Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 11, 2021


Bob's humiliation continued that night. Justin brought him back to the bedroom where he dressed him in a shirt that was tighter than anything he had ever worn in his life. As he fought to button it, Justin smiled. "Like wearing a corset. As if you were my mistress. Which, in a way, you are." He laughed when he saw the flush of anger go across bob's face "Piss ya off, bobby? Wanna skip dinner and go another round? " bob sighed. "No sir. He sucked in his gut and buttoned the last button on the white shirt . "Get over here, bitch. Got to take care of one thing before you get those pants on." bob saw the chastity cage in Justin's hand. He hesitated. "You got a problem with this, slaveboi?" Again, bob assessed his options. He didn't have any. "No Sir. You told me you were gonna put one on me. "And I am. Now get your hands behind you and be still." bob closed his eyes. He felt the cold of the metal and plastic encircle his cock, and he heard the sound of the lock being turned. "Open your eyes bitch." When he did, Justin had the key in his hand. He ran it over each one of bob's nipples. "I'm the ONLY one who has the key. And I'm the only one who has the power to let you cum. " He paused before he grinned. "As you are going to learn, it's the power to break you and make you my sub." bob believed him. When they got to the restaurant, bob wished that he HAD stayed home and gotten the shit kicked out of him. He looked around and saw that the restaurant was filled with male couples: ONLY men. Justin seemed to know a lot of them. As he walked bob through the room to their table, he stopped, said hello and introduced bob as "my new boy," to each of the well dressed men they passed. Many of them had other men with them: some younger, a few older, and some the same age as bob. Often, they were wearing a collar with a lock on it. "That means they've surrendered. I've got one for you too," Justin explained when they finally sat down. "Keep it," bob wanted to say, but he thought better of it. When the waiter came by and handed Justin a menu, but didn't do that for bob, he was confused again. "Sir, did he forget to leave one?" Justin smiled. "It's a very traditional restaurant, bob. VERY old school, and in old school restaurants... the man did the ordering for the woman. bob began to feel his temper rise. "I'M NOT A WOMAN SIR." "No, you're better. You're a BITCH. And bitches don't get menus either. Their TOPS and DOMS decide for them. Got a problem with that?" He reached under the table and gave bob's locked cock a squeeze. He squeezed until bob winced and said "No Sir. None at all. Whatever you pick will be fine." The food WAS good: Justin got them steaks with all the trimmings. bob was hungry - he was always hungry. That hunger, now being slaked, together with Justin's frequent excursions to the insides of his thighs, were putting him in a very good mood. "So, what you've done bobby, is you helped me make a decision about the other guys at the compound. I was trying to pick one of them to be my sub. I wasn't really satisfied with any of them." "Sir? You fucked all of them?" Justin smiled. "All of them. One night, I fucked three of them. But when I saw you, I knew... that's my sub. So I don't need the other guys. I'm auctioning them tomorrow. You'll be there watching with me." bob's appetite disappeared. "You mean... you're gonna sell them ?" "To other guys. Some are local, some aren't. They'll all be in extremely good hand." "What about the couple Sir? Are you selling them together?" "Depends on the price I'm offered. " He patted bob on the thigh. "Just remember stud. That COULD be you if you don't behave." "Sir, behavior isn't submission. I'll behave, but I won't submit." "Ha ha. We'll see. I have something set up for tomorrow, and I would bet that by the time I'm done, you'll be begging for the chance to submit." bob gulped. Justin sounded pretty convinced, and bob had no idea what he had in mind.

"Now, you see those three guys over at the bar, having drinks?" "Yes sir. Not really attractive." Justin smiled. "You're gonna walk over and offer to blow all three of them." "WHAT? SIR...." Justin didn't say anything. He just looked at bob. "Ok Sir. I understand. " bob got out of his chair. He wondered if he could make a break for it, but he had no idea where the restaurant was, he had no ID, no money, nothing. "Excuse me gentlemen, my Topman over there thought you might be interested in my mouth tonight." He saw the three of them smile. "Who's going to get him first?" They played an impromptu game of "rock/scissor paper" and then the first one brought bob to a small room. Justin hung out with the two guys who weren't being serviced. As he took care of them, bob thought of Justin's cock: how it was longer, thicker, and better than these three. He wanted that one. He wanted Justin's cock. He didn't know he was gonna get it when they got back.

After they had finished up the dinner and Justin signed his tab, they headed back to the car. "How's the cage feeling? Tight enough, bob?" "I'm getting used to it Sir. I never wore one before. It's... it's different." "Whoever I pick for mine... bottom, sub, whatever, has to wear one. You're gonna be wearing one for good now. Unless you can get the key from me. Think you can?" bob looked down. He wasn't sure he WANTED out of it, but he knew he couldn't get it from Justin. He muttered "No sir." "Ha ha. Good answer. " Justin put his arm around bob, and slipped his hand inside his shirt. He found a nipple and began twisting it just firmly enough for bob's cock to start to grow in the cage. "I like how this shirt looks on ya. We may have to rethink your wardrobe a little. Put ya into stuff that shows off that bod of yours." He squeezed harder. "You like how that feels bobby?" bob was trying hard not to moan, and he wasn't succeeding. "Yes sir. GOD it feels so good. Makes me want your cock." "Well, you're gonna get it." He leaned over and whispered into bob's ear. "Right up your ass. Manbitch." When they got back to Justin's bedroom, the nip work had bob in a horny frenzy. He was moaning, and squirming, and saying "Oh... yes sir... yes sir..." as Justin's free hand moved over his body at will, playing with his ears, rubbing his locked crotch, hitting all the hot spots. "Get on your belly. Hands behind your back." "yes sir. " bob followed the instructions. He heard the clink, and felt the metal, of handcuffs "We're gonna get those pants off you. Then, you're gonna get on your knees, stud. Expose your ass to me. " It was an uncomfortable position for bob, but he had no choice. Justin's first finger went into his ass, then a second one, and he began feeling a little better. When they came out, Justin put them in front of bob's mouth. "LICK EM. THAT'S YOUR DESSERT COCKSUCKER." While bob was cleaning Justin's fingers, he felt his Topman's tongue begin digging into his ass. "OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK. That feels so good. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" bob seemed to almost purr like a cat. "A topman who doesn't eat ass isn't a topman. That's my view. Anyhow, your fun is over. My fun now." bob knew what that meant. He felt Justin's cock start stretching his ass. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH SIR. OH SIR. Fuck me Daddy. Fuck me." Justin stopped. He grabbed one of bob's earlobes. "You just call me Daddy?" "I did. I'm sorry Sir. I ..." "NO. Keep doing it. It means you're understanding your role. NOW TAKE IT." He shoved his cock deeper into bob. "SAY MY NAME BITCH. ASK YOUR DADDY TO FUCK YOU." "YES YES SIR SIR DADDY. MY DADDY TOP MAN FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD. "

bob was well lubricated and the sound of Justin's cock banging, back and forth, getting faster and faster, was turning bob on more and more. Then he learned how devious the cage could be: he was locked in, and hard. His cock couldn't go anywhere. No way he was gonna cum, but he felt the driplets of precum. He fell over when Justin pounded him one last time and began filling him with his cum. "OH DADDY. OH DADDY FUCK. FELT SO GOOD. FELT SO GOOD." It was another night that bob slept well.

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bob heard Justin moving around on Saturday morning as he woke up. When Justin saw bob's eyes opened, he smiled. "Guess who's gonna be my sub after today? Here's a hint: it's the hot bottom lying in my bed. bob tried to smile. "Your bottom, yes sir. Your sub? No sir." Justin laughed. "We'll see about that. You haven't experienced the walnut fucker yet. " bob looked puzzled. "Never even heard of it." "My own invention. Now get yourself cleaned up and ready. We have an auction to attend." bob saw what he was wearing that day: tight jeans, a white polo shirt, a size smaller than he usually wore. He put them on, and saw how his nipples pointed out. "DAMN. Maybe I'll keep you here. I suspect someone is gonna offer me something really good if I'll sell you." Justin moved his fingers up and began playing with bob's already sore nipples. "You wanna go and be someone else's boy? " bob began breathing hard. "No Sir. No. I.... OOOOH. Sir, my cock is hurting." Justin just laughed. "Put your hands behind you. You're gonna be bound during this." bob had been to auctions when he was a young boy: his mother loved them. This one was very much the same, albeit at a higher level, with a higher level of person. Every potential buyer was in a suit: they weren't the type he remembered from country auctions. Justin wore a jacket, but not a tie. He wasn't the auctioneer: the woman who had given bob his massage took care of that. Grant and Peter brought out each captive. They all looked like they were in a state of shock, but then the bidding began. It was fast. The longest auction was for the couple, since Justin had put a minimum bid on each of them separately, and then one for the two of them together. bob breathed an internal sigh of relief when he saw that someone bought them as a couple. When it was over, and Justin was greeting the attendees, and introducing bob, bob saw what he had been talking about: he felt like a lamb among a bunch of wild animals and yes, Justin was right: someone offered 250,000 on the spot to buy bob. Justin smiled, shook his head no, and put his hand on bob's shoulder. "The next time you see this boy, he will have been totally broken. Guaranteed." "yeah, right," bob mumbled, but Justin heard and laughed. "Yeah, we're gonna get rid of that. "

After all of the guests had left, Justin put a hand on bob's forearm. "Gonna give you one last chance. You can submit without what's about to happen, or..." "I'm not submitting Sir. I'm your boy, not your slave." "Ha ha. We'll see. Let's go." He let bob to a small room where Grant and Peter were standing outside. "Thank you gents. Please remain. If I need you I will let you know." When he led bob into the room, Justin untied him. "Take off your clothes, then sit in that metal chair in the middle of the room." "Yes sir." bob did what he was told. He thought he was going to have to put his hands behind his back, but there were restraints on the chair arm, and Justin slammed them shut. He pushed a button and the chair rose slightly. bob saw a machine that looked like a television camera in the middle of the room, except it had a horizontal pole coming out of it, with what looked like a wad of chewed gum on the end. "That, bobby, is the walnut fucker. And this is your lock collar." Justin picked up a piece of jewelry from a small stand. "You'll be wearing this when we leave this room. And this.." He picked up something else. "These are an adapted set of nipple clamps. The chain carries an electric charge which I control via an app on my phone. " He smiled. "All for you. Now..." Justin reached down and put two more locks on bob's ankles. He pushed a button and the chair moved, so that bob's legs got pulled apart.

"One last thing. From what I've seen, the gag that makes you most excited, is simple tape. " Justin pulled out a roll of black duct tape. He wound it around bob's mouth about four times. "Oh. How could I forget..." He put blindfolds on bob too. He saw the look on bob's face. "Last chance. Once I start... I'm not stopping until you break." bob shook his head no. "Ok, so this is what happens. Let me adjust the walnut fucker." bob heard some gears grind, and then he felt the little tip of the rod on the machine enter his asshole. "We're gonna find your prostate. " Justin probed around and when he heard bob moan, exclaimed. "THERE HE IS. Now, stimulation of the penis is fine, but the combination of penile stimulation and prostate stimulation.. well, let's see. We'll start low." bob felt a slight whirring, as if there were a butterfly floating around inside him. It felt good. He wanted to push for more, but the chair kept him very still. "And now..." Justin turned on the clamp charge, and bob felt an equally soft vibration going through his nipples The combination wasn't unpleasant, but he felt his cock beginning to grow again. "I can see it. You're feeling it big boy." Justin was standing behind him, massaging his shoulders, his mouth right on bob's ear. "I wonder how much more charge it's going to take." Suddenly, bob felt the charge to his nipples, and to his prostate go up. It was still pleasant but... it was at another level. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." he tried to get out. He really, REALLY wanted to feel that "walnut fucker" all over his inside. His tits were burning. He felt Justin's tongue licking his ear. "Know what I taste, studmuffin? I taste manpussy. I taste a slave in the making. You ready to submit?" bob shook his head no. Then he felt the charges go up another level. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." bob couldn't believe how hard his cock was. Were his balls growing too? He didn't know, but it felt like it. It felt like he was swelling. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Justin had taken one of the clamps and twisted it. "Just level 3 studmuffin. There are 20 of them on the devices. Wanna know how many people have gotten through all 20?" He chortled. Nobody. Actually, that's not true. I did. But I wasn't surrendering to anyone, so... how about you... you submit?" There was another head shake, but far less vigorous than the first ones. Level four. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." bob wanted to jump out of his seat. "AWWWWWW I wonder if I'd see tears in my bobby's eyes. Maybe if you saw what was going on, ha ha." Justin took away the blindfold. There was a mirror in front of them, and bob could see himself being tortured in the mirror. He felt like he wanted to force the cock cage opened, he was so hard. And he wanted to get his hands around Justin's neck and strangle him: but he also wanted his cock in him. Deep, and hard, for the rest of the afternoon. "You look so hot bobby. Don't worry. I'm taping all of this. We'll watch it together." He picked up the collar. "Yes? No?" There was fear in bob's eyes, but he didn't shake his head yes, or no. "Level... SIX." Justin pushed it up two more levels. "Incidentally, these aren't linear, they're exponential. And I think I'm gonna leave it on six for... shall we say six minutes. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. PLLSLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" bob was shaking his head no, his eyes pleading. He wished he had superpowers to break the cock cage. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " "Got three more minutes bobby. Unless... of course.... " He held up the lock collar and swung it, pendulum style, in front of bob's face. bob's eyes got wide, and there was a bit of sadness. He shook his head yes. "You submit bob? You agree to be my slave? " bob shook his head more vigorously. "Let's hear you say it. " Justin didn't turn off the machines while he cut the tape from bob's mouth. "I SUBMIT. I FUCKING SUBMIT. NO MORE. NO MORE. I'LL BE YOUR SLAVE. YOUR BITCH. I'LL BE ANYTHING YOU WANT. YOUR BOY, YOUR MANCUNT. I SUBMIT. " He saw the wicked smile play across Justin's face. "You lasted longer than I thought you would, bob bitch. I figured you'd be done by four." "Please Sir. Please. No more. I surrendered. " Justin began turning the devices off. "Who owns you?" "You do Sir . I'm your slave. Your sub slave." Justin had the look of a victorious general on his face. He picked up the collar. "Bow your head. You wear this now." "Yes sir. I understand. " "Now, we're going to go and celebrate your transition. We begin with the walk of conquest." Justin reached down and unlocked the cage. bob's cock jutted out in front of him, rigid, with a drop of precum on it like a pearl. "You'll get relief in a few minutes. First though. " He unlocked the restraints. "Stand up. Put your hands behind you. The walk of conquest requires the sub to parade wearing nothing but his collar." "Yes sir." Justin secured bob's wrists behind him. "Your head will be bowed as we go back to my bedroom. There, we will celebrate. COME." Justin put his had around bob's cock, and led him out, past Grant and Peter. "It's done. Please bring his clothes back to the bedroom. I will want to present him tonight." "Congratulations bob. You've made the wise choice. " The "choice" he had made was only beginning to dawn on bob. He had surrendered. He had no more rights with this man. And thinking about it was getting him more excited. "What position do you want me in Master?" bob said, not knowing where that came from. Justin seemed impressed. "I was right. You WILL be a superb sub. Face up. Spread out. " "Yes sir. Please fuck my man pussy." bob felt the bonds go around his wrists, and then... out came more tape. "This is gonna be something like our first honeymoon fuck, bobby. Your moans are much sweeter than your screams." bob didn't fight when Justin took his ankles and put his legs up in the air. "OH, sweetcheeks. You're gonna be so sensitive from my little machine.. You're gonna feel my cock like you've never felt it before." Justin began sliding in gently. He knew how oversensitive bob's canal would be, and he took his time. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." bob was gagged again, and that thought was filling his cock, even more. How big, how stiff, could it get?" He felt the slow, rhythmic pushes from Justin. He had closed his eyes so he couldn't see much of it: he wanted to "feel" it. And he did. He thought back to how he felt when the "walnut fucker" went into him the first time. He wondered if it were possible to have that, and Justin's cock in him at the same time. Now, though, he had to worry about something else. bob was close. He knew, from reading, that "Rule Number 1" was that the slave never climaxed before the Master. He'd have to marshall all of his strength - especially since Justin seemed to know what the situation was, and had slowed down. He smiled. "What's the matter, my big blond bear? You having erectile disfunction?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." bob's whine was high and clear as he shook his head no. "You know, the masseuse suggested lasers, but... I think we're gonna get rid of all your hair the old fashioned way. Not today, but soon." The thought of shaving bob got Justin much more excited, and then.... he smiled as he shot into bob. "That ass is mine. I own it. I can do anything I want to it, can't I?" He ripped the tape off bob's mouth. "yes sir." "I can fuck it." "yes sir." "I can spank it" "yes sir" "I can tattoo it." "yes sir." "I can rent it out." "yes sir." "Or.... I can just keep it for myself. Just like this beautiful, bitch cock." He squeezed bob and now, bob DID scream. As he shot his load, he began to cry. "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU MASTER. THANK YOU DADDY. THANK YOU..." "There will be much more of this, slave bob. That collar is to NEVER come off you." "I understand Sir. " "Now, clean up. You'll be locked up again until I want another show. And tonight... I'll introduce you to the world as my sub." For reasons he didn't quite understand, bob was very excited about that.

Next: Chapter 5

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