Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 29, 2021


Bob woke up to a bed missing Justin. It took him a few minutes until he gathered his wits about him: 24 hours ago, he was a working police officer, and he thought he had a new boyfriend. Now, he was a captive of that same man, he had been fucked, HARD, and he kept on hearing things like "auction" "merchandise" and "slavery." He pushed the blankets off of his naked body, covered with Justin's dried semen. His ass felt slightly raw: in addition to the session in the private room, Justin had woken during the night, rolled bob onto his belly, and fucked him again. The second one was short, merciless and, with the exception of Justin's grunting and bob's moans of slight pain, silent. bob looked around for something to put on. He found nothing. The bedroom doors were in front of him, and he wasn't chained to the bed or wall or anything. He was embarrassed to leave the room naked, so he wrapped a sheet around him. He opened the door and Grant turned around, grinning.

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty. Master Justin told us to let you sleep as long as you like. He wanted you fresh for when he came back."

"Where is he? And where am I?"

Grant laughed. "Justin went to work. He'll be back at the end of the day. " He saw the look on bob's face, and then he laughed some more. "Just because we drove you around for a while, you think we're far off? Trust me sweetie, you're a lot closer to home than you think. You'll probably be going back to work yourself after the weekend. " "That's right. It's Friday," bob thought to himself. He didn't have a friday shift. FUCK! No one was gonna miss him at work."

"So, here's how it's gonna work, pretty boy. Justin has a breakfast laid out for you, you can eat whenever you want. Just remember, when you're done" He snickered. "Your workouts begin. Peter is setting up the gym now. You'll have two today. Morning is strength training, afternoon is cardio. You'll meet the other guys, and before you know it, your new DOM will be here."

"HE'S NOT MY DOM! HE MAY HAVE TAKEN MY ASS BUT HE'S NOT MY DOM!" bob yelled, and Grant snickered more. "Right. They all say that. I guess you want him to PROVE he's your DOM." "DAMN RIGHT. I BOTTOMED FOR HIM, SO WHAT? " "I'll make sure he knows. Now get a shower. You stink."

The shower DID feel good. bob was in the bathroom for a while. When he came out, the bedroom had been cleaned up, the sex toys were - somewhere - and the restraints hidden under the bed. There were clothes laid out for him: a powder blue t shirt, shorts, a jock, athletic socks, sneakers. When he left the room again, Peter had relieved Grant. "It's a little late for breakfast so we switched the buffet to lunch. The other guys are eating too. You'll meet them. Then you're with me. For two hours. Remember what we're doing. Eat light."

bob did meet the six other prisoners at the buffet. All good looking, well built men. He learned that, since they had been captured, they had been in training just like he was going to be that afternoon. In contrast to bob, though, none of them had been allowed to return to their lives. They had been prisoners in this compound since their capture. Justin had fucked each and every one of them." "Do you have any idea why he's doing this? " bob asked? One of the guys (Matt), shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe because he can? I don't know. Something's up with him this weekend, though. When Grant was working me out this morning, I saw the trucks coming in: fancy stem wear, dishes, etc. "Party of some kind?" "Maybe. We're not sure." From talking to the guys, bob learned that yes, there HAD been escape attempts, none of them had been successful, and retribution was, well, severe. Each of them had met Justin in a different way. For example, the couple had seen his ad on an escort website, saying he specialized in couples. They hired him a few times, and the last time, he had come with some of his guys. Now they were here.

"OK bob boy. Time for your workout. Let's go." "So I'm supposed to be Justin's slave?" bob asked Grant, who smiled. "It's a little more than that. He'll explain it tonight, and this weekend. He has a weakness for blonds. What can I tell ya?" bob thought about it and realized Grant and Peter, and about half of the guys working around the place, were big, beefy blonds. Grant hadn't lied about Peter's workout: it was tough. REALLY tough. The toughest part may have been when, during the two minute plank, Peter put a 100 pound weight on bob's back. "Now hold it another minute. If you break, there are 25 perfect push ups waiting for every second under a minute." The plank weight had come at the end of the workout. bob was sweating, his arms were slipping, and he wound up ten seconds short. "WHOA. That's 250. Better get started stud." "Can I... rest a minute?" "I SAID GET STARTED." "yes sir," bob replied. He looked at Peter. Imagining a sandwich where he was in between Justin and Peter was all that got him through the 250.

"OK. Now a massage. Get you limbered up." A smile crossed Peter's face. "Justin likes to use the massage room to break in his rookies. You'll probably be back there tonight. " Interestingly, the masseuse was a woman. Asian. She was VERY good. She seemed to know exactly where bob's muscles were the most sore, without him saying anything. As her hands were working over him, he felt a hard on forming. "Roll over bob. Time to get the front." "I'm... I'm" "Ha ha. We call it tumescent. Don't worry. You're not the first. And don't think about it. I like ladies, not men." bob must have fallen asleep during the massage because he felt a light slap to his face. "UP BOY. CARDIO TIME." Grant was standing there, with a black man who had more muscles than anyone bob had ever seen - except for Justin. "HEY. I'm Ralph. I'll be your cardio guy. Heard you got taken on a five mile run, so you know what you're doing?" bob smiled. "I usually do an 8 miler, I was taking it easy that day." Ralph laughed. "That right? Well, let's see. There's the field outside. Standard quarter mile track. You're gonna do 5, but your'e gonna do it at my intervals. Ralph's intervals were faster than bob usually did them. The sweat was pouring off of him, and there was no way he could do 8. "WELL DONE ! Ralph came over and patted him on the shoulder. "We'll get that fat melted off you sooner than you can say wind sprint." bob had taken off the t shirt to run, and Ralph grabbed a hunk of flesh right at his waistband. "YEAH. THIS fat. Justin likes it. I don't. " "Ralph, I just got a call from Master Justin. He's on his way home. We gotta get bob ready for him. Wrestling room." Ralph laughed again. "Oh, boy, I do NOT envy what's in store for you." "Gotta hand him over Ralph. Peter and I have gotta get him ready."

What "getting him ready" meant was tying bob to a chair, hands behind his back, ankles tied to the back legs, wearing nothing but a very skinny pair of red speedos. "Sir Justin is gonna want to change this, but for now.... " Peter inserted a ball gag in bob's mouth. "Try to make yourself comfortable, cupcake. It may be the last time you are tonight. And the weekend is coming up. heh heh heh."

Instinctively, bob pushed against the restraints. He knew it was a waste of time, and if he managed to get out of them, what would happen? From what he could tell, Justin had filled the place with big, strong guys who did the dirty work for him. bob MIGHT be able to take out one or two, maybe even three of them, but how many were there? He knew of at least five , and he had no idea where he was, where his clothes were, if he could hotwire a car, anything. Still, struggling against the ropes gave him a charge to his cock. He LIKED being tied up, especially when he knew the guy doing the tying could control him. All the guys who had done it before, with the exception of Dragon, had had to struggle to overpower him: not Dragon and not Justin. That made it sweeter, at least to bob. He liked getting fucked. He liked giving blowjobs, but... those words: "slave," "sub." No, that wasn't him.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY. How's my boy doing?" Justin walked into the room where bob was tied. He had taken off his necktie and opened his shirt, so his hairy chest was showing. "mmmmmmmmmmph." bob bleated like a lamb, as Justin came over and pulled bob's head back. He ran his finger up and down the underside of bob's chin. "How many men could do that to ya bobby?" He grinned when he saw the pissed off look on bob's face. "Yeah, I did some research today. Learned a SHITLOAD about you. Including how much you hate being called 'bobby." You think it's a sissy name, huh? "MMPHSSIR" bob tried to get out "yes sir." He felt Justin's lips on his ear. "Well, you're a sissy, boy. A sissy , a bitch, and soon... My sub." "NNNN NNNNNNNNN" bob twisted his head back and forth in a "NO" gesture.

Justin kept his mouth where it was and whispered. "CUNT. When I'm ready, you'll crack like thin ice, and you'll be my bitch." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" more shaking of bob's head. "DAMN, seeing you struggle is making me HOT. So glad I chose what I did for tonight." He took off his shirt, and bob could feel his own cock get harder. "Carl told me about how much you liked these..." Justin pulled out two clothes pins. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." bob's eyes got wide ":PLZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSNNSIR" "Ha ha. I do have clamps, but let's give the boy what he likes." Justin ran his fingers over bob's nipples, and then attached the pins. bob's screams were muffled. "Know what's right next door, bobby? The wrestling mat. Yeah, you and me, we're gonna go at it. Just as soon as I get myself ready." He began stripping in front of bob, and each time he removed an article of clothing: be it a sock, his jock, you name it, he spent half a minute or so, twisting the clothes pins. "In a way, this is unfair. I'm gonna kick your ass anyway, but life is unfair. You'll be even weaker. Even easier pickings. And just WAIT until you see what I've got planned for you." When he was fully undressed, bob saw how Justin's cock was hard, and stuck out in front of him. It looked bigger than it had felt the last few times. "Now, bobby stud, you're gonna get undressed too. We wrestle in the buff around here." He undid bob's restraints, pulled off the clothes pins (he wasn't gentle), and took out the ball gag. "How did ya like the ball gag." bob blushed, and Justin laughed. "I think you just told me, whore. HA HA HA. Yeah, I hacked into Dragon's emails. You really LIKE gags. Well, so do I. We've got something in common." "Sir... I was Dragon's bottom. He fucked me. No question. He tied me up, he fucked me, he ruled. He was the TOP. But I wasn't his sub. I didn't submit to him and I won't to you." "Oh, we're gonna see about that. Not tonight, but when I'm ready. Tonight, you're gonna find out what's in store for you. You ever hear of a sleeper hold?" "Yes sir. Aren't they fake?" "You tell me when I'm done." Justin pushed open a door, and led bob into a room with a wrestling ring. It was just like the professional ones. "HOW BIG IS THIS PLACE," bob began to think. There weren't that many places around the city that could be big enough for everything he'd seen - and he hadn't seen everything, that was for sure.

Justin held open the ring ropes so bob could get in. "You wanna pull your shorts off now, bobby, or shall I take them off for ya?" Justin smiled. "STOP CALLING ME BOBBY. I HATE IT." "OH, not good to go into a match angry bobby. What's the matter? Don't like being called your BITCH NAME." Justin reached out and gave bob a smack across the face. "The hell with it. I'll take them off you." "FUCK YOU WILL" bob started getting into position. He had done a little wrestling, but he had studied TONS of martial arts, and he remembered what Dragon had taught him. Justin's big cock was hanging there: an easy target. "No..." bob thought. "He'll expect that. He'll expect me to go for what is the most obvious weakness." Justin's eyes, he noticed for the first time, were a shade of gray - sort of like seawater, and they were piercing, almost hypnotic. "Wanna lock up bobby?" He held out his hands. "FUCK NO. I know better than that." bob was looking for some attack point, and then he thought he saw one. Justin was so tall that he had a big target zone at his side. A round house kick... yeah, that would do it. "BOOM! " bob kicked, landed, and Justin smiled. "If that's the best you got, bobby, this is gonna be easier than I thought." "OH SHIT. " bob thought. He knew he was gonna lose, but he thought he could put up a good fight. Justin started backing him up into a corner. bob tried to scurry away and when Justin got close enough, he grabbed him by the front of his throat. bob found his feet being lifted off the floor and he began to choke. That's when Justin threw him down on the ground. "You can get up and I'll do it again, bobby, or you can worship my feet. "FUCK YOU." bob tried to yank Justin off his feet, and again: it was like trying to move the Statue of Liberty. Justin dropped down and he put bob into the familiar "passive position" of college wrestling. "Go ahead boy. Let's see you squirm out." bob felt air pumping out of his lungs. Every time he breathed out, Justin tightened his grip. It began to get hard to breath. "FUCKER. THIS AIN'T RIGHT. THIS ISN'T WRESTLING. " "But this is bobby." Justin yanked bob off the ground and pile drove him down into the mat. bob found himself dropping to his knees, and then felt himself on his back as Justin pressed his advantage. Justin had him pinned, there was no question about this, and he began to tease bob, by raising his hips, and "air fucking " him in the ring. "If I hadn't said I'd sleeper you bobby, I'd have won. Right now. But I'm gonna win in a few minutes." Justin scurried behind bob, and bob felt the lock on his neck and head. "My... name's.... not..... bobby..... SIR" was the last thing bob remembered saying.

When he woke up, his hands were tied above him, to a hook coming out of one side of the ring. His wrists were tied together. His ankles were tied together the same way, to the other end of the ring. His shorts were gone. "LET ME GO FUCKER" he yelled , as he saw Justin advance toward him with a role of duct tape. "How many is it gonna take to get the sound quality I want, bobby?" He grinned. "One?" He put a strip of tape on bob's mouth. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Two?" The sound volume decreased. "Three?" it went down further. "I think four should do it." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph," was all bob could manage. "You know , you must be enjoying this stud, because... Justin pointed to bob's cock, which was almost as long and hard as Justin's . "Thicker than mine. Nice.. You'd make a good top. You make a better bottom." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Justin began running circles around bob's nipples. He drew them more and more narrowly, until he was touching the tips. "MMMMMMMMMMNGGGNGNGGNGGNGNG" bob felt his cock go harder. "It's bobby right?" "MMPH NMMMMMMMMMPH" bob shook his head no, and realized, immediately, he had fallen into a trap. Justin, unshaven, had moved his chin and lips into the space on bob's neck, and had begun gently scraping and scruffing while he kissed and licked the spot. One hand went down to bob's cock, and began jerking it. "OH SHIT I'M IN TROUBLE" bob thought, as moans started escaping from his mouth. "Now you're not gonna deny me access to that spot are ya, bobby? Cause if you do, Mr Tit Clamps is gonna come out and help me." "mmmmmmmmph." bob turned his head so Justin could get in more easily. "OH. GOOD BOY. GOOD BOY." He kissed the spot and licked it, occasionally scruffing bob. He whispered. "Is bobby a good boy?" as he began stroking bob's cock again. He moved his hand all the way up to bob's cock head, stopped, and started again. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG" it was agony, and bob didn't answer Justin's question. "Here's an easier one." He whispered. "Is bobby a CUNT? A MANCUNT?" His grip tightened around bob's cock and bob tried to scream. He heard Justin repeat his question. "Is bobby a CUNT? Because CUNTS get FUCKED. You get fucked bobby?" bob didn't mind being called a Cunt. He didn't mind knowing he was gonna get fucked by this man's splendid cock. bobby.... it still bothered him. Then he felt Justin hold his balls in his hand. His second hand went to a nipple, "Should I scramble some eggs before the sausage bobby? " He whispered as his finger went up and down bob's cock. "Your name is bobby, isn't it?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. bob was in agony. His cock was so hard he felt like he was getting blue balled. Justin had moved his mouth from his neck to bob's nipple and now he chewed one while he squeezed the other. He couldn't resist any longer. bob looked at Justin and shook his head. "Your name's bobby?" Tearfully, bob shook his head again. "GOOD. Cause you see, I want to FUCK this boy named bobby. Not a guy named bob. " He began untying bob's ankles, but nothing else. When he was done, and he had bob's feet in the air he said. "Let me make this clear, pretty boy. Your name is whatever I SAY it is. If it's MANCUNT, it's MANCUNT. If it's bobby, it's bobby. If it's bitch, it's bitch. You got that?" bob shook his head yes. "I don't plan on calling you bobby unless you piss me off big time. But you gotta learn: I OWN you. And part of that is your NAME. So is... your walnut." "Walnut? bob thought. "What's my walnut." "Lemme find it. It's in there. Pretty boy's prostate." bob felt Justin's finger inside him. "AH. THERE IT IS." As he gently massaged bob's prostate, bob began shoving his hips in the air. OH GOD this was hard to handle. His cock got harder and harder. "I'm gonna jerk you now, muffin, and you better enjoy it, cause this.. this is gonna be the last time you have access to your dick in a while. And it's SUCH a pretty cock." Justin began with a slow jerk, and then a faster one, bringing bob closer and closer to climax. "I'm the only one who's gonna decide when you cum, sweetpea. And you're gonna cum... NOW." The finger on his prostate, and the hand on his cock, did bob in. Lashes of cum - big, thick, full ones, bigger than when he had shot with Dragon, came flooding out. He couldn't think of a time when he had had a bigger orgasm. "I think we emptied those balls. Did we stud?" bob shook his head yes. "Well, we got ANOTHER set to empty. " He pushed bob's legs up in the air higher, and plugged bob's ass with his cock. He moved at a snail's pace, making bob whine and beg for each half inch he gave him. It took a while: Justin had a healthy 8 inches, and he was so hard, it felt like more. bob was immobilized and couldn't push down to get more. He wanted more. Justin seemed to know it, and he SHOVED in completely, taking total command of bob's ass. "MMMGD" as bob tried to yell "OH MY GOD." He felt Justin hold his cock there and then begin sliding back and forth. "Tomorrow, you're gonna find out: you're gonna be taking this every night, mancunt. EVERY FUCKING NIGHT" "MMSSSIR" bob tried to answer "yes sir," but the tape was solid, and Justin had begun to shoot in him, yelling as he did. "I GOT ME A FUCKING MANBITCH CUNT. HELL YEAH....." bob stopped counting after the tenth shot into him. When he was done, he pulled the tape off bob's lips. "Kiss me fucktoi.' "Yes sir. Yes sir. MMMMMMMMM" bob opened his mouth to take Justin's tongue. It wasn't as long as Dragon's but Justin knew how to use it. "What's your name, boi?" He whispered into bob's ear. "My name is whatever you say it is SIR." "Hee hee. Time to get you ready for dinner. We're gonna go out tonight. But first... " He pulled the clothespins out. "Everyone's gonna see my boi in proper form as we go back to the bedroom." "OUCH. Yes sir." As they walked back, with bob's hands behind his back, the clamps on his nipples and his head pointed down, they passed the other captives. "Here's your winner guys. I hope you give your new owners as much pleasure as he's giving me. " He saw the look on all of their faces, and laughed. "MOVE BITCH BOI. I GOT A LOCK TO PUT ON THAT COCK WHEN IT'S CLEAN. THEN I GOTTA DRESS YOU UP."

Next: Chapter 4

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