob felt a bigger, fatter cock inside him. "Nice and slow...." Sir Justin sneered as he pulled out. "AND ROUGH AND FAST." and he pushed in harder and faster than bob had ever felt him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " bob was thinking that he didn't need the "walnut fucker:" if Sir Justin did this to him, he'd submit every night. He wanted to say that. He moaned, and moaned louder and with some urgency. Justin stopped, and ripped off the tape. "This better be good, bitch," he muttered as he pulled out the sock. "Sir... " bob panted. "Sir... I give. I submit. I submit again Sir. I'm your bitch. Your sub. YOUR MANCUNT. MMMMMMMMMMMPH" He felt the tape back over his mouth, and then Sir Justin's cock continuing to take its pleasure. "I can't wait for this weekend. Off at my place. No work. I can fuck you from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Or make sure that if it's not me, you're STILL getting fucked. " With one final shove, the jizz poured out of Sir Justin into bob's mancunt ass. He felt some of it slide down his thigh. That was a BIG one even for Sir Justin.

When they were done, Justin retied him, this time to a chair, buck naked except for the cock cage. He added two more clothespins to bob's nipples, and Justin watched him as he made dinner. "You are SUCH a fine man, tied up like that, bobby. DAMN. If I didn't want you so bad, I could rent you out by the hour and make a fortune." He stopped cooking and came over and grabbed bob's balls. "I wonder.... I just wonder.. A milking video maybe?" "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" bob vigorously shook his head no. "ha ha ha. Then maybe I've got more than a few bargaining chips for getting my bitch to leave his job. We'll return to that." Then Sir Justin washed his hand and continued to prepare vegetables.

That weekend, bob would learn exactly what Sir Justin meant about being fucked constantly. Because he was. But to hear about that, come on back for installment 8.

Next: Chapter 7

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